Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 89 Extreme Eternal Palace, Heng Ming Tower

Chapter 89: Extreme Eternal Palace, Heng Ming Tower

Xu Origin Returning's prestige among artifact refiners was very high. As soon as he mentioned joining, it immediately led to a large number of people joining.

The remaining hesitant ones also agreed after Yang Ning finished explaining the other benefits.

Some people wanted to join but were concerned about their low level of artifact refining skills and being pure amateurs, so they might not be able to enjoy the benefits of the Artifact Refiners Association. Yang Ning told them that the association not only needed skilled artifact refiners but also staff members who had some technical knowledge.

When they heard that staff members would receive a salary, they also joined.

As long as the majority agreed, the remaining few would not be stubborn. So, in the span of an afternoon, all the artifact refiners in the entire hall became members of the Artifact Refiners Association.

Since they were all cultivators and didn't need to sleep, they stayed up all night and planned the functional departments of the artifact refiners association.

The Artifact Refiners Association was divided into nine departments: Information Department, Technical Department, Assessment Department, Judicial Department, Enforcement Department, Legislative Department, Intelligence Department, Circulation Department, and External Relations Department.

The Information Department was responsible for registering all the information and professional skills of artifact refiners, including their names, skills, and levels, and updating them regularly.

The Technical Department was responsible for assessing, certifying, and recording technical patents, as well as collecting, summarizing, and organizing technologies that were not within the patent protection period. They were also responsible for protecting and inheriting artifact refining techniques and providing training and teaching of artifact refining techniques. They organized skill training, lectures, and seminars for artifact refiners.

The Assessment Department was responsible for assessing and certifying the skills and abilities of artifact refiners. Based on the assessment results, they issued corresponding badges. Only those with the corresponding badges could take on artifact refining tasks of the corresponding level.

The Judicial Department served as the highest judicial institution for artifact refiners. They were responsible for handling disputes among artifact refiners and adjudicating and safeguarding the rights of artifact refiners.

The Enforcement Department served as the violent arm of the Artifact Refiners Association. They were responsible for suppressing and arresting individuals who infringed upon the rights of members of the Artifact Refiners Association.

The Legislative Department was responsible for the formulation of laws and standards related to artifact refining industries, such as the Patent Law and the Company Law.

The Intelligence Department was responsible for collecting and disseminating information and technology related to artifact refining. They provided the information and technical support needed by artifact refiners, helping them understand and master cutting-edge technologies in artifact refining.

The Circulation Department was responsible for managing a large number of tools, equipment, and materials related to artifact refining, so that artifact refiners could easily obtain and use the necessary artifact refining materials.

The External Relations Department was responsible for liaising between artifact refiners and the outside world. This included issuing material collection tasks, negotiating artifact refining collaborations, and purchasing artifact refining materials and equipment.

The meeting determined that the president of the Artifact Refiners Association would be elected and would serve on a rotating basis. The association would also establish an executive committee, with six rotating presidents serving as committee chairs. The ministers and deputy ministers of all departments would serve as members. An executive meeting would be held once a year to summarize and address the association's issues from the previous year, as well as to formulate plans and budgets for the coming year.

The nine departments were set up within the Extreme Eternal Sect, with bureaus under each department. These bureaus served all the artifact refiners in the Extreme Eternal Sect. Therefore, wherever there were gatherings of artifact refiners in cities, bureaus would be established.

Under the bureaus, there were offices, which were the most basic units of the Artifact Refiners Association. They would be established in all cities of all countries within the Extreme Eternal Sect. They would be responsible for negotiating artifact refining collaborations, issuing artifact refining tasks, and other work. However, some offices might be phased out once mobile phones became popular.

At first, the artifact refiners had doubts, but as each department was established and their functions became clear, and as they learned more about the Artifact Refiners Association, they finally realized that this was truly an organization dedicated to serving them wholeheartedly.

The enthusiasm for working for others and for oneself was naturally incomparable. As time passed, everyone's emotions became even more excited, and regulations and rules were formulated one by one.

Even the production of mobile phones was something that capable artifact refiners were eager to take on.

It used to take Li Yuan half a day to make a mobile phone, but among these seven thousand people, there were many who were much stronger than Li Yuan, who had only recently become an artifact refiner. There was one artifact refiner named Wei Hui who could make a phone in just half an hour.

Upon inquiry, it turned out that he specialized in making identity jade cards.

At 10:30 the next morning, after several rounds of research, discussions, and comparisons, without finding any problems or thinking of any additional details to add, the organizational charter of the Artifact Refiners Association was finally confirmed.

But this did not mean that the Artifact Refiners Association had been established, as all the artifact refiners belonged to the Extreme Eternal Sect, and the sect had not yet given its approval.

At half past three in the afternoon, after layers of selection, the first president of the Artifact Refining Master Association, Li Yuan, the chairman of the Executive Committee, Xu Origin Returning, the secretary of the Artifact Refining Master Association, and the chief designer of the Artifact Refining Master Association, Yang Ning, under the gaze of all the artifact refining masters, boarded the Spirit Weapon bound for the Heng Ming Tower in the Extreme Eternal Palace.

Everyone's hearts were filled with prayers, hoping for success!

Seated cross-legged on the fan-shaped Spirit Weapon, Xu Origin Returning appeared calm. Although his cultivation level was not high, he had dedicated many years to the Extreme Eternal. Even the sect leader had to treat him with respect.

But Li Yuan and Yang Ning were very nervous. The former was excited with a hint of excitement, while the latter was nervous with a touch of unease.

The Spirit Realm could deceive Golden Core cultivators, but the sect leader was a powerful expert in the Spirit Law Realm. Could they deceive him?

If they were exposed, then they could only...

"Have you seen the sect leader? What does he look like? What is his personality like? How should we address him?" Yang Ning asked softly.

"The sect leader's surname is Qu, and his name is Heng. I saw him once twenty-four years ago when I participated in the Mountain and River Ranking competition. The sect leader is handsome in appearance, humble in character, and very caring towards his disciples. You don't need to be nervous!" Li Yuan whispered.

How could he not be nervous!


"The surname Qu, seems to be a surname from the North Plains?" Yang Ning knew about this country. It was sandwiched between the Yue Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom. If the sect leader came from the North Plains, wouldn't that mean they were fellow countrymen?

"The sect leader does indeed come from the North Plains!" Li Yuan said.

"That's true!" Yang Ning felt slightly relieved and asked, "What about the surname Tian?"

"There are people surnamed Tian in the First Heaven Sect, but we don't have any here!" Li Yuan said.

Beside them, Xu Origin Returning smiled and said, "Tian Dao Yi is not naturally surnamed Tian. However, his original name was too gentle. As the eldest senior brother, such a name was not enough to suppress the younger disciples, so he changed it!"

"So that's how it is!" Yang Ning nodded. That's what I thought. Who would name their son Tian Dao Yi? Aren't they afraid they can't control him?

If I have the chance to become the eldest senior brother in the future, is the name Yang Ning enough?

If I have to change my name, what should I change it to? Yang Jian? Yang Guo?

"What is the name of the eldest senior brother in the First Heaven Sect?" Yang Ning asked again.

"Tai Su Yi!" Li Yuan replied.

"Uh..." Extreme Eternal, the word "Tai" naturally had a special meaning in the Extreme Eternal Sect, similar to the word "Tian" for the First Heaven Sect.

As a result, their own eldest senior brother was called Tian Dao Yi, while the senior brother on the opposite side was called Tai Su Yi, which had a bit of a confrontational meaning.

"We've arrived!" Li Yuan whispered.

Yang Ning didn't answer, but silently looked ahead.

There was an endless expanse that stretched to the end of the field of vision, with no indication of how far or how large the palace complex was. Orange bricks and blue tiles, palace walls standing tall, from a distance, it looked like a sea of undulating waves.

Above the palace complex, a golden octagonal tower with thirty-six floors soared, resembling a golden dragon swimming in the blue sea.

The palace complex was called the Extreme Eternal Palace, a Peerless Grade Dao Weapon.

The tower was called the Heng Ming Tower, an Immortal Weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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