Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 17 Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique

Chapter 17: Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique

Yang Ning's life settled into a routine.

In the early morning, he absorbed the purple aura of the sun, caught fish during the day, practiced martial arts in the water, meditated at night, with the sky as his blanket and the earth as his bed.

During his free time, he silently wandered around, seemingly searching for Tuobu River, but actually cataloging plants, animals, insects, and minerals.

He seemed to have become a hermit in Qinshan.

Originally, he had planned to hide his abilities, but he gave up on that because he discovered that as long as he controlled the flow speed of his blood, his aura and blood field would not be detected.

In other words, even if he cultivated his aura and ascended to the Third Layer of the physical body, he could still disguise himself as a Second Layer beginner.

Ordinary cultivators cannot control the flow speed of their blood. As their physical bodies become stronger, the speed of their blood flow naturally increases. The Twelve Divine Forms Technique does not provide any relevant guidance.

However, Yang Ning's "Calm Lake Lonely Boat Meditation Technique" seeks a calm mind, a spiritual tranquility.

When the mind is calm, the speed of blood flow naturally slows down.

But this is only a low-level Aura Concealing Technique. If someone deliberately provokes him or his movements become more noticeable, it will still be exposed.

So Yang Ning thought of another method of concealing his aura.

Since aura and blood are both fields, and fields can overlap, they can naturally cancel each other out.

Coincidentally, blood vessels are divided into active and passive, corresponding to the meridians of yin and yang.

The aura and blood fields generated by the yin and yang meridians have opposite directions, with the yang meridians being stronger and the yin meridians being weaker. After all, the heart pumps blood outwards, so the speed of inhalation is definitely not faster than exhalation.

Although the difference in speed is not significant, there is still a difference, which leads to the unequal size and opposite directions of the yin and yang blood fields.

If not controlled properly, the two types of aura and blood fields will not cancel each other out, but instead interfere with the circulation of aura and blood due to the overlapping of the fields, causing a clash of aura and blood.

If accidentally triggering aura and blood resonance, it is not impossible to die on the spot.

This is a more serious case of going astray.

However, Yang Ning can control his aura and blood through the Spirit Realm perception, making the yin and yang aura and blood fields equal in size and opposite in direction, thus perfectly canceling each other out.

Throughout the process, not only does it not emit outward, but this canceling process is also a process of body tempering, which can surprisingly be used for cultivation!

"Since it is the technique of canceling the yin and yang aura and blood fields, then this technique shall be called the 'Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique'."

The Black Tortoise represents the form of a turtle and snake, one active and one passive, perfectly corresponding to the yin and yang meridians and the active and passive blood vessels.

The core of this technique is the control of aura and blood, but it also tests computational power. Without sufficient computational power, it is impossible to cultivate. However, Yang Ning does not lack computational power, so he was able to cultivate it after a little experimentation.

Yang Ning thought again, now that his blood and energy were stable, if he combined it with the "Calm Lake Lonely Boat Meditation Technique," he could even calm his own breathing, heartbeat, and even his mind.

The Black Tortoise has been lying still all year round, which is in line with the meaning of "Calm Lake Lonely Boat."

The "Calm Lake Lonely Boat Meditation Technique" is also readily available, but Yang Ning cannot maintain a constant state, and after entering a meditative state, he cannot control his blood and energy. In other words, the "Calm Lake Lonely Boat Meditation Technique" and the "Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique" cannot be practiced simultaneously.

However, this is only temporary. As Yang Ning practices the "Calm Lake Lonely Boat Meditation Technique" for a long time, his body will remember this state, and gradually, even when he is awake, he can enter this state.

That is to say, from entering a meditative state to achieving a constant state.

At this point, both techniques can be used simultaneously. However, since the Black Tortoise has the meaning of "Calm Lake Lonely Boat," Yang Ning did not change its name, and the combination of the two is still called the "Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique."

When he activates the "Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique," Yang Ning's entire aura suddenly converges. Apart from the imposing figure and dignified posture brought about by martial arts training, there is no trace of sharpness.

Summoning a water mirror, Yang Ning carefully observed himself for a long time. He felt like a Latin dancer who had been practicing for many years, and also like a scholar who had done some exercise but still lacked strength.

The only thing he didn't look like was a martial artist or a cultivator.

"This technique is really suitable for me!" Yang Ning touched his nose. Yes, he is such a gentle, humble, and harmless person!

However, his temperament is right, but his appearance is a bit lacking.

Yang Ning comes from a rural background, and all the beauties were taken by the landlords, not his father.

But he inherited the ordinary appearance of his parents, with thick and well-shaped eyebrows, a square face, and a handsome and extraordinary appearance.

That's also why he has received so much love and recommendation from others. People in ancient times also valued appearance.

If he had an ordinary appearance, he might have become the son of a county magistrate who invented the plow.

But his eye sockets are slightly sunken, and his eyes are narrow, giving him a somewhat gloomy look. Coupled with his determined gaze, he always gives people a strong sense of aggression.

With this appearance, he wouldn't need special makeup in the entertainment industry. He could directly play the role of Ying Zheng.

But this can't be blamed on him. As a transmigrator, he came with cheats and held power for four years, including two years as the Minister of Works.

With great power in his hands, he held the lives and deaths of countless people. With a single word, he could determine the rise and fall of the country. If you were in his position, you would also be full of aggression.

This kind of appearance is not a problem in a feudal dynasty, after all, you are superior to others.

But in the Immortal Cultivation World, he instantly became a small cardamom. Why do you have to be so handsome and aggressive?

It's possible that someone might come after you just because you're too handsome or because they caught you looking at them.

"If I want to adjust my appearance, I have to reach the Eighth Layer of the physical body, and my bone structure must be naturally formed. Changing it would affect my luck in cultivation." This is not the previous life where you can easily get plastic surgery.

Here, if you move a knife on your face, it may affect the integrity of your meridians and blood vessels, thereby affecting your own path.

"Glasses?" This is a good solution. Cultivators may not be nearsighted, but they have more quirks and play all sorts of things.

Especially in refining, all sorts of strange things can be refined. I'm just wearing glasses, nothing special!

But that's all for later. He hasn't formally come into contact with refining yet.

So before wearing glasses, it's better to squint your eyes.

Yang Ning caught a small turtle and studied its eyes.

Yes, it's this kind of gaze.

Squinting is not just squinting, it should be called half-open and half-closed, similar to the eyes of a Buddha, a Bodhisattva, a deity, or a turtle.

And Yang Ning found that this kind of gaze is not without reason.

The eyes are the windows to receive external information. When half closed, the amount of information that can be observed is reduced by half, and the brain naturally has less information to process. The surplus computing power can be used for rest or meditation.

One or two days may not be different from others, but accumulated over a year or two, ten or twenty years, the difference can be quite significant.

Isn't cultivation about accumulating bit by bit in order to surpass others?

Of course, closing them completely would be even better, but when in an environment where you need to keep your eyes open, you can squint them half-open and half-closed. When you are fully focused on cultivation, you can close your eyes. The two are not contradictory.

"Inhale, exhale!"

A mouthful of purple energy swallowed into the abdomen, and it was a brand new day.

Yang Ning looked at the time. It had been 25 days since he got off the boat.

In these twenty-five days, his progress was extremely fast.

Once the Qi and Blood Field appeared, it would actively temper the body, and its efficiency was much higher than simply eating and practicing boxing.

That's why the realm of Form Technique and Body Tempering were two separate realms, because once Qi and Blood were born, the techniques became less important.

If the progress speed of the Second Layer of the physical body is 1, then the Third Layer of the physical body is 5, and those with exceptional talent may be 10!

Therefore, it took Yang Ning nearly a month of cultivation to give birth to Qi and Blood, but in just twenty-five days, the strength of his Qi and Blood had increased nearly a hundredfold, spreading from the heart to the limbs and bones, and even the veins had given birth to a Qi and Blood Field.

In a martial arts novel, this would be equivalent to opening up two meridians and becoming a beginner master.

This speed was actually still slow because Qin Mountain was an ordinary mountain range with scarce spiritual energy. Although the fish in the river were large, the quality of their Qi and Blood was not good, far inferior to the meat he ate on the boat.

If he were on the boat, Yang Ning was confident that he could go further and enter the next realm!

"Lin Tianheng, you bastard!" Yang Ning cursed in his heart, then turned his head and looked at the waterfall in the distance. It had become a habit after waking up every day.

He thought he would still be as clueless as before, but suddenly he seemed to see a faint light?

"Hmm?" Yang Ning immediately activated Deep Blue Eyes to take a look, only to find that it wasn't fluorescence, but a young man in a gray robe jumping over from a distance.

"Who is this person?" Yang Ning asked.

He was just a book boy and didn't have the opportunity to make friends everywhere, but Deep Blue had already recorded the names, appearances, backgrounds, and relationships of everyone on the boat these past few days.

So he didn't recognize him, but Deep Blue should.

"Xia Yi, the prince of a small country called West Glory, and he is an official disciple!" Deep Blue said.

"Oh," Yang Ning didn't know him. If he were from North Plains, he might have known him, but it didn't matter. What mattered was whether he could discover the Tuobu River behind the waterfall.

Naturally, Xia Yi didn't know that someone was watching him 330 kilometers away. He had been diligently searching for the Tuobu Pool for more than twenty days, and he seemed to have become a wild man, even his white clothes had turned gray!

Seeing the waterfall and pool in front of him, he immediately jumped in excitedly.

But he didn't dare to stay in the water for too long. If he delayed for a while, he might miss the Tuobu River!

"Huh, what's this?" Xia Yi also noticed a Seven-Color Rainbow Silverfish.

The Tuobu River had killed all the Seven-Color Rainbow Silverfish in the waterfall, but it hadn't bothered with the ones that had swum out before, so there were still a few left.

But Xia Yi didn't have time to read books, so he didn't recognize this kind of fish. He just thought it was beautiful and wanted to offer a beautiful fish to Lord Lin Tianheng if he couldn't find the Tuobu River!

So he dived in with a splash, ready to catch the fish.

Originally, the fish here were dumb and didn't know how to hide when they saw people, but after being killed by many companions a few days ago, the Seven-Color Rainbow Silverfish naturally knew how to escape.

And the direction it fled was naturally the place it felt safe, the place that gave it the opportunity to evolve.

So Yang Ning watched as Xia Yi dived into the water and then floated up again, and then crawled towards the back of the waterfall.

"The life of a hermit is about to end!" Yang Ning sighed. Although the conditions here were not as good as on the boat, living and cultivating alone here was not bad without comparison, pressure, or conflict.

He withdrew his gaze. After all, Lin Tianheng was about to arrive.

He climbed down from the tree and pretended to look for something, busy for more than half an hour until he felt a warmth in his arms.

Taking out the communication symbol, Yang Ning saw a line of words appearing on it.

"Mission complete, go to the highest point of your location, a boat will come to pick you up!"

(End of this chapter)

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