[[Hall of Fame]?? Ling Yichuan is in the [Hall of Fame]??? When was this??? 【

Huh? Frightening Master Liu, there is a new work again? 【

I Kangkang】

【Lying groove! [Hall of Fame]? He's only been playing this game for a few days?! It's time to enter the [Hall of Fame]! 】

【Just entered today, he also got a title longer than my life, and there was a full-service announcement at that time, and he got a batch of wind! ] [[

First Kang Kang and then say, where is the video

] [[Hall of Fame] has a battle highlight with automatic cutting by the system, this function has long been available, don't you know? 【

Serious people who go to see [Hall of Fame]! I don't even look at the list!

[It's also the first time I know that there are video highlights in the [Hall of Fame]...]

Ling Yichuan is not very famous, after all, he has only "debuted" a few days.

It's just that most of the water friends who have been soaking in the forum for a long time have become familiar with him these days, and they are very interested in him, a fierce newcomer who only plays hunters and must change roles every game!

The Hall of Fame is a key word, as long as it is typed, it must carry a hyperlink.

Seeing this floor of water friends in this post, most of them will curiously click in to take a look.

It didn't take long for many people to finish watching.

After returning, the reaction was mixed.

【Gan!! 】

【The picture of the battle is okay, see the execution scene... I can't stand it! 【How

deep a psychological shadow does this Nima have to leave when he executed the player?】 【

Don't talk about the players who were executed by him, I see that I have PTSD!】 【

The execution ceremony of the demon monk is already very scary, and the hidden execution ceremony is even more disgusting! 】 】

【I think centipedes are the most terrifying when they drill around under the skin, does anyone think the same?】 】

【I think he is the most terrifying when he wants the centipede demon to be full of holes, and then the centipede crawls out of the eyes... I'm covered in hair! 【

This is what a hunter should look like!】 This is the real demon monk! Chuan God is mighty! [

"My name is Ling Yichuan, Ling Chi's Ling. [

It's okay, it's very cooking

] [The one who said the meal, I wish you to meet Ling Yichuan when playing Fugitive

] [Don't be so exaggerated, in fact, the executed players should feel okay, after all, it's not completely real pain, we look disgusting, as long as they don't watch it, it's okay ...] [It's

also, but I'm curious, how did Brother Chuan beat these 4 people like this, their lineup is not weak] [

I don't know, the battle highlights are too short to see the details

] [Anyway, I think Ling Yichuan is the strongest hunter player I've ever seen] [

Say the strongest exaggeration, he has only played for a few days? On the leaderboard, a few anchor bigwigs who specialize in hunting are randomly brought out, like Fat Tiger, A Lang, Chu Madman... Which technique is worse than him? 】

【The strongest is exaggeration, but the most oppressive is not exaggerated, those anchor players you are talking about, they have studied the hunter characters they play very deeply, and the matching, playing style, rhythm, and rhythm of equipment skills have been grinding for a long time, isn't it normal to have good technology? 】

【The most oppressive +1

】【After all, the fright flow...

】【Old six playing method hahaha】

【This game of the Fanyin Temple, it doesn't look like the frightened flow, there are many battle scenes clipped, it should be regarded as more frontal conflicts】

[What are we talking about here, I'll open another post]

Soon several people opened a single post, specifically discussing Ling Yichuan made them confused and curious.

Maybe it's not popular enough... After all, this is the 305th floor, and there are few water friends here, and it happens that they often go to forums, and even fewer people know Ling Yichuan.

Therefore, some players who happened to open the forum at this moment would see that on the front page of the forum, the name Ling Yichuan appeared with a high frequency!

[Discuss Ling Yichuan's demon monk playing style and preparation matching]

[Ling Yichuan seems to have only played for four days, and he entered the Hall of Fame! ] Is the Hall of Fame so easy to enter? 】

【In other words, what is the origin of Ling Yichuan's newly obtained title? A thousand cuts into the Buddha country, crushed bones to go to bliss, how to get this title? 】

【If you don't understand, ask why Ling Yichuan's image of entering the Hall of Fame can play mosaic, and it is actually a dynamic mosaic! ] Is he VVVIP? 】

【How did Ling Yichuan find the demon monk's hidden execution mission? Did anyone post a full matchmaking video? That

night, the number of people discussing these posts was high.

The popularity is second only to the scolding posts posted by moderators.

By 10 a.m. the next day, although most of the posts related to him had sunk, two of the most popular posts were still on the front page.

The heat of the discussion is still unabated.

Talking about the back, side issues, few people talk about it.

More people are chatting about the highlights of the exciting battles automatically generated in the Hall of Fame.

Talk about Ling Yichuan's operation.

Since this video is only a part of the wonderful battle clips and execution clips, it is not complete, only 3 minutes, so many details can only be guessed.

[When the boxer opened up, how did Ling Yichuan solve the control? ] 【


kind of control skill?】【What kind of control skill?】 I'm curious, should this floating state and cannibalism state belong to this skill effect, but I have never seen it

] [There are so many universal skills of Midnight Nightmare, it's normal that I haven't seen them] [

What special effects of general skills can interact with the blood lotus tattoo on the head of the demon monk? Didn't you see his lotus head melted with a "spell mark" all over his body? [

He must have picked up a universal skill that belongs to a demon monk!] So it's like an exclusive skill! Hide Easter eggs!


【Fire Dragon is very handsome

】【What is really technical is a set of combos that he threw twice with his hooked claws and then suddenly jumped up!】 The idea is so clear! The Taoist player didn't expect him to jump up with the chain! 】

【I also think it looks so silky!】 It's not like the demon monk's way of playing at all! 【

What is the way to play the demon monk?】 Is it like Luo Dali squatting in the corner of the wall to open a big pounce? Hahahaha

] [How did Ling Yichuan's very hanging long title get it?] I watched the video a few times, but I didn't see it

] [At 1 minute and 12 seconds, there is a picture of a demon monk falling apart in the water, it is estimated to be related to this] [

Lying groove, it is possible, crushed bones to go to bliss! ] All you want is to crush your bones! [

But... How to do it? At the recovery rate of a hunter, it's hard to be made like that, right? 【

How did Ling Yichuan do it?】 [

No, there is no in the collection]

[Gan! Didn't anyone post a full video of the match? [

Yes, four players in this round, if you see this post... Be a good person, delay a few minutes, and upload a video of the match! Brothers to learn! 】

[Ling Yichuan is level 9, he estimated that he had played a few games before, how come no one posted

] [Yes, how has he not sent in the last few matches

] [It's also normal, after all, there are not many idlers who fool around in the Midnight Nightmare Forum every day]

[Is it possible to be frightened in the game? All of them are looking for a psychologist to see a doctor (dog head)

] [Hahahaha according to the Chuan God to punish that urine sex

, it is really possible] [Pull, the dream game technology of the game warehouse of Midnight Nightmare is very mature, and it is said in the publicity advertisement that the mental damage suffered in the game will not be brought to reality, just like a dream, no matter how strong the emotions in the dream, I will soon forget it after waking up] [

What are you serious, we are joking, If Midnight Nightmare is really dangerous, this game will be banned even if it is hardened backstage... Right? 】


Deep City.

The Third People's Hospital.

Department of Neurology, Clinic 1.

"Husband, the doctor is asking you! You sober up! A

young woman, about thirty years old, was shaking her confused husband with tears in her eyes.

Her husband looked like he had just been dragged from home, wearing a vest and big pants, and one of his slippers had fallen off, and he looked demented, and he was still muttering something in his mouth -

"Centipede... A lot of centipedes... Buddha...... A lot of Buddha statues... So hot... So hot... Wow, oh, wow..." If

Ling Yichuan was here, he would be able to recognize it at a glance.

This dementia is the 'Taoist' Bao Pingan, who has a Daoist bone fairy temperament in the game.

Unexpectedly, it took only one night to become like this.

The chief physician of the psychiatric department put on reading glasses, glanced at him, and did not try to communicate with Bao Pingan again, but looked at the young woman with inquiring eyes:

"Tell me, what happened to him?"

"I saw him lying in the game warehouse after work yesterday... It is the game warehouse that many people buy now, saying that it is a game warehouse that can play games in their dreams!

The gray-haired chief physician nodded, indicating that he knew.

The young woman continued anxiously: "He was lying in it at that time, already delirious and unconscious, but I didn't take it seriously... Because we are arguing, we usually sleep in separate beds ... So..."

"As a result, when I was going to go to work this morning, I found him still lying in it, still like this!" I just don't think it's right!

"He seems to be stupid and can't communicate at all!"

Speaking of this, the young woman cried:

"He is engaged in finance, if his brain is broken, how can he make money!" Doctor, is there a problem with that game barn? You listen to him chant... At first glance, I was scared out of the game! The

chief physician shook his head and said while recording the symptoms on the computer:

"I haven't heard that the game warehouse has caused such a problem..."

The young woman said urgently: "Is that because the usual pressure is too much?"

The chief physician did not answer her words

, and continued to say to himself: "But the symptoms, it is indeed like the symptoms of being overly frightened for a short time, he is now in a state of delirium, very serious distraction, delirium

..." "I suggest, first go for a blood routine, and then take a brain CT to see, rule out the possibility of tumors..." The

young woman was confused, and helped Bao Pingan to get up:

"Good!" Good! Let's do it now! Go shoot! "


The third floor of the hospital, men's toilet, the last compartment.

Two figures appeared in white light.

"I lean! It stinks!

"Why is the spawn point in the toilet?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and complete the GM mission! This time the system actually went wrong again! Two

men, one tall and one short, dressed as doctors walked out of the compartment with great momentum.

At this time, there were many patients waiting in line outside to use the compartment, looking strangely at the two "doctors" who came out of the compartment.

The two of them paused for a moment, then instinctively lowered their heads and quickened their steps and walked out.

"Where's the goal?"

"I'll take a look."

The short GM took out a tablet out of thin air and clicked on an app that did not exist in reality, and the floor map of the hospital was displayed, with two green dots representing them and a striking red dot representing the target.

He pointed to the red dot: "In the laboratory department." The

two hurried over.

Bao Pingan was covering his blood-drawn arm with cotton, and under the help of his wife, he walked slowly towards the imaging department, looking like dementia.

The two of them went over left and right, and said skillfully with the words they had just rehearsed:

"Two, wait a minute

..." "Regarding Mr. Bao's condition, the chief physician asked me to come over and add a few words..." One

of them put Bao Pingan in his arms, and the other stood beside his wife, separating the two.

Then tacitly took out the tablet and opened the hypnosis program for the two to see.

Their GM gear has also been updated.

As soon as the two saw the magical hypnotic circle on the tablet, they immediately fell into 'white time'.

Pulling the two aside and leaving the corner of the crowd, the two GMs began to urgently brainwash.

This time, they didn't intend to erase Bao Pingan's game memory, but only fine-tuned it, allowing him to blur the terrible memory.

Subsequently, the purpose of this visit to the hospital was rationalized.

After the end, the two GMs immediately withdrew, leaving only Bao Pingan and his wife standing in the corner of the hospital.

【GM mission completed! 】 【

Now, please find an unmanned location to exit.】

They headed downstairs, intending to find a place with few people to exit.

"You said... Why is this? The system has gone wrong again.

The tall GM complained: "Last time it was ahead, this time it was lagging, and the system never had such a problem before." "

For the GM of Midnight Nightmare, their task is very simple, as long as someone has suffered severe psychological trauma in 'Midnight Nightmare', the system will immediately know and arrange the right time for the GM to come and deal with it.

The system predicts the future.

So, it is scheduled at a time point, usually without error.

However, the last time these two GMs played the police, they almost caused extra trouble because they went too early, expanding the scope of treatment.

This time, they were originally dressed up as delivery workers by the system and sent to Bao Ping'an's downstairs.

As a result, when they went, they had already seen his wife driving him to the hospital.

This is a serious system error!

After the appeal, the system task was adjusted again, sending them to the hospital to remedy the situation.

They estimate that at this time, the above is already human intervention, not the autonomous behavior of the system.

The hospital business is so good, when they got downstairs, the two GMs still did not find an unmanned place.

They had to continue walking outside.

"I don't know."

The short GM said: "This seems to be the case in other areas, so who told me that it may be related to the gradual increase in the power of some evil gods, they are like viruses, which will affect the stability of the system."

"But there is a way to solve it."

"Low-pollution areas, once pollution increases, they are simply converted into play areas, and then there is no problem."

The tall GM asked, "What about here?" Will this low-pollution area also be transformed into a play area? Short

GM: "Grapevine... Heard...... The above has already begun to 'sow seeds' here.

"Then that's to say... Soon?

"Well, soon."

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