Qifei relies on his own not strong willpower, trying to restrain the distorted and unacceptable desire, and focuses on the map.

is actually called a map, but it is just their habit.

to be precise, several very professional engineering and architectural drawings are displayed on the big screen.

there are both elevations of the overall design of the site, as well as structural sections and plans.

"It's too professional, this is also..." Qiu Qifei couldn't help but sigh.

this game is done too seriously!

perverted though! But the quality is really high! Unbeatable fullness in details!

As the captain said, after he stared at it for five seconds, these electronic drawings showed that they were successfully included, and they were overlapped and shrunk below the status bar.

these drawings will be unfolded in the field of view as soon as the idea is aroused, and can be zoomed in and out, with various notes on them.

which is very clear at first glance.

"Captain, this map is kind of interesting."

Qiu Qifei marveled: "It has five layers inside, layer by layer is down, the further down, the smaller the area, but the higher the risk level... The façade of the base is actually in the shape of a pyramid, hey, it's an upside-down pyramid, interesting. <

p idx="12"> Shi Youcheng couldn't help but look at him more: "I remember that you are a graduate student of Dalian Institute of Technology, right?" What major? Is it structural engineering or something? "

Qiu Qifei shook his head: "Electronic information engineering..." IDX="14"> "Then you understand so?"

" plus notes, these diagrams are clear enough that fools can understand them!"

Shi Youcheng's old face was red, a little unhappy.

he had just looked at it for a long time before realizing that the containment room might move... Suddenly, he saw three exclamation marks on Qiu Qifei's head, and his face changed.

"Dangerous?" Shi Youcheng drew his sword and unsheathed it, throwing it back into the equipment slot, holding the sword in both hands.

Qiu Qifei's expression was also slightly cold, "He's coming." "

the five senses of the 'special forces' are quite high, and after a little concentration, you can clearly hear the voice of the hunter.

after the short encounter just now, he was frightened by the rotten angel, and Qiu Qifei had become a little concerned and more attentive.

Shi Youcheng also listened intently, but he was now hanging a 'hearing loss' Debuff, and it took two seconds before he heard a slight movement.

not footsteps, there are almost no footsteps of those coming... But the other side is making two very disturbing sounds.

a movement similar to the movement of paper being cut by a sharp object, and the other is the sound of deep, long breathing.

two sounds are superimposed and disturbing.

"uh... Ho...... Belch...... Ho..."

Qiu Qifei looked very nervous, Shi Youcheng was also a little uncomfortable, he rarely felt the oppression of the killer approaching... It feels like the other person is doing it on purpose!

walking normally, where is there such a big movement?

"You're not in good shape, go first, go over there."

Shi Youcheng pointed to the direction he came: "Go to Area C to open the map, I will stay here to sneak around him, and see if I can trick him out of a few skills with the minimum cost." "

the so-called high-ranking artist is bold, and Shi Youcheng often does this, deliberately showing his vision and letting the hunters chase him.

sometimes, it is simply to play a seemingly fierce and terrifying hunter, playing with excitement and heartbeat; Sometimes, you really want to cheat skills and consume a wave.

this time he has a third purpose.

Facing a hunter who has never been in contact with him, Shi Youcheng must figure out as soon as possible what the other party's four exclusive skills are.

otherwise it is easy to suffer losses in the later stage.

In fact, this kind of thing could have been solved by looking at the hunter's skill introduction on the official website in advance, but the self-proclaimed undefeated human emperor player is more inclined to test it with his head in the game.

he was excited to meet a hunter he had never met! That means there's something new to explore in the game!

nothing else, just excitement, eh, just play!

"Okay, captain, be careful, this Ling Yichuan seems to be quite insidious."

Qifei kindly reminded.

"Well, I know, go ahead." Shi Youcheng waved his hand, somehow, he always felt that this guy of the night lord looked at him strangely.

how special tenderness....

Qiu Qifei took a deep breath, reluctantly withdrew his gaze, lowered his head, and rushed out.

Rotten Angel has not yet arrived.

he walked like a fly and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.

the sound of breathing is getting closer, getting closer.

"uh... Ho...... Belch...... Ho..."<

p idx="48"> Shi Youcheng stood by the wall against the door, next to a pool of fishy blood, he forced himself to endure the discomfort in his heart, calmly waited.

he calculates its approximate location while listening to the sound of the decaying angel's breathing.


let him go for another three seconds.




Shi Youcheng rushed out, he ran to the right-hand side, that is, the direction where Qiu Qi flew, and then seemed to have no intention of turning back, and looked at the rotten angel.

his plan is simple.

pretending to have just heard the movement, he hurriedly ran out of the control center, making the hunter think that he was an easy target to catch.

look at this to confirm the distance.

he will control the distance so that the hunter thinks he can catch him, but in fact he can't, and then he becomes angry and throws his skills around.

the imagination is very beautiful, Shi Youcheng has been so practical in the past, the success rate is not to say 100%, eighty percent is still there.

at least complete a wave of consumption and make the killer's blood pressure soar.

high-end game, it is also very important to engage in mentality, and details determine success or failure!

Unfortunately, he did not expect that his every move was monitored by a pink brain.

Ling Yichuan knew that he was in it and had been prepared.

So, when Shi Youcheng turned back contrivedly and looked at the winged angel at the end of the corridor, he suddenly found himself out of control!

the eyes of the fallen angel were like swirls, instantly sucking his consciousness in!

the pale and godless eyes of the rotten angel suddenly enlarged!

as if he suddenly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and ghostly brought a pair of eyes to himself!

Under the dim red light, the hunter's eyes seem to become two mirrors reflecting the subconscious, in which he sees the fear in his heart!

he saw himself in rags, he saw the poisonous sores of dirty diseases crawling all over his body, maggots coming out of his eye sockets....

he saw himself dead, dying on a cold winter day, like an insignificant beggar, surrounded by pedestrians, but no one cared about him.

there is no sense of presence.

[You have been marked by a hunter. 】<

p idx="74"> Shi Youcheng's mentality was engaged, and the movement was slightly unbalanced, and he jumped a little.

he was shocked!

Rotten Angel is not far from him, and he knows that this distance is absolutely impossible to fail! Otherwise, the other party can use a displacement skill casually, and they can immediately approach and attack!

the moment his body tilted, he swung his sword too cautiously and split a [Thunder Technique

] [Energy value -6%]

blazing white current, directly hit the open space in front of Ling Yichuan, without hitting anyone.

he played in advance, but he didn't expect Ling Yichuan to move at all.

Shi Youcheng adjusted his body balance and sprinted forward for a distance, and Yu Guang glimpsed that the hunter did not chase him, and stopped suspiciously....

Looking at the rotten angel that triggered the fluttering from a distance, a thought flashed in Shi Youcheng's mind.

she has a network card?

why don't you chase me?

Suddenly, the rotten angel flicked his arm and ran quickly towards the target in a very incongruous gesture of hands and feet!

while also emitting seeping laughter: "Hee-hee..."

"87"> groove... Shi Youcheng was so frightened that he turned his head and ran!

he feels that the ghost in front of him is not the same as other players who use ghosts... What exactly is different, I can't say for a while.

it's pretty frightening!

just like that, they chased and fled, but they didn't use the displacement skill.

when they ran away one after the other, the PLO-125, hidden in the distance, slowly "swam" over and swam into the control center.

[Story mission completed!] 】<

p idx="93"> In the process of Ling Yichuan's fake chase, the system sent a notification: > [PLO-125 has successfully entered the control center and connected to the power supply! 】

[PLO-125, who has obtained sufficient power again, released his spiritual power in range, and found you... Since you have already established a spiritual link with him, you can now make a long-term connection with him again with a small mental power expenditure. <

p idx="96"> [Yes/No] "97"> the godless eyes of the rotten angel lit up briefly.

she chooses [Yes]

"99">'Shiz... '

a faint sound of radio waves rang in my head, and a moment later, PLO-125 spoke: 'Is it connected?' Hey, can I receive my brain waves? Can it be decoded? '

' can. Eve is like gold.

'Great. PLO-125 continued: 'I can see you in surveillance now... Intruders are running from the staff canteen to the refrigerated room. '

'...'Ling Yichuan really can't see the target now, although that Taoist priest is fat, he runs really fast.

she just kept running with the footprints.

the 'prey mark' left after being hit by 'fear hypnosis'.

she was just pretending, intending to scare people away, drive away, and then return to the control center to confirm the charging of the PLO-125 and discuss how to cooperate later.

now the latter actually took the initiative to have a lasting and stable spiritual link with himself, and at the same time mobilized monitoring to help him chase people... So...

should you just fake the show?

Ling Yichuan glanced at his physical strength, and there was still 91%, which basically did not drop.

It seems that in the demon monk copy, the 120 permanent stamina points she received from the pig demon are still not diluted by the level increase, and the stamina consumption of the rotten angel will be particularly slow.

what does this mean?

which means...

she can keep chasing.

like maggots appendages, like shadows.

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