Nightmare Immortal Era

288. Chapter 288 Immortal Execution Sword Formation

Chapter 288 Immortal Execution Sword Formation·Complete

[Infinite Energy] is not feasible for the time being, because Yang Ning does not know what [Infinite] is. He has searched both the upper and lower worlds and has never heard of this thing.

But Yuan Jian didn’t give up. [Infinite Energy] can’t be achieved, so I’ll lower my requirements.

[Nothing is immune to defense, nothing is immune to destruction! ]

This is prepared for Yuan Jian. Yang Ning only needs energy. Now [infinite energy] cannot be achieved, and there is no need for anything else for the time being.

Yuan Jian, on the other hand, needs a good Divine Ability to defend himself while walking in the Immortal World.

"How does this look like Divine Ability? It's more like an equipment entry?" Yang Ning also felt that the name of Divine Ability created with the essence of Immortal Dao was a bit strange, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that it was really an entry.

Look, all those Innate treasures in the prehistoric era have extremely perverted entries.

For example, Tai Chi diagram, absolute defense, also known as defense against everything.

Pangu Banner, absolute attack, also known as invincible.

It's so pitiful that the Immortal Execution Sword Formation cannot be broken by the Four Saints, not by nothing.

So it is obvious that Immortal Execution Sword Formation's attack is not as good as Pangu Banner, and its defense is not as good as Tai Chi Tu. It is natural that it will lose.

"Emmmm, good guy, it requires infinite energy, right?" Divine Ability is easy to construct, but as soon as Yang Ning practiced it, he found that it couldn't be done, and it required infinite energy.

But I built the entry [Infinite Energy], and you asked me for [Infinite].

So what is [infinity]?

Yang Ning rubbed her chin and thought for a while, then found the Supreme Dao Technique.

[Great Divination]!

This Dao Technique does not need to be original. Fuxi was the one who repaired it. You can borrow it temporarily for use.

Yuan Jian made another clone of the Earth Immortal realm, first taught him the [Great Divination Technique], then used the [Great Causality Technique] to cut off cause and effect, and then ordered him to divine the whereabouts of [Infinite].

Then Yang Ning looked at the Earth Immortal whom he didn't even name before pinching his fingers, and the next second it turned into a ball of ashes.

"Tsk!" Yang Ning is aware of this situation and understands it very well. This is because he divined something that he shouldn't have divined, and then it was counterattacked.

However, ordinary backlash can only result in a mouthful of blood or loss of life span of hundreds of millions of years.

The dignified Earth Immortal can be reduced to ashes by the backlash of divination. What does this mean?

It means that [infinity] really exists, otherwise it will not be counterattacked, because things that do not exist cannot counterattack people.

And this thing is either very powerful or of extremely high status.

Or it is in the hands of a person who is so powerful that he is unable to divine things, so that he will be counterattacked as soon as he divines things.

What kind of monk can't do divination and have such strong backlash?

Great Principle, and beyond!


[Nothing is immune to defense, nothing is immune to destruction! ] Since it cannot be achieved, then settle for the next best thing.

[It cannot be broken except by 100 million high-level monks. It can break the defenses of all monks that exceed its own three realms. ] Yang Ning randomly set a condition, which seems to be a bit exaggerated, but it is consistent with [Nothing can be defended, nothing can be broken! ] There is still a long way to go, and it should be possible to achieve it.

After a while, he got the need for this entry to be realized.

"Thirty billion cubic meters of power!"

Yang Ning turned around and looked at the power he had collected for more than a hundred years, but it was still less than one cubic meter of power, and lowered his head in silence.

This thing is really difficult to collect. There is only a tiny bit of immortal energy in it, less than 1nm. If I go to the Immortal World, I can collect it very quickly. The key is that I am in the lower world!

This is the first time since the Qi Refining Stage that he has felt cash-strapped.

[Unable to be broken by monks with a higher Rank One, they can break the defense of all monks who are one level higher than themselves! ] This entry shouldn’t be too much. Swordsmanship is like drinking water!

"Why are there still 20 billion cubic meters? Is this price reasonable? I have directly reduced it by 100 million times. Shouldn't you reduce it from 30 billion cubic meters to 300 cubic meters?" Yang Ning frowned, but had to admit that this price is actually Still very reliable.

Because Yuan Jian cannot stay in the Earth Immortal realm forever.

You know, the further the monks go, the bigger the gap becomes.

If you really realize this entry, wouldn't it mean that Profound Immortal can kill Great Principle, and Great Principle can kill Holy Saint, making Holy Saint directly invincible?

[It cannot be broken without 100 million monks of the same level! ] There is no need to challenge beyond the next level. I am invincible at the same level.

"This also costs 500 million cubic meters?" Yang Ning frowned, okay, this condition is indeed a bit outrageous.

Seeing that there are only three thousand Dao Wen in the world, it may mean that the number of Profound Immortals in the world is only three thousand.

You simply have to be indestructible by 100 million monks of the same level, so wouldn’t it be true that once you reach Profound Immortal, you will become invincible at the same level?

[It cannot be broken unless it is one of the same level! ]0.1 square.

[It cannot be broken unless it is 100 at the same level! ]400 million cubic meters.

[It cannot be broken unless it is 50 at the same level! ]300 million cubic meters.

[It cannot be broken unless it is 25 at the same level! ]250 million cubic meters.

[It cannot be broken unless it is 12 at the same level! ]200 million cubic meters.

[Unbreakable unless 6 are at the same level! ]2 parties!

"Huh?" Yang Ning was stunned and thought she had seen it wrong.

Why did the repayment of 200 million cubic meters just now suddenly become 2 cubic meters?

After thinking for a while, Yang Ning came up with the answer.

Because there are seven Holy Saints in the Immortal World, six of them can be combined to break this formation.

[It cannot be broken unless it is the same level as 8! ]180 million cubic meters!

"Sure enough!" Yang Ning felt happy, because there are only seven Saints in the Immortal World. If you set it up like this, you will be invincible in the Saint Realm. Then the forming conditions are high!

As long as the number is reduced to below 8, there is still a possibility that the seven holy saints will come together, so the price will suddenly drop.

Unfortunately, Yang Ning only has the almighty power of one side now.


[Indestructible unless five of the same level, can break the defense of all monks of the same level] Cost, 1 square!


A muffled thunder sounded not between the heaven and the earth, but in the interior of Yang Ning, Grotto-Heaven.

But Yang Ning knew that there really was a unique divine ability born.

It’s also a concept-level Divine Ability!

Even if it is a limited concept level, it is still a concept level!

Moreover, because of the special nature of nightmare energy, it does not require practice. It can corrode and attach to monks, items, and even Divine Ability, truly turning it into an entry!

[Absolute control! ] Yang Ning knew that he couldn't create this entry. He just wanted to know the price.

"Jueluo Zhixin, what is this?" Yang Ning was silent as she looked at the new term in her mind.

Who is Jueluo?

The history of Immortal World is only 300,000 years, why is the water so deep?

[Refined Control] Yang Ning lowered the requirements. This Divine Ability is actually developed from [Daowen Probe], but it only improves the controllability, and it is no longer a concept level.

He has no power in his hands now, so naturally he cannot create conceptual-level entries.

"The power of thirty-two stars!" Yang Ning's eyes lit up. This is great. As long as you ask for energy, I will get as much energy as you want!

The power of 32 stars seems like a lot, but the object of Yang Ning's energy collection is the entire river system, sprinkle water!


Along with a mysterious feeling, a new [Nightmare Divine Ability] was born.

However, this is different from the previous creation of Divine Ability by Rubik's Cube Dao. The previous creation of Divine Ability was still attached to the Immortal Dao system, just like the same text was written in a different article.

But now his idea of ​​​​creating Divine Ability has become to use Xiangwen to construct Shiwen, Yuanwen, and recreate Divine Ability.

It's like using strokes to create new characters, new words.

Although what is presented is still a beautiful article, it is not fundamentally a hierarchical concept.

The former creates Divine Ability, which is nothing but an Earth Immortal.

The latter's ability to create Divine Ability is already an ability that only Profound Immortal has from a performance perspective.

"Superposition!" With a thought, the power of [Refined Control] Divine Ability attached to Yuan Jian.

Yuan Jian then controlled the sword energy in his body and began to generate four sword energies and a formation.

Kill the immortal, trap the immortal, destroy the immortal, kill the immortal.

These four sword qi are not essentially different, but each has its own emphasis. Zhuxian is majestic, Immortal Sealing Sword is dense, Juexian specializes in breaking flaws, and Killing Immortal specializes in torturing vegetables.

The four sword energies plus the formation diagram are Yuan Jian’s version: Immortal Execution Sword Formation!

Moreover, this is not the Earth Immortal version of [Immortal Execution Sword Formation], but the True Immortal version!

It is true that Yuan Jian is in the Earth Immortal realm, but with the help of [Refined Control], he has the ability to create [True Immortal Law].

It's a traditional fairy tale to do whatever realm you want. Yang Ning is taking a technological route.

From the tribal times to modern times, there has been no significant change in the intelligence, dexterity of the hands, or even the intelligence, endurance, and vision of the people on earth.

But tribal people could only use swords and guns, but modern people can use genetic probes and scanning tunneling microscopes to control cells, genes, and even atoms.

Can you say that modern people are at a higher level than tribal people?

It is because of the improvement in the level of civilization and science and technology that ordinary people can do things that only ancient immortals can do.

The same goes for Yuan Jian. He is an out-and-out Earth Immortal, but with the help of the Nightmare Divine Ability, he can create the True Immortal Law and create an Immortal Execution Sword Formation from scratch that does not exist in this world!

The way the Immortal World measures realm is the law. That is to say, although Yuanjian has only been in Ascension for two months, although he has not fully transformed into Immortal Physique, and although he does not have much True Immortal power in his body, because he has True Immortal Law, then he is already an out-and-out True Immortal!

If that's not enough, his True Immortal's combat effectiveness may not be as good as that of a Celestial Immortal, because he has too little immortal power!

So Yang Ning attached a second Divine Ability to the sword formation.

And it is a concept-level Divine Ability: [Indestructible unless of the fifth level, and can break all defenses of monks of the same level].

In short, one against five at the same level, invincible!

This five is not just about picking five losers and saying they are invincible, but counting all the Ascensioners, the local geniuses, and the Immortal Masters, and recruiting the five strongest True Immortals in the world and the world to fight together. The same thing This Immortal Execution Sword Formation cannot be broken!

Don't ask why, if you can't beat it, you just can't beat it, because this is a conceptual level ability.

Just like the prehistoric version of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, its attack is no match for the Pangu Banner, and its defense is no match for the Tai Chi Diagram. But it is useless if you bring these two Innate treasures. When the two bosses want to break the formation, they must gather The four saints have come together to meet this condition.

Unfortunately, this invincibility is not invincible in the true sense, because the use of Divine Ability consumes immortal power. Once the immortal power is exhausted, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation cannot be maintained and will still be defeated.

Here we need to learn from the practice of Master Tongtian.

My own immortal power is limited, but the immortal energy between heaven and earth is infinite, so isn't it also a way for me to place the formation between heaven and earth and rely on the immortal energy between heaven and earth to maintain it?

So now there are two versions of the [Immortal Execution Sword Formation] created by Yuan Jian. One version is to set up the formation by yourself and use it alone. The advantage is that it is more flexible, but the disadvantage is that it has weak endurance.

One is the field formation. The advantage is that it has strong endurance, but the disadvantage is that it is not very flexible.

If it were an ordinary cultivator, that would be the end of it. The powerful Divine Ability must also have weaknesses. It is normal to have gains and losses.

But Yuan Jian's thinking is exactly the same as Yang Ning's. If there are flaws, he must continue to improve them until they can no longer be corrected.

And the method of improvement is not difficult.

As long as I refine four fairy swords and add a formation diagram, it will be fine!

In this way, you can throw the fairy sword away when you need to set up the formation, and you can actively control it when you don't need to set up the formation.

As for casting materials.

Yuan Jian looked at the azure sword in his hand, it's you.

It is not easy to destroy an immortal sword, and it is even more difficult to create an immortal sword. Refining weapons and elixirs in the lower realm is a despicable industry, but in the upper realm this is a proper Great Dao, and it is the crown jewel of Immortal Sovereign. Its technology has always been monopolized by major sects, and ordinary monks have no chance to learn it.

However, after Yuan Jian studied the Azure Sword, he found that the technique of the Immortal Sword seemed to be very ordinary.

One side is immortal material, the other side is Immortal Dao law, the two are integrated union, which is an Immortal Weapon.

is it hard?

Yuan Jian didn't even bother to refine weapons in this way.

He still uses the rune chip refining method to reduce the laws as much as possible. You only have one law engraved on your Immortal Weapon. I use a smaller area to engrav more laws, even tens of billions of times as many laws.

A one-foot-long azure sword was directly divided into 8 cm long sections by Yuan Jian. Then Yuan Jian felt that the fresh breath of the azure sword that had passed after the rain and the sky was clear was gone. , replaced by four brand-new breaths.

Majestic, difficult, sharp, and deadly silent!

"The Four Swords of Zhuxian!" Yuan Jian looked at the scene in front of him. He didn't know how to make a law chip, nor did he know the existence of Pangu particles, nor did he know how to refine weapons, but he had no curiosity about the birth of these four jade swords. His face was full of reason.

After a moment, the hilt of the Azure Sword also disappeared, replaced by four virtual and real formations that seemed to be there but not there!

The four formations must be burned into the Immortal Sword. Otherwise, if someone steals the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation will not be able to be set up. This would be funny.

At this point, four divine abilities of swordsmanship that have never appeared in the Immortal World, four types of fairy swords that have never appeared in the Immortal World, and a formation that has never appeared in the Immortal World were born.

Its name is: Immortal Execution Sword Formation!

(End of chapter)

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