the advanced [Bloodspotted Ghost Axe] seems to become heavier.

but when chopping, it is also faster!

Seeing that the ghost axe brought out a blood-colored phantom and was about to slash himself, Shi Youcheng quickly made a move to raise his sword to block, and at the same time selected a small icon skill.

[Little Golden Light Spell]

a mysterious jade hanging from his waist (yuàn) suddenly lit up with a warm golden light.

in an instant, this jade unfolded a layer of golden translucent protective enchantment, protecting Shi Youcheng in it.

the ghost axe fell on it, and the enchantment shook for a while, but it was not broken.

Seeing this>

Taoist priest has a crispy skin, and in order to prevent himself from being killed by close quarters, he prepared two pieces of protective equipment... Double protection for added peace of mind.

one is a [snake scale soft armor] worn closely<

P IDX="10"> the other is a [Little Golden Light Jade] hanging on the waist and comes with a protective skill"11"> Ghost Axe is good at breaking armor, but it can't split this golden light shield.

in an instant, Shi Youcheng, who was quite self-satisfied, noticed the face of the rotting angel reflected by the light.

she didn't have the slightest hint of surprise.

Shi Youcheng frowned and suddenly shouted: "Night Lord! Protect the old pervert! <

p idx="15"> he guessed correctly.

figure of a rotten angel, fleeting.

For Shi Youcheng's attack, Ling Yichuan also made a show, after all, he now has three displacements to use.

there is one last paragraph left.

with the light reflected by the blue fire, Qiu Qifei decisively rushed towards Lin Jiajun's direction, and at the same time used the hardening skill to prevent accidents!

and Lin Jiajun immediately realized that his situation was the most dangerous!

his brain racing, half instinctive, half intellectual, he chose to use a universal skill of the acceleration class.

idx="22"> [Name: Diluted Godspeed Force] [Type: Acceleration Skill (General)]

[Level: C Level]


It is said that 'Godspeed Force' comes from a higher dimension and is an ability that allows people to obtain lightning fast.

and this skill... It is equivalent to "chiseling the wall to steal light", from the pool of divine speed, pulling a water pipe and stealing a small part of the power.

With this skill, a single player can get an additional 500% movement speed bonus, but the more people covered, the less diluted the movement speed bonus achievement.

up to 5 people can be covered at the same time, with a minimum of 100% extra movement speed bonus per person. 】


p idx="29"> [Learning requirements: have legs] [maintenance time: 6 seconds]

[consumption: 10% energy value]

[cooldown: 5 minutes]

[Note: As long as your speed is fast enough, you can restart the entire universe... And then do it all over again. <

p idx="34"> a red lightning bolt descended from the void and struck Lin Jiajun.

his forensic 'white ghost suit' was instantly dyed the Flash's burgundy red, and the only difference between the two was...

burgundy suit, obviously much better looking than burgundy cheap tight leather clothing.

Lin Jiajun did not distribute the 'Godspeed Power' to his teammates, so his own speed is now +500%, which is equivalent to multiplying by 6 times!

kicked out, and in the red electric light winding, he ran to the console of the cultivation warehouse!

which is an unexpected direction.

Qiu Qifei and Shi Youcheng were very surprised, they thought that Lin Jiajun would use this skill to escape, but they did not expect him to do the opposite.

but the bloody picture that followed was even more unexpected for them.

red lightning slammed into the red blood shadow.

lightning slowed down... With inertia, Lin Jiajun staggered forward a few more steps, and then his body moved forward and fell with a thump.

his neck is gurgling blood, and his head is missing.

where is the head?

wait a bit.

In the terrified expressions of Shi Youcheng and Qiu Qifei, Lin Jiajun's head finally fell to the ground, banged twice, and rolled to Lin Jiajun's own feet.

[Level 11 fugitive 'Forensic' Lin Jiajun has been eliminated! ] <

p idx="49"> Standing behind him, the decaying angel with his back to the headless corpse looked back at the dead man with an innocent face.

he lowered the ghost axe in his hand, and sticky blood dripped down.

"I didn't want to kill him."

Ling Yichuan spoke again, as if to explain something: "He bumped into it himself, it's none of my business." "

don't say, with Eve's clip sound, it's quite cute.

the sick royal sister is also cute.

audience friends may not understand, here to explain.

Our lovely headless corpse Lin Jiajun actually made a very smart decision just now.

Since his only defensive equipment, the Valiant Goggles, has used up his quota once a round, he knows that he can't resist the hunter's close-faced attack.

so he decided to accelerate directly and run in the direction of Fei Changcai.

he has seen the 2 skills of the rotten angel, and knows that there are a total of three displacements, and now only the last section remains, designated to come by himself, then, where will Ling Yichuan appear?

beside you, in front of you, behind you... Must be close!

countless escape experiences almost caused Lin Jiajun to have a simple conditioned reflex.

he can get out of the situation if he does the opposite!

run forward!

hunter would never have imagined that he would run forward! So they are likely to pass by in a split second!

and because the hunter has used up the last one, she needs to turn around and chase herself again, but it is too late.

at this time, he can also save his teammates by the way!

kill two birds with one stone!


it is a pity that Ling Yichuan prejudged his prejudgment.

Ling Yichuan, who had already seen their hole cards in his dream, directly flashed to five meters in front of Lin Jiajun, and slashed the ghost axe hard.

Lin Jiajun is like a speeding rider driving a motorcycle, and at a very fast relative speed, he let his fragile neck hit Wang Miao's 'flying blade'.

that's it... Lin Jiajun died in this game, died in vain, and became the first player to be eliminated.

"Hatred of the fly!" I'll him! You save people! "

looking at the old perverted headless corpse, the captain Shi Youcheng had a great sense of frustration, and he didn't even call the code name, and shouted angrily.

Qiu Qifei was frightened by this scene... I didn't reply for a while.

after playing in Midnight Nightmare for so long, he must have seen a lot of bloody scenes, but his teammates, his own acquaintances were suddenly beheaded ... It's a bit shocking indeed.

Shi Youcheng did not pay attention to Qiu Qifei's state, and shot out the long sword in anger and used [Royal Sword Art] again!

he will substitute for a profound cultivator, and he will take the action of a profound cultivator, and he will take revenge for his apprentice, thinking that he is very handsome.

Human nature is so complicated.

is Shi Youcheng angry at this time? Definitely angry. But he still has a part of his attention on himself, narcissism.

the light lit up again, and the flying sword turned into a slender and sharp white light, holding the righteous sword qi and piercing the evil devil's head!

the eyes of the demon head dimmed again, and the white pupils disappeared, turning completely black.

Facing the very controlled [Imperial Sword Art], Ling Yichuan intends to try to use the 1 skill of the Rotten Angel to directly fight.

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