Nightmare's Call

Chapter 733 Hope 1

"No matter how good he is, he still stumbled under the hands of the teacher this time." Shan Li couldn't help but make a sound.

"No, this Aurora Emperor Armor has no real body." Lin Sheng said slowly.

Although this time he let the divine armor take action, using the massive power of will, the divine fire broke out, purifying and burning all the Star Eagle fleet in an instant.

But the consumption is also extremely terrible.

All the wish power accumulated by the divine armor before has been consumed at this time. If there is another air strike immediately, the divine armor may not be useful.

However, through this test, he also calculated the maximum power that the divine armor could exert.

The large amount of white wish power residing on the divine armor is not of much use to him, it can be used as a one-time weapon burst.

This experiment also successfully confirmed this point.

The wish power squandered by Shenkai in one breath is equivalent to the power of a demigod with a huge amount of wish power completely self-destructing.

Although this power is not durable, the destructive power it causes still makes him quite satisfied.

It's just that how to quickly replenish the power of the divine armor is the key to using the divine armor as a strategic weapon now.

"There's no real body here," the Holy Son present shuddered.

As expected, the strongest Emperor Armor deserved his reputation. Under the teacher's terrifying offensive that could destroy the world, he still hasn't been able to wipe out the roots. It seems that Emperor Kai's strength is not just strength, but also scheming.

"But in a short time, no one will dare to disturb us again." Lin Sheng said calmly.

"During this period of time, I want you to collect and manufacture these materials as much as possible." Lin Sheng pointed his finger.

Immediately, a piece of white holy light formed pieces of paper in front of everyone.

Lines of names of different materials clearly appeared on the piece of paper. Some of these materials are extremely precious, while others are quite ordinary, but ordinary materials require a huge amount.

Everyone searches for material differently.

"Follow your orders."

All the sons bowed their heads slightly to show their respect.

March 2813 in the eternal calendar.

There was turmoil within the Star Alliance, and the Cadizman Kingdom of the Alliance was attacked by the Star Eagle terrorists.

At the same time, one of the thirty-one armored kings of the alliance, Baishi Kaiwang, was suspected to have finally appeared on Green Lake Star. After that, he disappeared completely and his whereabouts are unknown.

1st of the following month.

The Green Lake star declared independence and officially broke away from the alliance. King Nashtler began the Liberation Speech. And declared the Holy Light Church to be the state religion of Green Lake Star.

Its popular approval rating reached a staggering 97 percent.

It seems that in response to the Green Lake star, the already turbulent Grand Triangle Hongling galaxy also declared its independence at the same time.

A total of thirteen Kingdom Stars signed the secession agreement. Re-establish a community called Hongling Federation.

At this point, the Star Alliance, which has been at peace for hundreds of years, once again fell into internal turmoil.

Star Kesla - the capital star of the Star Alliance.

Kesla, which is only half the size of a normal planet, is the most beautiful planet in the entire Star Alliance.

It has a colorful belt of planets surrounding it. There are also three satellites of uniform size, carrying the mission of guarding the planet, and constantly rotating.

In the four directions around it, within a range of less than one light-year, there are also four huge space war fortresses stationed there.

The four marshals of the empire were stationed in these four war fortresses. Lead their respective legions to defend the capital planet.

At this moment, inside the highest mountain range of Star Kesla.

Inside the underground rock formation as deep as thousands of meters, there is a huge circular alloy space.

Tens of millions of Union military officers and researchers gathered here, exchanging information with a large number of Union kingdoms at all times.

At the core of the alloy space is a huge temple like an ancient temple.

The temple is suspended in a special area with no gravity, and there are a total of 149 seats of the Alliance in it.

But at this moment, a small piece of the seat of the Confederate States will be dimmed forever, no longer blooming with a special aura that can be contacted.

In the center of all seats, there are five special positions arranged in a triangle.

This is where the four marshals of the alliance and the chairman of the alliance sit.

At this time, most of the seats were already filled with pale blue fuzzy figures. This is a virtual image condensed by ultra-long-distance information transmission.

As for the positions of the four marshals, there are also four light blue fuzzy human figures.

It's not that the technology can't achieve the clarity of portraits, but that the alliance deliberately designed this state to prevent information leakage.

At this moment, the entire temple was in a mess like a vegetable market. The representatives of the major alliance kingdoms in the seats wanted to speak one after another, trying to figure out what happened.

"What's going on with Green Lake Star?"

"It's only been a hundred years since the alien forces were pacified, and the previously indestructible alliance relationship is about to crack?"

"The eagle of the stars will suddenly arrive at the Green Lake star. What about the galaxy defense system? We have invested a lot of money in the galaxy defense force, just watching?"

"Compared to taking the initiative to rebel, I personally prefer to believe that the Green Lake star was forced to rebel out of desperation!"

One by one, benign or malicious speculations, constantly echoed in the temple.

The four marshals and the chairman of the alliance sitting in the middle remained silent, as if they were waiting for this piece of information to ferment.

This noisy state lasted for more than half an hour before it slowly subsided.

The four marshals sitting in the middle also only have light blue avatars.

At this time, the four of them were silent.

"What's the matter? What's the difference between the treatment of the Green Lake star and the treatment of the Grand Triangle Red Ling galaxy? It's also a rebellion, and it's also independence." The chairman of the alliance seated at the main seat whispered.

Although his voice is low, under the special design, his voice can still easily spread throughout the space.

The four marshals represent a large corresponding force behind them.

Among them, Bei Gu, the successor of Marshal Bei Yi, replied softly with regret on his face.

"In my opinion, the independence of the Green Lake star and the independence of the Grand Triangle Hongling galaxy are not as heartbreaking as the fall of a real king of armor."

"For so many years in the entire alliance, there have only been thirty-one armor kings, but now one has suddenly fallen. This is a blow to the entire alliance, even more than an independent incident."

Although his words were ugly, they were also the thoughts shared by everyone present.

Indeed, it seems that the two territories are independent and have a great influence, but in fact the combined area of ​​the Green Lake Star and the Grand Triangle Red Ling galaxy is less than one percent of the entire Star Alliance.

And once a King Kai is equipped with the Star Destroyer Module, the explosive power it can explode is no less than that of a huge Star Destroyer Fleet. The starry sky territory that can be opened up is far more than this.

Therefore, King Kai is the most valuable wealth and combat power of the entire alliance.

"So, in response to the mysterious disappearance of King Shiraishi Kai, what countermeasures do you think we should take?" The speaker sitting in the main seat asked slowly.

"The power to be able to solve a king of armor silently is by no means an ordinary person. The Green Lake star is more dangerous than the big triangle Hongling."

Among the four marshals, the Blue Pole Star Marshal, who is in charge of fighting against the alien forces in the outer Xingyu, gave a fair evaluation.

"At first I thought it was the infiltration of alien forces. However, after investigation, there are no known signals unique to alien forces."

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