Background introduction to the Christmas Devil:

[Everyone has something they hate terribly, right?]

Innate, natural, as if engraved in your bones, a hatred that flows in your blood!

That's probably the cockroaches you can't beat in the kitchen!

Maybe it's the prostitutes in the bar who smell of cheap perfume!

Or perhaps... Perhaps....

Just kids?

Anderson. Margeris has always been a weird old man with a bad temper, and he has many nasty things in his life, but nothing hates him more than a lively bear child who likes to play pranks!

If there is, it's a bunch of bear kids!

He often wondered if he was better suited to play his opposite than Santa Claus 'St. Nicholas', the

Christmas demon 'Collapps'?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was another fierce kicking sound outside the door, accompanied by the sharp laughter of the children!

"Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!!

"Run! Otherwise, the old cripple will pour stinky water outside the door again! The

children fled a little farther away, stopped again, and joyfully sang their own nursery rhymes to this side.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, Santa Claus climbed upstairs; Four five six, seven eight nine, Santa Claus drills the chimney! Purr, clang, he fell into a lame old man! Hahahahaha!!

Listening to the children's piercing squeals, Anderson touched his lame leg and cursed in a low voice:

"Someday... Someday!! I'm going to cut off the tongues of all the children in this world!" The mouth is sewn up! Then make gingerman cakes and eat them!!

"What a bunch of disgusting little beasts!"

As a Santa Claus actor in Arctic Town, Anderson's job is to play Santa Claus in front of travelers.

It is known as 'Santa's hometown'.

The more snowy December is, the busiest it is for him.

The reindeer pulls a sleigh and leads Santa through the town, while he speaks from his stomach in a kind, loud, bold voice, laughing loudly and shouting New Year's wishes.

In addition, whenever Christmas Eve came, he also followed the customs of the Arctic town, going door to door to climb the special chimney and secretly deliver gifts to the children.

All this already made him very painful, not to mention that a group of bear children moved their hands and feet on a mobile ladder in a chimney and lameed his legs!

Anderson's resentment grew deeper and deeper, like the heavy snow of an arctic town.

He had been waiting.

Waiting for an opportunity for revenge.

On this day, the opportunity came.

He saw the body of the legendary Santa Claus, 'St. Nicholas'!

I also saw a mask that seemed to be made of a goat's skull!

Anderson didn't know where the mask came from, but he could feel the mask's call to him.

He put on this mask.

"Well, it's a bit of a dark Grimm's fairy tale..."

Ling Yichuan commented, selected 'character attributes' again, and looked at the six-dimensional radar map of the Christmas Devil.

Judging from the simple radar chart, the Christmas devil feels quite strong.

Intelligence, defense, agility, strength, endurance... These 5 attributes are good.

It's that the outbreak is relatively low.

Judging from the positioning of the Christmas Devil, since it is a field-controlled hunter, it is normal for the outbreak to be low.

Ling Yichuan chose the hunter character, and was about to start the game, when he suddenly remembered something.

"We haven't adjusted our 'war preparation resources' yet."

"In addition, it seems that there are still a few midnight blind box exchange coupons that have not been redeemed?"


After receiving the 3 midnight blind box redemption tickets from the previous round, Ling Yichuan entered the 'personal space' and prepared for the lottery.

With the previous two sweeteners, Ling Yichuan now has a certain confidence in his luck.

Standing in this personal space as pure and flawless as the settlement space, Ling Yichuan pulled out a rather textured and very structured lottery ticket and gently flicked it twice.

[Do you confirm the use of the 'Midnight Blind Box Redemption Coupon'?] Ling

Yichuan chose 'yes'.

The shining exchange coupon was suddenly broken down into countless points of light, floating in front of Ling Yichuan, and then condensed into a pair of slender light hands.

Ling Yichuan looked a little confused.

The exchange coupon of the midnight blind box, every time you use the special effects, it is different... He knows that.

But every special effect must be related to what is about to be redeemed.

For example, when the paper man was exchanged before, the special effect generated a coffin - after all, it is also a ghost thing, and it is not surprising to use a coffin to present.

But what is it this time?

The bare hands suddenly held each other, and the light instantly burst out!

Ling Yichuan narrowed his eyes.

Then, the light converged and a comic book-like book fell.

Ling Yichuan stretched out his hand to catch it.

I saw that the cover of this thing was a pair, and it was written in exaggerated art font: Flying

Mystery! Flower hands! Helicopter!

[Name: Flower Hand Helicopter

] [Type: Flying Skill (Skill Book)

] [Level: Class E] [

Introduction: The key to this skill is how to learn to shake the flower hand, and how to shake the flower hand fast enough!

When your spender sets off a hurricane, you can create a downward thrust that will make you fly like a helicopter! Hey! Be serious! I'm not kidding you! 【

Consumption: 10 stamina points/second

】【Note: What?】 Say that you fly too slowly and are used as targets? Hey, hey, hey! What is the most important thing about flying skills? It just can fly! You just say that you didn't fly! 【

Do you learn this skill?】 Ling

Yichuan's excitement was like being splashed with a basin of ice water from an Arctic glacier, which was completely cold.

Losing his expression, he flipped through the skill book casually.

He was a little curious about what could be written in this thing.


Reasonable and unexpected... This is indeed a comic book.

Each page inside is painted with different gestures of shaking hands.

As long as you turn fast enough, the flower hand inside will shake it very coherently....


Ling Yichuan slammed the flower skill book on the ground: "Pit daddy, this is!!" "

He's never seen such a stupid skill!

It is certainly impossible to learn on your own... Otherwise, he is afraid to laugh the fugitive players to death!


Even if he wants to sell it, what kind of spirit guy/little sister will choose to spend blood coins to buy this skill? ?

Ling Yichuan really couldn't think of the audience of this thing....

"Forget it... Being a bad teacher is not necessarily a bad thing.

"First use a failed lottery pad, and the rest may be European!"

In this way, comforting himself with metaphysics, Ling Yichuan drew another lottery ticket and used it again.

After a few moments, the special effects of the colorful light dissipated.

Ling Yichuan, who looked dazed, looked at a set of colorful and shiny tights, standing upright and standing in front of him.

This outfit also wears a hood similar to that worn by a bank robber.

Only the eyes, nose and mouth are exposed.

[Name: Dazzling Laser Wind Night Walking Suit

] [Type: Fashion (Exclusive to Thieves)

] [Grade: Economical] [

Note: The ultimate matching of colors + the psychedelic texture of the laser make you the most eye-catching cub in Midnight Nightmare!


"What a dazzling laser night coat!"

Ling Yichuan was so angry that his mouth was crooked, and sure enough, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment:

"The thief wearing this thing, it is better to punch the hunter directly in the face, at least... Die with more dignity!

"What burglar would wear a colorful night coat????"

"What kind of spicy chicken resources are pumped out today???"

Ling Yichuan began to believe in the so-called law of conservation of luck.

The previous good luck may have to be repaid with a long period of bad luck....

He took out the last midnight blind box raffle ticket and looked at it a little screwed.

"Bad luck today..."

Save it for next time? Ling

Yichuan was entangled for a moment, and finally threw up the lottery ticket and simply used it resolutely.

No way.

A person's willpower in a day is limited.

Before entering the game warehouse, he looked at the bright red reply prompts in the post bar and did not go to the point, and he had consumed a lot of willpower.

Now I really can't extend the gratification!

With three raffle tickets on hand, who can bear not to run out all at once?

This time, a long wooden gift box appeared in front of him, standing in front of him, much taller than others.

It looks quite reliable!

A glimmer of hope appeared in Ling Yichuan's heart!

With an excited heart and trembling hands, he walked over and opened the wooden gift box with a bow.

I saw that in the wooden box, a sharp javelin stood quietly, the tip of the gun was shining cold, and the gun body was coated with a layer of dark purple frosted, which looked quite good-looking!

"Aha! Equip! Offensive equipment! Ling

Yichuan copied it up, and couldn't wait to see the equipment introduction of this javelin.

A sharp javelin, even if it is of average quality, how bad can it be?

[Name: The scumbag must die] [Type: General weapon

] [Quality: Ordinary

] [Attribute: Law of cause and effect] [Introduction:

This is an extremely sharp javelin, it has an innate great mission, that is, to poke the scumbag

girl! 】

【Feature: 'Broken Heart Strike' When the javelin enters the attack range, it will make a character judgment on the female target that is about to be hit, and if it is judged to be a scumbag, then it will hit its heart 100%, and when hit, there will be an animated special effect of broken heart, and at the same time release the hysterical cry of the weapon maker - "The scumbag must die!!" [

Usage Restrictions: This weapon trait is not valid for players]

[Note: The maker of 'The Scumbag Must Die' is a dwarf craftsman who has been hurt by love. There was once a fairy-looking human princess who had a crushing skin on him and lured him out of the dwarven realm to live with her in the dangerous dark forest.

He left everything behind and went with her.

But when he arrived at the hut of love full of joy, he saw 6 other male dwarves in the house!

He asked the princess what was going on.

The princess only responded faintly: "The seven of you are stacked up, just as tall as my ex-boyfriend... I just need to find a replacement for him. How? Don't you want to? "

The dwarves whose dignity was struck by the crit left.

After returning, he painstakingly made this javelin, and inscribed the name of the scumbag girl on the head of the gun.

It was engraved in his heart! After

reading the remarks, Ling Yichuan, who had a lot of mouthless grooves, couldn't help but touch the head of the gun, and sure enough, he touched a few words.

He rolled over and took a look.

'Snow White'


Ling Yichuan put this 'scumbag must die' into the equipment warehouse, and he was so angry!

He is angry with himself for his bad luck!

Even more angry, I actually lost time to read the long note of this funny weapon!

This weapon, purely for parody, has no real combat value at all.

The weapon trait is not valid for the player, that is, it can only deal with NPCs and quest monsters....

That's really chicken ribs.

Ling Yichuan remembered that there was also a funny weapon called [Scumbag Must Die] before.

That's more.

'Scumbag Must Die' is a fireworthy chainsaw, or chainsaw transmitter.

It is also only possible to attack NPCs and quest monsters in quests.

As long as it is judged to be a scumbag, it hits the head 100% ... After the hit, there will be an animated special effect with a yellow brain cut open.

That little person with two or two entangled cartoons in his head, squirming to form a brain, very disgusting.

When cutting, there will also be voices shouting "The scumbag must die!" Ling

Yichuan thought about it, so he opened the 'Midnight Mall' and searched for this equipment.

He wants to see if 'scumbags must die' is still selling, which will determine whether there is a market for 'scumbags must die'.

The item you are looking for has been sold.


Ling Yichuan saw the transaction price of 'the scumbag must die', and his eyes suddenly lit up!

6666 blood coins!

At such a high price, it can actually be sold?!

He suddenly realized that his wave of lottery was definitely not a loss!

Just like all online games, in Midnight Nightmare, there are indeed local tycoons who like to collect these useless funny weapons!

Some people think that as long as the series of equipment, after collecting, may activate some very awesome hidden characteristics.

This will also give the local tycoons the nature of collecting!

Ling Yichuan thought about it, if many people want to collect the full range of 'must die' equipment, then this 'scumbag must die' in their hands can be sold higher than 'scumbag must die'?

He didn't know what prices the other 'must die' series of equipment were sold for.

He only knew that the 'Must Die' series of equipment seemed to be unique.

For collectors, the phrase "Scarcity is precious" is their lifelong motto!

Try to hang a high price that he thinks is very outrageous, and he plans to try it.

[You have listed 'Scumbag Must Die' for sale.]

【Sale price: 9999 blood coins


Compared with the actual use of this javelin, this listing price is really incredible, and there is no cost performance at all.

You know, a catch-up weapon as good as the half-mechanical white bone chain claw was only 4444 blood coins bought!

"Just try it."

Ling Yichuan said to himself: "If there is a big head who is wronged, then it is naturally good, if no one buys it... Also normal... If no one wants it in two days, it's not too late to lower the price. "

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