Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

External 16, It's just a little bit of an old story.

When I was still a young man, the Christophers were a small aristocratic home.

Even when it came to small aristocracy, it was a family of righteous aristocrats who had been inherited from ancient generations.

Lived by such a Christopher family, I grew up with no freedom.

My favorite cousin Huffneck brother took it on as a tutor, and your father and mother were very kind and completely different from the greedy nobles you hear rumors about.

Your father and mother seem to be busy every day about the many orphanages run by the Christophers.

But please pour out every day the love I spare to Me, and every day I was very happy because some of my brothers are very, very sweet like my true brother, Huffneck.

One day I learned that happiness is easily broken.

Originally the Christophers are small aristocrats.

Even righteous aristocrats who have been inherited from generations will not stand without money.

Especially since the Christophers run a lot of orphanages, they need money.

I had managed to do so with a grant from the Kingdom every year and a salary allocated to nobility, which apparently meant that the grant would be greatly reduced from this year onwards.

The busy father and mother managed to encourage golden measures to maintain the orphanage, but the results were not fragrant.

Brother Huffneck also worked from the Knights where he works, but this one didn't turn out well either.

Your father and mother, Brother Huffneck, never asked for the real reason for this reduction.

Because I was still a little kid, but there were other big reasons.

Because there are parts of me that were very different from other children.

But... there are things I can do to help everyone because I am me.

Besides... I knew the real reason for the reduction, so I came up with a reason to use it.


It was a coincidence that I found out, and I heard the chatty maids talking.

This is why the only great labyrinth that exists in the capital of the kingdom, in the Christopher family, was sealed up years earlier, and the large sums of money that had been put out to maintain it were cut off as unnecessary.

That maintenance cost was certainly not used as a maintenance cost.

But it was used as a fund to run a lot of orphanages.

You will later know that the recording above was also done properly, but it did not seem to concern those who disputed that they were trying to report it properly.

Besides, it didn't really matter to me at the time. It's already happened.

It was about the secret of the reversal, and I didn't particularly care.

There is always a giant piece of demon in the deepest part of the labyrinth - a demon stone.

The bigger the labyrinth, the bigger it becomes, the better the quality, and produces a lot of money.

Although it's only a small amount of books, the Christophers have a library, so it was written in the books I read there.

My brother Hafneck tattooed me to attack this sealed labyrinth in a slightly different way than any other child, and I came up with the idea of obtaining the Demon Stone.


The entrance to the labyrinth was completely closed just because it was sealed.

But it's none of my business.

Its sealed method is responsible for why the Christophers existed as watchdogs of this labyrinth for generations and never replaced anyone else.

They say this labyrinth, sealed about 800 years ago, has been sealed with the blood of the Christophers mediated.

So I, the pure blood of the Christophers, can unseal this seal.

Because it had been sealed for 800 years, the grant was cut off because the demons had not overflowed and the watchman was no longer needed, but the matter had already disappeared from my head.

One is to attack the labyrinth, get demon stones and make money.

It is an idea that I will not think about later than my child's shallow wisdom.

But I, Me, have easily unsealed the seal of 800 years.

I don't know if you're lucky, but there was nothing like overflowing demons like the contenders said.

Few books and chatty maids and servants secretly taught me the essentials of the Seeker were also prepped, so I just decided to dive into the labyrinth.

It is also due to the fact that your father, mother and brother Huffneck have been so busy with financial measures that they have been so readily prepared.

It's an emergency, so I can't help it.

I have been apologized many times for not being able to set you up, and it was easy for me to prepare myself.

Oh, of course, I re-sealed it after I "I" came in. Because it seemed like it could be sealed even on the inside.

Because I don't like it when the demons are overflowing and the Christophers are in trouble.


I'm just a kid, but even if I look like this, I'm learning how to protect myself from Brother Huffneck.

I'm not frightened to the point of being a little or softly demonic, and I can handle it.

Brother Huffneck has taught me a lot about what to do when a proper man invites you more forcefully, and how to raise your voice when you're about to be kidnapped.

So I have nothing to be afraid of in Me.

Even though the labyrinth had been abandoned for 800 years, there was no dust inside, and the lights were on.

As I continued down the aisle, there was a slightly larger room, some of which seemed to be five times the height of me, Me, the furrower.

I'm going to have a head on the ceiling and I'm not going to be able to move.

I also had 4 hands, so I'm sure the food looks easy.

Because he always said he wished he had more hands when he seemed busy going to see Frieda in the kitchen.

The hairy one came running with his eyes shining when he found me.

I don't know what else to do because I haven't seen anyone in 800 years, but don't forget the gentleman's taste.

First of all, I will give you a courtesy to name it, and then another courtesy.

Don't shake your shoulders, stretch your back and keep your eyes straight.

Gracefully and slowly walk constantly.

I remember leaning on my little neck and snapping my index finger to my chin, and hitting on my brother Huffneck told me that you seem to be a wild person to ignore such preferences if you are a hairy person.

Too bad. Then you have to deal with what your brother Huffneck taught you to do.

Rapidly approaching with a loudly waved recoil - as much as my "I" body - gently put my hands on the two big fists to deflect the orbit.

The point is to keep the skirt hem from flipping so that it doesn't defy the flow of force at this time.

My fist has been guided in a different direction than the one I had in mind, so I lost my balance a little bit.

But I won't fall. Looks like you have a good trunk.

I think the uplifting muscles you are building are very beautiful.

But I only have two legs. It makes sense that if they pay for their legs out of balance, they'll have buttocks on them.

I picked my skirt lightly and gracefully, and gave it a little kick in the heel of the hairy snapper, and I got an indicative butt cake.

There was a loud sound that suited the giant and a little earthen smoke came up.

Before that earthen smoke cleared up, I snapped my cervical spine just like your brother said.

It's just an easy job to bend your neck with a little effort.

Huffneck, my brother had strict orders that it was a force that should never be used against a racial opponent, but this person didn't look anything like race, and you don't mind, do you?

A large piece of demon remained after those who disappeared as particles of light.

But it's not the demon pieces that I want. It has to be only a demon stone.

The demonic pieces will be absorbed by the labyrinth if left unattended, so I decided to smash them.

The demonic pieces that made small noises and shattered and scattered are very beautiful.

For some reason there was a strange feeling that only a little power came into my "I" body, but I had to rush ahead, so let me ignore it.


The labyrinth was only sealed for 800 years and very, very deep.

I stopped counting around past 100 floors, but more and more gentlemen are waiting for me as I move through the hierarchy.

It's still very easy to be a gentleman.

First, you name them with a grace, then gently meditate your eyes and give them a grace so as to draw them apart.

At the next moment, the gentlemen leave the scene to scratch out, but it doesn't really matter because everything moves in a direction my neck shouldn't bend before I approach Me.

Sometimes you can show me how fast you've never even seen witchcraft, but it still doesn't make much sense because your neck, hands, feet and torso will bend.

Oh, of course I, Me, am bent. It should never be used against races, should it?

A meal in the labyrinth eats food called the ingredients that demons leave behind.

It doesn't look good, but this is very tasty.

So I don't have any food problems.

Occasionally, those of you who are not gentlemen are caught smelling meat broiled with fire demon props, but just more food.

I think it would be better to be a little more discreet and humble.


I don't know what day it will be anymore, but I have reached a door that is huge at first sight.

There were doors like this on every level, but if you're inside, you're very healthy people.

I'm afraid she won't be well any time soon, but I'm in a hurry, too, so I can't help it.

The door in front of you now is much bigger than the door you've ever opened.

But I open Me in the same way as I have done in my books.

Because I can't reach it.

The door off each wall flies inside with a very loud noise pulled.

The energetic people who are inside will be named gentlemen after you all look very interesting.

If you're a gentleman who didn't leak into the example this time, you were a very, very big one.

I think you're the one called the dragon that was in the book.

Because you said so yourself.

The original "Beginning" dragon, and.

I talked to the dragon a little bit and I found out that apparently this is the deepest place.

I asked him if he could give up the Demon Stone by talking about the purpose he had come this far, but after laughing out loud for a while, the dragon acted similarly to the other gentlemen.

I am very sad that the hem of my skirt has been torn a little, but I crushed both the hands and feet of the dragon and the long tail, all six feathers, and I lost my energy.

At the end of the day, the dragon said that the world was wide, and I didn't really know it, but I asked him to give me the magic stone.

I, Me, thanked the dragon who had ceased to move, and left the place after a heartfelt salute.

When I returned to the mansion, my fathers scolded me very much, but when I showed them the demon stone, they scolded me more.

But then I was gently hugged.

My little adventure in Me has now come to an end.

The Knights, who came to inspect the labyrinth site of the Christopher family, which vanished the moment I left the labyrinth, were rushing to inspect the premises for a few days.

Soon after the test was completed, the Christophers were given the status of something very high in the nobility.

It was a little difficult for me because I hadn't learned from my brother Hafneck yet.


The highly-priced Christopher family was able to get out of financial difficulties.

The number of orphanages operated is also increasing.

When it comes to me, I have become very fond of diving into the labyrinth.

It's a lot of fun when you crush a piece of demon, the power increases a little bit. How much fun would it be to smash a large piece of demon like that demon stone?

It makes me very excited.

Unfortunately, I was supposed to keep a secret about the Great Labyrinth of the Christophers, which I, Me, first attacked, but I have to protect them properly because they are my fathers' words.

Even today I, Me, dive into the labyrinth.

I, Annella La Christophe's adventure is not over yet.

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