Seeing the brush out of the task, the eyes of the two lit up at the same time.

But when they saw the task reward, their eyes dimmed again.


Ma Shenao said depressedly: "We are all level 7 and 8, how can we only brush this kind of reward task?"

Bao Pingan sighed: "Yes, even if I get another blue achievement title, I won't use it... What's more, this title sounds like burying people, putting good people on the head... How obscure. "

No wonder the two of them can't look at this reward, it's really a blue achievement title that they don't fight.

In Midnight Nightmare, there are currently only 6 titles.

Green Achievement Title, Blue Achievement Title, Golden Only Title, Luxury Gold Recharge Title, Red Nightmare Title, Black Gold Hell Title.

Among them, green and blue are the two titles of the worst street.

It stands to reason that blue is definitely better than green in terms of rarity, but that's not the case.

Due to the cerebral palsy of the game planner, rarity and the usefulness of the title are not necessarily related, and the result is that the blue achievement title is in a very awkward position.

First, the Green Achievement title adds an additional 3% to 5% of the value of an attribute by percentage.

The blue achievement title will carry a very weak chicken title skill.

At first, many players thought that blue titles were definitely better than green.

After all, the attribute bonus of 3% to 5% can be described as minimal, similar to the skin bonus in a moba game that once swept the summer country, which can only be regarded as meaning.

Can blue achievement title, but really give a skill!

Although it is a very chicken skill, it is also a skill!

As a result, everyone later found out that these two titles were not the shapes they imagined at all....

The additional attributes of the green title seem to be minimal, but just like that MOBA game, with attribute bonuses, it feels a little different!

The skills given by the blue title are real rubbish, and dogs don't play!

Like in this game, the titles of 'Thief' Sun Weina and 'Boxer' Luo Nan are all blue achievement titles.

Sun Weina's title is 'Peekaboo Master', and the skill that comes with the title is 'Quiet Breathing'.

The effect is that the breathing sound can be reduced by another 90% within a certain period of time

, and Luo Nan's title is called 'One Force Down Ten Sessions', and the title skill is 'One Strike Hard', which can hit twice the power of a normal attack.

Simply put, it is doubling the damage of flat A....

But only a hit....

Chicken ribs?

The first group of players quickly realized how ridiculous the Blue Title skill was.

There are only three blocks in the universal skill slot, but if they can get other skills, who will leave the valuable skill position for this most spicy skill?

Therefore, players like Bao Pingan would rather have the title of local luxury gold recharge on their heads than the title of blue achievement.

Add a little charm value, even if it is useless, but at least it does not occupy the skill position!

"Two... At

the other end of the iron fence, a woman picked up a piece of rag on the ground, shielded her body as much as possible, and then asked boldly:

"Are you here to save us?"


Bao Pingan hesitated and did not answer, he took the flashlight and swept it inside.

There are 6 women here, who look similar in age, and the oldest is estimated to be in her thirties.

They looked like they had been locked up for days, their bodies were dirty, and there was a large iron basin in the right corner, which emitted a bad stench... It seems to be excrement.

Looking at their appearance, Bao Pingan complained in his heart:

This game... Sometimes it's too real

.... There is no Holy Light protection...

He asked a little uncomfortably, "Who are you?" Why is it here?

The woman was already crying:

"We are all people from a nearby village or town!" They were all kidnapped by the pig demons who were killed these days! They! They're going to eat us!!

"Gongzi! Eun Gong! Please! Get us out!!

Ma Shenao couldn't help but say:

"You tap! Are you so loud that you are not afraid to call the pig demons over?

With tears in her eyes, the woman quickly shook her head and waved her hand:

"No, no, no!" I know! We've been locked up here for five or six days! I know they can't wake up while they sleep!

"That's why we dare to shout for help!"

"I beg the two benevolent princes... Take us out!

As she spoke, large tears fell, "Engong, look! The

woman pointed to the iron basin in the corner: "It's all the dung of pig demons there... They don't give us food, they only feed us pig manure! Say how we raise pigs, how they're going to feed us now..."

"I really... I can't stand it for a day..." Speaking

of this, several women next to them who were curled up and hugged together also cried in humiliation.

There was only one woman with a missing eyebrow, and her expression was calmer, or numb.

She held several women and looked at Bao Pingan and Ma Shen'ao indifferently.

"Lying groove, this Nima is also disgusting! How did the game plot plan come up with the plot of feeding people and eating pig?

Ma Shenao looked at the iron basin in the corner with a look of disgust:

"I just thought it was a potty for them, I think it's disgusting enough for a few people to and pee in one bedpan, but I didn't expect it... More disgusting than I thought!

Bao Pingan's attention was not here.

He saw that inside the small cell, in the brick wall above... A dangling brass key is embedded!

"Look, is that the key to the temple gate?"


"As far as I photographed it, the color brick surface is a bit similar, you look carefully! Did you see the shape of the key!?

Ma Shenao's eyes widened: "I saw it!" Definitely! We finally found a key! Hurry up and get it!

Saying that, he raised his muzzle and aimed it at a large iron lock on the iron fence.

"Wait a minute." Bao Pingan stopped him and said, "

Let's make sure first... Do you want to save these women?

Ma Shen'ao said of course: "Save, although the mission reward is average, but complete the plot task, the settlement will also add points, by the way, raise your hand..."

Bao Pingan shook his head: "Remember what Huang Taixian said?" Seeing that white is not close, seeing that Buddha is not inferior, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, five thunders hit the top.

"Saving these women counts as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue?"

"What does five thunders mean, I didn't know... Now there is a guess.

"You also saw the pig demon sleeping outside, there were five of them, and they breathed with black electric light... It's not so coincidental, is it?

"If we save these women now, there must be some mechanism that will cause the pig demon outside to wake up, and at that time, we will kill these 5 pig demon first."

"Are you sure? Do you know their combat effectiveness?

"Do we have to take this risk?"

After asking a few questions, Mashen suddenly froze.

"Uh... So what do you say? Don't save? Bao

Pingan slowly drew his sword, and the dragon groan and sword qi special effects of the green sword made him look murderous.

He stared at the women inside, and said coldly

: "Otherwise, kill them all, lest they run around when we go in to get the keys..." The

woman who had just spoken to him took a few steps back tremblingly, her face full of disbelief:

"No... No......!

Among them, the indifferent woman with short eyebrows, suddenly laughed madly:

"It's all all the way, it's all a hill of raccoons hahahaha!"

"You guys die here too!"

Saying that, she felt something out of her unkempt hair.

It looks like a piccolo.

Ma Shenao, who had already prepared, reacted quickly, and he raised his muzzle to shoot a shot!

Bang! A 7.62mm rifle bullet spun into the woman's fragile skull, churning her brain tissue into a ball, and then rushing out of the back of the head and nailing into the wall!

Large pieces of scalp and blood, brought out by bullets, smeared on the wall!

The woman with broken eyebrows rounded her eyes, and fell to the sky without blindness... The piccolo in his hand was still gripping tightly.

"Ah! Yes! Aaaaaaa——!a The

other women hugged each other, with a lot of blood splattered on their bodies, cried out in horror.


On the other side, Ling Yichuan had just walked out of the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

In the main hall, he also saw the black "mud spots" on the ground in the broken Buddha statue.

When I tasted it, I had a faint taste of plate blue root.

In the memory of the demon monk, the back mountain of the temple did grow a lot of pine blue, and the alias is the plate blue root that modern people are familiar with.

This gave him a kind of doubt....

For some strange reason, aren't those pine blues grown as herbs really refined?

He wanted to see what was going on.

"Lord... Master..." The ugly thing ran out of the shadow of the tree on the side.

"Ugly stuff?"

Ling Yichuan noticed that his movements were abnormal and asked

, "Why are you holding your back, your waist is quacked?"

The two blush on the ugly thing's face faded a lot, and he shook his head weakly:

"It's okay, it's not a fatal injury..."

I picked up a good thing, but I can't take it with this kind of ghost, hot hands, you come quickly and get it, come quickly..."

Ling Yichuan was a little hesitant: "Poor monk... Well, I have something else, I'm going to go to the back mountain first. Or, later..." The

ugly thing shook his head, dragged Ling Yichuan and ran towards the mussel fairy pond: "Come quickly, come quickly... In case that murderous woman comes back, she may take the things away first..."

Just now, Ling Yichuan hadn't looked at the paper man's field of vision, so he really didn't know what was happening.

The Daxiong Treasure Hall was not far from the Mussel Immortal Pond, and soon he came here.

"Is it right here?"

The ugly thing nodded: "I threw that thing into the water..." He pointed to the location of the large mussel shell in the center of the pool: "It's probably there." Ling

Yichuan was speechless for a while, this is the meaning of going into the water by himself?

"What, what does it look like?"

The ugly thing is described as much as possible: "black, pointed, like a knife... There's the breath of Buddhism on it..."

"Okay, got it."

Ling Yichuan noticed that the ugly thing was in a bad state, and there was still an abnormal state of [Meru Qi Erosion] hanging on his body, so he simply took it back to the status bar.

Then looked at the deep lake water, exhaled all the air in his lungs, and stepped on it directly.


He sank straight to the bottom of the lake.

Hunters will not shed blood and will not die, so Ling Yichuan can completely walk underwater, ignoring the fact that living animals need to breathe.

I was really uncomfortable, so I opened my mouth and took a sip of water into my lungs.

A little tingling, but tolerable.

But after walking underwater for a while, he realized that it was a pure waste of time.

The water in the pool is turbid, the moonlight cannot penetrate, and with the night vision of the demon monks, the visibility in this water is still very poor.

He could only see clearly within two meters of his side at most.

The mussel fairy pond is not like a release pond in the front door.

There are no fish, no shrimp, no turtle king eight, no living creatures, only mud and sand raised with his movements.

'Where do I go to find this?'

Ling Yichuan complained in his heart:

"Even if it's not looking for a needle in a haystack, it's not too far away..."

At this moment, an old man's voice suddenly came from the water.

"Are you looking for this?"

Ling Yichuan was shocked, and his passive skill 'Hundred Eyes' was instantly triggered!

Behind the head, neck, back, more than a dozen black eyes stretched out the skin, vigilantly looking in the direction where the voice came from!

There, in the murky pool water, a big hand that was half flesh and blood and half white bone suddenly stretched out.

In the deformed 7-finger palm, he held the black Vajra bridge.

Ling Yichuan turned around and looked at this monster slowly coming from the pool with extremely low visibility...

He was tall, like a small building, but he was also very thin, and the flesh and blood as thin as cicada wings could not wrap his bones at all.

Ling Yichuan could even see his wriggling internal organs through his transparent skin.

This is an underwater giant.

The giant's eyes have no eyelids, and he seems to be angry all the time, glaring at everything all the time, both fierce and funny.

Ling Yichuan did not rush to attack this monster that suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Who am I... Who am I..."

The scrawny underwater giant, as if his memory was very poor, thought for a moment blankly, and suddenly slapped his brain:


"Lao Gu is a monk!"

"Lao Gu's Dharma name is..."

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