It is my duty to keep an eye on my brother and sister, who are still encouraged to train today in the umbrella that has been shielded from even the soft sun of spring.

Waving at you during a break is part of the role, but when you're here, your brother and sister, who are usually seriously trained, are more tempered.

Lately, Theo has started going to the middle department and has had more classes, and less time for training with Ellie.

So it doesn't mean I can see their training every time. Still, Theo lacks daily training.

Ellie also thinks it's bad for Theo. He's not asking me to force him to come see it except when the time for the two of us to train is right.

Well, I'm gonna go check it out twice every three times.

I also go to see Theo when he's training alone.

Of course, the fact that Theo is training alone means he's not with Ellie, and he's not waving his sword just Theo.

Always someone in the Knights. Grandpa works as a teacher.

More than six months have already passed since they began their training.

Originally, Theo seemed to do a lot of things voluntarily, so he was better than a normal kid, and he seemed to have excellent taste.

My grandfather and the Knights have praised me well.

Of course, Ellie has been well praised, but in Ellie's case, the martial arts have been handled by her grandmother, and she has not been distracted to the extent that she was somewhat praised for whether her goals were set by her grandmother.

Theo can't be clueless either, so the two of them are in the middle of growing up not knowing that their extra talent will stay.


Unlike when Theo's training was wielded by the sword, he treats it as if the sword were part of his body.

It's like a skilled warrior. A strong bareback gesture is very unlikely to have started full-scale training for about six months.

I can see the difference even if I hear one bareback sound.

I couldn't have stopped the sword before if it sounded like cutting the sky, but now I'm stopping it firmly of my own free will.

The sword used - a double-edged sword made of wood - seems to be a wooden sword, but if Theo holds it, it will be visible in less than a few gou (seconds).

In the beginning, it took me a long time to see it, but I shake it barely every day, or it's going so fast.

After all, weapons seem to be affected like clothes if they are familiar with their hands.

I have also used a few wooden swords that have recently gained weight, but it takes a lot of time for them to become visible.

But if I used it, I would be able to see it at the speed of the wooden sword that I love to use.

"Ha! Ya!

A wooden sword, which is launched with a sharp voice, is slashed by a straw doll prepared for punching.

I naturally don't see straw dolls, but I can't help but think that Theo, who Kuti painted with his magic, is tapping because the five nails are deeply stabbed straw dolls.

By the way, there's a sketch of Alec on the face area.

From Kuti's point of view, does Theo seem to hate Alec?

From what I can tell, Theo seems to respect Alec......

Soon after I thought that, the straw doll went straight from my torso and the sketch on my face became Leki.

Of course, because the actual Theo doesn't have the kind of arm that can make straw dolls in two with a wooden sword. That's Kuti's play.

At some point, it was Theo. The mass of magic power became the Kuti of the decision face.

The point is that it's not a Doya face.

The real Theo continues to punch in drawing complex orbits with the upper middle lower section.

A slaughter that is punched in with a serious expression and cleverly repositioned.

If it's serious, the straw doll would be so sharp a punch by now.

It's horrible because I'm 10 years old.

Theo's growth rate is amazing, along with the results of six months of carefully piled basic training. If you don't look at it for a second, you'll grow up like someone else.

But I often see him in the bath with him. His body is not macho.

Instead, the thin stirrups and muscles are even yearly to some extent.

He must be the owner of a pink muscle.

I'm totally jealous.

Incidentally, the magic flow seems gradually slower but more sophisticated. I think there's a secret around it that even if you don't have a lot of muscle, you can have a sharp slaughter of adult face loss.

Because your grandmother is.

Your grandmother is tight, but not muscular enough. Feminine roundness is a golden ratio, and even if you touch it, it's puffy.

The strengthening of the flesh by magic is particularly noticeable for your wife and Leki, but Theo, who draws your mother's blood, seems to be inclined to do so.

I'm sure Ellie does, too.

Does that mean so myself?

I have never been able to handle magic that way, although I am a free manipulator.

I wonder how the hell I'll do it.

I want to try it if I can.

It can be used in self-defense, and most importantly, it could make you a superman like your wife. If I can do it, I want to.

Theo and Ellie's two trainings have also extended their time a little bit and are now more than twice as long as they were in the beginning.

I just get tired of watching it all the time, but in the meantime, there's nothing wrong with Dr. Sunny giving me a class.

Thanks to one part of the training, Leki, there may not be much time to return to your room.

In the warm spring breath that would make me fall asleep if I were alive, tour time in the garden continued until the two of us had finished training today.


"Lily, it's a beautiful day, and we'll go for a walk outside every once in a while"

Ellie, who has been sweating from her training, made a great suggestion wearing a sleeveless piece that seemed like she was still a little early in the season.


Yes, a walk.

I basically only go to the garden with a tour of Theo and Ellie's training.

I simply couldn't think of the low hurdle idea of a walk, because I felt like I had to get permission from Ena for the garden adventure first.

What a blind spot.

That's Ellie. He said he wouldn't notice! I'm paralyzed there. I admire it!

"Go! Go!

"Then it's settled. Theo's going too, right?

"Of course!

"Oh, it's a beautiful day. Sometimes a relaxing walk might be nice."

Both Theo and his wife seem to agree with Ellie.

And then there's Ena......

"If you're going out there, you have to wear a proper hat, right?

"" Yes ""

What too light a permit was granted.

Looks like we should have started with a walk, not an adventure after all.

The idea of an adventure in the garden after I went to explore the mansion was too painful.

"Yes, Lily wears her hat properly, too, right?


When I give her one hand and reply well, Ena smiles and puts her hat on.

The hat I wear is a wide hat that matches Ellie.

When Ellie wears it, she looks really good with a piece and a summer lady.

By the way, Kuti has already secured a fixed position on his hat! I'm screaming.

When I finished screaming, I slowly turned upside down. The face I let peek at is the natural face of the doya.

Even if you flip it, your face feels do-grade stable.

Everyone is ready and Leki will have Ena on top of it when you wear the saddle too.

Now you're ready for a walk.

Leki, it's on you, so I can't reach my two brothers and sisters, but I kind of depend on the two that are on the side perfectly.

It's not like an adventure, but it's the first time I've walked in the garden.

It's not like I'm going to set a purpose somewhere. It's a walk.

That's why it's the first time.

The springy sweet scent from Ellie's large flowerbed poured into the wind for a moment to plunder the tip of her nose.

Looking up at the sky, it's black, but it feels as clear as visions of the blue skies that are endemic to spring.

"It feels good."

"Yeah, it feels so warm"


Two friendly brothers and sisters "Today" raise their voices almost simultaneously, followed by a slow walk watching such a smiling sight with a smile.

Fun fun walking time began.

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