Nightmare's Call

Chapter 793 Asking for help 1

"The bloodline of the ice-cold demon wolf? Something from a fantasy novel?"

Lin Sheng couldn't laugh or cry.

However, although the naming is a bit tricky, this bloodline does help him a lot.

After thinking for a while, he asked again.

"Does it change the appearance of human beings?"

‘You can choose not to modify the appearance, but to absorb it. ’ Holy Shadow replied quickly.

"Okay, then start the appearance without remodeling absorption."

Lin Sheng was sure.

'Confirmed. '

'The simulated transformation of organs begins...

Correction of hematopoietic factors begins.

Adjustment rejection begins.’

A stream of information kept pouring out, and Lin Sheng's body began to be transformed in an orderly manner.

He raised his hand and looked at the skin on his hand.

A large number of fine red blood spots began to slowly appear on the skin.

A hot body temperature gradually spread from the whole body.

Lin Sheng simply did nothing, sat on a chair, closed his eyes and waited quietly.

The process of skin burning lasted for about ten minutes, and soon a translucent light blue option box appeared in front of Lin Sheng.

'The blood vein absorption simulation is complete. You can now choose from three directions of reinforcement. '

'One: Ice resistance - weak (partial resistance to first-level ice attribute spells)'

'Two: Wild hunting - weak (belongs to the innate wild hunting instinct of the magic wolf family, and improves the nerve response speed.)'

'Three: Ice elemental magic pattern (unique to the ice-cold wolf family, it can automatically absorb the ice element in the air through the hidden magic pattern on the skin, and store it in the body for future use)'

Lin Sheng frowned and glanced at these three options, none of them were good things.

"Choose two."

For him, the rest of the things can be simulated by spells, but the second is still somewhat useful.

At least it can enhance his casting speed and physical reaction ability.

After the nerve response is improved, both the casting speed and the close combat ability can be improved.

After confirming the choice, Lin Sheng soon felt the burning sensation all over his body began to climb. After a few minutes, it reached a peak and then disappeared quickly.

It wasn't until the sky outside the window gradually dimmed that Lin Sheng stood up from the chair and moved his body.

"It's finally over."

He waved his palm, obviously feeling that his thinking was faster than his body.

There is a faint sense of incongruity between body and spirit.

"It seems that I have to continue to adapt for a while."

When he came back to his senses, he continued to study a new level 1 spell.

As a newly promoted mage, his goal is to master all the first-level standard spells.

This is difficult for other mages, but for him, it is just a matter of scanning.

Build the model and release, even if he is not proficient, there is a holy shadow to help simulate.

As long as he understands a spell thoroughly, he can greatly shorten its casting time and use it as a regular spell.

The time was spent slowly while he was studying the construct and learning to master the first-level spells.

The life of a mage is monotonous and tedious, but it can be enjoyable.

Soon, after Lin Sheng made a new simplified floating cannon again.

Instructor Dora really knew that this thing was not customized by Lin Sheng himself, but a construct he had mastered.

In addition to being shocked, she also recognized Lin Sheng as a genius disciple more and more.

After helping her sell the Magic Net version of floating cannons, Dora also began to bet a lot of resources and opportunities on Lin Sheng.

She unreservedly taught Lin Sheng the knowledge system and principles and laws of various constructs.

Lin Sheng improved the basic arcane floating cannon and designed an enhanced version of the arcane floating cannon after obtaining a large amount of knowledge essence of the construct system.

Enhanced type, officially changed the equipped zero-level spell to a first-level spell magic missile.

And because of the powerful essence of skills taught by the tutor Dora.

The size of the model has been further compressed, and it is also maintained at the scale of forty sets of first-level spell models for a floating cannon.

But this is also the limit that Lin Sheng can achieve.

During this period of time, his reputation as a construct genius spread throughout the Baiyan Forest through his mentor.

Many mages thought it was rare to make it by themselves, so they simply went to Dora to buy the magic net version floating cannon.

They use this floating cannon as a permanent watchman for their mansion. At the same time, it is also a good choice to carry it with you as an enchanted item.

Slowly, Lin Sheng's construct business also slowly opened up through the mentor's network channels, forming a good reputation in Baiyan Forest.

And Lin Sheng, who received a lot of wealth rewards, also began to devote himself to practicing arcane spells. Also research more advanced construct techniques.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, half a year had passed since Lin Sheng entered the Baiyan Forest.


A burst of warm applause.

Many woodland mages are sitting in the only small theater in Baiyan Woodland, watching the performance of the newly arrived Sun Song and Dance Troupe.

The elf girls with better figures and charming looks danced their bodies on the stage, charming and charming.

In the ethereal and graceful dancing posture, there is a faint charm.

Lin Sheng was sitting in the middle, next to him was senior brother Henry and senior sister Lidu. The two sat on either side of him, one on the left and one on the right.

Henry stared at the elf girls on the stage with bright eyes, his eyes were green, and he seemed to be unable to hold back.

Lin Sheng was a little worried that he would rush to the stage involuntarily as soon as it was over.

After all, before, it was said that in the last performance, a sorcerer rushed up and forcibly snatched away a beautiful elf girl from the dance troupe.

Although it is a robbery, these dance troupe sisters who perform everywhere all day long wish to live with an official mage.

After all, it is no longer the ancient times, and the spellcasting talents of the elves have long since blended with humans from generation to generation, and have become more and more mediocre.

And the only thing they have is their extraordinary beauty and good figure.

"Hehe, man." Senior Sister Lidu on the left looked cold.

Lin Sheng was speechless. If he hadn't been pulled over by his mentor abruptly, he wouldn't have wanted to come here at all.

After half a year of hard work and accumulation, he is now only a little bit short of stepping into the mana level of a third-level mage.

From level two to level three, this level division is a watershed in any profession.

Among the mages, the third-level mage can master the powerful fireball, lightning beam and other evocation spells.

These spells are all high-intensity spells with large-scale lethality, so the third-level mage is a watershed.

A mage of this level has instantly changed from a small-time researcher to a long-range fort that can play a huge role in war.

The threat of force has increased substantially.

Therefore, in any organization, the treatment of third-level mages is completely different. This is a watershed for low-level mages.

The third-level mage and above belong to the category of intermediate mage.

Of course, Lin Sheng did not intend to announce his strength in advance.

After experiencing all kinds of attention caused by the promotion of a first-level mage, he has now made up his mind that if he does not complete his plan, he does not intend to fully disclose his true strength.

After all, he was still young, still a child.

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