Two more days to be able to enter and leave the minded and time rooms freely.

I haven't been to that space since then, but I'm free, so maybe it's time to go to the limit.

When Kuti and I were there, I felt like I had a little more restraint, but now I'm free and I feel a little less restrained.

"Mmmm... La mein! Hold on, me!

"Oh, my God, what's wrong?

"I was hitting Yunokimochi. Ah!

"Oh... really?


"Lily's great."


"Hehe………. Lily's smile makes up 1 person ~"


I tried so hard to keep my mind tight on my grandmother's lap, but Kikyu hugged me softly and such tightness flew away somewhere as well.

"Knock, knock."

"Oh, Leki, do you want me to hug you too?

"Ri-kun, ho ho ho ho ho?

"Wow, wow."

"Oh, I didn't..."

"Oh, really?


You don't want me to hug you, you must want me to play. My tail's flat, I'm telling you.

"Bye. Rikkun Sobu!"

"Yes, sir. Jenny."

"Yes, no, ma'am."

Leki, I'm guessing Jenny brought a toy box for you to respond to your request. Jenny's upper body, which has a large box-shaped object, is gone.

Naturally the toy box doesn't have magic power, so when I have it, I can't see it.

Toy boxes don't look like they're wearing clothes.

Jenny, who placed a toy box with quite a few contents just around the corner, graciously leaves to maintain a certain distance.

Recently, he hasn't acted in close proximity. Was it also a change in mood?

The seeming magical currents that have existed before are awe-inspiring as watching... they become indescribable currents.

It resembles the flow of Mira.

Mira is humble and often treats herself with awe.

It would also cause me to feel good enough to faint, but I don't think that's all. I don't know the details.

"Riikin. Are you all right?"


Pomping the toy box placed next to him, he tilted his little neck and asked, and as soon as Leki attached to the toy box, I could hear you flipping over and spreading the contents.

He takes one out of it and puts it in his own hands.

From the feel, it's a circular flat object with the softness and strength there - Frisbee.

It seems different from rubber, the material is soft and very light, and it comes out with a strange object that is strong enough to be okay to throw.




Even though I'm mostly used to it, Frisbee is probably flying away feeling like a snare or something.

Leki, you'll reach the highest altitude with what you've learned. He travels fast enough to be in position, waits and waits, and dares return.

I'm a little sorry I don't even have to jump, but I can't help myself right now.

"Aye, well done -"


I'll compliment you if you do well.

Leki, I'll squeeze your touchy head and throw it again.

Although I am not as good as my brother and sister who train every day, I am proud to say that I am less tired than the average toddler because of my strength.

After about 30 throws, I feel like I can hear you from somewhere far away when I'm stroking your head or hugging you and indulging you.

It's like it's getting closer and closer too......

[Leki. Can you hear me?


Leki sounds solid to you too as your right foot immediately comes forward.

But I don't think this voice is usually the same as shouting.

[I wonder what? Reinforce the voice itself and fix the vibration?


A wolf leaning his neck against his magic letters. Though you are so cute, it has already turned out that the voice you hear is a strange voice capable of analyzing magic.

And it turns out that the magic is to reinforce and fix the vibrations of the sounds that are supposed to diffuse and extinguish from the analysis results in a certain range, and continue to sound some distance. Since it was gradually visible from afar, it was not fluctuating, and even when activated, it was the type that could be analyzed.

This is something not found in existing sorcery. At least in the existing magic that is in my knowledge, though.

In other words………….

[Leki! Mission C008!


Let Leki execute the operation he had you teach him in advance for an immediate conclusion drawn from the analysis results.

Reki, who reacted sensitively to the magic letters, begins to move by leaving only a chirping noise as if you were dazzling from your ambush posture.

Granny and Jenny gaze at something for that abrupt high-speed trip.

Predicted arrival time from earlier analysis results of magic is considerably less.

The moment you were in position, Leki, your goal was already in sight.

"Ri, Ri, Ri, Ri, Ri, Ri, Ri, Ri!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

A loud voice and a howl all over you like scratching it off.

All of a sudden, Leki, the faces completely distracted by your actions.

Embrace and welcome your beloved little one as she jumps in to sew that gap.

"I'm home! Ahhhhhh! It's Lily. It's Lily. Ooh."

"Oh Eri... no... I wanted to."

I rejoiced at the resumption as I poured tears over your howl to the BGM, still ringing, Leki.


"So long. So long! I don't know what I would have done if Natasha!?

Come back sooner! 'Cause it's stupid!

"No, no, you're not stupid. You're right."

"You don't know what it means to leave with Lily, but you don't know what it means to come sooner!

"You don't make sense. Get to work."

"It's my job to be happy with Lily on Lily's side!

"You...... Ha..."

Dr. Sunny is heartbroken by the very excited Doya face of his smile.

It was only about January's breakup, but it's still very different from not having Kuti and the others.

Just looking at the Doya face, which has grown by 300% in love, makes my cheeks loose.

"Operation Sneaky Inspirational Reunion While Your Full Howl Distracted Everyone" fits brilliantly, and no one seemed to witness the scene of a reunion between themselves and Kuti.

Well, Dr. Sunny was scared to come later.

My cheeks have been loose ever since.

I can see the demonic revelation of the momentum that somehow fills your room with Leki, even your wife and Jenny and the knights in the distance, that your cheeks are usually loose without expression.

Naturally it is a soft and gentle magic.

He seems to have also revealed his magic powers, and mixed with that, Leki, your room is amazing.

By the way, the majority of them are like their magic powers. Dr. Sunny prefaced with Kuti and taught me to be heartbroken.

"So long. So long!

"Kuti, just calm down. Lily will not escape. Let me talk about work first."

"Uh, no. - Oh, no. Lily's mine, so you need to listen to me first.

We can't move on until we get back what we didn't see!

My way is with Lily! Lily's next door and I'm next door! They're friends!

Love! Love! "

"Yes, yes, okay, okay. Come on, let's play with Leki over there."

"Nuh-uh. It's sloppy! I don't want to use a force field! Coward!

And you don't look good, that baby word! Kitsuya!

"Phew...... Now I can finally calm down...... Why go that way to you!?

Kuti was forced by Dr. Sunny's witchcraft to move toward you, so he went after it and walked away.

It's bad for Dr. Sunny, but I want to talk to Kuti myself, and I don't want to leave Kuti's side.

"Seriously! Listen to me first!

[Sir……. Why don't you come back later?

"Oh, don't look so disgusting...... I'll be done in a minute!

[Mmmm...... Then please be brief. By Kuti]

"Haa……. All right, all right. Come back here, you filthy fairy."

"Hi-ha-hoo. … did you miss me, Lily?"

[Yeah............. What about Kuti?]

"Of course. Yikes! Ahhh! Lily!


Leki, you come back with me. I hug Kuti to hide in his stomach.

Full disclosure of magic, but this will not give you any pleasure. Instead, he's feeling dusty, howdy, sweet, and Leki makes you look happy with his eyes narrowed.

"Haa…………. Totally this stupid couple is……………."

Teacher Sunny's voice looking up to heaven was small and utterly frightened, but such a thing is trivial.

Kuti, cheeks and cheeks together for a while, Leki. I rolled your stomach around.

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