In the room of the battleship, there were only two people at this time, Nightfall and Czech, and on the table was a piece of gold blooming with golden light, which was intoxicating.

“Sir, is this pure gold?” Czech, stroking the solid gold, asked with a look of excitement.

Nightfall nodded, looked at the pure gold in front of him, and returned: “That’s right, this is pure gold, as long as it comes into contact with its light, the aging rate of our body is close to zero, so that we can have an endless lifespan.” ”

“Adults, how many people can be guaranteed to live forever with these pure gold?” The Czech Republic had some doubts, it would be a pity if the amount of pure gold was not enough.

“Don’t worry, Simon!” Ye Xiao was in a very happy mood at the moment, and said with a smile: “A person only needs a little pure gold is enough, not too much, under normal circumstances, only pure gold the size of mung beans is enough.” ”

“Ah, that’s it!” Simon’s eyes showed ecstasy, he really did not expect that pure gold the size of a green bean could guarantee a person’s immortality, if this is the case, not only adults can live forever, but even himself can live for thousands of years. The Czech Republic never doubted whether he could get pure gold, and he believed that Nightfall would give him a share.

“Simon, you go back and make a few rings out of pure gold, then give them to Klockdar, Jess, Anilu and others, and then take three more, oh no, give me four! I use! Well, give another one to Morguns, after all, he has a lot of credit this time. Nightfall cut a small piece from pure gold and gave it to the Czech Republic, and ordered.

“Yes, my lord!” Czech nodded and put away the solid gold.

Nightfall nodded, the reason why he took four pure gold rings was to prepare for the old man’s family, although the old man’s strength will not decline due to age, but a person’s life expectancy is still very short, and Karp will not be an exception. So he prepared a solid gold ring for Karp, Dragon, Luffy, and Ace.

“By the way, Simon, you gilded two of them with gold dust.” Nightfall suddenly remembered Miskina Olga in the future, that little girl never grew up because she wore a pure gold ring since she was a child, what if Luffy that kid didn’t grow up because he wore a pure gold ring, the old man couldn’t beat himself to death? That’s why he instructed Simon to gild Luffy and Ace’s share with gold dust, and the pure gold light affected their bodies.

The Czech Republic was stunned when he heard this, and then remembered something, and said with a smile: “The adult is prepared for the old man Karp’s family, right?” ”

Nightfall nodded, for Simon, Nightfall has never avoided anything, so Simon will be extremely loyal to Nightfall.

“Isn’t there only two people in Mr. Karp’s family, why should adults prepare four people?” The Czech Republic was a little puzzled and didn’t understand why Nightfall matched two people with four servings.

Hearing this, Ye Yan stretched out his hand to put the remaining pure gold into the storage ring, and then replied: “In recent years, the old man has two more young grandchildren, of course, I have to prepare two more.” ”

“Two little grandchildren?” The Czech Republic was stunned when he heard this, and then said incredulously: “Could it be that Mr. Jackie Chan is married?” ”

“I don’t know if I get married or not, but the dragon does have a biological son, whose name seems to be Monchi D. Luffy, as for the other, he is One Piece Gore D. Roger’s son, named Portcas D. Ace. Nightfall replied unhurriedly.

“What? One Piece’s child! After listening to the words of the night, the Czech eyes widened, and then felt a little speechless, Karp, as a naval hero and legendary vice admiral, since he adopted the number one enemy of the world government, it was really surprising.

“Hehe, what happens with the character of an old man, it will not be surprising, what about adopting the son of One Piece, Ace he is just a child, the people of the government are too much.” Nightfall shook his head and said noncommittally.

“It seems… Also! The corner of the Czech mouth twitched, if he was still in the navy, he would have a headache for an old fritters like Karp, but the Czech Republic did not dare to say it, because he knew that Karp was the most respected and closest person to Nightfall.


Three days later, when Page Caster Island in the New World, Nightfall and the others were replenishing some supplies, and then preparing to return to Samsara Island, Nightfall was blocked by a mysterious guy.

“Snod S. D. Nightfall? The mysterious man held an iron gun and looked at the night and asked softly.

Night Death glanced at the other party, and his pupils suddenly shrank, strong, absolutely strong!

“When you ask someone’s name again, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” Nightfall squinted at the mysterious man in front of him who was gorgeously dressed and holding a long gun, and said coldly.

“Ah, I’m so sorry, too much time has passed, some etiquette I have long forgotten, for people like you, I should indeed introduce myself, but you should not have heard of my name, after all, it has been eight hundred years.” The mysterious man’s eyes are very vicissitudes, but his face is very young, giving people a very contradictory feeling.

“Eight hundred years?” When Ye Yan heard this, his heart jumped fiercely, and he thought of a possibility, and tentatively said: “You are a Draco? ”

“Draco?” The mysterious man shook his head and sighed: “If you have to give me a definition, it can indeed be said that I am a Draco, but the difference is that I am the king of Draco!” ”


“That’s right, I’m one of the twenty kings of the Creation God, Im!” The mysterious man said with a crazy look, and seemed to be very fanatical about his identity as the creation god.

“Twenty Kings?” Although Ye Yan was shocked, his face was full of mockery: “Isn’t it the Nineteen Kings? ”

When Yim heard this, his face suddenly turned cold, and he looked at the night death with a frosty face and said: “Hmph, so what? The ridiculous Neferutari, a layman, is good to leave if he wants to leave, it’s no big deal, the creation god shouldn’t be too much. ”

“Creator God?” Nightfall said sarcastically: “A group of garbage who have betrayed their mission, betrayed their master, and even dare to claim to be the creation gods? I don’t know what it is! ”

Yim listened, his face suddenly changed, suddenly thought of something, and sneered: “Little ghost, don’t think that you dare to talk to me like this if you have some strength, what do you know, what master, we are the masters of the world, what mission, if there is a mission, then creation is our mission.” ”

A trace of pity flashed under Nightfall’s eyes, he really wanted to test Im just now, but he didn’t expect that the old ghost was the old ghost, very cunning.

“What are you looking for me for?” Nightfall stopped being verbose and asked Im directly.

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