
Entering the mode selection interface, Ling Yichuan selected [1V4 Asymmetric Confrontation] [Hunter Camp] as always,

and then entered the exciting selection link.

Just like entering some kind of male model club selling weird and bloody, the six hunter characters who had just dined at home came out of the dispersed red mist and put on their own signboard Pose

Ling Yichuan is now intimate with these personalities, and they are extremely familiar.

He wanted to make a joke and say to them:

change the batch.

As a result, before he could speak, the game system seemed to have heard his heart, and the perspective of the selection interface automatically adjusted and shifted to the left direction.

The six hunters who had already fused were squeezed to the right... Squeeze outside the selection screen.

In the red mist on this side, four hunters with different styles are slowly approaching in their own unique moving postures.

There were men and women among the four, and the height difference was extremely high....

Among them, there was a giant hunter dragging a heavy sword, obviously much higher than the other three hunters, even if he hadn't shown his face, Ling Yichuan could feel an indescribable sense of immense oppression.

They came closer, seeing that they were about to walk out of the red mist, but they stopped one after another, did not fade the last layer of seemingly thin red fog, and maintained the mystery and weirdness of holding the pipa half-covered.

Hey, really changed a batch for me... Ling Yichuan was very amused and substituted for the VIP of the clubhouse.

In fact, he knew very well that he could always turn his perspective around, and he didn't need to "light up" all six hunters of the basic and advanced models.

Midnight Nightmare is a game that does not have too high requirements for buying hunter characters themselves.

Just save enough skill values.

Ling Yichuan tried to switch the perspective of two sets of hunters, one left and the other right, very silky.

He found that the position of these two killers was in a kind of corner, not standing face to face.

Then the last two nightmare-level hunters should be standing behind them.

With strong willpower, Ling Yichuan was stunned and did not adjust his perspective to see the silhouettes of the last two hunters in the red mist...

He wanted to leave himself with a little more surprise.

Turning his perspective back, he began to observe the new batch of high-level hunters.

The system was very quiet, without any prompts, only the red mist in front of him was quietly diffused, which made Ling Yichuan feel quite immersed.

He loves the selection process!

Look at the first person on the left.

It was a seductive female hunter, with long hair fluttering and wriggling like gravity, like a thin snake wrapped around it, which was easily reminiscent of the banshee Medusa in ancient Greek mythology.

As soon as he saw the silhouette of the character, Ling Yichuan knew who she was.

Rotten fallen angel – Eve. Aeronix.

Because of his appearance and figure, there are few hunters with such high appearance... Huang Shujun shouted yesterday to "play" her.

The second hunter is a weirdo wearing big-toed shoes and pulling balloons from several human heads.

He constantly owes over, heels on the ground, tiptoes up, making inviting gestures, and from time to time he tilts his head and beckons.

Standing between these relatively steady hunter characters, he looks like a patient with ADHD.

Ling Yichuan rarely saw discussions about this hunter on the forum.

He seems to be called... Laughing maniacal clowns?

The third hunter was an unusually strong giant in the flesh, dragging a heavy sword at least two meters long in his hand.

There seems to be no head on his shoulder, replaced by a circular suspension much larger than the skull.

The thing was moving all the time, but through the red fog, it was impossible to see what it was.

The epee giant is the most oppressive one of the hunters in this group.

Because visually, the most fragile and slender part of the human body is the neck, and intellectually, the most important organ is the brain... And he didn't.

There are no weaknesses or flaws in the body.

Just looking at his red mist silhouette makes people feel a despair that is difficult to overcome.

Fourth place....

It's a child.


At most, girls in kindergarten.

Looking at the silhouette of the figure, no one can associate such a delicate girl holding a rag doll and hiding behind timidly with a dangerous hunter.


Looking at them, Ling Yichuan was slightly entangled.

At least in the country, the high-level hunters at this stage already have few people to play, and there is not much relevant information about them on the forum.

Who to choose first?

After struggling for a while, he finally decided that he would come in order!

He chose the first one first.

[It takes 300 skill points to unlock the 'Rotten Fallen Angel', is it unlocked?] ]

Ling Yichuan's skill points have always been so many that they overflowed, and he chose [Yes] [You have

consumed 300 skill points] without distress. 【Hunter

'Rotten Fallen Angel' has been unlocked! ]

She slowly came out of the red mist and revealed her true face.

Ling Yichuan was slightly moved.

When he was hiding in the fog, he didn't see clearly, and now the fallen angel turned slightly sideways, and Ling Yichuan saw that there was really a pair of broken white flesh wings behind this female hunter.

It is like the wings of a chick that has not yet given birth to feathers, which have been cut off alive and are dripping green blood.

As we all know, blood is meant to be green!

But in Midnight Nightmare, the role of green blood is rare, and Ling Yichuan, who does not know its background information, estimates that this fallen angel is most likely not human.

Excluding the fluttering "snake hair" and the broken wings on her back, she looks ninety percent similar to ordinary humans, except that she is more beautiful and stiffer.

Eve is like a jade figure carved in jade, with beautiful facial features and a superb figure, but perhaps because she is too pale and bloodless, her pupils, lips and skin are almost snow-white.

Deep inside the skin, there is a strange green color.

She wore a tights stained with splattered blood spots and mildew, outlining the overly perfect curves of her body extremely clearly, terrifying and colorful.

Ling Yichuan likes Eve's hair the most... When the red mist faded, he finally saw what Eve's flowing and wriggling hair was!

Not snake hair, but octopus tentacles with dense suckers!

Extremely slender, pale octopus tentacles!

Ling Yichuan saw things and thought, his eyes were gentle, "Alas... I don't know what happened to Lulu after he got out of trouble.

"I haven't contacted her for a long time..." Originally

, he was going to merge with a female hunter, and he still had a little bit of psychological mustard, but now when he saw it, he suddenly liked the fallen angel.

Wanguan class secretary is also excellent.

He shook his head for a moment, and found that the fallen angel had changed his expression.

She was putting on an exaggerated robot-like smile, showing eight white teeth, her eyes looking at herself without blinking, and she waved quietly.

If ordinary people see this scene, they are afraid that they will be uncomfortable by the uncanny valley effect... A rotten fallen angel, like a humanoid monster that is learning human expressions!

But Ling Yichuan was very happy.

He vaguely felt... This female hunter seems to have some kind of intimate relationship with Cthulhu.

It's not good... Could she be a doppelganger of Lulu?

Thinking of this, Ling Yichuan couldn't wait even more.

To love her, to be with her!

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