Classes by Dr. Sunny were just to begin on Reunion Day.

By the way, Kuti has already recovered and installed a graffiti board behind him. Dust on the same healing doya face.

"Well, I'm going to teach you magic from now on."

"Finally, it's my turn! It's your turn! DE · BA · N! Hiccup!

[Okay. Best wishes. Nice to meet you too Kuti]

"But honestly I still think it's too early. I think it would be better if we deepened our knowledge..."

"I really don't want Sunny. What a sense of intuition and a sixth sense I have of everything."

"That's all the same thing! Oh, not at the end?

"Huh. Instead, I'm waking up to my seventh sensation!

Kuti started working out the small universe in this comet-based strike move pose, but since it's always the case, Dr. Sunny is through.

"But to use witchcraft, we need the cover-up witchcraft we originally planned. And to use cover-up magic enough to hide the magic, you have to use the magic this guy made.

It takes spiritual strength. "

Behind the resumption of the lecture, a constellation of winged horses blinked, shaking something like a struggle.

"But don't worry. This time I had a lot of time to prepare what I needed.

In the meantime, I've created magic artifacts that can convert magic into spiritual power. "

Shaking fighting spirit, dance-like arm movements are complete, and the little universe is about to explode and the little one releases its dividing arm.

"Then I'll explain this magic trick."

[Doctor. I already know the art of converting magic into spiritual power. Yes, this street]

Slightly delay from magic letters to create and maintain spiritual power in the air.

The moment I saw it, I was about to explain it, and the teacher's movement stops to such an extent that the phonetic sound of vita fits perfectly.

The little one behind her also stops only with her face pointed at her with a split arm expressed by magic and a certain amount of beating moves.

They are so adorable that they are both closing their eyes together.

Kuti is cute no matter what he does with that adorable face, style and atmosphere because Kuti is still Kuti even in a fist-sticking pose. It is really dusty.

The teacher has become a suitable face for the expression Pokhan. The eye that was half-eyed is 1.5 times more open than normal. It would be a shame if it were normal, though this guy is pretty beautiful.

Well, we're research idiots, lecture idiots and sorcery idiots, so we don't even seem to be willing to invest in appearance or anything.

"Hey, why... are you doing this? I couldn't have done it before I went to report it……………………."

Dr. Sunny tells me to get back out of the pause with a sweeping voice to squeeze out, but, well, you're right because you can now do it while they're gone. Besides, it's been a while, and I can do it now.

[Yes, I can now do it in the meantime]

"No, no, no. He said he could do it now! Even I made a magic tool that converts spiritual power into magic so I could finish it in about 2 rounds (weeks)!?

I bet you didn't know that!

"That's right, it's Lily! I can't believe even Sunny did it in the painful time between not seeing what took him years! But I don't like the time I never see you again! Lily!"


You remind me of the bitterness of time I didn't see in my dialogue, or I moisten the magic of my eyes and Kuti jumps in.

The constellation behind him and his discerning arm are already foggy.

Let's celebrate the resumption of one hug again, no more than once.

It's a party! That's rude! Hiccup!

"Stupid............. Is this the strength of the candidate…….

... come on... ok. That's why there's such a thing as reward... Come on. "

As I croon around my teacher, who began to reveal something starchy black, my facial expressions, which usually do not fluctuate, also unconsciously loosen up and take the form of nature and a laugh.

Kuti and I are dancing the dance of resumption to the best of our ability to fully demonstrate our multi-task abilities and also make observations around us.

There is no longer anything I can do to stain it as a habit.

I had a lady around me, you, Leki, an exclusive, a knight, but all of a sudden they were watching me with a smile.

Though it seemed like a few people were in love.


"Oh hon, let's get back to it.

I am very pleased that spiritual power is now available. I've wasted my magic gear, but I can fly a few stages.

Spend that part of your magic skills. "

[Yes, Doctor!

"What is it?

[I'd like to see that magic prop!

"Um, well, we should get more knowledge about magic props around here before we do."

[I understand]

"Lily can make magic props in no time! Sounds like a pussy!

The ingredients are a little away from this mansion, so you'll be fine!

[Oh, really?

"That's right! Maybe on the property? I can't say anything because I'm not sure how far the premises of this house are.

I'll look into it next time ~? "

[Oh, let's go together then! If Kuti's here, you don't have to see him!

"Hiccup, I'm exploring with Lily! Let's go now! Come on, let's go! Adventure! Adventure! Boo-hoo!

Kuti, dressed in an exploratory look in an instant, dancing with a dagger.

You're wearing an exploration and a dagger, and I won't tell you if your mouth is torn, but I'm dusty enough to stick to that adorable figure.

Kuti really doesn't get tired of watching. Cute enough to want to eat.

But we have to do something about the enemy to go exploring. It still looks far away.

[Kuti, I'm sorry. I don't think I can do it yet. I haven't convinced Ena at all.

I did a little exploration of the mansion while Kuti and the others were away, but even then it was so difficult on the property when I was outside the mansion because Ena was against it...]

"No! I don't know............. So, but if Lily! Lily would do it! I believe you! There's no such thing as suspicion!

Kuti's unconditional trust hurts my chest a bit.

I find all this quite challenging. But I decided to contact Ena more than ever using direct negotiation as well as tangled hands.

I wouldn't hate to fall for Ena if I were to have an adventure with Kuti!

Come on Itsuka, to the land you haven't seen yet! And go to paradise with Kuti!

"Honey, uh. Enough?

[Ha. Excuse me, Doctor. Continue]

"Mm-hmm. As much as you do."

[Yes, I'm sorry]

I also forgot that I was in class and Kuti cheered me up.

I change my mind with a little reflection and now I'm in class.

"As for magic props, let's use spiritual power first so we can use cover-up magic."

[Ah, Yes! I can!]


[This is it! Kuti, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey

Using cover-up magic in a space with nothing probably won't look like Dr. Sunny, so I'll use it against Kuti, who doesn't have a problem seeing the people around him anymore.

Because it is basically just magic that is stretched around the subject, the safety has been tested and confirmed by myself. I knew it would be safer at the stage where I was analyzing it most.

"Huh... Huh!? Kuti disappeared…………."

[What do you think?

When the teacher tries to touch Kuti with his hand, the cover-up magic moves to avoid Kuti's hand.

This is due to an automatic avoidance feature built into magic.

This function was incorporated as the backbone and could not be fluctuated or released. So I avoid it automatically even when I try to touch it or make it come into contact with something.

Kuti, don't move.

[Uh, Doctor. It has automatic avoidance so I try to touch it and avoid it on my own. That's not why Kuti is on the move. Uh, I'm here now]

The teacher doesn't see it, so I'll try to output magic power and replace the marker. If you touch it, you can avoid it, so let it expand a little distance and surround the arrow from six directions.

"Hmmm...... Evasive function………. Do you mean to plant something inside to keep you waiting?"

[Yes, it's what Kuti was installing behind me, and it looks like there's some auto-activated defensive magic inside]

"I see……. Did Kuti teach you that?"

[No. I analyzed it myself]

"... hmm? I thought I had just analyzed it."

Scrub your eyes with the hem of a teacher's costume like a white coat and then check the magic letters again.

The teacher opened his mouth again after repeating the motion several times as if he were looking at something incredible.


[Yes, it's analysis]

Kuti is flooded with a lot of magic power from inside when the deployment time limit that was applied to the cover-up magic has passed.

"Terrible. Okay, Lily! In here, no sound, no magic, nothing gets out!

[Oh, that...... Were you? I'm sorry...... Kuti. I could see it from the inside and from the outside...]

"Ugh............. That's my Lily...... But you don't look like a normal person."

[I'm sorry, Kuti]

"Yeah, I forgive you...... Mucha."

[Haha, kusukuta]

As soon as it overflowed, Kuti jumped on me and rubbed me on my cheek. I felt a soft feeling on my cheek.

I was in a state of suspension where I didn't know when the teacher carrying Kuti's magic letters could solve such a pink sight elsewhere.

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