judging by the number of heads, it can be seen that there are 8 C-class security personnel here.

so many people, none of the weapons they carry are intact.

but Ling Yichuan clearly remembers that "herself" did not destroy these weapons at that time, she only cared about killing people....

dog planning, blind JB change, not a piece of equipment for me!

Ling Yichuan silently scolded in his heart.

but not without gain.

Half of a filthy ID card is revealed under a mutilated torso wrapped in protective clothing.

pull it out, the system gives a prompt:

[This is an ID card for C-level personnel, which has been authorized by elevators on all floors of the base. <

p idx="9">Well, pass.

Ling Yichuan skillfully pulled down the zipper and clamped it.

the feeling of using a female character for the first time... Very good.

the elevator to L3 is on the left in front of him, but Ling Yichuan did not rush up, but continued the previous self-harm operation while continuing to detour L4 along the circular corridor.

she wanted to try to turn this place into a poison zone, and also wanted to see if the rest of this level would stimulate Eve's spirit... She needs to recover more memories.

Ling Yichuan stopped when he passed another containment room.

as can be seen from the gap distance of the wall, the containment rooms here are exactly the same size.

the display is closed and the heavy hatches are tightly closed.

but most containment rooms have a circular viewing window with a baffle that can be opened on the hatch

it seems that only the hatch of the 4-3 containment room behind him is completely closed, there is no observation window, and everything else, including the room of the rotting angel himself.

In her memory, Eve never had a chance to see other "fellow inmates" every time she followed D-class personnel through these containment cells.

Ling Yichuan walked over, opened the observation window, and peeked inside.

there was no light on inside, it was dark, but she saw at a glance the "people" being held inside.

because that person is a self-glowing dark red shadow.

I saw that within the "cell", there was a smaller cell... It was a round cage in the center of the containment room, like a Faraday cage, but it was clearly not.

This cage has only the steel frame main reinforcement and no shielding net covering the steel frame.

a translucent dark red humanoid phantom walking around inside, fidgeting.


this is Ling Yichuan's first reaction.

the dark red shadow in the cage also saw her at this time, and her emotions seemed to become very excited all of a sudden, desperately trying to rush out!

Ling Yichuan could barely see the appearance of the shadow - a curly-haired little boy with a long face.

look at the facial features, like the Dravidian race. (A branch of the Indian race)

thin, malnourished, unclothed, "hanging".

round iron cage has a huge gap, it should not be able to control such a small child, let alone a ghost... He did come out all of a sudden.

but there seemed to be an inexplicable force in the cage that dragged him, and the red light behind the shadow was stretched, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out.

moments later, he was dragged back into the cage again.

dark red phantom suddenly went crazy, and an orange-red fire instantly erupted from him!

I don't know what the principle is, the round iron cage that bound him also restrained this flame that came out of thin air, and gathered it in it.

flame expands several degrees, contracts several degrees, and the circular iron cage turns into a huge fireball... Miniature sun.

Ling Yichuan's pale eyes reflected the firelight, and silently took a step back.

system prompts: [You don't know what the containment inside is, but you feel a great threat... Don't let him out! 】<

p idx="40"> with just one glance, Gao Play Ling Yichuan understood everything.

This is a quest boss and exists to target hunters.

Rotten angel fears fire, and inside is actually a fire "ghost"....

it's better to go back and find a way to kill him in advance... Ling Yichuan thought silently.

this is the first time he has encountered this kind of replica map that hunters are unfamiliar with, fortunately, the memory puzzle of the rotten angel can be retrieved, and Eve's intelligence itself is relatively high.

if the amnesiac Debuff encounters a brain like a butcher, it will be completely finished.

sensing that the butcher wanted to speak, Ling Yichuan sewed his mouth up in advance.

continue to reach the last containment room in L4.

rotten angel stopped and froze on the spot.

The thread paint on the walls of this containment room is not orange three horizontal bars, but yellow two horizontal bars, which obviously do not belong to this floor.

the hatch is still open, and the position of the door lock has been corroded into a large hole, with copper-green bubbling and rust on the edge.

at first glance, it looks like a metal door with dirty diseases and many genital warts.

Ling Yichuan walked over and first looked at the code on the hatch.

3-3... L3's....

containment room upstairs?

Ling Yichuan immediately confirmed his previous guess that the containment room in the base was not fixed, but an independent module that could be moved!

the containment room here is the real elevator!

as long as she can find a way to start, she can maneuver to any layer except L5 or even anywhere in the base!

Ling Yichuan walked into this containment room 3-3.

Inside the oval room of the same specification, the same lights are not turned on, and with the dim red light shining in the corridor, you can see that the room is unusually simple....

not only no toilet, not even a bed.

In the middle of the oval-shaped containment chamber 61" ,="" only="" a="" half-human-tall="" black="" box="" was="" placed,="" and="" the="" lid="" had="" been="" opened="" thrown="" aside.="" <="" p="">

Ling Yichuan walked over and saw that the black box was filled with colorless liquid, and there was a round groove at the bottom.

system: [It seems that there was something in it, but it is missing]

"64"> you say Nima nonsense... Ling Yichuan just wanted to complain, but suddenly felt his mind swell, and the black box in front of him began to flicker, as if he saw a semi-mechanical pink brain lying steadily inside the groove of the black box!

Eve's memory is triggered again!

she remembered!

At that time, after "myself" killed the group of people outside, I got the ID card and came to L3 smoothly

she wanted to continue up, but suddenly several thick gates fell in the corridor, temporarily closing her.

should be the emergency plan in the containment base.

The previous incident happened suddenly, and the personnel in charge of monitoring in the control center were estimated to have an accident, and now someone has filled the vacancy.

Eve was closed between the two gates.

The body of the decaying angel has various exotic flora, including sulfate reducing bacteria and sulfur oxidizing bacteria that can corrode metals.

but corrosion takes time, the gate is too thick, she has to try again, stretching out her spiritual tentacles to explore upward, wanting to invade the consciousness of the employees of the base and find the one who has the authority to open the door....

Of course, even a rotten angel who did not get stabbed would take a long time to do this.

but she didn't expect that she had some spiritual tentacles and accidentally entered the No. 3-3 containment room next to her....

a strange spirit that was linked to her.

the other party seems to be friendly, he tells Eve that he is being held in Holding Rooms 3-3, as long as he gets him out, he can help open the floodgates, and even help Eve go directly to L1!

Eve after a brief consideration confirmed that the hatch of the containment room was relatively thin and could be engaged, and she helped the containment inside break through the containment....

which is a cyborg brain locked in a black box.

"So it is... So it was... Afterward...... Afterward...... Ah..." Ling Yichuan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his brain!

this memory is like a breach on the embankment, and after it is completely opened, a huge torrent of memories will rush in from here!

the amount is large and fierce, and the blocking memory is completely broken in an instant!

Ling Yichuan couldn't help but close his eyes, his brows furrowed, enduring the brain swelling and tingling caused by the return of a large number of memories....

I don't know how long it took.

the rotten fallen angel reopened his jade-like eyes... All the confusion and chaos in his eyes were completely swept away.

the corners of her mouth hooked a sharp angle, and she looked up, as if her gaze had penetrated the ceiling of the containment room, penetrated every floor of this base.


"I'm all... Come to think of it. "

"hee-hee... None of you can run away... Sister, this is coming to you..." <

p idx="90"> with an unnatural smile, Eve's eyes instantly deepened, like a layer of black fog on jade.

the dark red lights in the corridor on the 4th floor began to flash continuously, and then suddenly went out.

2 skills of the Rotting Angel - [Deep Sea Touch].

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