
On the empty streets, the goose down snow is layered layer after layer, brushing away the footprints that the players have just stepped on.

Heavy snow obscures all tangible things.

Intangible things, on the other hand, can only be presented in such a storm.

On the street, in the shimmering light of store signs, in the outline of the wind and snow, there are always some faint outlines of grievances looming.

They were in a trance, the six gods were masterless, and they walked around aimlessly.

Occasionally, they would stop, their empty gazes following the remnants of their memories and looking at the buildings on either side.

Sometimes, the people hiding in the building also look at them.

When their eyes meet, they are considered bonds.


A knock on the door broke the silence of Oak Street.

The grievances in the wind and snow looked back in unison and stared in the direction of the police station!

There was a man wearing a hard hat, chain mail, and a blood-red single knife, and Fei also rushed out!

It's as fast as a cheetah running at full speed!

When he ran to the middle of the wide Oak Street, he was stunned for a moment, looking left and right on the street, as if he didn't know where to run.

But for a moment he was stunned!

A pale human bone claw, dragging a long pitch-black chain, broke through the air attack! It's as fast as an arrow off the string!

He heard the wind and turned around and swung his knife, just right!

With great luck, his blade accurately hit the white bone claw, emitting a sound of gold and iron clinging with weapons!


The white bone claw flew upside down, and the Christmas demon who had just rushed out of the police station pulled it hard, and the chain pulled the white bone claw back into his hand.

The two are Ling Yichuan and Wang Minghui, who chased and fled.

Not long ago, Xiaokengzi Yan Yucheng hurriedly used 'Space Magic. He changed his position with 'lawyer' Wang Minghui.

Needless to say, he was ridden by the fire snake over there, and Wang Minghui's side was obviously in a critical situation!

When the magic box was opened, Wang Minghui saw the Christmas demon that had been prepared for a long time at first glance!

In fact, Wang Minghui is also a battle-hardened 'lawyer' player.

As early as when Yan Yucheng disappeared, he had already made certain psychological preparations.

So suddenly appeared in the magic box, only slightly surprised, and there was no big mess.

Therefore, at the moment when the magic box opened, both he and Ling Yichuan reacted quite quickly!

The moment Wang Minghui saw the Christmas Devil and confirmed its relative position, he used the lawyer's 3 skills 'Reality Modification. Path distance'.

He didn't use the skill like a beginner lawyer player and didn't blindly distance himself from the hunter.

Wang Minghui still calmed down and observed.

He appeared in the interrogation chair, with his back to a wall.

If the distance was opened rashly, the distance between him and Ling Yichuan would indeed be pulled apart by up to 50 meters, but it was basically useless.

Because there's a wall behind it!

There is no escape!

So Wang Minghui skillfully chose 'negative distance'.

Increase the distance, minus 10 meters.

If you select a negative distance, you will appear directly behind the hunter.

minus 1 meter, it is basically attached.

If it is minus 10 meters, the force of reality modification will pull another 10 meters between them.

The door of the interrogation room was behind Ling Yichuan.

The negative distance allowed him to flash directly behind Ling Yichuan, and easily opened the door of the interrogation room.

And because they had a safe distance of 10 meters between them, Ling Yichuan did not catch him at the first time... Let him run out.

Of course, Ling Yichuan was not for nothing.

At the first time, at the moment of eye contact, he used 'fear hypnosis' again.

Regarding this skill, Ling Yichuan already had many new ideas and was waiting to try them one by one.

Wang Minghui was hit, but the skill's reaction was not a control.

He was only in a trance for a moment, then adjusted his state and ran away wholeheartedly.

There was no chance for Ling Yichuan to catch him.

And Ling Yichuan also delayed for a moment, and put Yan Yucheng's two recovery props into the 'Christmas Devil's Gift Bag', so he was a little slower.

(Yes, the gift bag can be used as a space bag with limited capacity.)

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Ling Yichuan is now a Christmas demon with the attribute of talking, and while waving his chains to charge his power, he couldn't help but mutter:

"Today is Christmas Eve, how can there be a reason to run when you see Santa Claus!"

"Stop and see what my Christmas gift is for you..." In

front, Wang Minghui did not turn his head back, and ran vigorously!

He thinks very clearly now!

Can't go back to your teammates!

They must complete important story missions and must not lead the Christmas Devil over!

No matter how much he wanted to strangle Yan Yucheng, the bear child, he couldn't ignore the overall situation!

At this time, his nearest target is the church! Safe house!

As long as he can distance himself from the Christmas Devil, he thinks that the two NPCs of the priest and the sheriff should open the door for him!

He desperately needed to go into the safe house and hide for a while, because...

[Your stamina is too low and you have entered a state of 'moderate fatigue'!]

【Please find a safe area to rest as soon as possible and recover your stamina as soon as possible! 】 ]

Wang Minghui saw that his physical strength value at this time was still 26%,

and it looked like there was still a lot left, right?

It's all an illusion!

Experienced fugitive players know that their stamina is often different from that of a hunter.

The health value of the escapee is like the power of a smartphone, it is all virtual electricity!

After entering the [Fatigue] state, the stamina value will drop very quickly!

Now look at the 26% left, being chased for a while, throwing a few more skills, it is estimated that only 6% remains!

And the icy map of Oak Street has a debuff in a harsh environment, as long as it is outdoors, the cold environment will make the physical strength drop extremely fast!


Minghui gasped, muffled his head and ran wildly, the church was getting closer and closer!

Make it!

It should be time!

However, the movement of Ling Yichuan waving the chain behind him still brought him great pressure.

That thing doesn't attack well, but as long as it's caught, the distance will be instantly closer!

Wang Minghui held a knife in his right hand, and secretly took out a 'Holy Light Grenade' from the prop bar with his left hand to prepare with both hands!

"Hahaha! Come on! Flying claws are coming! The

Christmas demon laughed and threw out the white bone chain claw that had already been completed!

This time, he deliberately threw it upwards, allowing the bone claw to approach Wang Minghui with the chain in a parabolic trajectory.

Sure enough, Wang Minghui was fooled.

He thought that the chain claw was still like just now, and when he heard the sound of breaking the void, he hurriedly turned around and slashed out!

This time, he split the void!

The chain was on it, and the point where the bone claw landed was just a foot in front of him.

When he turned, the bone claw was falling behind his back.

'Thermal Radiation Tracking' feature triggered!

The red light at the root of the bone claw suddenly lit up, and the semi-mechanical white bone chain claw that sensed the biological heat radiation made a strange switchback!

Dozens of miniature nitrogen injection ports on the chain adjusted their direction, sprayed compressed nitrogen, fine-tuned the movement, and immediately, the steel chain seemed to be instantly given life, a pitch-black snake body!

And the sharp white bone claws are like a keen snake head!

The claws on the phalanges are quenched snake teeth!

It folds its fingers!

Take a bite!

Another sound of gold and iron!

The five fingers of the white bone claw viciously grabbed Wang Minghui's half-body chain mail, sparks burst out, and in the violent friction, at least a dozen chain mail rings on his chest were torn!

He exclaimed in pain!

The white bone claw was carried back into Ling Yichuan's hands by the black snake-like chain, and the chain mail on his chest had been scratched a piece, and a large piece of armor was miserably pulled down, revealing the suit that was also scratched inside.

There is also the skin of the chest that is faintly bloodstained.

Break the defense, break the defense!

This set of 'ordinary' quality half-body chain mail is indeed very average in defense.

Wang Minghui was dragged to a head, but he did not stop, adjusted slightly, and continued to run forward!

Now there is no reason to stop!

Even if his abnormal status bar has an additional 'Mei Feng Unique Secret Poison', he can't stop!

But there was a strange burning sensation at this wound, and Wang Minghui felt that the poisonous blood flowed through his body with a strong heartbeat.

When it flowed through his legs, he felt that something was clearly wrong with his legs!

It's like sometimes he squats in the pit and plays with butter and forgets time, and when he gets up again, his legs are numb!

Wang Minghui's speed slowed down.

[Your stamina is dropping too fast! ] 】

15% of stamina remaining!

"Aha!! Your armor is not as strong as the thick sweater my grandma sewn! The

Christmas demon did not hesitate to taunt, waving the chain to quickly approach, while his mouth did not stop, and the dense output was:

"Are your legs numb? Tingling is normal! I'll tear your aorta, and you'll be dizzy in a moment... Dizziness is also normal! Ha ha!

"I'm going to let your blood moisten my dry cheeks, it's winter skincare... Aha!!

"Come on! Prepare..." "

Little Flying Claw... Come on!! "

The sound of breaking the air is loud again!

"How can it be repaired!"

Wang Minghui scolded, and hurriedly stopped the trend of rushing forward!

He rubbed his feet violently against the ground, shoveled a large amount of snow, and at the cost of damaging his knees, stopped sharply, and suddenly flew to the side!

With the lesson from last time, he did not dare to swing the knife indiscriminately.

But he also knew that the other party's white bone chain claw had an automatic tracking function within a certain range, so he had to escape a distance in an instant!

But when Wang Minghui fell in the snow on the side, he saw a dark spherical object fall on the place where he was standing just now.

What is it?!

He was stunned!

This thing... It's not a bone chain claw!

Wang Minghui fixed his eyes and saw that it was a black skull embedded in the snow.

It's the opponent's black skull helmet!

Wang Minghui instantly understood! At boiling point!



Only then did he hear that the sound of the chain waving never stopped!

The uncomfortable sarcasm of the Christmas devil sounded again:

"Oops, oops... I threw the wrong thing..."

"Now... The little flying claw is really coming~"


Wang Minghui now can't tell which sentence of the other party is true and which is false!

You can only take it all seriously!

Angry, he rolled on the spot, face up, and then saw the white bone claw descending from the sky again!

It's fast!

The probability of a split is not large!

But he had no choice but to grit his teeth and chop through!


Dangerous and dangerously struck!

He heard the Christmas Demon let out a pompous exclamation and watched the white bone claw being chopped and flying high!

【You have entered a state of severe fatigue! 】The

system sounded an alarm!


Wang Minghui jumped up at the moment of crisis, he chose to face the Christmas demon running over like a dragon slayer, and roared:

"Laozi fought with you!" Don't look down on people! "

He kept pinching a skill that was both controlling and harmful, and didn't dare to use it.

That's because he knows that the Christmas Devil 2 skill is controllable.

If used in advance, it is too easy to crack.

But now, Wang Minghui has no other way.

Stamina is on the verge of exhaustion, and the dawn is just around the corner.

There is no need for hole cards to continue to hide... If you hide it again, you can only use it for the next game.

He put away the blood-drinking knife.

The left hand still holds the 'Holy Light Grenade', and the right hand is pointed to the knife as a palm gesture.

Then he was facing the direction of the Christmas devil, suddenly squatted with a lunge, his right hand was a knife, raised high, chopped!

The air seemed to be cracked, and several white ripples visible to the naked eye extended out from his palm, seemingly bent, but actually straight towards the demon who was chasing after him!

[Name: Empty-handed Small Whirlwind Shock Wave Slash

] [Type: Attack Skill (General)

] [Level: Grade C] [

Introduction: In the posture of karate, a shock wave that can break jade cracking stones is cut out empty-handed. 【Feature

1: 'Strong in case of rigidity' Since the main attack power of the shock wave slash comes from "shock", the stronger the target, the higher the damage received.

Due to the skill's narrow attack range and low speed, it is not easy to hit moving targets.

Therefore, this skill is more suitable for operations such as 'dismantling doors' and 'breaking obstacles'. [

Feature 2: 'Empty, but not completely empty' If the skill is empty, the shock wave slash will set off a strong small whirlwind within the range. 【Feature

3: 'Nothing but three' uses 3 consecutive shock wave slashes, if all of them are empty, 3 small cyclones will attract each other, gain each other, and multiply the wind power! ] Form an unbreakable 'wind prison'!

After capturing the target, the 'Wind Prison' lasts for 10 seconds.

If the target is not captured, it will dissipate after 15 seconds. 】【

Consumption: 5% energy value/each time

】【Cooldown: 120 seconds/3 times (if you do not play 3 times within 10 seconds after using the skill, you will start the cooldown directly)

】【How to use: squat before lunge, and open the hand knife to the target】

【Learning requirements: The player's level reaches level 8; Fighting talent reaches level 2; Physical talent reaches level 2]

[Note: Tips! If you want to use the Wind Prison to bind enemies nearby, you can throw the skill directly at the ground in front of and behind you.

The 'wind prison' cannot trap the user, so you can wait for the target and you to be surrounded by a whirlwind, Shi Shiran takes a step back and leaves this unbreakable 'wind prison'.

Brush off your clothes and hide deep with your name. Ling

Yichuan saw Wang Minghui's movements, and also saw the white ripples that "quickly" spread.

For a skill, the speed of ripple is obviously too slow.

Rushing forward at full speed, he can actually dodge sideways!

Ripples streaked across his chest, making a thunderclap in the air!

Ling Yichuan did not notice at this time that after the latter was empty, a cyclone quickly formed in the air where the ripples passed.

He continued to run towards the goal!

"And?" He asked politely.


Wang Minghui roared angrily and opened a palm again!

Another white ripple!

No accident, Ling Yichuan dodged again!

"Come again, come again!"

One last shockwave!

Ling Yichuan jumped up mischievously.

Or in a particularly standard jumping goat posture.

He supported his hands down, as if he was supporting the white ripples that Wang Minghui had split, and his legs were raised straight to ninety degrees!

A sheep-faced demon is jumping goat... It's kind of funny to watch.

"Hmph!" Wang Minghui smiled coldly and crookedly: "Sabi, you have been charged!" "


Ling Yichuan actually felt it at this time.

There was a strong wind behind him, almost blowing him up!

Between the whiskers, three cyclones that quickly formed near the ripples captured his big target.

Then the three cyclones quickly adjusted their positions, stuck to each other, pulled, and squeezed him in the middle!

'Wind Prison' is formed!

Ling Yichuan found that he could neither move forward nor backward, and the fierce wind swept through, not only rolling up the heavy snow on the ground, but also rolling up his body.

He floated in place.


He held his two horns and blinked in panic: "I'm caught!" What are you going to do to a poor Santa Claus?

Performing simply, Ling Yichuan inexplicably felt a trace of split pleasure.

God knows what a strange state of mind he has now.

He is now both Christmas Demon Anderson and Ling Yichuan Honkawa.

But at the same time, neither.

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