
In the operator room of Quentin's bakery, there is a fireplace that looks out of place.

The green flames were burning quietly above the teleportation array.

The green flame that is not hot, but the only light in the bakery.

Suddenly, the flames rose and the Christmas devil came out of it.

He stopped and quietly observed the environment.

Here he just came not so long ago and executed 'lawyers' and 'thieves'... The aluminum basin on the countertop when he left, and the bottles and jars containing all kinds of gingerbread man ingredients, were still in place, untouched.

Ling Yichuan walked forward slowly, and the demon eye with excellent night vision was also constantly scanning the surroundings.

Seem...... No trace of anyone coming in.

But the white light just now can't be that he saw it wrong.

The pastor must have been here.

Did he realize that he was exposed, so he had already fled? Or .

. Hided?

The cross-eyed sheep eye, which was exceptionally bright in the dark, swept over several kitchen equipment next to him, and finally stopped in front of the refrigerator with double doors.

This kind of refrigerator looks big, but there are partitions inside, and it stands to reason that no one can hide here except for shredded corpses.

But what if?

Maybe the priest is hiding some other skill to separate his body, or shrink?

Pale slender palm, silently holding the refrigerator handle ... Ling Yichuan also put his ear to listen to the movement inside.

There was no sound.

Then he jerked both doors open!

...... Empty.

Is it really gone?

Ling Yichuan did not dare to delay time, and hurriedly walked out of the operation room of the back kitchen, and saw that the old Quentin, who had shot his head, was still lying on the cash register, not moving.

('Heart Ghost' is a respawn and does not need to use the body of old Quentin, only part of his image)

He quickly leaves the bakery.

At the entrance of the store, the short-circuited light sign flashed red, illuminating the long-withered cedar forest more and more ghostly, and it seemed that behind every dry and thin tree corpse, there was a little mouse ready to escape at any time.

Ling Yichuan's gaze swept over, and he saw no trace of the priest.

Could it be that he still has some kind of 'hidden' skill or prop?

There were only 10 minutes left, and Ling Yichuan forcibly converged Anderson's unreliable nature by willpower, pondered for a moment, and made the most rational decision.

Right here, start your search with [Ghost Doppelganger]!

In his mind, he planned the travel route of five ghost shadows in the fan-shaped area directly ahead, and then five floating horned ghost shadows split into his body and quickly flew in these directions.

Now that it is no longer snowing on Oak Street, the street has a clear and unobstructed view, and if the priest has run back, then the two eyes he has inserted will definitely see him.

Therefore, Ling Yichuan believes that the priest is most likely still hiding around here and has not left... At least not far.

As long as he was still nearby, the five ghosts could easily spot him.

Unless he doesn't smell of 'fear' at all.

Ling Yichuan watched the five ghost figures all float towards his predetermined path, and was hesitating whether his body should also move in which direction... He suddenly found that the five ghost shadow doppelgangers had just floated out and stopped, and then they turned around and began to return the same way.

What do you mean?

The five ghost doppelgangers returned to the original point, but did not stop, but crossed where Ling Yichuan was standing and floated towards the Quentin bakery behind him.

It's getting faster and faster.

Ling Yichuan turned around, slightly stunned.

Is he still inside?

The bakery is very narrow inside, only the narrow operation room and the bread display area outside, where can the priest hide?

The ghost doppelgangers began to pass through the wall.

When penetrating walls, their speed slows down significantly.

Ling Yichuan began to watch the vision of these doppelgangers with full attention.

Unlike the Christmas Demon's 1 skill, the vision of the ghost avatar actually looks quite laborious.

[All-Seeing Eye] provides a "surveillance video" floating above the field of view, color picture, high pixel resolution, very clear;

The field of view of the ghost avatar is a translucent, blurred, black and white picture.

They are suspended around Ling Yichuan's horizon, and if they don't concentrate, they will be very blurry, and the more concentrated they are, the clearer the picture will be.

Ling Yichuan suspected that this skill had certain requirements for the absolute value of spiritual power... Unfortunately, most of the attributes of this game are hidden, and even if you suspect it, you can't find evidence, you can only rely on free heart.

The ghost doppelgangers penetrated the outer wall of the bakery and came to the exhibition area, but then they penetrated the display shelves, penetrated the partition wall, penetrated the equipment in the operation room...

Further on, it's time to wear out of the bakery.

Ling Yichuan, who was concentrating on the perspective of the ghost shadow, suddenly realized when he saw this.

Very clever, very bold!


Next to the back door of Quentin's bakery, Zou Xuan was standing against the wall, motionless.

He tried to control his breathing as much as possible without making a single sound.

As a half-old fugitive player, he knew all the skills of the Christmas Demon, and he also roughly understood the universal skills that Ling Yichuan had used before.

If there is no accident, he hides here, as long as he does not make a sound and actively exposes, he may not find himself.

Before Zou Xuan came over, he had thought of a very complete peek-a-boo plan.

This is his previous experience watching his teammates play.

Don't hide inside the bakery, but behind Quentin's bakery, even if the Christmas demon teleports over, it's hard to think that the fugitive dares to hide here.

This belongs to the blind spot of human psychology.

The two regular execution sites were originally far from Oak Street, and running here was actually very dangerous.

Because once the hunter finds it, it is difficult for the fugitive to use nearby obstacles to block the pace of the hunter's pursuit.

So running here is an unexpected act in itself.

And whenever they come here, normal players will choose to hide inside the bakery, and even hide themselves in the operation room with more equipment in some special ways.

That can increase the search cost of hunters, and it takes time to open the cabinet doors one by one.

But these are the thoughts of ordinary people, so it is easy to be discovered.

But if you hide outside the store, in an open-air environment that seems very insecure, few people can think of it - this is also an unexpected behavior.

The two unexpectedly superimposed together make the fugitive players hiding here have a particularly high survival rate.

Zou Xuan also took a scripture with that teammate at that time, asking him, what if the Christmas devil really shines in the back?

The answer given by that teammate is still fresh in his memory.

He said:

'Even if the hunter comes, he will definitely look inside the bakery first, and when he finds no one after searching, he will most likely think that he is looking in the wrong direction. At

this time, the hunter will not consciously suppress the sound of his footsteps, and you can listen well and distinguish his distance and direction. '

'If he comes out from the front, you don't need to move; If you want to come out from behind, you quietly move to the side and then card the view. '

'As long as your steps are light enough and the other party doesn't realize that you need to use reconnaissance-type skills, they won't find you... Of course, this requires a certain amount of skill and patience. So

hiding here, it's really a good choice."

And Zou Xuan also perfected that teammate's method... Even if the Christmas devil finds him, he has a plan B that allows him to retreat and escape for a while!

Very cautiously, he put a bean in his mouth and held it.

[Genetically Modified Immortal Bean]

such caution is out of respect for Ling Yichuan, and even more so for those perverted executions.

After Zou Xuan heard Ling Yichuan's footsteps stop, he already had a bad premonition.

So the moment those terrifying pale ghosts emerged from under his nose and squeezed out from the wall, he was already holding the [Mithril Cross] and the [Bible] in both hands!

The complete [exorcism set] of the priest class!

Ling Yichuan also carried out a 'transfiguration' with one of the doppelgangers the moment he saw him at the same time.

He came behind the pastor.

Without hesitation, he pointed like a knife and plunged into the back of the pastor's heart!

At this distance, the Christmas Devil chooses ordinary flat A is the optimal solution, and his sharp finger is the most damaging murder weapon.

But Zou Xuan was already moving at this time, intending to avoid the ghosts around him, so Ling Yichuan inserted the hand knife into the back of his heart in the process of his turning... As a result, the landing point is a little off.

The clothes and flesh and blood were easily torn apart by the sharp fingers, but Ling Yichuan felt that his fingers touched the bones.

A slight pause.


This cry is both an exclamation and a cry of pain.

Four eyes opposite.

Ling Yichuan slammed his strength, and the entire palm almost stuffed into his stomach from the priest's left rib!

Zou Xuan seemed to see his grandmother at that moment... There is also a system prompt:

[You have been fatally hit!] 【

Health -44%】

【If you don't stop the bleeding and stop the injury in time, your health will continue to decrease! 】

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