Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 99 Money Moves People’S Hearts

Chapter 99: Wealth Moves Hearts

The setting sun is infinitely beautiful, but it is nearing dusk.

The brilliant evening glow extends from the end of the sky all the way to Red Leaf Island, as if Opening Heaven and Earth, splitting the blue sky and ocean in half.

The red leaves on the island sway gently in the breeze, accompanied by the faint sobbing of a woman and the sound of applause. It is truly a scene of red leaves, blue sea, and a jade-like woman!

After a long while, the clouds disperse and the rain stops. Hao Ming leans against his senior sister Zhang Hongye, his face filled with unease. "Senior sister, by doing this, am I betraying Senior Brother Ju Qingzi?"

"Which senior brother?"

"Of course, it's Senior Brother Ju Qingzi. Huh?" The young disciple suddenly pauses, what does she mean? Although I have three senior brothers, I can't betray all three of them, right?

"I have nothing to do with him."

"But you two..." Hao Ming blinks, anyone can see that senior sister and Senior Brother Ju Qingzi are a perfect match!

Zhang Hongye runs her fingers over Hao Ming's solid muscles and smiles. "I just like your innocence!"


"Are you rested?"

"I'm rested!"

"Then let's go again!" Zhang Hongye says as she prepares to straddle Hao Ming.

"Senior sister, please don't do this, senior sister, ah!"

Three hours later, Hao Ming's eyes are spinning, lying lifelessly under a tree.

He feels like he has just returned from the gates of hell, completely devoid of the joy of physical pleasure, only feeling endless pain.

As for senior sister, she left after having her fun.

"Sigh!" After resting for a while, Hao Ming finally gets up and puts on his clothes. He picks up his sword and is about to leave when he remembers something.

Right, the battlefield needs to be cleaned up!

"Huh?" Hao Ming turns his head and discovers that the battlefield is now covered in a layer of black ants!

"Black Ice Ants?" The members of Extreme Eternal can investigate the habits of the Black Ice Marching Ants in a short period of time. As a local, Hao Ming knows even more about these ants.

Hao Ming is shocked and immediately draws his sword, then brushes away the grass and follows the trail of the Black Ice Ants to find their nest.

The red leaf forest is dense with tall trees, and there are layers of fallen leaves on the ground. Hao Ming's mental state is not very good at the moment, so he has to bend down and carefully observe to see anything clearly.

"Such a large nest!" Hao Ming is surprised to find that the ant trail has spread out for more than ten meters. He has already seen at least fifty to sixty thousand ants along the way!

How many ants must there be in the nest?

But what is even more surprising is that such a large Black Ice Ant nest is here, yet the trees and soil in this area have not been damaged much.

"Hmm? Why is that?"

Hao Ming's eyes light up. There is only one possibility: there must be a natural enemy here!

He immediately holds his breath, lightens his footsteps, and strains his ears as he cautiously searches through the forest.

Before long, he finds the Black Ice Ant nest.

But instead of immediately destroying it, he grabs a handful of ants, crushes them in a bowl, and pours water over them, making a bowl of ant soup.

With a surge of energy and blood, the ant soup instantly explodes into a black mist that spreads in all directions.

Hao Ming then quickly climbs up a tree and carefully observes from above.

After more than ten minutes, a moving red rock, taking two steps back for every step forward, cautiously appears under the tree!

"As expected!" Hao Ming is overjoyed and immediately jumps down, grabbing hold of the creature.

The Red-Backed Celestial Armadillo immediately curls up into a ball, only revealing its hard shell.

But this shell can withstand wild beasts, not humans. Hao Ming directly carries the creature, shell and all, and puts it into a beast-taming bag.

Without returning to the sect, he leaves Red Leaf Island on a small boat with the ant-eating beast.

When he returns, he has changed his clothes, changed his sword, and has a hint of alcohol on his breath. He sways unsteadily.

This situation naturally couldn't be hidden from the senior brothers. They immediately pinned down Hao Ming and interrogated him, extracting the information in just a few sentences.

There are actually Red-backed Fairy Armadillos on the island!

The value of this thing is quite high. One can be sold for tens of thousands of taels of silver!

What are we waiting for? Let's go catch them!

As for whether catching them will affect the ecology, who cares?

They only know that Red-backed Anteaters are limited in number. If you don't catch them, others will take them all. When the time comes to sell them, you won't get a share!

The cultivation level of the people on the island is not high. Only Master Zhang Qizi and Master Yue Qiwei are at the Qi Refining stage.

But they have many tools, one tracking charm each, and with the blood of the Anteaters, plus the island is not big, only 16 square kilometers.

In less than one night, all the adult Red-backed Fairy Armadillos, along with their offspring, were captured.

At dawn, the four of them met and discussed.

An adult Red-backed Fairy Armadillo can be sold for 50,000 taels, and even the juveniles can be sold for a few thousand taels. They caught nine adults and six juveniles, with a total value exceeding 600,000 taels!

With so much money, they could easily join a better sect. Why bother staying on this small Red Leaf Island and suffering?

So the four of them packed up their things and left Red Leaf Island on a small boat.

Two hours later, they arrived at the main island of Yingzhou, found an inn, took a bath, changed their clothes, and then rode fast horses for another hour before finally stopping in a rugged place.

"Which sect should we join?" Second Senior Brother Bai Bolin asked.

"The Eastern Green Wood Sect only requires 150,000 taels, and all four of us can join!" Third Senior Brother Zhang Luer said.

"But the cultivation level of the Green Wood Sect's sect master is only at the Qi Refining Fourth Layer, just one layer higher than our master. Instead of spending so much money to join the Green Wood Sect, it's better to stay on Red Leaf Island!" Bai Bolin said.

"Then, what about the Mingzhu Sect? This sect only requires 100,000 taels, but their elders are at the Qi Refining Fifth Layer!" Hao Ming said.

"The Mingzhu Sect is currently fighting for territory with the Black Water Sect. They are just recruiting cannon fodder!" Bai Bolin said disdainfully. "If you want to die, go ahead!"

"That's not it, that's not it. What should we do then?" Zhang Luer said impatiently.

Just now, he was stimulated by the future described by the eldest senior brother, but now, after sailing for two hours and riding horses in the cold wind for another two hours, he had calmed down.

Upon careful consideration, although their master's cultivation level was low, their senior sister was beautiful!

And if I marry my senior sister, how could our master not pass on the true teachings to me?

Yes, Red Leaf Island is poor and life is difficult.

But now they have the Red-backed Fairy Armadillos. After selling them all, Red Leaf Island will have money, won't it?

"How about we go back?" Zhang Luer asked.

"Go back?" The eldest senior brother Ju Qingzi, who hadn't spoken for a long time, finally spoke up. "If you turned back two hours ago, there might still be a chance. But now, our junior sister must have already woken up and noticed that we're gone. Our secluded master and master mother must have been awakened too. If we go back, what can we say? We betrayed the sect and then regretted it?"

Zhang Luer fell silent immediately.

Once the act of betrayal is committed, there is no turning back.

Even if the master doesn't pursue it at the moment, who knows if there will be retaliation later?

"So what should we do? The best sect we can enter with 150,000 taels is the Green Wood Sect!" Zhang Luer said.

Ju Qingzi shook his head. "No, we have more than 150,000 taels. We have 600,000 taels!"

"Ah?" Zhang Luer was stunned and immediately tightened his grip on his sword. "What do you mean, eldest senior brother? Are you planning to keep it all for yourself?"

"You're not fair, eldest senior brother. Let's not talk about the fact that we all caught the Armadillos together. Even if we divide it, the fourth junior brother who discovered the Armadillos should get the biggest share!" Bai Bolin also quickly tightened his weapon. If the eldest senior brother wanted to keep it all for himself, he had to join forces with the third junior brother.

As for the useless Hao Ming, he was just there to make up the numbers.

Ju Qingzi quickly shook his head. "What do you take me for? We four are as close as brothers. How could I keep it all for myself?"

The remaining three didn't believe him. After all, Hao Ming only had a good time outside with the money he earned. It was the eldest senior brother who made the decisive decision to escape with them.

"What I mean is, with 600,000 taels, we can buy a spot!" Ju Qingzi said. "The remaining three can enter as servants or slaves. When this person breaks through to the Qi Refining stage, won't the other three have a chance?"

"This..." Bai Bolin and Zhang Luer were immediately tempted.

With 150,000 taels, they could only enter the Green Wood Sect, but with 600,000 taels, they could enter the Yuan Chen Sect, a Transcendent Level sect with a Gold Core expert!

(End of this chapter)

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