Owing to his persuasion, immediately that day Elliot rose to the royal palace.

Apparently it was really soon.

The change of clothes would also sound there. Elliot jumped on a carriage prepared by a Christopher servant and returned to the royal palace only three hals (hours) later.

I got a report from my wife and ena, including Claire, who came home with me this time about the dates for the upcoming parade, etc. from Elliot, who came back from the royal palace.

The parade seems to be divided into multiple sessions, as the city of Auvent is large.

They will also hold presentations, ceremonies, etc. at the Royal Palace before the first parade, but they will also hold many celebrations and other events at the Royal Palace during the parade.

Elliot had to leave as the guest of honor for all of that, but he wanted me to expect perfection for the wishes I received from him.

I don't remember saying that much, but I said that even though I was half-assed, I didn't have cancer properly.

I can't even go to the Royal Palace without going to the parade, so I'm too human resources.

Elliot was thrilled to tears at his proper encouragement, but this would complete Claire's request first.

By the way, I can see the tears because they are magical except for the tears that came out of the reflection. Strangely enough, I don't see any tears coming out of pain or other reflexes. The magic is still full of wonder.

The rarity of having one more first-degree magician in the Auvent Kingdom? I guess the festival will be as exciting as it is for a while to come, but honestly it didn't really matter to me.


When Elliot is busy coming and going between the Royal Palace and the Christopher family, I am, for the first time in a long time, facing an old man from Randolph.

Randolph's old man is a former attending physician of his own and has served the Christophers for many years.

But he retired from attending on the grounds that a few of his information had been leaked from one of his men's women, causing him to have a little incident.

He is now doing research on cloudy eyes at the Christoph family after being bought his previous achievements.

By the way, my men's women also took their families hostage as an unprecedented consequence, but I don't know what happened next.

"- There is no pain when urinating, etc.?

Someone from Randolph's old man waiting nearby for a magic object in his right hand? Throw it to.

It was Rayhawk Rambalast who became the attending physician for the Christopher family instead of Randolph's old man.

He's the one who sees himself quite often, but he's young and quiet. He feels like a wise woman doctor.

"Yes, there doesn't seem to be any pain in urinating either."

"Hmm. Then -"

The old Randolph man I haven't seen in a long time is a little strange.

I'm asking Rayhawk about my situation, but he's throwing some kind of magic prop or some kind of tool at his men.

I don't really know because I can't see anything other than demon props, but there are several types of demon props available, ranging from those in startup state to those in standby state.

Looks like there are quite a few other things available, even from the frequency of throwing.

And nobody blames the old man for his bizarre behavior.

What the hell is wrong with you?

"Yeah, there's nothing particularly wrong with that so far.

"■ ▲ ■ ▲ ▲ ■ ● ▲ ▼ Hisashi's Water" "


Now Rayhawk abruptly used magic.

I guess the chant is unconscious and encrypted. I could not hear the content from that word at all, but it is a level 10 life magic based on the magic name that is the key to activation.

It's a magic trick that produces a glass of water, and it's extremely simple.

The water produced by Rayhawk has been poured into a cup that would have been prepared in advance and disappeared.

No, precisely the moment it was created, because magic pulls water out of the void, we can see its existence, but then, because it's just water, we can't see it anymore.

Life magic is still used in conversations afterwards for some reason.

But no one says anything about magic that is used abruptly because the conversations that are exchanged are all about my health.

And so is Ena and her wife who are present.

Before I know anything at all, I'm done talking about Randolph's old man and Rayhawk and Rayhawk is leaving.

"Let me tell you from the results."

An old Randolph man, who Leyhawk exits and receives something from his men who were hiding behind his back in cover-up magic, corrects his residence.

His men, who were hiding under cover-up magic, came in knocking again as soon as they moved out with Rayhawk.

Did it make sense? No, it must be because he was hiding. I don't know why he was hiding.

Besides, to that extent, your wife would have noticed, and the fact that you overlooked it is probably part of a recurring oddity from earlier.

So if you care, you lose.

"The lady's eyes are still demonic."

"……… Are you sure?"

I haven't seen my poker face fall apart in a long time.

Even though it wasn't just faceless all the time, I was just a little surprised that there wasn't much about getting hit accidentally and breaking the poker face.

Was that oddity examining the Devil's Eye?

There was something somewhat convincing if you say so.

Throw something over while having a very normal conversation or use witchcraft to make them aware.

And I probably would have followed them with my eyes because I even threw them and moved the magic.

I can't chase what I can't see, but what I can see sticks to me.

Especially if the devil's eye is open, it's fine. Instead, I've been behaving quite a bit because I've seen something magical even though it's cloudy. I'd rather you get it right.

Of course, the standard of "I can see the procedure," etc., has to be removed.

"Apparently, it's a little different from the demonic eye being confirmed.

The lady reacts with demon props, activation, standby, and out of magic. Not all of them.

Conversely, it is completely unresponsive in normal materials, regardless of their size.

You seem to be responding to magic. No response to the consequences of sorcery, then.

In other words, it suggests the possibility of a new kind of demon eye that does not fit into the type of demon eye currently confirmed. "

"So what are Lily's demon eyes seeing?

"Probably magic. I'm pretty sure people and magic tools recognize each other almost perfectly."


That's Randolph's old man.

You're absolutely right.

I'm sure the oddity earlier was the final test. That's not all you can tell.

It is probably the answer derived from the previous situation and data against the previously confirmed demonic eye and symptoms.

"So, Lily has cloudy eyes."

"No... unfortunately the lady is the owner of the Devil's Eye, but it doesn't change that she suffers from cloudy eyes.

Rather, it can be considered luck in the midst of misfortune.

Although cloudy eyes become completely blind, it is appropriate for a young lady to see only magic with the power of the devil's eye. "

Randolph's old man tells the facts clearly so as to block Ena's squeezing voice.

But it's not just dark, it's also a little bright.

Because I'm telling Ena that it's not just darkness in my eyes.

"That means something magical...... you should make furniture or something with magic props, right?

"Sure, then you can see it……"

"It's not about money or effort. The question is whether Lily will be comfortable or not."

"... right. Props seemed to look irrelevant even when they were out of magic, and probably no problem with the trace pieces of demon that were out of magic.

Then the devil's eye of a young lady would be the devil's eye of considerable strength...... Hmm. "

Words spoken by your mother.

That means they make furniture out of demonic props.

I must say this was a very blind spot.

Even though I've painted a lot with magic, I never thought of making daily necessities with magical objects.

Demonic pieces can freely manipulate their shape and hardness with auxiliary technology.

This means that both very soft and tough pieces of the demon remain in your mind.

Maybe even a bed can be created, which would be tough, but you could write letters with demonic pieces and copy books.

The mothers would have been concerned that it would be difficult to study even in the year I grew up and went to school, but I wonder if it would have paved the way quite well.

Well, I can't deny what it feels like to learn in school because I'm already done paying for it and sticking my foot deep into a professional field, but that's all I know about myself and Fairies.

"Now I will continue my research and research."

"Yeah, nice to meet you."

"Best wishes, Master Randolph"

"Ji Ji, I'm not cancer."

"Ho ho, you're still going to be able to do this old body if your lady tells you so. Ho ho ho."

Giving Yale to Randolph's old man with a full grin to match the two bowing heads, a graciously eyed, extremely lowered gentle grandfather appeared and left with joy.


From the conclusion of an old man in Randolph who had taken his men away, he had just begun the production of furniture with his own magic by a furniture-making artisan around the facade of a workshop in which Elliot was absent at the Christoph family.

In the course of that day, No. 1 was just completed and came under me.

"What do you think, Lily?

"What do you say, Lily? Can you see it?"


In front of me is a small chair for myself.

I have four legs and a back provided with deformed pieces of demon on my back. Likewise, there are plenty of demon pieces that have been deformed everywhere.

Moreover, it still seems to be demonized, and when it sits, it is possible to soften the demonic pieces that are activated and deformed to soften the hardness slightly to the feeling of a low-backlash cushion.

When you sink your back, you rebel moderately to retain shape, not too soft, not too firm, and really just right.

Now I want you to make one pillow.

But this... demon prop means that if it runs out of magic, you have to replace it.

Thanks to Elliott's new technology, the magic is more than five times better than usual, but if it was still used, it would run out as soon as possible.

But if I soften the demon pieces too much, there seems to be a problem with the memory of the shape, which usually seems to wrap it with something, but when I do, I can't see it.

As a result, the demon pieces used for the backrest and the like are softened when sitting and usually kept in shape by hardening them.

If the demon pieces can be used as thin membranes, the problem will be solved, but no such auxiliary technology has been discovered so far.

So I seem to have taken these ways to make it look like me and give it some softness. But this makes it expendable.

I know it won't even be a problem in the Christoph family with no bottom line in financial resources, but as for myself, I can't deny saying that.

Well, maybe I won't care any time soon. Because humans are the creatures they get used to.

Still, the magicians and furniture makers held by the Christophers are excellent, so they will definitely solve it.

Optimistically so, I sat in the chair that I saw for the first time in my life, nicotine all the time.

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