Nightmare Immortal Era

291. Chapter 291 The Land Of Order And The City Of Demons

Chapter 291 Land of Order·City of Ten Thousand Demons

"Is this Wan Yuan City?" Looking at the Great Wall in front of him, which stretched thousands of miles away with almost no edges visible, and the city that was a thousand meters high and looked like a big mountain, Luo Yun nodded. It seemed pretty good. look.


"Luo Yun!"



"Human? Haha, you are ignorant again, you should call yourself a hairless monkey!"


"Earth Immortal!"

"The purpose of coming to Wanyuan City?"

"Settlement and practice!"

The two monks in charge of registration at the city gate glanced at the young man in front of them and asked casually: "Are there any personal followers in the city?"

"Nothing!" Luo Yun looked at the twitching dog ears on the tops of the two monks' heads and sighed. It seemed like he had to change his name again.

"It's not easy for a young person like you to live in the city without someone accompanying you!"

Luo Yun smiled: "I have my own way of survival, so I don't need you two to worry about it!"

"Ha!" The two of them nodded, then took out a square, white jade-like object, and handed it to Luo Yun after some manipulation.

"This is your identity tag. It records your personal information and appearance. The additional cost is 5 fairy stones!"

Immortal stones are higher quality spiritual stones that contain immortal energy.

Luo Yun naturally has this. After Lin Qing's death, the things on his body will naturally belong to Luo Yun.

"Okay, let's go in!" Seeing the storage ring that Luo Yun took out, the eyes of the two dog-eared monks became even more intense.

Luo Yun chuckled and said, "Thank you both!"

Then Shi Shiran entered the city.

When he was on the mountain, he didn't just practice cultivation. In his spare time, he would also listen to people's gossip and know some of the situation below.

Coupled with my own verification along the way, I am not very familiar with the Immortal World as a whole, but I still know something about this area.

This continent, called the Sifang Territory, has an unknown total area. It is said that even True Immortal would not be able to fly out for hundreds of years.

There are no cities in the Sifang Domain, but they are divided into five levels from top to bottom: heavenly city, underground city, human city, small city, and village.

Villages and towns are civilian villages. Most of the people living in them are civilians. They are not managed by superior officials and do not need to pay taxes. They only need to worship gods in exchange for their protection.

As for the price of worshiping an immortal, it depends on the performance of that god Immortal Grade.

Some gods only take a bite of incense, which is easier to serve, while some gods want boys and girls, and the village has to provide them.

There will be a certain amount of monks in the small town, both in the mortal realm and immortals.

In the lower realm, these three realms are worlds apart. However, in the upper realm, these three realms are collectively called the mortal realm. In fact, there is not much difference.

Because of the abundant immortal energy, it may take eight thousand to twenty thousand years for the cultivation of mortals in the lower world to reach Earth Immortal. However, in the Immortal World, there are many mortal monks who become immortals in three to four hundred years.

It is easy to become an immortal, so the boundary between immortals and mortals is not so clear, and it is common for Human Immortals to mix.

In the Qingyuan Martial Arts Competition that Lin Qing wanted to participate in, Qingyuan City was a small town, and what Lin Qing wanted to fight for was the city lord of such a small town.

Above the small city is the human city, which is a city protected by the luck of living beings. Living in such a city and practicing cultivation will also receive the city's luck bonus, which has many wonderful advantages.

Wan Yuan City is a city of people that governs tens of thousands of cities with characters like Qing Yuan City, so it is called Wan Yuan City.

The monks are very dependent on the city, because in addition to the Immortal Dao creatures, the Immortal World also has many ferocious beasts, Demonic Beasts, Warcraft, as well as demonic cultivators and ghost cultivators active in the wilderness. It is easy to be surprised when walking outside. die.

If Immortal Dao had been established and Immortals had moved into the Immortal World and they had been fighting against these Demonic Beasts, then these things would have been killed long ago in three hundred thousand years.

It's a pity that you can't kill them, because the Immortal World is not the Immortal World of the human race, but the Immortal World of all spirits. Behind the rabbit or wolf you see, there may be an immortal race behind them.

If you attack their tribesmen, you are reducing their luck and making them enemies.

But we can't let people who love order live in the wilderness with these murderers.

So a contract was signed, and a large number of cities were built on the Immortal World, giving the monks a safe place to practice.

After the city was built, it was also restricted by hundreds of tribes and spirits, that is, the city was as big as it was when it was built, and no further expansion was allowed in the future.

From then on, there was order inside the city and disorder outside the city. The order of the Immortal World was thus established!

This is why Lin Qing calls himself the village owner and calls the place where he lives a village.

He was right. Those who did not live in villages or cities were robbers and robbers and were part of the disorder.

Some people like an orderly life, and some people like a disorderly life, but it is not always a personal choice.

What's more, many people are born with no choice.

For example, Luo Yun obviously longs for order, but he Ascension ends up in a cottage.

Luo Yun looked at the primitive city in front of him with its ancient buildings. He felt full of curiosity and there were surprises everywhere.

Along the way, he could see not only people, but pigs with big shoulders and round noses, turtles lying on the ground, and a cat lady with a human face but cat ears on top of her head.

This is not a city at all, it looks like a country of goblins!

Only then did Luo Yun remember that all the people in that cottage were human beings!

Human beings live in cottages, but cities are occupied by various monsters. This is really strange.

Moreover, he called me a hairless monkey.

Luo Yun is more rational than sensual, and of course he knows that humans claim to be the leader of all spirits. In the Immortal Cultivation World, the concept of "human" is very broad, and all living creatures are considered humans.

It is indeed strange that you say your race is human, just like tigers say their race is vertebrates.

Luo Yun could understand what the dog-eared monk said.

But I understand, but I still feel very unhappy!

Having said that, I can tolerate calling me [hairless monkey], but don’t really treat me like a monkey!

Feeling the fiery eyes of all the fairies around him, Luo Yun felt a chill in his heart.

"OI!" A call sounded from behind Luo Yun.

Luo Yun turned his head and saw an elephant head. It was four meters tall, broad-shouldered and round-waisted. The living elephant spirit was standing at the door of a palace, shouting to him.

"You, call me?" Luo Yun pointed at himself and asked curiously.

"I didn't tell you to call someone else!" the elephant said angrily: "Are you a hairless monkey? Come here and let me take a good look!"

Luo Yun rolled his eyes, ignored him at all, turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, the elephant immediately became angry, and Teng Teng stepped on the heavy stone slabs and chased after him.

"What do you want?" Luo Yun turned around and asked.

"It's just a hairless monkey, I think you are giving me face?" The elephant roared: "You still dare to run? Come here!"

As he spoke, his nose straightened out and spread toward Luo Yun.

[What a pity, he beat me to it! ]

[It turns out that the hairless monkey is like this, he seems to have no tail! ]

[So hairless monkeys are also called tailless monkeys! ]

"What is going on!" Not only did no one act bravely, the goblins next to him even started to comment on Luo Yun, and some even started to adjust their appearance in front of Luo Yun.

And his appearance is approaching humans at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"I understand!" Luo Yun's understanding was astonishing, and he understood instantly.

There is no concept of Innate Dao Body in this world, but the human body is indeed very convenient, unlike a chicken or a bear, where it is inconvenient to grab a chopstick, poop and wipe your butt.

Even if there is no concept of Innate Dao Body, these monsters will instinctively evolve in the direction of humans in order to facilitate their lives.

But there seems to be no one in Wan Yuan City!

Then their transformation can only rely on their personal understanding of hairless monkeys.

It's different now. There really is a hairless monkey here. Why don't we take a closer look and learn the real method of transformation?

After understanding the key, Luo Yun was a little speechless, but he didn't want to fight with the elephant in the street, so he simply slapped the elephant's trunk and bent it, and then used the teleportation technique to disappear directly in front of everyone.

When he reappeared, his ears were already covered with feathers, and there were three gorgeous long feathers on the top of his head.

Now when I walk on the street again, no one is watching!

While Yuan Jian was still renting a house, Yang Ning relied on Pangu particles to basically complete the collection of Immortal World information.

[So, the gameplay of Immortal World is actually like this! ]

(End of chapter)

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