"Oh yes, it's good that you haven't forgotten."

Sheriff Havins didn't understand what 'tinder' was, and when he was in the church, Father Gray and Zou Xuan had a vague conversation, and he was absent-minded, so he didn't understand at all.

He only knew that this was an important holy relic left by God and could not be lost.

Sheriff Harvins opened his mouth solemnly, as wide as possible to avoid the 'tinder' biting the 'tinder' from his teeth that were constantly trembling from the cold.

Zou Xuan threw this thing into his mouth with a strange expression, watching Ha Wensi close his mouth, his expression became as strange as himself, and he couldn't help but ask:

"What taste?"

Havins couldn't hear it, but saw his mouth moving, frowned, and his eyes expressed doubt.

Zou Xuan roared loudly: "What does tinder smell?!"

Havins said vaguely: "... It's a little fishy. The

wind roared, Zou Xuan couldn't hear what the other party was whispering, but there was no time to delay at the moment.

System tip:

[The temperature in the Arctic town is dropping further, please leave the cold environment outside as soon as possible!]

【Stamina -10%】

Zou Xuan took two steps back, staring at the wriggling magic array on Havins' back, and staring at the central area where the lines of the seven stars intertwined.

He held his sword in both hands and aimed the blade of 'Blame Valius' there.

Ha Wensi kept shaking, Zou Xuan's eyes were not good now, he poked twice, but he didn't poke the center of the magic array.

The sheriff screamed in pain, and Zou Xuan barked anxiously:

"Don't move!"

"Ouch, don't move!!"

"This won't work! Steady!! I'm not sure!!

At this time, the ghosts and grievances wandering on the desolate snow path seemed to have sensed something, and they all looked in the direction of the old oak tree in confusion.

Then they flew over one by one and began to gather around the two.

The denser and denser snow of goose feathers outlined the blurred figures of the grievances more and more clearly.


The mansion at the end of East Street, the birthplace of the fugitive player.

The green pillar of light in its chimney suddenly turned red!

The moment the green flame in the fireplace soared, a majestic and evil figure walked out of it and appeared directly in front of the fireplace.

As soon as Ling Yichuan arrived here, he already vaguely felt something.

"Oops... Oops, bad..."

he ran quickly!


With its strong body, the Christmas Demon crashed directly out of the gate, shattering part of the wooden threshold.

He rushed into the wind and snow and saw the actions of the two men in front of the oak tree.

Sheriff Havins was shirtless, lying on his stomach in a tree, and the 'priest' was stabbing him in the back with a sword of the slayer.

At first glance, you can tell that it is some kind of sacrificial ritual!

The devil's orange sheep's eyes shook violently from side to side!

At this time, Ling Yichuan, whose energy value had returned to full, did not care about consumption at all, and directly opened the 2-skill demon spirit form for displacement.

Come, let's recall together.

[Name: Demon Form

] [Type: Skill (Character Exclusive)

] [Level: D Level] [

Introduction: The moment the skill is released, the body can be completely turned into a condensed black fog, obtain a higher movement speed, and at the same time will release all current control effects....

For the duration of the Demon Form, the user is immune to all 'non-restrained' attacks. 【


time: 5 seconds】【Cooldown time: 60 seconds】

【Consumption: 10% stamina; 12% energy value]

[Note: 'Overlord' is a der, 'unselectable' is YYDS! ] [

Note 2: Restrained attacks usually refer to those forces from the opposing camps of hell, heaven, Buddha country, etc... But it's not just those, players can explore on their own to get more game fun~]

The huge body of the Christmas demon turned into a black fog in an instant, leaving only the bony sheep face mask hanging in the fog, and even the eyes almost turned into two angry orange flames.

Ling Yichuan's sanity restrained Anderson's personality.

He didn't make much noise, didn't shout stupidly, just flew up in silence and approached the two at high speed from the air!

The fierce wind could not cause the slightest hindrance to him in the 'Demon Spirit Form'.

But the Oak Street grievances, who were also approaching the two, discovered him in advance!

For a time, the silent grievances were united in hatred and emitted a faint and sharp roar!

The sound they made was actually very small, but when they were connected, they showed a strange sense of sharpness, and these movements temporarily suppressed the whining sound and reached Zou Xuan's ears.

He looked back in amazement and inexplicability.

I just saw a black shadow flying in the sky... See the skeletal sheepface mask of the Christmas devil!

"Hurry up, hurry up! Don't move!! He's coming!! Zou Xuan hurriedly shouted.

Sheriff Harvins used his hands muscles hard, grasped the two fold-like lines on the surface of the oak tree, tried not to move, closed his mouth deadly, and his eyes burst open!

He did not dare to speak, for fear that the 'tinder' would fall out.

Finally, at the last moment, the blade of 'Guivayous' aimed at the center of the seven-pointed star, and a cluster of blood splashed out, quickly condensing.

Ling Yichuan, who was in the form of a demon spirit, had already flown behind Zou Xuan.

Is it time? He was anxious.

The abnormality of the grievances made him more sure of his guess, what these two people are doing here is likely to turn the game around!

Black fog falls!

Zou Xuan closed his left eye, stared at the sword blade with his intact right eye, and confirmed that it was aligned, then he gritted his teeth and pushed forward with all his strength!

Guivayous, who had lost most of his spiritual power but was still sharp, easily tore open his muscles and thoracic bones!

The blood-quenched blade stretched out from Havins' chest, and then carried his stiff body forward, and suddenly nailed to the tree!

The remains of the oak tree, which were as strong as stone, were also broken by nearly half a foot by Vaius!

Firmly nailed!

At this time, Havins was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, but after all, he was not dead, and his heart was in the chest cavity on the left side, and he was not directly pierced by this sword.

So with the last vague consciousness, he made a simple swallowing motion.


The tinder slipped down the throat and came to the wound.

Fell on the blade that pierced him.

At this time, Ling Yichuan was less than a meter away from them!

A vaguely large hand stretched out from the black mist, trying to reach out to Zou Xuan.

He had already thought about it, and the next moment, he would lift the demon spirit form, and then drag the priest back!

But it was too late.

The seven-pointed star magic array that was constantly squirming and changing behind Havins suddenly stopped.

In an instant!

The holy light, which was a hundred times a thousand times stronger than the skill of Priest 1, used Havinth's body as a medium to burst in this filthy and blasphemous demon territory!

The black fog that should have been unselectable and inaccessible was instantly dispelled by the strong holy light like a nuclear bomb explosion!

At a much faster speed than when it came, it flew out upside down!

Because the 'Holy Light' is an absolute restraint type attack.

Especially this one.

It really comes from heaven.

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