Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 48 Shooting The Black Wolf

Chapter 48: Shooting the Black Wolves

"What? Can't farm points anymore?" Su Bai was surprised. "Why?"

He didn't know how efficient others were at scoring, but their team was really good. They didn't do anything and the ladybugs were already popping like firecrackers.

And it was safe!

As for the oil, they had five storage bags, a total of five hundred tons. It wouldn't burn out even if it burned for three days and three nights!

"I don't know," Xun Hu scratched his head.

"Maybe the card bug got patched!" Yang Ning also felt speechless, but since people were sending private messages, they could only leave.

"Where should we go next?" Xun Hu asked.

"Up ahead is the Black Wolf Forest!" Yang Ning said. "Let's go kill some wolves."

"That's a good idea!" The three of them brightened up upon hearing this.

The Black Wolf Forest was filled with many black wolves. These fierce beasts were accustomed to moving in groups, and their cultivation was not low, around the Fourth or Fifth Layer of the physical body. The Wolf King even had the strength of the Sixth Layer of the physical body.

Black wolves had a keen sense of smell and astonishing endurance. Once they got entangled with someone, it was a fight to the death. It would be a headache for an ordinary group to encounter them.

But if it was a tank...

To put it simply, black wolves had no way to break through a tank's defense.

After discussing, the four of them rumbled forward in the tank towards the Black Wolf Forest.

Their actions were not only being observed by the inner disciples, but also by the residents of Ocean Cloud City.

"This steel fortress seems really useful!" Some astute merchants had already realized the value of tanks. "I know of a secret realm that produces a lot of iron ore, but it's infested with poisonous insects and bees. It's extremely difficult to mine there. If we had this thing..."

"It's not just for mining, this thing is also powerful in battle," said a King's General who was visiting Ocean Cloud City and happened to be watching his own child perform. "If this thing can withstand attacks from the Scarlet Ladybug, then it can definitely withstand attacks from bows and knives. It would be much more useful on the battlefield than a war chariot!"

"But this thing can only set fire at close range. It seems like it doesn't have any long-range attack methods. If the enemy is far away, then it would be useless, right?" the King said.

"Long-range attack?" The General pointed at the huge cannon barrel. "That should be for long-range attacks, right?"


The tank reached the edge of the forest, and then the hatch opened. They saw a little girl come out carrying a net full of meat, which she hung on the armor.

The meat was dripping with blood, obviously freshly slaughtered.

And this fresh meat was most attractive to the fierce beasts!

The girl quickly retreated, and then the scene changed. Yuan Qingming killed a crocodile!

"Damn it!" Countless people shouted, "Why the hell are you switching screens?"

"What's so interesting about killing a crocodile! I want to see the fortress!"

The protests of the residents didn't bother Immortal Ascension Academy at all, but the inner disciples were also dissatisfied!

"Fang Zhuo, switch back already!" someone shouted. "What's so interesting about killing a crocodile? Show us the fortress!"

"Yeah, who hasn't seen a crocodile being stabbed with a spear? Hurry up and switch to the fortress!"

Fang Zhuo was speechless. In the past, Yuan Qingming killing more than ten crocodiles in such a short time would have been a brilliant display, but this year no one was interested?

The key was that no one had ever seen this tank before, and the idea of setting fire to the Scarlet Ladybugs was also unheard of. Naturally, everyone was curious.

Even the inner disciples who possessed peerless Divine Abilities were curious about how this round fortress would kill the black wolves.

"It's here!" Fang Zhuo quickly had someone switch the screen and fixed the main screen. If anyone wanted to see others, they could watch the split screen.

The screen turned, and a black wolf cautiously poked its head out from behind a rock.

Even though its physical body was at the Sixth Layer, it hadn't started strengthening its brain yet, so no matter how strong it was, it was still just a wild beast.

It saw the meat hanging on the tank, but didn't see the people inside. After hesitating for a moment, it immediately charged forward.

In the gaze of everyone, a small shooting hole opened, and then a crossbow arrow shot out, causing the black wolf to fall down with a sound!

"Hmm," how should I put it, it felt natural, but also somewhat unsatisfactory.

"Shooting arrows from the fortress, what a great idea!" The Grand General's eyes lit up.

"Really?" The King shook his head. "I feel like it's just average!"

"Killing a wolf with one arrow is enough, not wasteful, but just right!" The Grand General tried his best to praise.

He really liked this thing. He wished he could make a hundred or eighty of them. If I don't invade the enemy's capital with them, you can behead me!

The King's mouth twitched. Did you think I couldn't see that this thing is very good? But it's made of iron, do you know how expensive it is?!

Instead of making this thing, it would be better to spend money to cultivate his own son into an immortal!

"It's happening again!" When the black wolves appeared again, the King quickly changed the topic.

This time there were two of them.

They first saw the meat hanging on the tank from a distance, and then they saw the corpse of their companion and the arrows on the corpse.

They were not unfamiliar with this thing. With so many students at Immortal Ascension Academy every year, there were bound to be some who used bows. So the two wolves quickly became alert and sniffed the scent of the enemy with their noses.

But after sniffing for a while, they didn't smell anything.

Tanks are even waterproof, so naturally they can block out smells.

"Did they leave?" After all, wolves are just animals. If they can't figure something out, they stop thinking about it. Then they cautiously approached and carefully crossed over their companion's corpse.

Nothing happened.

"Thank goodness!" Yang Ning said, "If they didn't come, we would have to change locations."

Ning Rong stuck out her tongue and said she wanted to get closer to shoot, but she couldn't resist shooting an arrow just now. Fortunately, these two wolves didn't eat their companion's corpse, but chose the meat on their tank.

Perhaps they knew that their companion's meat didn't taste good?

Fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" Two more arrows were shot, and this time the two wolves were not hit in vital areas, but after struggling for a while, they still fell down!

"The arrows are poisoned!" Ming Yuxiu said speechlessly, "Who are these people? Is this how Immortal Ascension Academy students play now?"

Hiding in the fortress, burning ladybugs, poisoning arrows to kill black wolves, is this what a proper cultivator does?

Why didn't I think of using it back then? I stupidly used a sword and ended up with a big cut on my arm.

"But it's very effective!" Li Yuan's eyes lit up. His personal servant died early, and he happened to enjoy refining tools, so he also learned how to refine tools.

Perhaps not all tool refiners think that creating things is more important than people themselves, but those who have this idea are definitely the majority.

Li Yuan is one of them.

He happily watched the scene in the water mirror and pondered what it would be like if he turned this thing into a Treasure Weapon.

At the very least, he should be able to run, fly, and swim. As for weapons, bows and arrows are useless for Qi Refining cultivators, so they can be changed to thunder Dao spells.

"Damn, isn't this the Void Thunder Disk!" Li Yuan thought of a Dao Weapon. This thing can stand on top of it and have unparalleled defensive power, and it can also emit lightning attacks on others.

"It seems... it's just like that?" With this thought, it seems that this mobile fortress is not as useful as he thought. There are so many Treasure Weapons and Dao Weapons that combine defense and attack, and even many Spirit Weapons fall into this category.

But considering that this mobile fortress was built by a first-year student at Immortal Ascension Academy, it's not even a Mortal Weapon!

With this thought, he couldn't help but think that this young man was impressive.

"Wolf pack!" Li Yuan suddenly heard a suppressed exclamation behind him. He turned around and found a woman in a green dress and a little maid in an orange dress.

Who is this? Why don't I recognize her?

But the woman in the green dress is sitting, so she must be an inner disciple?

Female inner disciples are really rare. According to my impression, I should remember each one. Could she be newly promoted?

Li Yuan turned around to say something to the woman, but in the next instant, he felt a surging pressure accompanied by endless coldness rushing towards him from one direction.

He quickly turned his head back and realized that it was Lin Tianheng's people.

At the same time, he cursed inwardly, "You have so much already, yet you still want more!"

Looking at the scene, indeed, a pack of black wolves appeared, numbering over forty.

The leader of the pack was four meters tall and two meters high, with a faintly visible character "王" on its forehead.

"This black wolf king must have reached the Physical Body Realm Sixth Layer and the Unified Harmony stage!" Li Yuan looked at the wolf that walked lightly on the tree branches without bending them. This kind of control over power is not something that can be achieved with just the Fifth Layer of the physical body.

Even a second-year group would need the cooperation of seven or eight groups to hunt down a beast with this level of strength.

The Sixth Layer of the physical body is only about five or six times stronger than the Fifth Layer in terms of strength alone, but in terms of skills, it can be increased by dozens of times. The overall combat power is increased by fifty or sixty times!

Can Xun Hu's group handle it?

While he was contemplating, he saw the cannon on the third level of the fortress start to rotate, aiming at the black wolf king.

The black wolf king inexplicably felt a sense of panic, but didn't know where this feeling came from.

As for the cannon in front of it, it had never seen such a weapon in its ancestors' generations, so naturally, it didn't have any inherited memory of avoiding it.

But no matter what, it had to show its dominance first!

The black wolf king found a huge rock and jumped onto it in three or two steps: "Awoo!"

"Buzz!" A black shadow cut through the air and instantly pierced its chest!

"Awoo!" The black wolf king let out a miserable cry and immediately tried to escape, but in an instant, it felt a tearing pain.

When it turned its head, it found that the thing that had been shot into its body had completely disappeared, and there was even a rope connecting it to the fortress!

"Awoo!" The black wolf king immediately ordered the black wolves to charge forward. As long as they killed the enemy, it would naturally be safe!

Just as the order was given, it felt a wave of weakness spreading from the wound, and its brain was also fainting.

This is... poisoned!

The black wolf quickly activated its blood and qi. Wolves have a strong resistance to poison, and as a wolf with the Sixth Layer of the physical body, it is almost immune to all poisons.

Just a mere poison, huh?

(End of this chapter)

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