Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 69 Founding A Company

Chapter 69: Establishing a Company

After obtaining the Dragon Ball and gaining superpowers, Yang Ning began thinking about how to use them openly and legitimately.

The water element definitely couldn't be exposed because it involved the Cloud Mist Information Matrix. Wind and thunder, on the other hand, didn't matter as much because wind, fire, and thunder were the three most common elements mastered by Physical Body Realm Martial Artists through their techniques.

Of course, they were simulated using qi and blood force fields, not real wind, fire, and thunder.

As he researched, the "Wind and Thunder True Body" came into Yang Ning's view.

For outsiders, this cultivation technique was very difficult to practice, but for Yang Ning, it was quite simple because he could already manipulate wind and thunder. Moreover, his slightly accomplished Purple-Gold Coiling Dragon Body was not afraid of the harm caused by the gentle breeze and thunder.

After just flipping through the "Wind and Thunder True Body," Yang Ning could already simulate this technique with a hundred percent accuracy, or even two hundred, three hundred, or five hundred percent.

Because he could manipulate real wind and thunder, his Purple-Gold Coiling Dragon Body would be even stronger than the Wind and Thunder True Body.

However, in order to conceal his abilities, he still needed to go to the Hidden Wind Valley and Thunder Cliff.

The best techniques that these Immortal Ascension Academy disciples could access were only a few. Even if Teacher Lin didn't bring this book, Yang Ning could ask him to change it on the grounds of it not being suitable or not liking it. He could always change it two or three times.

Teacher Lin thought that Yang Ning cultivating the "Wind and Thunder True Body" was a coincidence, but Yang Ning knew that it was inevitable.

After passing the Divine Form Law class and the practical combat class, the other courses posed no problem.

Tasks like identifying ferocious beasts, understanding the Extreme Eternal Sect's historical dragon texts and runes, which might take others several years or even until they reached the Qi Refining Stage to fully memorize, Yang Ning could remember them all with just one read. The teachers were astonished and exclaimed that he could do whatever he wanted with just a glance.

Two days later, Yang Ning had conquered all the teachers except for Teacher Lin and gained the privilege of not attending classes.

As for Teacher Lin, going to the Hidden Wind Valley and Thunder Cliff was no different from body tempering and skipping class. After all, he didn't need his real body present to create things now.

His Goldfinger still had to slowly climb the technological tree in mechanical processing, but when it came to software processes, remote control, artificial intelligence, and virtual universes, with the computing power of the Spirit Realm behind him, the development speed was truly astonishing.

On the third day, Yang Ning held up a huge scroll and arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria. He unfolded the scroll and took out a table and a chair from his storage bag, then placed a stack of white paper on the table and sat down.

"Yang, Yang Ning, why are you here!" A familiar person appeared in front of Yang Ning. It was the artifact refining master who had asked many questions at the previous car launch event. Yang Ning still had some impression of him.

"What's wrong? Can't I come to the cafeteria?" Yang Ning asked in return.

"It's not that!" the artifact refining master said, "I heard that you became an official disciple. Isn't it class time now?"

"I became an official disciple to take care of my friends, but my heart is still in artifact refining!" Yang Ning pointed to the scroll beside him. "Take a look, are you interested?"

The artifact refining master quickly turned his head and saw several huge characters written on the scroll: "Tianma Automobile Company Recruitment Event!"

Establishing a Company

Urgently in need of talents

Tianma Automobile

Waiting for you!

Below was a portrait of Yang Ning, tilting his head, smiling, and extending his right hand.

The composition was enchanting and full of attraction.

"Tianma Automobile?" the artifact refining master asked, "I know Tianma, but what is an automobile?"

"It's a vehicle that uses an alcohol engine!" Seeing more and more students gathering around, Yang Ning explained loudly, "There are more types of vehicles than just cars. I'm also planning to make trucks and living vehicles. I collectively refer to these vehicles as automobiles. This Tianma Company is a guild that manufactures automobiles!"

"Why not call it Tianma Guild then?" someone asked.

"Because this is not privately owned!" Yang Ning said, "I plan to divide the ownership of the company into one hundred shares, of which eighty-five shares belong to me, and the remaining fifteen shares belong to all the employees of Tianma Company! Since it is our business association, naturally we can no longer call it a business association, so I will call it a company, a public business organization!"

"Ah!" A cry of surprise came from the crowd. Can it really be like this?

You see, business associations are generally owned by families, or at least by sects. Workers are always just workers, how can they have the qualifications to have shares?

Don't underestimate the fact that Yang Ning only took out 15%, but this is already an unprecedented change!

"Of course, I'm not asking you to work for free!" Yang Ning rolled up the scroll and revealed more content.

"For those who join Tianma Company, I can teach you how to make cars. In addition, I will also pay you a salary every month based on the company's profits. In principle, the monthly salary expenditure is 20% of the company's profits. Furthermore, because you also have a 15% stake in the company, we will also distribute dividends based on the annual profits at the end of each year. This is also a large sum of money!"

"To join your company, we can learn skills and make money?" The artifact refining masters were dumbfounded. Is this charity?

In any company where you can learn skills, you have to work as a menial laborer for three years at least, and then work as a laborer for another three years before you qualify to learn skills.

Even after mastering the skills, you can't leave. You have to work for the employer until death. If you're lucky, you might marry the employer's daughter and inherit their wealth. If you're unlucky, you'll be selling yourself to the employer for a lifetime.

"But, don't we still have to attend classes?" someone raised their hand and asked.

"What are you learning in class?" Yang Ning asked.

"Artifact refining?"

"Then, when you come to my company, aren't you still learning artifact refining?"

"Uh, what about our cultivation?" someone else asked.

"In the company, you work eight hours a day, and the rest of the time is yours. It won't delay your cultivation. And with a salary, you can buy elixirs, which will help you improve your cultivation faster!" Yang Ning replied.

"I don't know artifact refining, do you still hire?" a servant asked.

"Good question, of course I do!" Yang Ning said loudly, "If you have strength and can work without being lazy!"

"Work?" The servant thought for a moment and decided against it.

He was a servant at the Immortal Ascension Academy, but at least he came from a general's family. How could he work for someone else?

"Um, can we start our own car manufacturing company with the car-making techniques you taught on the playground?" someone asked.

"Of course, no problem!" Yang Ning nodded, "After making the cars, we can compete fairly and make money together!"

"That's great!" The disciple and a few people around him exchanged glances and already had ideas.

After all, anyone can see that these cars will definitely make a profit.

Why would they want to work for someone else when they can make money on their own?

"So, is there anyone who wants to join?" Yang Ning asked, "If so, you can come here and fill out a form with your personal information!"

"I'll come!" the most curious artifact refining master took a form and filled in his name on Yang Ning's desk: Tian Qin!

However, only a few people signed up on the spot. Most of them hesitated and watched, and some were clearly interested but had to go back and discuss with their masters.

Yang Ning was not in a hurry. Starting a company is not something that can be done overnight. Take it slow!

However, doing everything by himself does waste some time. Even though he has Deep Blue, he can't use it for company management, which is a bit of a waste.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Ning took out a black token from his storage bag.

(End of this chapter)

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