Ling Yichuan and the pig demons raised their heads and looked up at the tall tower in front of them.

The Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda is a nine-fold eight-sided stone pagoda, and from the outside, the gray-white stone pagoda and the pale gold eaves that have long faded look ordinary and unpretentious.

Another name for the stupa is "Buddha".

The so-called saving people's lives is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter, which shows that both building stupas and saving people's lives can accumulate merit.

Also side note... Stupas are usually not tall.

Otherwise, it should be said that saving someone's life is better than creating a seventy-two level floating slaughter... After all, human life is at stake! How is it equivalent to building a few floors?

Let's build a few more layers!

The nine-story pagoda in front of him is 66 meters in total, and in front of Ling Yichuan and Bao Pingan, who have seen modern skyscrapers, there is not much sense of architectural oppression.

Of course, other factors other than architecture still make both of them a little "excited".

The corners of Ling Yichuan's mouth hooked, and he smiled.

He pulled the chain hard, dragged the dead dog-like Bao Pingan, and walked up the steps.

The gate of the Ten Thousand Pagoda is a very special iron gate.

Pure white, with a faint blue light inside, smeared like iron and ice.

Cold iron.

The door was concealed, and Ling Yichuan pushed it open with a little force.

At this time, the cannibal Zen master was talking to a few pig demons who had changed back to human form, and they looked embarrassed, but after being reprimanded for two sentences, they nodded helplessly, and then walked towards the bamboo forest.

Other pig demons still follow the cannibal Zen master; The cannibal Zen master, on the other hand, curiously followed Ling Yichuan in.

In their cognition, they have been in the Fanyin Temple for a while.

But for some reason, I never thought to come to this 10,000 pagoda to see it.

Ling Yichuan walked into the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda, and was greeted by a raging heat wave!

[You have entered the Demon Monk's hidden execution site - 'Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda'! Ling

Yichuan looked down, and the pig demons behind him also let out an unseen exclamation!

I saw that on the first floor of this stupa, there were only two narrow roads, connecting the "floating island" in the center from the front and back, left and right.

And below, there is a deep, red-glowing abyss!

Ling Yichuan took two more steps forward, stood on the edge of the "cliff" inside the pagoda, and peered down.

I saw that under the stupa, it seemed to be a natural volcanic crater!

Tens of meters further down, he saw dark red magma.

The slowly wriggling magma currently looks very lazy, and there is no sign of irritability.

They slowly swirled around a pool of golden liquid in the center.

In the golden liquid, there stood a black demon dragon pillar.

This dragon pillar is much thicker than the demon dragon pillars used as execution racks outside!

It's like a needle in the sea god!

[Introduction to the place of execution "Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda":

Foyin Mountain was once called Foyao Mountain, and Fanyin Temple was once called Foyao Temple, at that time, the Fulong vein underground here was not polluted by the power of the Great Black Buddha Mother....

The Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda was built later, and the purpose of its construction was to block the 'dragon's eye' of the 'evil dragon vein' that had changed!

It can be said that the entire Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda is the largest and most important Demon Dragon Pillar!

It was once a true Buddhist sanctuary, with a lofty and great mission... Until later, the demon monk turned this place into her own lynching purgatory...]

Ling Yichuan's mind moved, and he directly closed the introduction of the Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda.

Anyway, he knew that the back was all ghostly.

It's all "reasonable" adaptations of the game for more playability.

Nothing to see.

Let's hurry up and execute!

The system jumped out of [Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda Execution Process]

and a complex explanation of thousands of words.

Ling Yichuan glanced at it and closed it again.

There are no changes to this set of processes, and "he" plays the rest.

The things in the demon monk's memory are completely enough!

"It's all about... What the hell?! It

was Bao Pingan, who was full of horror on his face, who spoke.

He was dragged into here, and because his posture was on his back facing the sky, the first thing he saw was not the abyss of the volcano below, but above... Many white Buddha statues hanging inside the hollow tower!

Yes, Buddha statues!

Many white Buddha statues, of different sizes and disorderly heights, are like stars, fixed in the stupa by countless iron chains.

Since this stupa is a hollow pagoda, the interior is empty, with no partitions and no stairs, and you can see the stupa dome at a glance.

These Buddha statues fill the space above.

However, normal Buddha statues are generally sitting high on the Buddha platform, or enshrined in the Buddha shrine, with a solemn, solemn and inviolable appearance.

Where will it be like here!

All kinds of bodhisattvas, Vajra, heavenly kings, Buddhas... They are all hung in pitch-black chains, with no respect or awe!

It's like....

It's like a hanged, air-dried corpse!

Bao Pingan, whose SAN value was too low, once again had many terrible hallucinations in his eyes, and he trembled and closed his eyes, not looking, not thinking!

"Don't be afraid."

Ling Yichuan squatted down and gently caressed Bao Pingan's cheek, and his fingers with long black armor gently brushed the ends of his hair.

"Pain is a shortcut to the western heavens; The poor monk will help you feel more vivid pain and achieve a golden body of Buddhism, so that even if you leave here, you will always have a sense of understanding remaining..."

Benefit for a lifetime!

After he said these words in a demonizing manner, he pulled Bao Pingan's hair and forced him to raise his head and pad his knees.

Then Ling Yichuan freed his hands, opened his eyelids, and let him look up.

"Pick one! Pick a Buddha statue you like!

"What do you think of that? The lying face of the corpse abandoned Buddha... You can lie down, it is more comfortable.

"That! That's not bad either! Ha ha! Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha! Sit upright, be famous, and have a big statue! "

Ling Yichuan knows what these Buddha statues are.

In fact, they are not Buddha statues, but molds for making Buddha statues.

In other words, the torturer of the inmate!

Soon, the inmates will be put into these Buddha statue molds intact and will be executed!

"Nope! No, no! Lao Tzu doesn't look! Lao Tzu doesn't look at it!! "

The [palpitation] state will make it easier to reduce the SAN value, and the lower the SAN value, the stronger the [palpitation] effect.

Bao Pingan's current sangus value fell quickly, the illusion became more and more twisted and hideous, and his willpower was gradually emptied.

He struggled to close his eyelids, and his eyeballs began to roll upwards.

With too much force, obvious bruises broke out on the neck and forehead!

"Don't be afraid... Hey, hey...

Giggle..." Ling Yichuan looked at his pitiful appearance, and suddenly became happy, couldn't stop laughing, laughed to the end, almost became a coquettish laugh, and his voice became more and more shrill and ugly.

I don't know if it's the personality of the demon monk.

He found that he was now not just enjoying the thrill of killing and execution.

The mental torture of fugitives before execution turned out to be so interesting and so enjoyable....


Ling Yichuan played for a while, and the countdown to the main quest had been zeroed, and he planned to end the foreplay.

"Okay, okay... The poor monks are kind-hearted and do not see anyone embarrassed.

"If you don't choose, I'll help you choose."

He looked up at the countless Buddha statue molds and pointed at one casually:

"That's it!"

All the iron chains that hang these Buddha molds are controlled by an elaborate mechanism.

Ling Yichuan dragged Bao Pingan to the floating island in the center, and found the name of this mold on the hundreds of iron plates hanging there.


pulled the iron plate.

The mechanical axle began to drive, emitting a "Titicaca" and "boom" movement.

About the left side of the third floor of the stupa, the mold of the Duowen Heavenly King began to move, and soon fell in the center of the floating island under the traction of a Xuan iron chain.

Ling Yichuan opened the lock next to the cold iron mold and pulled the entire front half of the Heavenly King statue apart, revealing the structure inside the mold.

The mold is basically empty and can fit a person perfectly.

It's just that there are rows of spikes with barbs hidden in it....

The spikes were distributed in the cervical and lumbar vertebrae, as well as the hands and feet of the king of Duowen, and were used to immobilize the prisoner.

Ling Yichuan untied the chains on Bao Pingan's body and roughly stuffed his whole person into it according to the position of the mold's torso, hands and feet.

And then....

Press hard!

"Ah——!" Bao Pingan exhaled in pain!

Those spikes with barbs pierced his arms and legs, as well as his entire vertebrae!

Bao Pingan desperately saw [The execution began... Health is locked for you] such a desperate system prompt!

He still wanted to struggle.

But the state of [serious injury] made him weak and weak.

In the mold of the statue of the Heavenly King, there were barbs on those terrifying spikes, and he struggled a little, trying to move forward, and those barbs brought a feeling of pain and blockage!

And...... It's cold here!

He didn't know what material this white abrasive was made of, obviously in such a hot environment, it remained as cold as ice!

Ling Yichuan gently patted his chest, and at the same time said with his mouth and 'his heart':

"Relax, relax... What follows is a thought-provoking massage... Just close your eyes and enjoy.

"I enjoy your mom!!" Bao Pingan scolded.

In the next second, the demon monk's claws tore his mouth apart.

Bao Pingan's jaw was dislocated, his tongue torn in half listlessly hung to the side, and blood trickled down.

Ling Yichuan entered a state of focused execution.

He squatted down and took off Bao Pingan's pair of 'Shushan brand shrunken boots' that had been scrapped with a reverent face.

Then take off his socks, revealing Bao Pingan's big feet that are not good-looking.

Fear comes from the unknown.

Now Bao Ping is at ease in the unknown, that's really called a fucking lot!

He was so panicked, he really wanted to ask Ling Yichuan what he wanted to do!

It's a pity that it's hard for him to say a word clearly with a dislocated mouth now, and 'he has a heart'... It's actually a one-way communication channel! He can't use it!

Bao Pingan's body trembled terribly, and his toes were nervously holding the air!

The pig demon monks who were watching around also wrinkled their expressions.

The cannibal Zen master said to himself in a voice that only he could hear:

"Damn it... Killing people is not enough, eating people will be fried and fried, what is this demon monk going to do? So many tricks?


Yichuan grabbed one of Bao Pingan's left feet and gently drew two crosses on the soles of his feet with his jet-black sharp nails.

Blood spilled.

Then came the other foot.

After doing this, Ling Yichuan wiped the blood stains on his nails, stood up, and began to wait.

The blood on Bao Pingan's feet flowed down the lower edge of the mold and dripped onto the floating island made of Xuan Iron.

The floating island has been steamed by the heat of magma, the temperature is very high, blood drips on it, and soon it begins to bubble! Sizzle!

The smell of blood came up at once!

The pig demon monks twitched their noses, their index fingers moved slightly, and several of their stomachs had begun to growl.

At this time, some strange sounds of "Sisso" sounded in the crater below.

It didn't take long for several small red centipedes with a finger length to climb up the reverse side of the floating island from the rough volcanic rock wall below, and then climb to the front of the floating island.

Bao Pingan frowned... This is going to....

Then, more and more red centipedes appeared, swarming and crawling towards him densely!

Bao Pingan: !!

He barked in his heart!

Stay back!

Don't come here!!

Soon, the first few red centipedes to arrive followed the smell of blood and began to drill into the wound on the soles of Bao Pingan's feet.

They gnaw and wriggle and arch in!

The system jumps out of the copy monster introduction

: [Name: fire poison centipede

] [Type: Execution monster] [

Introduction: Poisonous centipedes that like to stay in high temperature areas will be attracted by the smell of blood, their toxins are very special, usually not fatal, and even for some practitioners, there are great benefits. [

Feature: After the 'slightly spicy fire poison' is eaten by the fire poison centipede, the fire poison will activate the pain nerve and increase the upper limit of the victim's pain level by 5%]

[Feature 2: 'Skin and flesh separation' They like to eat human skin and fat, and will naturally leave after eating. 【

Note: If only they were like a monster called liposuction monsters and only liked to eat fat... They will definitely be farmed on a large scale!

In the memory of the demon monks, the bites of these fire poisonous centipedes can be used to activate the Buddhist cultivation of the monks, so that the true yuan of their dantian burns like a furnace and overdraws their lives!

That will be able to support them in the cruel torture and survive for a long time!

Now, Fire Poison Centipede has apparently been given new features by the system.

Increase pain!

He watched happily, and at the same time kept using his nails to open a few more wounds on Bao Pingan's body, allowing the fire poison centipedes to climb in.


Bao Pingan struggled violently!

The fire poison centipede burrows through one wound after another, and then begins to eat skin and fat!

[You have been infected with 'fire poison'! ] Pain limit increased by 5%!


Bao Pingan couldn't speak, he could only shout indistinctly!

As more and more fire poison centipedes drilled in, his skin became thinner and thinner, and he could clearly see the shape of centipedes, crawling around inside, and the visual effect was quite terrifying!

Then came the festering.

Not long after, Bao Pingan's skin had been devoured and bruised, and hundreds of fire poison centipedes were burrowing in and out of it!

The red color on the centipede has faded a lot, and some have even become transparent.

When several centipedes came out of his eyes, finally a pig demon couldn't help it....

"Disgusting ——!"

Several pig demons have been scared back to their prototypes, lying next to them and vomiting one after another!

Even the cannibal Zen master couldn't help but close his eyes, took off the human head Buddha beads around his neck and coiled them in his hands, constantly chanting:

"Amitabha Buddha, Amitabha Buddha... Lao Gu is old... It's really disgusting to see this... After

a few minutes, Bao Pingan's skin and oil were eaten clean, and he became a bare bloody man.

The fire poison centipedes, which had almost drained the fire poison and filled their stomachs, were now pale yellow fat centipedes.

Satisfied, they lined up and left the floating island and returned to the crater below, as close to the lava cave as possible.


'Is it over? Bao

Pingan, who was full of pain, moved his gaze slightly, and his eyes were bloody, as if he couldn't see anything clearly.

His SAN value at this time is 6% left

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