Nightmare's Call

Chapter 646 Planning 1

three days later.

"Operation. Failed??!"

In the wide blue hall, Zhu Xingchu looked at the videophone in front of him in disbelief. The black silent pistol she had been playing with in her hand slipped and almost fell to the ground.

"Unfortunately, regarding this operation, according to the failed system, we will only pay the first third of the deposit." The masked man on the phone said in a low voice.

With a snap, the screen went completely black.

Zhu Xingchu's face turned pale, and his hands trembled slightly.

Such a big battle, so many people, and two golden killers dispatched together. Unexpectedly! ?

"It's still not sure whether the leader is really dead. We don't have any more evidence to prove it." Another strong man wearing a golden mask walked in slowly from the door.

At the same time, there were more than ten other people who walked in.

Among these people are men and women, old and young, of different heights.

But all of them have one thing in common. That is wearing a golden mask.

"The most important thing for us now is to immediately elect a new leader to deal with the surprise attack of the Nayuki organization." The strong man's voice was calm and powerful, with an indescribable sense of burning.

It was as if some terrible emotion was suppressed in his voice, ready to explode at any time.

This is a man who could explode into rage at any time.

"Saya, even if the leader is not here, it's not your turn to take this position!" Zhu Xingchu retorted coldly.

"Now that the official organization is at a critical juncture, without a leader to coordinate the overall situation, the situation we will face may be more troublesome. Moreover, I did not say that I will be the leader."

Shayou burst into laughter from under the mask.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Isn't it still possible to vote? Whoever gets the most votes will succeed as the new leader. It's fair, right?" Sha You said with a smile.

"That's not your turn! The leader still has his own heirs. According to the rules, the leader's heirs should inherit the position! We should do our best to assist the young master! Revive the god Xuehua!"

Zhu Xingchu ignored the trap of the other party's words. She only recognized one thing, that is, the leader's heir is the only orthodox heir of the organization.

"Of course, of course. The son of the leader is the one who is qualified to open the organization's secret vault. I don't deny this. far as I know, the son of the leader is just an ordinary student." Sha You said with a light smile.

"So what? With so many of us, we can definitely train him to be the real strongest killer!" Zhu Xingchu continued.

"You are playing with the safety of everyone in the organization!" Shayou said, a step behind him. A ponytailed woman in a sexy tight black leather jacket spoke with a cold face.

"Let an ordinary person directly become the leader of the organization? Are you joking? Zhu Xingchu??" Someone on the other side couldn't help asking.

The assassination mission is not a child's play, as long as there is a little mistake, there may be problems.

"How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it! Moreover, the failure of this mission is probably because Nayuki's people set up an ambush secretly.

Now that the leader is missing, what we have to do is not to quarrel here, but to stabilize the situation first.

I have brought the information about the son of the leader, you can take a look if you want to see it. "

Among the many golden masks, a woman with a soft voice suddenly spoke.

At the same time, she took out a small memory card and inserted it into the projector at one end of the conference table.

With a click, the projector turned on directly, projecting a huge photo of a teenager.

It was Zhao Hongjing.

Not only did Zhao Hongjing's simple information be picked up above, but also some major turning points and events in his growth were sorted out and put on it.

All the golden killers looked up at the picture projected by the projector. After reading the whole content soon, most of the people's complexions under the mask became a little bad.

"Give the highest authority of the entire organization to an ordinary college student who doesn't know anything? It's just child's play!" An old man couldn't help but shouted in a deep voice.

"What we need is a new leader who can lead us through the crisis, not some brat." There were also voices in agreement.

"But only he knows the many channels and secret vaults that the leader has. So the son of the leader is the most ideal successor. Without channels, we cannot operate the organization normally." A middle-aged woman stood up and frowned.

"That can't leave our fate on an ordinary person who doesn't know anything at all!"

"The leader's son inheriting the organization is orthodox. The most important thing in the organization is the channel and the secret library."

"We can let him provide some channels first to maintain the operation of the basic organization. Presumably the son of the leader will not just watch the organization collapse, right?"

"How dare you disrespect the leader!?"

"What are you talking about? Now that we are living and dying, we will not work together. When Nayuki strikes, no one can escape!"

"Anyway! I only recognize the leader's bloodline inheritance organization, and I don't care about the rest!"

Zhu Xingchu finally said coldly, and strode out of the meeting room with a few killers who also supported her point of view.

"If any of you dare to come here and do harm to the young leader, don't blame me for being rude!"

Another middle-aged man who supported Zhu Xingchu also left a sentence, followed by him with gloomy eyes.

Leaving most of the killers headed by Shayu indoors.

"Hehe." Shayou smiled, with an inexplicable and strange smile on his face.


The body of the black sports car is as clean as a mirror, reflecting the rows of street lights speeding across the road at high speed.

Zhu Xingchu's face was cold, he held the steering wheel, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove all the way on the deserted and quiet late-night street.

"Shayou and the others will definitely come up with the idea of ​​attacking secret vaults and channels. He has wanted to be the leader for many years. This time the leader disappeared, such a good opportunity, he will never let go."

On the co-pilot seat, Qian En, who looked like a middle-aged man, the strongest golden assassin who was originally ranked second in the entire organization but now ranked first, was staring straight ahead with a calm expression.

"What are you going to do?" Qian En turned to look at Zhu Xingchu.

"No matter what the situation is, I have a hunch that Sayu will definitely be detrimental to the young leader! So I plan to secretly protect the young leader for a while."

"Are you really determined to support him as the leader?"

In such a lonely and quiet environment, Qian En asked the previous question again.

Zhu Xingchu was silent for a while, and slowly the car slowed down.

"I will observe it. If he really doesn't have the qualifications of a leader, then I will protect him until it is safe, and then leave."

Both of them stopped talking, in fact, they both knew it well.

It is unrealistic for an ordinary nineteen-year-old boy to be the leader.

It was just the situation at the time, she had to say so.

After calming down, Zhu Xingchu also knew the possible consequences of his previous words.

But if she didn't say that, Sayu would be the only one best suited to inherit the position of leader.

The situation must never develop to that point.

"Okay, I'll be with you too, protect him until this incident is over, and then leave. Let him live a normal life in peace." Qian En sighed and followed suit.

"Uncle, you don't really need to," Zhu Xingchu couldn't help but persuaded.

"It's nothing, after this incident, the entire Shen Xuehua may fall apart, and there is nothing worthy of my nostalgia." Qian En said lightly.

Zhu Xingchu clenched her teeth, wanting to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

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