Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 20 Funding Issues

Chapter 20: Funding Issues

Immortal Ascension Academy is located on the outskirts of Ocean Cloud City, backed by the sea. The flying boat with the Immortal Ascension Academy flag flew over a large number of high-rise buildings and finally landed on a flying boat field with hundreds of wooden ships.

As soon as the boat landed, a middle-aged handsome man wearing a gray robe, with white hair and holding a green long ruler, floated onto the boat. Wei Daocheng quickly bowed and said, "Dean Fang!"

"Yes, I have heard about your situation. It's not your fault!" The dean patted Wei Daocheng's shoulder and then turned to look at the immortals on the deck. He said, "My name is Fang Zhuo, and I am the dean of Immortal Ascension Academy. According to the rules of Immortal Ascension Academy, those who do not cultivate the breathing technique within thirty days will be expelled from the academy. However, the matter of Foundation Building was unexpectedly interrupted, so this deadline will be temporarily extended. I will give the disciples who have not yet cultivated the breathing technique another half a month."

As for what will happen if they still haven't cultivated the breathing technique after half a month, he didn't say, but everyone understood.

Not many people panicked, as there were already very few disciples who hadn't cultivated the breathing technique among the formal disciples. Qin Shan had already cleared them out, leaving even fewer.

As for the book boys, servants, and maidservants who hadn't cultivated the breathing technique, it didn't matter. Dean Fang's words were not meant for them.

"For those who have already cultivated the breathing technique, you already have an identity jade token in your hands. You can bind it with a drop of blood. The jade token contains your personal information, residence, class schedule, Immortal Ascension Academy map, and other information. All future notices from Immortal Ascension Academy will also be distributed through the jade token. If you have money on you, you can deposit it in the Immortal Ascension Academy bank, and then you can use the jade token for transactions."

"In the mortal world, they don't even have a simple plow, but in the Immortal Cultivation World, they have even invented smartphones!" Yang Ning looked in astonishment at the identity jade token that suddenly appeared in his hand. It was the same size as a smartphone, rectangular in shape, but green in color.

The cover of the jade token had his own colored portrait and personal information written beside it.

Name: Yang Ning

Age: 12

Identity: Book boy

Residence: Kang Jinlong Courtyard, No. 1275

Funds: 0

With a swipe of his finger and a drop of blood, the blood spread like ink on the jade token, and then his personal information disappeared, replaced by software such as class, schedule, tasks, mall, delivery, escort, auction, and account!

If you didn't consider the appearance and only looked at the software, what was the difference between this and a smartphone?

The only difference was that it didn't have as many software options as a smartphone, but for a student, it already had all the necessary software.

The most unbelievable thing was that there was even a delivery service!

Clicking on the delivery service immediately displayed numerous shops, offering everything from Wang's Demonic Beast meat, Li's Pill Room, Qi Qiang's seafood, to everything under the sky and in the sea.

Clicking on Biao Xing allows you to choose sending or receiving.

The sending range includes not only the 200 countries and 3,000 sects within Extreme Eternal, but also extends to places outside Extreme Eternal, such as Extreme Yang Sect, Extreme Yin Sect, Man Family, and Myriad Saints Demon Sect.

Yang Ning clearly remembers that Extreme Eternal Sect and Myriad Saints Demon Sect are enemies, so the confrontation won't affect making money, right?

This thing is powerful, but not as good as a cellphone because the screen is green, like adding a green filter to a normal picture, so it doesn't look good.

He thinks it's average, but other immortal seedlings find it shocking and can't stop researching it.

He can only continue researching until Fang Zhuo coughs lightly, and he quickly looks up.

"You guys arrived 21 days later than the other students. Although it's not your fault, the school can't wait for you hundreds of people while there are tens of thousands of students. So after receiving your class schedule, you need to study hard and catch up with the progress as soon as possible!" Fang Zhuo said loudly, "But there's no need to be afraid of falling behind. The things you learn in the first year are still basic. With some effort, you can catch up quickly."

It seems like he's just here to encourage the students, but once he starts talking, he can't stop. He doesn't know how, but he veers into the history of Immortal Ascension Academy and famous students.

Yang Ning yawns while listening, and he doesn't need to hide it because everyone else is yawning too. But Fang Zhuo turns a blind eye and keeps talking for over two hours, until some people are standing and falling asleep before he finally stops.

Afterward, Wei Daocheng leads everyone to their accommodations, and they are all in Kang Jinlong Courtyard.

Yang Ning thought he would have to share a room with someone, after all, isn't it common for schools to have dormitories?

Only after arriving did he realize that not only is it a single-person dormitory, but the dormitory also uses the Interspatial Storage technique. His room is unexpectedly 500 square meters!

It includes a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, alchemy room, refining room, talisman room, cultivation field, library, and training ground.

Not only are all the furniture and bedding provided, but there is also a set of school uniforms on the living room table, including a robe, a sword, and three talismans.

The robe is moon white, providing heat resistance and cold protection, impervious to knives and spears, and invulnerable to water and fire. It can change size at will and also comes with a self-purifying formation that activates automatically every morning.

The only drawback is that it cannot change shape.

The sword is a High Grade Mortal Weapon, capable of withstanding the impact of Qi and blood. It can also generate a Qi and blood field, unparalleled in toughness, and can be considered a family heirloom in noble families.

The water control talisman can condense, repel, and control water, but its effect is not strong. It can only control a fist-sized amount, which is suitable for bathing and drinking water, but not useful for attacking enemies.

The fire control talisman can condense, repel, and control fire, similar to the water control talisman, but it is used for starting fires.

The healing talisman can generate vitality and treat minor injuries, such as cuts on fingers or stumbling during cultivation.

"This treatment is too good! The house alone is much better than the one I worked hard to buy in my previous life for half a lifetime, not to mention these immortal cultivation outfits!" Yang Ning couldn't help but exclaim, feeling the same as Liu Chan.

This place is so good, who would miss their hometown!

He didn't bring much luggage, just a few sets of clothes for changing, a few tools he practiced with on the boat, and fifty thousand taels of silver.

With the immortal cultivation outfits, he could throw away the clothes.

After gaining the ability to control electricity, the things he processed with primitive tools became somewhat rough and needed further refinement.

As for the silver...

Yang Ning opened the jade pendant and opened the food delivery app to study the prices.

Ordinary pork, beef, bear meat, tiger meat, and even panda meat were not expensive, ranging from one or two taels of silver for hundreds of catties. But he didn't need to buy these meats because Immortal Ascension Academy provided them for free.

However, the price suddenly doubled when it came to upgrading to ferocious beasts.

Ferocious beasts were wild beasts that cultivated qi and blood. The meat of ferocious beasts was rich in qi and blood, and was the main food for cultivators in the Physical Body Realm. Yang Ning had already discovered that eating ordinary fish had little effect.

But the meat of a Third Layer ferocious beast cost one tael of silver per catty. The higher the level, the higher the price. Fourth Layer ferocious beast meat cost five taels per catty, Fifth Layer twenty-five taels per catty, Sixth Layer one hundred taels per catty, Seventh Layer five hundred taels per catty, Eighth Layer two thousand five hundred taels per catty, and Ninth Layer ten thousand taels per catty.

Yang Ning could eat thirty catties of meat a day now, so buying Third Layer meat would cost him thirty taels, which would last him four years with fifty thousand taels.

But his cultivation couldn't stay at the Third Layer forever. When he reached the Fourth Layer, if he still ate Third Layer meat, he would have to eat a lot, doing nothing but eating meat all day.

Not to mention that he would have to buy more expensive meat for the Fifth Layer and Sixth Layer. Fifty thousand taels wouldn't last long at all.

Moreover, eating meat was a poor man's way of doing things because meat contained impurities and the body needed to expend energy to eliminate them, which was very inefficient.

Pills refined from the essence of Demonic Beasts had fewer impurities, were fast to consume, and had a high absorption rate. This was the correct choice.

Blood Essence Pill was suitable for cultivators in the Third Layer to Sixth Layer of the Physical Body Realm. For a Third Layer cultivator, one pill every five days, costing one thousand taels per pill. Yang Ning had extraordinary talent, so he might need two or three pills.

For others, a Fourth Layer cultivator would need one pill every three days, and a Fifth Layer cultivator would need one pill per day. Yang Ning, at the Fourth Layer, would need one pill per day, and at the Fifth Layer, he would need five pills per day.

Five thousand taels per day, fifty thousand taels would only last ten days!

"Ah, why didn't I know how to embezzle!" Yang Ning shook his head. As the Minister of Works, he handled millions of taels of silver, but he never embezzled a single penny. The money he had was all for encouraging inventions and symbolic patent fees.

But Yang Ning didn't regret it. After all, embezzlement was against his principles. Cultivation emphasized having a clear mind with a single thought!

"So how can I make money?" Although he still had money, Yang Ning was always the type to plan ahead. He couldn't wait until he had no money before trying to make money. When he reached a dead end, the only ones willing to help would be loan sharks!

After studying the mall, Yang Ning found that opening a shop on it was quite easy, especially using the Immortal Ascension Academy student channel.

The market for Blood Essence Pills for cultivators in the Third Layer to Fifth Layer of the Physical Body Realm, One Yuan Pills for cultivators in the Sixth Layer, and Dragon Marrow Pills for cultivators in the Seventh Layer was huge. There were shops that constantly bought them and they sold quickly. Many shops were always sold out.

Another option was weapon refining.

Lower-level cultivators didn't have many ways to make money. They usually hunted Demonic Beasts or joined the Extreme Eternal Guard to fight against external sects.

Since they were going to fight, they needed to use weapons. The wear and tear of a large number of weapons created a huge market for weapon refining, whether it was refining, repairing, or renovating weapons.

However, both of these options had a huge problem. The market had been prosperous for many years, to the point where several representative giants had emerged. They had already achieved the same level of cost and quality.

It was fine when he was in school because the school provided materials for practice, and the prices were not high. The school would also buy finished products and he could sell them at a low price.

But if he graduated and lost the support of the school, the students facing market competition would instantly realize the cruelty of this world.

In the end, they could only choose between changing careers or joining others.

"But I probably won't enter the market. With my talent, if I can't reach a level that no sect wants, I might as well die!" Yang Ning shook his head. As he brushed through the interface, his hand suddenly stopped.

Wait a minute!

Tuobu Chuan said that even book boys and servants in the Extreme Eternal Sect learned weapon refining and pill refining, to the point where there was no promotion path.

But Yang Ning found that he had no choice. He didn't have a father who was an emperor or the financial support of a country. What would he do if he didn't learn weapon refining?

"Could this be the truth?" Yang Ning thought for a moment, then shook his head. He needed money, but other book boys and servants might not. For example, Su Bai had a father who was the Minister of Revenue!

"Let's take another look, let's take another look!" Yang Ning shook his head and pulled out his class schedule.

He didn't expect that even after transmigrating, he still had to go to school!

"Tomorrow at the hour of Mao, Mineral Identification and Recognition."

I wonder if the teachers at this school take attendance during class?

(End of this chapter)

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