Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 58 Physical Body Sixth Layer Unified Harmony Realm

Chapter 58: Physical Body, Sixth Layer Unified Harmony Realm

In the Spirit Realm, there were many avatars cultivating. Every time Deep Blue obtained a technique in the Translation Hall or learned one at the Immortal Ascension Academy, a Yang Ning avatar would be constructed in the Spirit Realm.

These avatars stood or sat, some were in motion while others were still. Some held swords, while others held spears.

Their appearances varied, but their expressions were consistent - they all had a poker face.

One of the avatars had an ordinary appearance, sitting cross-legged without moving.

The only special thing about it was its rosy complexion and lively eyes.

Yang Ning took out an ultrasonic knife and lightly made a cut on his arm. With the blood flow rate of a Martial Artist, his blood should have gushed out like a fountain.

However, the blood of this avatar seemed to completely ignore the wound, not flowing out at all.

Yang Ning didn't mind and instead enlarged the wound until he could see the red blood cells with his naked eye.

But what he saw in the blood vessels of this avatar were not red blood cells, but rather, small crimson dragons swimming within the blood vessels.

Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force!

The Purple-Gold Coiling Dragon Body could transform all the cells in the body into purple-golden little dragons, including the red blood cells, which could also transform into small crimson dragons.

However, the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force specialized in strength, surpassing the Purple-Gold Coiling Dragon Body in the application of qi, blood, and mana. Therefore, if both Divine Abilities were cultivated together, the body would be composed of purple-golden little dragons, while the blood would be composed of small crimson dragons.

Of course, both the purple-golden little dragons and the small crimson dragons were not real entities, but rather the manifestation of peerless Divine Abilities in the mortal realm. It was just that the Crimson Dragon and Coiling Dragon clans had gone the furthest in cultivating these two Divine Abilities, so the Divine Abilities took on their appearance.

Just like how Zhuge Liang's exceptional wisdom caused the surname "Zhuge" to become synonymous with intelligence, the rules of the world were influenced by the will of the strong.

"The Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force can increase one's strength by several times, or even dozens of times. This avatar's strength has been increased fivefold due to the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force. As for how much it can be increased when under conscious control, it is unknown!" Deep Blue explained.

"It truly is a peerless Divine Ability!" Yang Ning exclaimed. A fivefold increase in strength!

What concept was this? A Mortal Weapon that could amplify qi and blood by more than one fold was called a Peerless Grade Mortal Weapon!

And the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force, even in a passive state, could increase strength fivefold!

Yang Ning extended his finger and tapped the foreheads of the two avatars, instantly restoring their memories of cultivating the two Divine Abilities.

The next second, Yang Ning had already left the Spirit Realm and arrived in a quiet room.

He silently recited the scripture of the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force, and under the influence of the scripture, his qi and blood emitted mysterious fluctuations, driving them to evolve in a mysterious, unknown, and powerful direction!

For a moment, Yang Ning grasped all the qi and blood in his body. He felt as if he had transformed into a vast wilderness, with countless crimson dragons growing, reproducing, and roaming here.

"Stop!" With a thought, all the crimson dragons ceased their movements.

"Move!" With another thought, all the crimson dragons surged forward.

"Condense!" With a pointed finger, a hole the size of a finger suddenly appeared on a bluish-green boulder in front of Yang Ning.

"Disperse!" All the crimson dragons scattered, returning to their original free and casual state.

"Conceal!" The crimson dragons seemed to sense something and immediately concealed their dragon forms, transforming into round and rolling red blood cells, triangular, quadrilateral, and fragmented platelets, no longer exuding their previous majesty.

"Congratulations, Master, for breaking through to the Sixth Layer of the physical body!"

"Phew!" Yang Ning's mouth curled slightly.

It has been three months since the trial at Fixed Monster Valley. During these three months, he took one Blood Circulation Tablet in the morning, afternoon, and evening, and practiced day and night with the help of the "White Dragon's Absorption Method," "Heavenly Dragon's Apocalyptic Sound," and "Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique."

Finally, a week ago, his internal organs, limbs, and even facial muscles were all tempered.

His cultivation had also reached the peak of the Fifth Layer of the Physical Body Realm.

Only the bones, bone marrow, and brain remained.

However, the bones were extremely hard and required high-quality blood and qi.

The bone marrow and brain were in special positions. The former involved the foundation of cultivation and the body's vitality, while the latter involved human wisdom and the essence of the mind.

With the current strength and precision of his blood and qi field, it was not enough to temper these two positions. He had to break through to the Sixth Layer of the Physical Body Realm, the Unified Harmony Realm.

The Unified Harmony Realm was a state where the mind and blood and qi were highly integrated. It could disperse and unite, remain hidden beneath the nine layers of the earth when still, and fight above the nine layers of the sky when in motion. It was a state where the mind completely controlled the blood and qi.

This realm was extremely profound. Not only did it require high-quality blood and qi, but it also required martial artists to comprehend the profound meaning of Martial Dao. With true comprehension, one could command the blood and qi as they wished, without losing control.

Because the profound meaning was elusive, even individuals with extraordinary comprehension sometimes struggled for two to three years due to the mismatch between their Martial Dao cultivation and their own thoughts. Not to mention ordinary people, it was normal for them to struggle for four to five years.

At Immortal Ascension Academy, second-year elite students generally reached the peak of the Fifth Layer of the Physical Body Realm. In the third and fourth years, the mainstream cultivation level for students was also the Fifth Layer of the Physical Body Realm.

Only in the fifth year would students attempt to break through to the Sixth Layer of the Physical Body Realm. Once they broke through, cultivating the Seventh and Eighth Layers of the Physical Body Realm became a matter of time, usually taking no more than two years as long as there was a sufficient supply of elixirs.

Therefore, the graduation requirement set by Immortal Ascension Academy was the Eighth Layer of the Physical Body Realm, and it was not arbitrarily decided.

Yang Ning was originally going to struggle for a long time because since he embarked on the path of cultivation, he had only practiced martial arts for the first month. Afterwards, he relied solely on the "Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique" to temper his body. He didn't even throw a punch, participate in battles, or undergo life and death trials. In such a comfortable environment, how could he comprehend the true meaning of Martial Dao?

He was not unaware of the methods to comprehend the true meaning of Martial Dao. The teachers at school taught them. One was to practice martial arts diligently, practicing a hundred times a day until the true meaning naturally emerged.

The second was to engage in battles, not the kind of battles in Fixed Monster Valley, but battles in the mountains, in the military, and in places with ferocious beasts.

Only in real life and death battles could one truly experience the true meaning of Martial Dao!

But Yang Ning thought, isn't the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force a cultivation technique for cultivating strength? It could even command the mana of the Qi Refining Realm, so commanding blood and qi should be a piece of cake.

This attempt indeed succeeded. With the help of the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force cultivation technique, Yang Ning successfully controlled the dragon and tiger blood and qi, advancing to the Unified Harmony Realm!

Although he used an unparalleled cultivation technique to control his blood and qi instead of true comprehension, as long as the goal was achieved, it was the same.

Moreover, who could comprehend a Martial Dao true meaning stronger than an unparalleled cultivation technique?

So, the effect of using the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force to stimulate blood and qi was much stronger than using true comprehension for an ordinary person!

"The Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force can actually increase my power by five times!" Yang Ning activated the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force and felt the sudden surge of power.

In terms of numerical quantification, his physique was 150 when he was at the Fifth Layer of the Physical Body Realm. When he reached the peak of the Fifth Layer, it reached 170. Just after breaking through to the Unified Harmony Realm, due to the connection of blood and qi, his physique increased by another 30 points, reaching 200.

With a physique of 200, he could exert a force of 20 tons with a punch. But if he activated the Crimson Dragon's Crimson Cloud Force, it could soar to a hundred tons!

Although this move consumed a lot of physical strength, Yang Ning could only throw three punches. But it was already enough for now!

In a battle where the strength was evenly matched, suddenly increasing one's combat power by five times was equivalent to having a top-tier expert fight in a silver-ranked match. Who could withstand that?

If he also used the divine ability of Unified Harmony Realm, the power of this punch would be even more terrifying, already approaching a thousand tons!

(End of this chapter)

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