Now then, it will be my turn to act soon.
The situation is very simple.
Eliott has been summoned to the royal palace to receive congratulations on raising to the 1st-grade sorcerer, but they are unable to receive Eliott’s consent.
It’s impossible to ignore the intentions of the person in question and force him to go.
The royal palace side is troubled too as it would be normally impossible to reject the summons.
The employer which is our Christophe House also can’t strongly push him because of the contract. But, the royal court sorceress Claire is getting pressured from the royal palace’s side.

This matter is so important that even Claire who is influentially powerful within the royal palace is getting pressured.
The rare existences which can be counted on one hand have increased.
Furthermore, various secondary effects such as national defense and economic activity can be expected.

There’s a 1st-grade sorcerer’s announcement parade, it’s a grand event that besides increasing the country’s authority it’s also accompanied by economic effects and allows people to let out stress.
It’s not entirely a good thing, but it’s overwhelmingly beneficial to grandiously spread it around rather than concealing it and the 1st-grade sorcerer is basically a signboard.

But, the leading actor is an individual.
The things can’t go into motion when the person in question refuses.
All the more when it concerns a person who can refuse the summons of the royal palace.

Because Eliott who is the magic tool craftsman of the Christophe House would serve as a large advertisement, the increase in sales is being expected.
Rather, there will be such amount of orders that can’t be handled.
The Christophe House which is already growing larger than necessary will grow even further, but that’s that and this is this.

But, as expected, Eliott’s contract has become the bottleneck.
The contract the Christophe House has with him states that our side will deal with all of his miscellaneous matters in turn for a fixed amount of magic tools every month.
Because this matter corresponds to miscellaneous matters, it’s a stormy passage. Rather, it’s enough to make me think whether it’s not already impossible.

This Eliott.
He’s a genuine magic tool fool who will only create magic tools as stated in his contract.
He has been recently adoring me enough to call me my angel and make magic tools just for me, but it would be a headache-inducing if this problem occurred because of me.

But well, I honestly don’t have anything to do with this.
Eliott might accept the summons of the royal palace, but whether he will appear on the parade, that I can’t see.
Far from the royal palace, I have only gone to the garden when it comes to the outside and the parade will surely be in the town so one way or other, I won’t see it myself.
That’s why I had no intentions of meddling in this matter if Claire did not ask me.

Right, what Claire asked me to do was to persuade Eliott.
In a situation like this which puts her under stress from the repeated pressure from the royal palace, I would rather take the initiative and eliminate every problem for her.
There has been no physical damage yet, but it could appear if this keeps on. I have become aware of the situation by myself from the flow of her magical power, so when we talked with Claire yesterday, I was indirectly incited.

As a result, the setup to convince Eliott has been completed.


「…… Haa. I understand. I won’t say anything anymore」

「It’s fine as long as you understand. Now then, the the real issue at hand, my angel. The improvements progressed a bit yesterday and the operating time has been extended by a little, but as expected, it’s still not within the practical use time. This Eliott has never regretted my own insufficient ability like this! Wait a moment! Wait just a moment! I will surely make something my angel will receive with satisfaction!」


This was the real issue at hand for him, but the real issue at hand for us is what Ena was telling him just a little bit ago, so Ena who was fighting alone until now shook her head while covering her forehead with one hand and exhausted expression.
Really, my condolences.


「Ai. You can take it swow, you know?」

「Ohh…… such benevolent words overflowing with compassion just for an unworthy person like me…… just with this, I will be able to work without sleep or rest for a week!」

「Ummm~…… Eriotto~」


The nervous expression he was showing while listening to Ena vanished to somewhere far away as he was getting encouraged by watching a deity.


「Yes! What is the matter?」

「Anyone~ Appeaw on the palace’s palade~?」
   (Anone / You see, umm, etc.)

「I understand! This Eliott will accept and stake my life for my angel’s wish! This Eliott will exhaust all of the power I possess and make sure it becomes the greatest parade! I will show you that I can grant the wish of my angel!」


Eliott suddenly stood up with exaggerated gestures.
I feel like the usual deadpan expression of mine might have deepened even further from the more than I expected development.
As if matching me, Ena held her head with both of her hands and deeply sighed, it goes without saying that it was induced by Eliott’s overflowing willingness.

You have worked truly hard, Ena.

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