"What's wrong?"

'Priest' Zou Xuan slowed down for half a beat, did not see the black shadow on the stairs, and when he followed Liu Zhaodi's terrified eyes, there was nothing left there.

"That... There...... Just now...... Yes, yes, yes... What's peeking at us!

Liu Zhaodi pointed to the corner of the stairs and suddenly stumbled.

She is very timid, if it is in reality, without the blessing of the character's attributes, it is estimated that she will not be able to stand on her legs long ago.

Zou Xuan's eyes condensed slightly, and he took two steps back.

In contrast, 'lawyer' Wang Minghui stepped forward two steps, with a beautiful single knife with red smoke special effects in his hand, and Zhang Hanfan, who was domineering president.

"Quest monsters? Where? "

This is the 'rare-level' blade he got in the martial arts copy of the horror world-[Blood Drinking Mad Knife]

As a non-krypton gold technology stream anchor, Wang Minghui does not have many resources... He is the only player in the game whose equipment slots are not full.

This blood-drinking mad knife is really hard-won for him, and it is also a very windy equipment.

He had long wanted to show Liu Zhaodi his big knife!

However, Liu Zhaodi, who had just been frightened, did not even look at his big knife.

The female anchor kept staring at the stairs, afraid that something terrifying would suddenly pop out later.

Instead, Zou Xuan couldn't help but glance at Wang Minghui more.

Without him, it's this outfit... Quite chic.

The lawyer's original leather suit, dressed very straight, but plus the hard hat with a mining lamp on his head... His temperament suddenly became the foreman of the construction site.

This is another +15 red light machete, it's really ...

Very mixed! Very punk! Very eye-catching!

"Don't be noisy! Don't talk! The little fart suddenly exhaled.

Everyone looked at him, and saw Yan Yucheng walking over, waving his hand with impatience to let them dodge, and then walked to the side of the stairs and listened carefully.

At the same level, the magician's hearing attributes are definitely not as good as those of thieves, and although his reconnaissance talent is not low, it is not as good as Liu Zhaodi.

So at this moment, when Liu Zhaodi couldn't hear anything, he naturally couldn't hear anything.

However, sensing that everyone's gaze was on him, Yan Yucheng was embarrassed to say that he hadn't heard anything.

"What do you say?" 'Lawyer' Wang Minghui asked a little unpleasantly: "Little friend, what did you hear?"

"It should be a replica monster! There may be several! That black shadow just now is leading us up! We can't be fooled! Yan Yucheng said it like it was true.

He has such a skill, when the lying words come out of his mouth, he himself does not feel that he is lying at all.

Yan Yucheng almost thought now that he had really heard something just now, but he was not very clear.

"It's too arbitrary."

Zou Xuan was a little disappointed with this child's performance.

In the fine cut video he sent himself, his strength is indeed not weak, but now it seems that ...

Maybe this kid fights alone and relies on the skills of a magician to sneak around, really let him lead the team, I'm afraid that it will all be in the pit.

He took out a rectangular mahogany box from the prop bar and held it in his hand steadily.

This thing looks like a miniature mahogany coffin.

It's like...

An urn.

Zou Xuan said: "It doesn't have to be a replica monster, it may also be an NPC, isn't the reason why we came here is because the police station here is likely to receive the plot task of the fugitive?"

"I have props here, I can measure the murderer, I will test it, if there is no problem, we will go up, if there is a problem, we will search the downstairs first."

Yan Yucheng was a little uncomfortable: "Why don't you believe me!" You..." Suddenly

, there was a jingling of bells outside, and the oppressive laughter of the Christmas devil:

"Hahahahaha! Christmas Eve has arrived! Santa Claus is here!! "

Cute little beasts... Where are you hiding?

"Hahahaha! Come and grab your Christmas presents!

"Here's a cream cake made from your grandmother's fat fat, and red wine made with the blood of your brothers and sisters..."

Of course! And the bloody Mary dolls that girls love, she will eat your eyes... There are also boys who like... Let me think..." "

Clown mask! Aha! You love this evil stuff the most, don't you? "

Put on the clown mask and let's laugh together~ hahahahahaha——!"

The laughter passed by, and then quickly faded away.

The 4 fugitive players froze there motionless as if they had been pressed the stop button.

Two flashlights, one miner's lamp turned off at the same time.

The police station was pitch black.

It wasn't until the sound faded away that they began to communicate in the dark again.

"He... Why make a sound? "'Thief' Liu Zhaodi was puzzled.

"Maybe to create pressure on us?" 'Lawyer' Wang Minghui guessed.

That is, knowing that the opposite side is Ling Yichuan.

If you don't know, if you meet a strange player playing like this, they will only think that the other party is a fool!

People playing hunters are sneaky approaching, eager to use various equipment and skills to hide their whereabouts.

Do you do the opposite?

Seeking defeat alone?

'Little magician' Yan Yucheng said very understandingly: "Cut... Isn't that easy? Pretend! This person is very childish, plays killer every time, cosplays every time! But he wasn't so stupid before, he's floating now! Proud soldiers will be defeated!

Zou Xuan frowned.

What this little fart said, he didn't take seriously at all.

But regarding Ling Yichuan's strange active exposure behavior, he also fell into deep thought.

Is the other party putting psychological pressure on them? For strategic purposes?

Wrong...... It's not like....

Zou Xuan began to recall several videos of Ling Yichuan's matchup that he had watched.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong.

He is different from most of the water friends in the forum.

When others looked at Ling Yichuan, they saw his operation and his execution.

Zou Xuan, on the other hand, paid more attention to Ling Yichuan's behavior of playing the hunter.

An absurd thought flashed through his mind.

"The character of the Christmas devil may be... Is that it? Maybe there's no reason?

As soon as these words came out, he himself immediately regretted it.

Others are also a little baffled.

"What do you mean?" 'Lawyer' Wang Minghui asked puzzled.

“...... It's nothing.

Zou Xuan shook off the inexplicable thoughts in his mind and said: "Listening to the sound, he has already run far, and it is estimated that he took the sleigh directly to the old oak tree."

"Let's hurry."

"Turn on the flashlight."

Three rays of light lit up.

Zou Xuan did not waste any more time, he walked down the stairs, opened the urn in his hand, reached in and twisted a handful of gray-white ashes.

These ashes are very carefully ground, unlike ordinary ashes with many large bone stubbles inside.

The ashes inside are as fine as lime powder.

[Name: The ashes of the blind man]

[Type: Divination props] [

Introduction: I don't know why, maybe the eyes of the sky need to be closed, and the vast majority of god operators are often blind.

The deceased contained in this urn was a famous blind man who was a fortune-teller and was terrifyingly accurate, and people were nicknamed 'God Blind'.

It was probably that too many heavenly machines were leaked, and the blind man died early.

But maybe even he didn't expect it... After he died, his ashes actually had the characteristics of divination! 】

【Features: 'Bone Fall See Fierce Ji' twist a handful of ashes to sprinkle and ask a question directly related to the user's current safety, and the ashes will give the answer. 【

Requirements for use: Occult talent reaches level 3】

【Note: Since ashes can only answer "Ji" and "fierce", the simpler the question, the more reliable the answer. The

ashes in the urn are almost bottoming out.

Zou Xuan squeezed it casually, and a handful of ashes was automatically adsorbed to his fingertips, without calculating the weight at all.

The ashes themselves control the weight, which is more accurate than the electronic scale used in the laboratory.

He flashed a flashlight in his left hand and rubbed his right hand carefully to let the ashes slowly fall.

"God blind, please tell us, if we go upstairs now, is it Ji or Fierce?"

The delicate ashes fell around the pillar of light, falling on the bright spot of light, and nothing could be seen.

It's too bright.

He quickly turned down the brightness by one stop, and hit the beam of light of the flashlight next to him, only looking at the ground in front of the stairs by the scattered light.

This time I can see it clearly.

I saw the ashes falling from his fingertips, as if pulled by some mysterious gravity, and soon formed a Chinese big character on the ground.


' Zou Xuan nodded slightly: "Let's go up."

Yan Yucheng's children were still muttering: "You are not allowed this thing..."

Zou Xuan ignored him, glanced at his lawyer friend who was holding a red knife, wearing a yellow helmet, and wearing a mixed and banditry.

Wang Minghui understands that he plays as a striker.

It doesn't seem to be completely without danger....

"Okay, you guys come after me."

He sighed and walked quickly upstairs.

Zou Xuan followed closely, Liu Zhaodi was third, and Yan Yucheng dragged behind... He didn't want to go up a little, feeling that if there were really no replica monsters on it, he would be very faceless


But don't go up... He didn't want to miss out on the benefits.

Alas, it is really difficult to take these adults with you.

Four people came to the second floor of the police station.


On the street outside, the snowflakes are falling heavier and the visibility is gradually reduced.

"Jingle bells..." The

ringtones gradually become smaller.

The three red-eyed reindeer pulled the sled to the end of Oak Street, then naturally stopped and stopped going.

A burly Christmas devil, jumping from above.

He looked up at the long-dead behemoth in front of him.

The old oak tree, which had long since lost its green leaves, was left with only hideous shriveled trunks and branches.

But the emaciated camel was bigger than a horse, and the corpse of this eerie-looking oak tree, even the thinnest branches, was thicker than an adult's thigh.

Its body needs to be surrounded by more than a dozen people, and it is so thick that it doesn't look like an oak tree at all!

Behind the old oak tree, stands an even higher pitch-black iron wall, high and not topless... That's the wall that the game makes.

Directly behind the oak tree, there is a double-opening iron door that requires three keys to open, which is the exit for the escapees.

Ling Yichuan did not care about the more majestic iron wall, but always looked at the bare old oak tree.

In the eyes of the orange horizontal pupil sheep, a touch of dazedness appeared.

Anderson's memories are fermenting.

When he first came to the Arctic town, he heard the legend of this old oak tree.

There are two ways to say it.

One is to say that this oak tree has been growing for thousands of years, even ten thousand years!

It was born here before human activity existed in this land, and it grew until the Arctic town was established before it gradually died.

However, because the old oak tree has lived so long, its internal structure has been petrified, so even if it has long died, the tree will not decay.

It will stand here forever, like an architectural wonder forged by nature itself, mocking the smallness of human beings.

Another version is that this oak tree is not as old as it looks at all!

This statement is more similar to a fairy tale.

It is said that 200 years ago, Santa Claus once had a battle with the Christmas devil here, and the final result was naturally that Santa Claus, who represents justice and hope, won the victory!

The evil Christmas devil is buried here, and soon this old oak tree grows....

The old oak tree has never grown branches and leaves, it has always been bare, because in a way, this tree is the corpse of the Christmas devil!

Later, some folk customs were also derived from this.

Adults in Arctic towns sometimes pick up thin strips of fallen branches from under old oak trees and use them to beat their children's butts.

Because the legendary Christmas devil will take branches to beat disobedient children.

The effect is average.

Anderson's confusion was that he didn't know why it suddenly flourished that night and the old oak tree suddenly came to life.

He enters the non-existent tree hole, gets the mask of the Christmas devil, and becomes the new Christmas demon!



How could an old oak tree, which had been silent for two hundred years, suddenly come to life?

After that, he died again.

Even after becoming a Christmas demon, Anderson never managed to enter the mysterious tree hole again....

"It's a pity."

"I wanted to gouge out Santa's body as well... For the saint. Nicholas makes a real statue.

He looked at the statue of Santa Claus who had fallen to the ground and was dragged all the way behind the sleigh, and kicked it angrily:

"Not this plastic goods!"


His strength was too great for the plastic Santa Claus to withstand it, and his braincase was kicked in half at once.

It looks terrifying.

Ling Yichuan looked at the street where visibility was getting worse and worse, and he didn't know what to think, so he put up the statue of Santa Claus and stuck it on the sleigh.

Then he leaned into the ears of the three reindeer and whispered

, "Good boys, run, keep running, run back and forth!" Run until you can't run! "


Gently patting the buttocks of one of the reindeer, it "whimpered" and spread its hooves and ran!

The other two reindeer were also forced to follow!

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells..."

The jingle on the necks of the reindeer rings crisply again, and they drag the sleigh as they used to, pulling a fake Santa Claus, and running again to the upper street of Oak Street!

In the growing snowstorm, at first glance, it is really impossible to see whether the real Christmas devil or the fake Santa Claus is standing on the sleigh.

There is wind and snow as a filter, and the figures are ghostly.

The time of 3 minutes is up.

Ling Yichuan once again used the 1 skill 'Devil's All-Seeing Eye', pulled out a fresh eyeball, and placed it on the trunk of Ma Ma Lai.

The orange eyes, on the black trunk, look a little eye-catching.

But it doesn't matter.

He looked up at the sky.

"Aha... The snow is heavy... A little bigger... A little bigger! Hey, hey..."


On the 2nd floor of the police station, in the dark corridor, the pillars of light of flashlights shone to the sides, and this time, Zou Xuan saw the figure at the end of the corridor!


The figure seemed to be frightened and immediately fled to the next office!

"You guys cover me!"

Finally there is a chance to perform, how can Yan Yucheng let it go!

He grabbed a magic card and skillfully threw it forward!

Solitaire has a certain flight arc, and when it is about to fly to the end of the hallway and hit the wall, it cleverly turns to the office on the right!

The figure is about to close the wooden door of the office, and the card comes through the crack in the door!

Yan Yucheng's figure disappeared from the place.

Appeared from the card again, and smoothly arrived in the office!

Bang! The door just closed!

The figure turned around, and before he saw anything, he was punched in the nose by Yan Yucheng!

He let out a muffled snort, and the back of his head slammed hard against the wall... Then his body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

Yan Yucheng was stunned: "Lie in the groove!" It won't kill you! "

Although there is no light source in the office, he wears 'night vision windshields' and sees a green image characteristic of night vision devices.

It's still pretty clear.

The white man who was knocked down by him in front of him, although he was carrying a submachine gun in his hand, he was wearing a sheriff's uniform and had a kind face....

It does look a lot like an NPC....

Everyone opened the door and came in, flashlights shining, and they were a little stunned when they saw the white sheriff who fell to the ground.

Zou Xuan looked at Yan Yucheng with questioning eyes.

The latter was aggrieved: "I punched him!" Even if it's an NPC... It won't be so unstoppable, right? I didn't use any weapons or skills!

Zou Xuan took a deep breath, didn't say anything, and went to check on this person's situation.

'Lawyer' Wang Minghui looked at the blood stains on the wall that were knocked out of the back of the NPC's head and asked, "Which is your highest talent?" Let me guess, it won't be fighting, right?

Yan Yucheng said in a low voice, "... It's a physical talent.

Wang Minghui: "6."

Players who play magicians, mainly training physical talent, are indeed rare.

It's not impossible.

After all, the magician is too brittle, which is a way to make up for the shortcomings.

"It seems to be alive."

Zou Xuan squatted next to the sheriff-like man and patted his face in fear: "Wake up." The

man slowly opened his eyes, was slightly skimmed by the light of the flashlight, and asked weakly:

"You... Who are you?

Yan Yucheng argued, "We're here to help you!" Do you have any clues to Christmas devils? "

After all, they are all players who play games all year round, and everyone knows what the most efficient way to communicate with NPCs is.

Yan Yucheng's words were a little rough, but it was not bad.

The man touched his nose and touched the back of his head, "Just now... Who beat me?

Yan Yucheng did not dare to speak.

Fortunately, the man did not want to get to the bottom of it, but looked at these people again and got up with difficulty:

"It's all raw faces... It seems that you are not the minions of the devil..."

he finally entered the state of an NPC:

"I just thought you were...

"I don't know how you got to our town, but if you're stuck here, then I think... Our goals are the same. The

man introduced himself:

"I am the sheriff of Arctic Town, and my name is Harvins. Irving...... I have to enter the church now! Meet the priest!

"But I just heard the Christmas devil right outside! I...... I need someone to cover me! He's terrible!

"If I die, I... And the survivors of our entire town ... You may be trapped forever in this hell abandoned by time... There will never be a chance to beat him! "

At this point, everyone was notified of the task.

[Congratulations, an important story mission has been triggered! ] 】

【Story mission 'The only hope in town': Find a way to attract the attention of the 'Christmas Devil' and send Sheriff Harvins to the church at the end of East Street on Oak Street! ] The key to victory over the demons in his carrier! 】

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