In the state of the soul, imprisoned in the mirror.

Another experience that has never been experienced before.

Even people like Zou Xuan, who know a little bit of the horror of the game, will sigh from time to time.

Midnight Nightmares really gave him too many surreal sensory experiences.

If only it really was just a cross-era game....

At this time, Zou Xuan was in the space in the mirror, surrounded by endless nothingness, which looked like infinity, but when he wanted to move, he would find that it was ridiculously small and completely immobile.

The mirror in front of him is an invisible barrier for his soul, which will not block his vision, but only prevent him from moving.

This is probably the perspective of evil spirits in the mirror in horror movies.

Outside the mirror, directly below vertically, lies his own corpse.

His body was still hot, blood was still flowing from his chest, but his eyes had lost focus.

'I wonder if in the real world, after death, the soul will also look down on its own physical body as it does now?'

Zou Xuan couldn't help but think so.

On the side of the blood array, Melina rubbed her palm vigorously a few times, looking excited, looking like a gambler ready to bet all her chips.

"Don't move, next I'm going to lend you the power that a big guy lent me..."

She opened her legs slightly so that she could stand more steadily, and then stretched her right hand forward and opened her right palm; The left hand firmly grasps the right arm and holds it in place, as if it were not his own arm, but a heavy weapon that could be out of control at any moment.

The open right palm was aimed at Zou Xuan in the mirror.

Melina grinned, unkempt, and smiled like a crazy woman who had lived in a mental hospital all her life.

"It might hurt a little..." Looking

at the suspended full-length mirror from Melina's perspective, the figure reflected in it was not the dazed corpse on the ground, but an even more dazed soul.

He now looks like a real ghost.

Obviously he still looks the same, dresses the same, but the ghost in the space in the mirror looks gloomy and cold, ghostly.

I saw him move his gaze and look at Melina calmly.

"I'm ready." Zou Xuan said.

Melina had already told him about the role of mirrors not long ago.

She said that if this 'time-lapse spell' was used in a normal world, there would be no need for mirrors at all; because mirrors were used to absorb evil spirits, it was an exorcism method for his grandfather.

But this is not the normal world.

In the rules of this world, the soul of the deceased will not leave the body, but will be imprisoned in the shell, and when Christmas Eve and Christmas are over, the deceased will be resurrected, everything will reset, and the next cycle of reincarnation will begin.

Therefore, she must manually suck out Zou Xuan's soul and then "strengthen" it, so that he can go to the old oak tree with a clear mind, and not lose his memory in a trance halfway, thus becoming a masterless spirit similar to those resentful spirits on the street.

(The grievances on the street are the townspeople who have been killed by Anderson before they enter the watch world, and they will not come back to life)

"po Ao ney dio Gabrll, se svou orlonne..."

Melina began to chant Enoch's incantation.

Due to the angle, Zou Xuan did not see the character scars in her palm, and they were slowly lighting up one by one.

The divine light began to be conducted gently.

First a π-like symbol lit up on Melina's eyebrows, then the palm of her right hand, then the mirror, and finally Zou Xuan's soul.

The soul in the mirror began to glow for a while, and the cold aura disappeared.

System prompt:

[Your soul is being baptized by an angel.

"Heavens... Angel??

Zou Xuan, who had a slight burning pain on his body, pulled on the edge of the mirror and looked at Melina in amazement:

"I thought you would only make deals with the demons in hell... Do you still have the power of angels? "

This NPC is powerful!

Melina concentrated on casting the spell, ignoring him.

At this moment, her right hand was shaking so badly that Melina could only try her best to hold it with her left hand, so that her palm was always facing the mirror.

It can be seen that the "recoil" of her right arm must be very large.

Beads of sweat rolled down her face, trembling from head to toe, and she looked almost exhausted!

Finally, she stopped chanting the Enoch mantra.

The symbolic light in the palm of Linna's right hand gradually dimmed.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and her right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, grabbing the remaining residual light back!

Melina's body seemed to be emptied, and she sat on the ground with her ass!

The angelic holy light emanating from her body had all converged, and in the mirror, Zou Xuan's soul was still shining.

"Hah... Ha! Do you think... Why am I... Unaffected by the world? It didn't become... Anderson's toy?

Melina gasped for a while, raised her eyes and looked at the soul that had become holy in the mirror.

Only then did he answer Zou Xuan's previous question.

"By my grandfather and father... Are these formations handed down? "

This is ... Far...... Not enough!

"I was able to... Hold on in his world... That's because... I hugged a thigh..."

"A very thick, thick ... Thigh!

Melina, who was covered in sweat, smiled unusually brightly.

"I sold my soul to the archangel Gabriel, and this is the money he gave me to sell."

In the mirror, Zou Xuan was stunned.

In religious stories, isn't it always the only devil who trades with humans and buys and sells souls?

Before I could think deeply, the system jumped up with a prompt:

"Your soul has been blessed by the 'archangel'. 】

【You have temporarily obtained two soul skills - 'Soul Impact' and 'War Spirit Roar']

Zou Xuan has just noticed that in his soul state, all skills, equipment, and props are locked state.

The status bar is also grayed out, maintaining the value of the moment before death.

And now the newly acquired skill appears as two particularly bright icons hanging above his skill slot.

It seems that in the soul state, the original resources cannot be used, and only these two soul skills can be used.

He looked at the skill introduction.


: Soul Impact] [Type: Soul Skill (only available in this copy)] [

Introduction: With your enhanced pseudo-angel spirit body, directly hit the target spirit body, the closer the target, the faster the speed.

Each impact will cause the target to stiffen for 3~5 seconds, and can weaken the strength of the target spirit body. (Only works for possible Christmas demon souls)

] [Consumption: None

] [Cooldown: 10 seconds] [

Note: Yes, that's it, step on the gas pedal to the end! ] Kill him! 】


[Name: War Spirit Roar

] [Type: Soul Skill (only available in this quest)] [

Introduction: Within an effective distance of 10 meters, it emits a roar full of fighting intent! The psionic impact caused by the roar can repel the target spirit body 2~8 meters.

The closer the roar, the better the effect. (Only works for possible Christmas demon souls)

] [Consumption: None

] [Cooldown: 20 seconds] [

Note: If you really don't roar, shout out the following phrases out loud - "Sass gives!" "That's a lot!" "Erkang!" "Ziwei!" "Demacia!" "Go downstairs nucleic acid!"

These phrases have mysterious powers, shout them out loud and you will be blessed with raging fighting intent!

Compared to the serious skills, the introduction and use of these two soul skills can be described as extremely rudimentary.

But Zou Xuan also sensed a key message.

"It seems that... The Christmas Demon can also let the soul leave the body through a certain plot mission..."

Zou Xuan thought thoughtfully.

"Hmm... But it shouldn't be that coincidental... You can't really just run into him, right?

Melina stood up, walked behind the mirror with a knife, and with a casual wave, cut the rope hanging from the full-length mirror.

She held the frame and threw it hard behind her!


The mirror shattered into countless pieces in an instant!

The Zou Xuan spirit body that was originally imprisoned in it also got out of the prison, and a blurry spirit body that emitted a faint halo floated in front of Melina.

Melina looked at him and said

, "You have 10 minutes to get back, or I don't know what's going to happen."

"At that time, your physical body will be resurrected, if the soul is not there..."

"You may become a vegetative person, perhaps, the physical body will grow another broken soul... Who knows.

"Life, it's amazing, even God can't calculate all the variables..." The

crazy psychic stepped over the mirror fragments on the ground, comfortably nestled himself into the sofa, then lit a cigarette and began to swallow the clouds:

"Get out."

"My family's Dharma Formation has no effect on a half-angelic spirit body, you can come and go freely."

Zou Xuan also saw the system prompt at this time.

[Story missions have been updated! ] 】

【Story mission 'The only hope of the town': In the state of a half-angelic spirit, enter the old oak tree, find the demon slayer sword 'Blame Valios', and return to the 'Time Back in Time Array' to revive. (Limited to 10 minutes)]


Zou Xuan was about to leave, his gaze skimmed the direction of the fireplace, and suddenly there was a question.

"That said... Can the Christmas devil also come to your house through the teleportation array in the fireplace?

"yes." Melina said very casually: "He can break in at any time, of course, my family has so many formation prohibitions, you can also block him for a while, give me the kung fu to hide..."

She seemed to know exactly what Zou Xuan was worried about, and said without a hurry:

"It's just that I can only barely protect myself, if he breaks in and wants to destroy your body, I can only buy you a little time."

"So you'd better come back soon."

"Lying groove..." Zou Xuan realized the danger of this task!

He had known before that in the Oak Street replica, the only safe house was the church.

This is the iron rule summed up by countless players.

So other locations, no matter how safe, can't stop the Christmas Devil from entering directly through the teleportation array in the fireplace.

Melina's home should be the same.

Although there are countless formation prohibitions in her home, it is impossible to really stop the Christmas Devil, otherwise the teleportation array of the fireplace will be meaningless.

Now Melina's answer confirmed her guess.

The seemingly safe environment can only cause some hindrance to the Christmas devil.

In this way, your own body lying here is actually very dangerous!

If Ling Yichuan teleported directly in these 10 minutes, his body was likely to be destroyed, what would happen to his soul...

Directly eliminated? Or spend the rest of the game wandering around the map?

Like a real lonely ghost?

Thinking of this, Zou Xuan was a little anxious.

Get the job done as soon as possible!

One minute slower, one more minute of danger!

"Okay, then I'll go first... Please protect my body.

After Zou Xuan finished speaking, he floated towards the side wall.

The light of the spirit body instantly submerged into the wall, and then came out through the wall, passing through the countless grievances that had become clear-faced, and quickly flew towards the direction of the old oak tree.


The remains of the Christmas demon 'Kolapus' - inside the tree hole of the old oak tree.

After Ling Yichuan's spirit body entered here, it seemed to have another entity, stepping on the soft snow with both feet and looking around.

"It's still exactly the same as it was back then."

Belonging to Anderson's personality, he sighed.

Coming in through the tree hole is like entering another mysterious little world.

He was standing on an empty field of snow, the sky dome was still falling with sparse snow, Santa Claus' St. Nicholas' body was scattered here, heads, torsos, limbs, and haphazardly thrown on the snow.

Not far away is a cabin in the woods that radiates warm light.

That's when Anderson entered here, put on the mask of the Christmas devil, and thus became what he was.

"I remembered it

..." he laughed at himself, "It turns out that human memory is such an unreliable thing..." Ling

Yichuan had just flown to the old oak tree in a spirit state, and Anderson's memory completely woke up.

It turned out that he took revenge on the boy who caused him to be lame and hung it in the boy's own fireplace, that is, the fireplace where he fell and injured, and baked it alive.

The perennial calm Arctic town naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore such a bad murder, and the police can be described as doing their best to track down the clues.

Seemingly...... In the middle, because of the fierce investigation, the boy's father was killed by police officers who abused lynching in the interrogation room.

That's it, Anderson almost didn't die of laughter that year!

However, after such a tragic incident, the more pain accumulated by the incident, the more attention it aroused, and the greater the police force invested.

Anderson, the most suspected, was soon found to have evidence of the crime!

So, angry townspeople, mass abuse of lynching....

They used the ancient burning rack, erected in front of the old oak tree, and then tied Anderson to it and burned it to death!

After that, the soul leaves the shell, and Anderson can see an old oak tree with lush leaves, and only then can he see the hole in the tree that does not exist.

When he came in, he was attracted to the mask of the Christmas devil, so he didn't touch anything else and put the mask on himself.

Subsequently, the mask of the Christmas demon gave him a new physical body and also drove him out in an instant.

Now I am quite embarrassed to revisit the old place.

"Find the scepter first... Scepter scepter ... The scepter should be right in... Here it is.

Ling Yichuan lowered his head and gently stepped on Santa's head with his foot.

It was a head frozen into an ice ball, with a fierce facial features, he was not as kind as Santa Claus in everyone's impression, but a bit like Xu Jinjiang's Thor.

Angry eyes, blonde hair rushing crown!

Ling Yichuan recalled the last three shorter dreams he saw...

The first dream is that after Colapus left hell and came to some experiences on earth, he seems to have found Santa Claus and voluntarily bowed down as his assistant.

That is, a fairy tale that is widely spread in the market.

Santa Claus occasionally needs to punish some disobedient bad boys, but he doesn't do it himself, but leaves the dirty work to his assistant, the half-human, half-sheep demon Kolapus.

This is indeed true, but there are some reasons for it.

If Corapus wants to escape the Cerberus released by the Angel of Death to track down his whereabouts, he must hide his breath.

Santa Claus, on the other hand, is a demigod who can hide his breath as long as he stays by his side.

Collapus hid like this for many years.

At the end of the dream, because of some small spat, Coleps killed Santa Claus.

The second dream is what Colapus saw before he died.

Ling Yichuan saw in his dream how the demon hunter killed him with a sword—the sword was sharp, and the moment he touched the scepter, he cut off the scepter and shattered it into five sections.

Destroying his weapon, the second sword pierced Corapus's chest.

Then He died, his remains turned into oaks, and the sword and broken scepter were incorporated into his body.

In the third dream, Ling Yichuan saw the location of the sword, just inside the oak tree, behind the hut, entangled by many vines falling from the sky.

The location of the scepter is not specified.

Only at the end gave him a close-up of Santa's body.

Of the three dream fragments, only the first one seems to be uninformative.

Why did Collapus follow Santa and what does it have to do with his mission?

But as long as you connect and think about it, Ling Yichuan understands the key!

The first dream is actually explaining where the last scepter is hiding!

He picked up Santa's head, directly reached out and stuffed it from the break in his neck, and groped for it.

Soon, he touched a round, hard little thing.


[You found the 'Ghost-faced Scepter of the Undead Scepter'].

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