"beasts! She's just a tomato! Lin Jiajun scolded angrily!

forensic player now raises his right hand with a straight face, his palm is grasping, and his five fingers are slowly tightened with difficulty.

ahead, the suspended Qiu Qifei, his face began to turn red, and the mechanical exoskeleton covered by his body also made an overwhelmed crunching sound.

as if grasped by a large, invisible hand.


p idx="4"> [Name: Grip of Mindfulness] [Type: Control/Attack Skill (General)

] [Level: C-level]


Condense the powerful mental power into a strong hand that extends out, so as to subtle control the mental power, and can exert precise operations.

maximum attack range, cannot exceed 8 meters. 】

[Learning requirements: Spell talent level 3; Spiritual Talent 3 Order

] [consumption: 300 energy points]

[duration: 5 seconds]

[cooldown: 3 minutes]

[Note: It is always said that human beings have lost their fangs and claws in biological evolution and have no offensive weapons....

they don't know that a palm that can perform precision micromanipulation is actually a creature plug-in that can be compatible with all weapons.

see how many verbs there are with hands.

break, take, pinch, g, climb, worship, fist, qing, 挲, 搫, 挙, 掱, 挊....

reign of the terrifying Homo erectus, starting with the hand! <

p idx="18"> Lin Jiajun's skills are basically simple and easy to use.

the same is true of this [Grip of Mind], the main use of this skill is to make up for the shortcomings of the forensic scalpel attack range.

I didn't expect it to be used on teammates.

"Aaa Let me go!! I'm going to blackmail her! "

Qiu Qifei struggled, Lin Jiajun's right arm trembled so badly, he had to grab his right arm with his left hand, trying to control the big hand that only he could see, and at the same time shouted anxiously:

"23" > "Captain!"

Shi Youcheng still can't see where he is, the little brother is obviously hiding some serious negative state and did not say.

now completely out of control!

so what you have to do is help him suppress it!

he walked towards the two without a word, a bright red and yellow aura was born under his feet, spinning and expanding rapidly, encompassing both teammates.

which is the title skill [Aura of Courage] attached to Shi Youcheng's title [Dragon Slayer Knight]

> its main function is actually used to improve the team's 'fighting intent', increase the multi-attribute amplitude, increase the effect of the skill, and restore part of the SAN value....

secondary role is to suppress the negative state.

and now Shi Youcheng has no other way but to kill chickens with a cow knife, relying on the secondary role of [Aura of Courage] to suppress Qifei's excessive and exhilarating desires.

the enlarged aura quickly disappeared, but under everyone's feet, a small halo appeared.

warm light also lit up in their pupils at the same time.

Behind all the negative states of Qiu Qifei, the word (suppression) appears.

he finally lowered his head, the blood in his eyes faded, and he no longer struggled, and his face showed three points of dazedness and seven points of embarrassment.

5 seconds passed, grabbed his mental power and dissipated, Qiu Qifei landed steadily, and his first reaction was to look at Miss Tomato who was sitting on the ground, but this time he restrained his impulse.

"What the hell is going on?!" Lin Jiajun pushed him angrily.

Qiu Qifei swallowed his spit weakly, looked at the captain with a serious face, and looked at the strange suit man who was not far away, always facing away from them, and the long-legged tomato woman who slowly stood up on the buttresses and secretly retreated, always feeling that this face was extremely absurd.

"These two containments should not be aggressive."

Shi Youcheng said solemnly: "Quickly explain your problem, don't waste time!" idx="41"> Qiu Qifei said: "Hey! I have two side effects, one is 'appetite' and the other is 'lust', the latter one I am embarrassed to say..." <

p idx="42"> "How can it be so serious?"

Shi Youcheng didn't understand: "The side effects of Banlangen are at most a bit of a disturbing effect, you see I also have the problem of 'curiosity'... It's not out of control, how do you..." <

p idx="44"> Qiu Qifei scratched his head: "Probably influenced by 'spiritual pollution'?" Debuff left by the Rotten Angel's Spirit Attack Skill..."<

p idx="45"> "Then why didn't your 'appetite' react so much?" Lin Jiajun looked unconvinced, and felt that this product was an old color batch, playing on the topic, and calculating it.

Qiu Qifei frowned and pondered, "First of all, I just ate, and secondly... The bacterial infection has always made my stomach a little uncomfortable, probably restraining my appetite..."<

p idx="47"> everyone roughly found the answer to the question.

"Let's go." Shi Youcheng pointed to the direction of Miss Tomato's escape, "Hurry up, just leave this floor, the containment room of L3 should not be opened yet." "

"Well, definitely not, just now we saw that the countdown to the L3 containment room is still 20 minutes, and it should be less than ten minutes now." Qiu Qifei nodded.

Lin Jiajun walked behind, carefully avoiding Qiu Qifei.

the latter's eyes were pompous.

the three began to run again, the tomato woman had long since run away, while the man in the suit always "followed" in front and kept his back to them.

they have always been wary of this guy, but the other party has always just followed them, or rather, more like they are running forward, without any intention of attacking.

run to the next intersection.

A red-tailed parrot with a smoky gray body flew out of the passage on the right, flapping its wings in front of the three and hovering for a moment.

it has a sharp voice and spits out: "Chainsaws and barbarians are coming!" Chainsaws and barbarians are coming! "

the parrot's eyes are wide, black bean-like small eyes, suspended in the middle of a large area of yellow eye whites, seems to shrink even smaller, looking very frightened.

Shi Youcheng had a bad premonition: "Grab it!" See what type of containment it is, whether it's an NPC or a quest monster! "

the 'special forces' who just caused trouble Qifei, this time showed enthusiasm, wanted to make meritorious contributions, his legs relied on the exoskeleton to pressurize, jumped up, and grabbed this insensitive parrot in his hands.

the gray fluttering parrot frightened: "Scraps! Miscellaneous! Let go! Let go! Chainsaws and barbarians will kill you! Kill you! "

="" media-idx="1"/>

I've been playing AI painting lately, but the technology is still very catchy....

[Name: PLO-222 (obscure parrot)

] [Type: Ordinary monster]


It looks like an ordinary African gray parrot, but the investigation of its origin surprised the investigators.

It turns out that this parrot has changed hands several times and has changed 6 owners, and each owner has suffered from bad luck during the period of raising it, and most of them eventually died.

After a long period of observation and experimentation, researchers mostly believe that this parrot has a certain degree of reality distortion ability (curse).

it says obscure words that will most likely come true. <

p idx="68"> [Containment measures: PLO-222 only needs to be relatively simple containment, and D-level personnel responsible for feeding and inspection need to wear fully enclosed earmuffs. <

p idx="69"> [Note: What a parrot with a crow's beak! 】

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