Nightmare's Call

Chapter 741 Search 3

Chi! !

Streams of white smoke flew out densely from the three adjustment helmets.

It's just that before flying far, a powerful twisting force came crashing down, precisely landing on each missile.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, the three adjustment helmets fell into flames at the same time, surrounded by huge explosions.

Lin Sheng looked calmly at the three fireworks in the sky that were detonated by him.

These so-called technologies have no protection against mysticism.

They look powerful, but they are actually extremely fragile. They have no way to isolate the mysterious power, as long as they are attracted by a little detail, there will be a chain reaction-like destruction effect.

Technology, in the final analysis, is the key to precise control.

And the more sophisticated and complex it is, the less likely there will be problems. Otherwise, it only takes a little trick to easily paralyze the entire instrument.

Lin Sheng ignored the fireworks exploding in the sky.

For him, a mecha that cannot resist the power of the Yin-turning holy wheel, no matter how many modules it can carry, is still rubbish.

So whether it is a mecha, adjusting a battle helmet, or a battle helmet, there is no difference in front of him.

"Mecha helmets are useless to me, what I need is permission."

He finally glanced at the more adjustment helmets flying from a distance, shook his head helplessly, exerted a little force on his feet, and Lin Sheng's figure slowly turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

The city is worthless.

"The target has left, please relocate the headquarters!"

In the distance, another group of mechs approached quickly in the air. But there is no longer any target in place.

The second largest city on Kesla, White Tree.

The huge White Tree City is famous for a huge white tree that spreads all over the city.

This giant tree is revered as Kamidal, which means the sacred tree in the local language.

The giant trees of White Tree City and Camilledale are entangled with each other, buildings and tree roots are mixed together, and even many places use tree roots to build houses.

At this time, Baishu City is at the time when the citizens are about to get off work.

The traffic flow like water flows continuously on the roads of the city. Like the blood flowing in the veins.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky above Baishu City.

The figure flickered a few times before quickly becoming clear.

"Is the second third-level authority right here?" Lin Sheng looked down at the whole city from a condescending height.

Although he did not find a second-level authority during the previous search of the city, he obtained a third-level authority.

From the minds of some researchers, he learned that even if he only found three levels of authority, if he could find five levels of three levels of authority, he could combine them and condense them into one level two.

In the same way, if you can find five second-level permissions, you can use the infinite turntable to condense the first-level permissions.

This is also the key reason why Dark Armor collects permissions everywhere.

Lin Sheng was suspended in the sky, and sirens began to sound around him. He also ignored it.

Without notification, the developed communication network has already transmitted his information to every city on the entire planet.

There was no warning, and no mechs were dispatched.

Baishu City's methods are much stronger than those of the previous port cities.

It was only when Lin Sheng appeared that a large number of black missiles flew out from under him. It rained down on him.

At the same time, amidst the roaring sound, a large number of shells flew towards him at a very high speed.

There is also a tall tower in the distance, the top of which is shining with a dazzling blue current.


A huge blue beam of light suddenly shot out from the top of the tower.

The blue light beam was the fastest, coming from behind, and arrived in front of Lin Sheng in an instant.

"It's meaningless." The light around Lin Sheng was refracted by the force of distortion and protection. It was easy to twist the blue light beam and leave it behind.

As for other missiles and shells, he simply ignored them.

Bang bang bang bang! !

A large number of shells passed by him, and only a few of the countless missiles aimed at his body.

The rest all flew past him and shot into space.

For Lin Sheng who has already mastered the basic science and technology of this world.

To deal with these weapons, in fact, only a little means of affecting the positioning is enough to reduce the offensive power by more than 90%.

After all, no matter how powerful the weapon is, the same is true for the positioning system. Interfere easily.

"Found the third-level authority of this city."

Lin Sheng searched with his eyes closed in mid-air, and soon opened his eyes again.

His eyes quickly focused on a secret research institute in Baishu City.

"Come on." Lin Sheng grasped slightly with his palm.

Immediately, under the action of a huge twisting force, the research institute began to crack slowly.


A silver metal object rushed out from the roof of the research institute abruptly, crashed into the ceiling and wall, and shot towards Lin Sheng at high speed.

With a snap, Lin Sheng held the silver object precisely.

This is a dagger that looks old.

The blade is wrapped in a hand-woven brown scabbard, and the handle seems to have been used for many years, which looks like a precipitated sense of history.

Lin Sheng glanced at the blade, and the powerful twisting force of the yin-turning holy wheel instantly acted on it.

The dagger shattered silently, and traces of blue fluorescent light flew out, all of which were absorbed into Lin Sheng's arm.

"Successful, then it's time for the next one!"

The whereabouts of the third third-level authority have also been found.

Lin Sheng was very satisfied with this trip.

As expected of the core planet of the entire Star Alliance, there are actually three third-level authorities on one planet.

After launching the super speed, Lin Sheng's speed could not even be locked by modern instruments.

In addition, he has the means to interfere with the lock.

After leaving Baishu City, less than ten minutes later, he took the third third-level authority into his hands again.

What was left was a large number of mecha troops accidentally injured by him, and a messy military base.

At this time, Lin Sheng's actions finally angered the real core executives of the Star Alliance.

It is different from the previous meeting that was only hosted by the leader of Planet Kesla.

The current speaker of the alliance council formally convened the alliance council because of Lin Sheng's seizure of authority.

Inside the spacious parliament hall.

A series of pale blue virtual figures were activated one after another and appeared on each seat.

The four marshals also took their seats one by one.

The speaker has already sat in the main seat, waiting for all the members to take their seats.

"Regarding the case of the mysterious criminal who continuously robbed the authority of the helmet, do you have any good suggestions?"

The Speaker asked bluntly.

"According to the previous combat records, ordinary mechas and adjusted battle helmets don't pose much threat to it.

It is recommended to dispatch King Kai to test, and use the rest of the warriors as fire support to carry out blockade and encirclement operations. "

A congressman who was a general was the first to propose.

"The true identity of this person has been preliminarily determined. He appears to be from the Kazilan planet, but in fact he should be from the Green Lake star." Another councilor said loudly.

"Green Lake Star is Green Lake Star again."

"The problem now is that I suspect that even King Kai may not be able to stop this person. We need to use special weapons!

Because this person has great special value!

The special power he has mastered can actually allow him to fight against so many mechas and adjust his helmet head-on. This has epoch-making significance for our biochemical research field! "

Bilaran, the deputy speaker who was a researcher, said with emotion at this time.

"Special weapons? To deal with a super-powered criminal, it is natural to have them at your fingertips, but is it too unworthy to use them just for a criminal?" A congressman questioned.

"Under the current situation that there is no way to stop this person, I agree to activate special weapons." The speaker replied loudly after pondering for a moment.

"However, after the special weapon kills that person, we must dig out enough value from the other person."

He turned his gaze to the deputy speaker, Bilaran.

"At that time, the corpse will be handed over to you. Please make sure to maximize the effect!"

"I will!" Deputy Speaker Bilaran lowered his head and promised with excitement and a hint of expectation.

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