a long experimental report....

Shi Youcheng is actually a person who does not have much patience, but due to the "curiosity" that has been abnormally increased, he is eager to read the report this time.

his face soothed a little, but then his brows furrowed again.

the experimental objectives mentioned in the report... It should be the rotten fallen angel of the hunter, right?

And then? What is the significance of this report here?

purely to enrich the backstory?

Shi Youcheng crumpled it into a paper ball and threw it aside with a little irritation.

'intellectual curiosity' this Debuff still affects him... He now has more curiosity ticked out.

Why do sleep deprivation experiments on rotting angels? Want to make her miserable? So can't electric shocks? Isn't waterboarding okay? Find a few big guys to put her... Can't you?

why do I have to not let me sleep?

what is the mental intensity rating? Level VIII means level 8, so is level 10 a full level? There must be a higher level, I don't know what the mental strength of level 10 can do...

Also, what do the four words [data deletion] mean? What is hidden here? Whose genes does the rotten angel really have?

Shi Youcheng, who is too curious for knowledge, is like a silver baby who is eager to fill himself, eager to get more "knowledge" to fill himself.

which is really uncomfortable.

same as a drug addiction attack.

In fact, the information prompted by this report reveals the strongest 2 skills of the Rotten Angel, which is very useful information for players who do not know this hunter.

unfortunately Shi Youcheng did not understand.

"Whew... Ho..." The sound of a long breath came from outside the door again.

Shi Youcheng:!!

how can this crazy woman not be ghosted!

SAN value has dropped too much in a short period of time, and Shi Youcheng's sanity has been clearly affected.

although he did not know Ling Yichuan, when he saw this name before, he tacitly assumed that the other party was a boy in his heart.

but now his subconscious has reversed this idea, and has tacitly accepted that Ling Yichuan is a female player.

and the effects of 'trance' do not stop there.

the breathing sound Shi Youcheng heard, as if amplified by a loudspeaker, with reverberation and echoes, repeatedly buzzing in his cochlea.

"Whew... Ho..."

"whew... Ho..."

"whew... Huh..."

and finally turned into the sly laughter of women far and near.

The scene in front of you is slightly distorted and somewhat distorted, and the picture seems to have undergone "three-shaded two" processing, processing the 3D picture into a 2D plane with obvious thick black lines.

Shi Youcheng quickly gave himself two ear scrapers and shook his head vigorously!

This visual and auditory hallucinations are not too scary, but they are also very troublesome.

auditory hallucinations make it impossible for him to accurately judge the distance of the decaying angel;

Vision will make him lose depth, and it is easy to hit the wall once he runs fast!

realizing that the situation was not good, Shi Youcheng finally began to ask for help.

he ran out and pressed the headset's call button: "Where are you!" "

when he left the office center, he was ready to use the imperial sword technique to repel the hunter, so as soon as he stepped out, he looked at the source of the sound of breathing like electricity, intending to fly out of his hand!

but he didn't see anyone.

corridor is empty.

is the sound of breathing at the beginning... Also my auditory hallucinations?

Shi Youcheng can't help but doubt himself.

but he soon noticed that a dozen meters away, there was a square exhaust port fence in the corridor.

inside the ceiling above the head, there was a crawling sound.

she went into the exhaust pipe again?!

Shi Youcheng's eyes widened, and instinctively began to run away!

he escapes below, and Ling Yichuan crawls on it - the rotten angel is particularly comfortable in the dark, with both limbs and tentacles, and the crawling posture is quite ghostly, but the speed is extremely fast!

a reply from a teammate came from the headset: "I'm the 'Night Lord', I've met with the old pervert, we're in L2... Are you confused? "

Shi Youcheng is worthy of being a player of the 4th level of spiritual talent, and he still maintains a considerable thinking ability at this moment, "Didn't you let you act separately... Did Five-Nine not go down? <

p idx="48"> he guessed the arrangement of 'medical examiner' Lin Jiajun.

This kid has always been yang and yin, does not like to completely obey the arrangement, likes to be clever, and has been like this several times before.

once he lets them run, he likes to leave Five-Nine as a backup rescuer, saving himself from this overconfident captain.

this time is it also....

sure enough, the 'medical examiner' spoke: "Captain, I think you may not be able to cope alone, so let Wujiu wait at the birth point, he can support at any time now." <

p idx="53"> If it is usual, Shi Youcheng will definitely be angry when he hears this, because he will feel that his authority has been challenged and provoked!

but at this time, he almost cried with emotion!

O loyalty!

"Captain, where are you!" I'll come right away! Five-nine shouted.

Shi Youcheng's eyes seemed to have hallucinated again, this time even more ruthlessly, he seemed to have seen his loyal liang rush to the horse, a shield crashed into the rotten angel, and then knelt down and hugged his fist, shouting sonorously and forcefully:

"58"> 'The emperor forgives sins, Weichen is late to help!'" '

L1 is very large, but five and nine are in the storage and transfer department located in the center point, and it is a matter of more than ten seconds to rush over at full speed!

Shi Youcheng shouted: "I just came out of the office center in Area C and am running to Area A!" I met the main road in Area A, which is the thickest road! "

Wujiu is not nonsense: "Good! <

p idx="62"> he almost burst into tears.

Lao Tzu is saved!

Shi Youcheng regrets it now, he feels that he has made a lot of mistakes and stepped on several pits, which will cause his state to be worn out.

if you leave the control center without looking at it....

if I had discovered the [footprints] of the abnormal status bar earlier....

if you just feel something wrong in the refrigerator, you will run away....

system alarm: [Your stamina value has fallen below 30%!] Enter a 'moderate fatigue' state! <

p idx="69"> Shi Youcheng's escape speed slowed down.

a little out of breath.

ghost... It should be almost to the limit, right? He couldn't help but compare his heart to his heart.

Most killers have better stamina than humans, but that is, among the boys, the ones that are usually wilder in appearance have higher stamina, while those who look more Sven have lower stamina.

Rotten Angel is a thin female hunter... At first glance, it is the long-distance running weak chicken.

Shi Youcheng focused his attention on his ears, wanting to hear the relative distance between the other person and himself.

Level 11 Taoist physique is far beyond ordinary people, once the spirit is concentrated on a certain sense, the corresponding senses are greatly enlarged.

is not a skill, it is like a skill.

his ear pinnae moved, like a martial arts master.

"Snap, click..." In the ventilation duct, it was like a rainstorm beating, and the sound of crawling was dense.

distance is probably in....

Shi Youcheng's face changed!

he suspects that he has auditory hallucinations again!

how could rotten angels climb so fast in the ventilation ducts? Already climbed above my head!

he didn't stop and suddenly looked up!

above the ventilation duct, there are several obvious bulges!

At this time, the relative positions of Ling Yichuan and Shi Youcheng are very close.

Shi Youcheng's first reaction at the moment was unbelievable.

one runs, one climbs, can the running be caught up by the climber?

When did the hunter move so fast?

this is the opposite of heaven!

his second reaction is anger.

was chased all the way by the hunters, scared all the way, seeing that the rescue was about to arrive, Shi Youcheng was depressed and needed a catharsis!

now is the best chance!

he stared coldly at the upper ventilation pipe, aimed at the position, jumped up, and stabbed his sword into the ventilation duct!

even if you can't kill the hunter, it's good to let her know that it hurts!

this is an irrational act of retaliation and anger, but it is also human nature.

After a soft sound , Shi Youcheng drew his sword and landed, his face was slightly heavy, and he knew that this sword was empty just by the feeling of his hand.

Why... She obviously can't see me, why does she seem to know my every move?

Shi Youcheng does not understand!

he did not understand how the blind man crawling in the ventilation duct dodged this sword;

I don't understand how I exposed my position after erasing [footprints]!

at this time, Shi Youcheng suddenly realized something.

he looks at the two monitoring probes at the top of the passage ahead, with a green light.

"Looking at my... Is it surveillance? "

hunters can see the surveillance??

"Zi-" The shrill sound of metal cutting sounded overhead.

metal ventilation ducts and plastic steel ceilings covering them are cut by a not-sharp axe blade.

this sound is very harsh, which makes Shi Youcheng a little stressed.

the SAN value dropped two more points.

suddenly, his eyelids began to sink, and his head began to feel dizzy... Sleepiness hits like a tsunami, unstoppable!

Shi Youcheng's fat body shook, and then suddenly fell.

fear hypnosis took effect.

[Name: Fear Hypnosis

] [Type: Control skill (general)]

[Level: D-level]


Release the skill at the moment of eye contact, and the deep fear of the target will be presented in the pupils.

Once the skill is released, the target will be marked and the hypnotist will easily find its location.

if the target's SAN drop by more than 50% over the next 10 minutes, the target will immediately go to sleep.

sleep time is 5 minutes. 】<

p idx="119"> (in order to reduce the number of water words, part of the review can be obtained) "120"> and so on Ling Yichuan violently tore the ventilation duct and ceiling, and when he jumped down, he was stunned to see that the fat Taoist priest he was chasing was already lying on the ground and slept with the sound of a pig.

she was stunned.

"So fast?"

"I haven't... Enough play..."<

p idx="124"> Ling Yichuan is both glad and regretful.

the reason why he has been chasing and intimidating Shi Youcheng instead of attacking is indeed to stimulate the effect of 'fear hypnosis'.

only by making this fat man fall off quickly enough can he fall asleep and enter his dreams.

From the beginning of the game, Ling Yichuan saw that the other party was a team, and she had already thought that she had to grab a living mouth so that she could get the complete information of the four people.

he originally followed the footprints, and then the footprints were erased by the other party in an unknown way, so he followed the brain's prompts.

PLO-125 sits in the center with a wide view, and as long as the fugitive does not realize that surveillance must be disrupted, he can fully grasp their whereabouts.

physical strength is enough, and foreign aid provides real-time vision, Ling Yichuan has never fought such a rich battle, she can fully meet the evil taste of Eve's personality, like a ghostly female ghost, always behind Shi Youcheng, not to scare him into mental disorder is not finished.

I didn't expect his SAN value to drop so quickly....

"forget it."

Ling Yichuan walked over and pulled up one of Shi Youcheng's legs, intending to drag the fat man.

"My execution point... Where should it be? "

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