Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 10 Practicing On The River

Chapter 10: Cultivating on the River

Qin Mountain is the boundary between North Plains and South Forest, with an elevation of 5570 meters. It has three main branches, forming a divination character when viewed from above. The vertical line is 2400 kilometers long, and the horizontal line is 660 kilometers long.

With such a large mountain, even with a thousand people, it would take more than four days, or even forty days, to search it completely!

The only advantage is that besides the eight hundred Xianmiao, there are also two hundred disciples in the Physical Body Realm at the sixth to eighth levels. Their search speed might be faster.

Yang Ning doesn't have much on him, just a bottle of Fasting Pill from Lin Tianheng, a talisman, a long sword, a bow, and twelve arrows, all of which he trained with.

There is also a Spirit Weapon chisel, one foot long, shaped like a screwdriver.

The chisel belongs to the refining room and is not allowed to be taken out on ordinary days. However, when Yang Ning took it out this time, Wei Daocheng pretended not to see it.

This thing is very sharp. It can cut iron and steel like tofu. But Yang Ning is not sure if it will be effective against cultivators. However, he didn't bring it to fight against Tuo Buchuan.

Although Lin Tianheng said that whoever finds Tuo Buchuan will be rewarded with a bottle of Blood Essence Pill, it's just a pie in the sky. The first person to find Tuo Buchuan will most likely be killed.

If people are dead, let alone the Blood Essence Pill, even if you give them the Heavenly Heart Pill, it's useless.

Not only does Yang Ning not plan to find Tuo Buchuan, but he also wants to avoid him.

So this chisel is used for survival in the wilderness.

The Fasting Pill is a Mortal Pill made from precious medicinal materials such as ginseng and Huangjing, combined with alchemy techniques. After taking it, it can slowly release its medicinal power within seven days, ensuring that one will not feel hungry.

But when Yang Ning is cultivating and increasing his vitality, what he needs is meat, eggs, and milk, not herbal pills!

It's fine to search for one or two days, but if it takes a month and he eats Fasting Pills for a month, it would be equivalent to wasting a month of cultivation.

For people with poor aptitude, there wouldn't be much difference whether it's one month more or less. But for someone like Yang Ning, whose strength can increase several times in a month, it would be a pure waste.

"Deep Blue, do you know Tuo Buchuan?"

"The Universal Records has no relevant records!"

"What about the Myriad Saints Demon Sect?"

"The Myriad Saints Demon Sect is located in the north of the Extreme Eternal Sect. It is formed by the alliance of many independent cultivator sects. The sect's cultivators in the Qi Refining Realm are called Saint Realm cultivators. There are about ten thousand Saint Realm cultivators in the alliance, hence the name Myriad Saints Alliance. Due to the loose rules and varying qualities of disciples in the Myriad Saints Alliance, their actions often go against the righteous path. Therefore, it is also known as the Myriad Saints Demon Sect!"

"I see!" Yang Ning frowned. "Since it's an alliance of independent cultivators, does that mean they know nothing about Tuo Buchuan?"

After all, this sect doesn't have a consistent style.

"Tuo Buchuan wields the Annihilation Sky Spear, which belongs to the Myriad Saints Demon Sect's Annihilation Sky Dao. Therefore, Tuo Buchuan should also belong to that sect," Deep Blue said. "The Annihilation Sky Dao has a unique Dao Technique called 'Annihilation Sky Art,' which is said to be able to shatter the earth and destroy the sky. It is an extremely powerful offensive Dao Technique."

"But Lin Tianheng said that his powers have been sealed, and he can't use Dao Techniques. The Annihilation Sky Spear has also been taken away and is now in Wang Yi's hands." Yang Ning shook his head. The Universal Records are still too broad, and they are not very useful for analyzing specific characters.

However, Tuo Buchuan is a human, and humans should have normal human thinking.

To survive in the mountains, besides needing a dry environment, it's best to have a nearby water source. But Tuo Buchuan is in a state of escape, so he wouldn't dare to approach the water, as it would be equivalent to seeking death.

Therefore, Yang Ning can walk along the river. Not only does he not lack water, but there are also small animals that need water, providing a source of food.

And most importantly, he won't encounter Tuo Buchuan!

That's the plan!

When Yang Ning was still on the boat, he saw a river below, so he calculated the order of the team and deliberately landed here.

This river is called Qin River, a tributary of the Extreme Eternal Heaven River. Since Qin Mountain is the source of the Qin River, the river is not very wide, only about forty meters.

Yang Ning chopped down a tree with a diameter of four to five people hugging it, used his Spirit Weapon to split it into planks, and made a small boat. He also made a long pole with the remaining materials, placed the boat in the water, and sat on it, starting to paddle upstream.

The vegetation here is lush, and there is no problem of soil erosion. Therefore, the water surface is clear and calm. The trees on both sides are nearly a hundred meters tall, and various crisp bird songs can be heard constantly. There are small animals resting on the banks, drinking water.

The fish in the river swim around without fear when they see people. When someone reaches their hand down, the fish even come closer and can easily be caught.

"This scenery, if it were in my past life, would definitely be a five-star experience!" Yang Ning sighed in his heart. He then used a piece of wood to make a spear and quickly caught dozens of large fish.

Fish meat is still meat!

He didn't dare to make a fire, afraid that Lin Tianheng above him would notice him fishing. If he had more time to cultivate, he could use his Qi and blood to generate heat and cook the fish. But for now, he didn't know how to do anything except eat them raw.

Although there might be parasites on the fish, his digestion was strong and he didn't mind.

The stomach he cultivated with the "Heavenly Cycle Stellar Force" was not an ordinary stomach; it was the stomach from the "Mountain and Sea Classic"!

"Raw fish seems to have more vitality than cooked fish?" After gutting and cleaning the fish, Yang Ning took a few bites and compared it to the fish he ate in the cafeteria. He found that the raw fish seemed to provide more nutrition than the cooked fish, although not by much.

But the cafeteria also provided other types of meat that were more effective than the fish in Yang Ning's hands.

However, with limited resources and no right to be picky, he just had to eat what he had!

Yang Ning quickly devoured over a dozen fish and then started practicing his punches.

He continued to use the "Heavenly Cycle Stellar Force". The first few levels were not much different from the "Twelve Divine Forms". At most, it felt a bit mixed and the postures weren't very accurate.

After only a couple of punches, he realized that practicing on the water could also train his control over strength.

Because the water flow was unstable, even a slight exertion of force would cause it to sink. The carefully arranged posture would be instantly disrupted.

But the deformation of the water was predictable and not random. It didn't require any special techniques; just practice and adaptation.

On this calm water flow, Yang Ning only practiced for two hours before mastering the technique of practicing on water.

So, Yang Ning paddled his small boat to a place where the upstream water flow was more turbulent, increasing the difficulty!

As he went further upstream, the slope became steeper and the water flow faster. Whenever he got used to a certain position, he would increase the difficulty. When he got hungry, he would catch fish to eat, and when he was full, he would continue practicing.

There were no sharks or crocodiles in the river, only carp that were a few meters long. Attacking the small boat was like offering themselves as food. Yang Ning discovered that his cultivation progress here seemed to be faster than on the Ascension Ship!

In the evening, he originally wanted to meditate on a tree, but he seemed to have thought of something and returned to the boat.

He had already broken through the need for sleep, but he had no clue about entering a meditative state because the Spirit Realm couldn't help him meditate.

At this moment, sitting on the swaying boat, feeling the fluctuation of the water flow beneath him, Yang Ning reflected on his current situation in his mind. He imagined himself sitting on the water's surface, rising and falling with the flow.

He had been trying on the Ascension Ship for over ten days but had made no progress.

However, today, on the water, Yang Ning suddenly felt a sensation!

During the day, he killed some fish, causing the local fish that had never seen humans before to develop a psychological shadow towards humans. But at this moment, the fish in the river seemed to realize that the person above them had disappeared?

No, he didn't disappear; he merged with them and became a part of the river.

At the same time, far away behind a waterfall, a young man with a hazy, round, basketball-sized bead in his hands watched as the bead suddenly started to shine, his face filled with excitement.

"What's this? Is it recognizing me as its master?"

He took out a dagger and made a cut on his hand, not caring about the pain, and let the blood drip onto the bead.

But the blood didn't enter the bead at all.

"What the hell, if it's not recognizing me as its master, why is it shining?" The young man clenched his fist in anger but didn't dare to make any big movements.

"No, wait!" The young man suddenly thought of something. "The Dragon Ball wouldn't shine for no reason, but it's not recognizing me as its master. Could it be..."

Chapter 7, I don't know what's wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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