Lectures and study witchcraft to learn a variety of knowledge by Dr. Sunny every day.

In the blink of an eye, the days passed, and the month of 2 was also the month of 3.

In the month of 3 there is Alec's birthday.

I thought this would be a day of exclusivity without leaking into the example, that's the father of three children. I have used the rough business of monopolizing not only myself, but all my children, Theo and Ellie.

This year was also the only birthday party in the body that was freed by the servants in the party hall, but that's not the same as a big party in the Christoph family with a large number of servants.

Sitting in a large chair, sandwiched by himself on his lap and Theo and Ellie on both sides, Alec smiled with satisfaction all the time.

The next day, Kuti, who hid his face with both hands, went into bed and hid only his head. He was in a rounded butt, but let's not ask him deeply.

I'm sure she must have been watching all night. I don't ask what. Don't ask. I won't ask.


Grade 10 magic is so massive that when it comes to its number alone, it cannot be compared to the number of other grades.

I master at least 4,5 pieces per day until I can try and fully master them within cover-up magic before saving them in my base area archives.

As soon as Kuti entered the base area on the day he taught me, the archive became available.

This is very convenient. Kuti just boasts.

Archiving has to go into the base area when saving, but if you just pull it out, you don't have to go into the base area to do it easily.

Incidentally, the official name is the unconscious domain, but Kuti and the others have always said the base region and decided to call it that way.

The items to be saved in the archive are basically anything and are not exclusive to magic.

Videos of memory that can be seen in the base region can also be saved, so Kuti's videos are divided into folders, and various sets of smiles, weird faces, and doya faces are created and saved.

They don't even have a storage capacity limit, and Kuti has already saved a huge amount of it.

The great thing about this archive is that it's easy to pull what you're looking for out of the amazing amount of it.

By the way, the external storage device Dr. Sunny used to say is a super-degraded version of the archive.

Demonic props are found in archives and used as a storage medium. But this is only a degraded version, the capacity is not comparable to the archive with the tears of a sparrow, and there is no way I can save a video of my memory...

And with regard to the video of memory, Kuti can't actually pull out the video of memory in the base region.

By the way, I can't change the area speed.

Instead, they say the number of strings floating overhead is enough to fill the overhead.

That was the case from the beginning, which means that not everything seems to be the same in the base region but has a personality for each person.

"Ha... I look like a video too...... I want to see Lily's cute face, her tricks, her magic letters, her voice. I want to hear it. I want to lick it around."

"I'm so glad you didn't see the video. You won't be able to come back if you see it."

"That's not true. It's better if it's real than video! real lily prpr!

[Kuti………. Stop peppering...]

"Ha!? I'm sorry! I'll rinse instead!

"Oh... your saliva is pulling the thread and it's terrible..."

"Ah… a little bit. This feeling adds to Lily's softness."

[Yes, Kuti, I'm not away for a moment.]

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. No, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

The well-combed tail of the blocked ho ho ho is its luscious fur and smooth, elegant softness. It cleans up everything a little bit.

Instead, I have a tail. I don't know.


Leki, I'm looking at your tail with a sad look on your face, but well, I can't help it.

Now let's have a proper handkerchief. Kind of. To withstand a little play.


"Are you ready?

"Ok, it's okay to get the water out."

[Then I'll go!

Expand and complete the magic to receive water overflowing with Kuti within the Covered Magic.

Existing sorcery exercised with the signal is unchanging with the alternate sorcery of the activator already in use - it is completed with a setting by image.

It has taken less than a second for existing magic drawn from the archives of the world to complete its setup.

Even though extremely simple magic falls within the 10th level, chanting takes at least two seconds in the case of the normal way of drawing from the archives of the world.

This witchcraft, which leaves those two seconds almost gone, is a word of amazement, but I'm much used to it already.

"Okay, it doesn't look like a problem."

"Then turn it off."

The water drawn out by witchcraft is immediately received like a vessel by witchcraft, and is instantly extinguished by witchcraft by Kuti.

It's so early that it's impossible to analyze it, and I don't even know what sorcery the hell I can build to do that.

[Wow, Kuti is... I don't even know what the magic was doing.]

"This isn't. We can fly anywhere with a transfer vessel. I flew a little far this time, so I'll be fine."

"By the way, there's no material metastasis in existing sorcery. It's the only magic he's made."

[Ha………. I knew Kuti was amazing. But if you can use that magic of metastasis, you can go anywhere you want, right?

"I don't think so. When you fly an organism, it doesn't get messy."

"If I had transferred the demon before, the skin would have been inverted."

[Th, That is……]

"But even then the skin flipped, you were still alive. The only thing that flipped was the skin, no wounds, nothing, and, well, he died right away."

"Oh, that's why it's dangerous to use on organisms. By the way, it's no problem because it's not magic that's used to get in and out of the woods next to the world."

[Ha, is that right? Metastases are dangerous, aren't they?]

"All right, then save it in the archives."

"Save it."


The magic taught will be kept in the archives with permission from Dr. Sunny and Kuti. I can take it out of the archives of the world, but I'm saving it because I don't know what it's going to take to create magic any time soon.

By the way, I have decided not to save it with just one or the other permission.

It is, of course, carried out until permission is given from both until it is fully mastered using repeated magic.

Kuti will not compromise at all this time either.

The harshness of just a ghost instructor makes the setting sweet or small scale as harsh as I've never usually seen it.

Because there are items that can be set up for each type of witchcraft, I use witchcraft to match the amount I thought about in advance with Dr. Sunny and Kuti.

If that setting deviates at all, it fails, so on the contrary, it's pretty tough to determine.

Still, I don't have a problem with it because it's mostly a one-shot success. However, whether you still have the special qualities of two variants, use Kuti's magic, or have an unusual demonic eye, mistakes will definitely happen without changing to being human.

But I can't tolerate Kuti's mistakes with his magic.

Although there is no damage because it is still a simple level 10 sorcery right now, it is because this would be an advanced sorcery with a tremendous number of setup items or Kuti's vicious sorcery that would change the story.

The advantage of chanting is that it reduces mistakes by keeping the decided item as a stereotype with the word chanting, but in Kuti's alternate witchcraft it has to be done in an image, so this area becomes a disadvantage.

That's why Kuti is giving strict guidance by making his mind a ghost.

Of course, after I'm done, I'm going to apologize to my eyes every time.

[Kuti, it's okay. Don't apologize because I know Kuti is thinking about me and doing it...]

"But I can't believe you yelled at Lily... Oh...... God forgive me! Forgive me for yelling at Lily, who is so cute that she is more like an angel than a god! Rather, God doesn't even reach Lily's feet, so forgive me.

"I think you will one day be punished by heaven..."

[Kuti would have the same momentum as God.]

"It's scary because it could really be done..."

"God what a dow with one fingertip"

"No more."

[Someone's coming from JAO RAC.]

"Sometimes you don't use words you don't know. What are you reading about this?

"Bye, Soragu."

[Yes, Kuti, no. - No more.]


Wrapped with both hands to block your mouth and rubbed it on your cheek, it also quickly became a big deal that you were moving your arms around to get a little rampant.

Well, after that, I'm moving on to your guessing flirt.

"Totally………. These stupid couples…………."

Kuti's soft little sensation sucked on his cheek over and over and over again and he went away happily.

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