With lots of books stuck on the floor and beyond the bookshelves, this place is her prized room I grew up in since I was a little girl.

She was a stray found ahead of me getting lost when I was conceited.

I nodded honestly at her still tongueless words of knowing the way and asked for directions.

Her words were true, and she was so lost that she could go home in no time.

So she tried to just leave that her role was over, but I didn't allow it.

I hadn't thanked her or anything yet, and I don't know how much her words and actions saved me then.

I made up my mind to hire her for her words that there was no place to go or eat that day.

It was the beauty who looked forward to the future that came out after doing something about her first thin dirty and dirty figure.

I thought I could do this. I just put my little clothes on her and grabbed one of the maids and taught her a lot of work so her fathers wouldn't find me.

Fathers don't usually go home, and if they go to visit my best friend's house, they stay on course, so I decided to tell them the situation and let them practice basic work at my best friend's house for a little while to remember.

She's still a young girl, but she swallowed abnormally well, and quickly learned to work.

That got into her best friend's mother's ear, and she was going to a maid school that her best friend's mother had made to officially make her maid work.

Having successfully graduated from school three years later, she was splendid...... no, she was more of a perfect maid than any maid in my house to be exact.

She became a girl and my only maid of honor.


"So, yeah. So. Lily and the others called me Mother!

I could never have been happier!

"Thank you, ma'am."

"No more! Scarlett, I'm a good year, and I don't have a lady!

"For me, Master Eliana will always be a lady. I'm a lady, even if I'm a grandmother.

I'm a lady even if I screw up my wrinkles. Lady. "

"Mmmm............. Well, fine. It's Lily, Theo and Ellie now!

That was really cute. Wow...... Oh, I hope it won't be next year's birthday soon... "

Lady - Lady Eliana La Christophe is my husband.

It was hard to watch at one time because of the shock of losing a loved one and the shock of having an abortion, but when Lillianne was born, she recovered as if she had been reborn.

Now I am doing well every day as Lilianne's nanny.

... No, the other day, on my daughter's birthday, I asked the children who had raised me like my child to be a mother for a day. It's a little broken and I spend every day.

Such a lady......... no, you've seen quite a bit, yes.

I am proud to say that from the day I guided the lost lady, there is no face the lady doesn't know because I graduated from maid school which was not...... and have been on her side ever since.

"You're going to hug me because you can't figure out what's wrong with being told such a cute thing already!

"I want to embrace such a lady."

"I haven't seen Theo's sweet smile like that in a really long time! I usually only smile at Lily, but I remember when Theo was little. Wow."

"I remember the young lady's smile."

"Ellie's smile was even more gorgeous and very cute than usual. Wow... I knew girls would be nice ~"

"I am a girl lady gorgeous and adorable"

"But it's bad for both of us, but I knew number one was Lily. I can't do it anymore if they say something about your mother in that adorable voice! No more!

"…… Lady Lillianne is honestly scared of me"

"……… Huh?


A lady who was shaking her hair and rambling reacted to my whining.

But I didn't seem to hear it properly, and if I told her like nothing happened with her face, she started rumbling again.

I want you to stop because books are scattered when you get too violent.


I have been alone since I was born.

Exactly right after birth, the same stray child raised me because there was nothing I could do by myself.

I left my place of birth when I was 4 years old and came to Auvent, King's Capital.

The smuggling play mixed with the load was quite thrilling.

Auvent was an overflowing place with stuff, but a 4-year-old. Besides, he didn't have a lot of work to do with his filthy existence.

I've already thought about using my lifelong knowledge to revolutionize it, but I couldn't help it because I didn't have cheat abilities at all.

There's no way a 4-year-old can call something and get it listened to.

I met the lady one day and I was going to go into that servant training school during the afternoon.

Three years was really hell.

My treatment was still better at the time. My life was guaranteed.

Most other than me don't even have a guarantee of life, and literally not enough people have disappeared from this world with one hand.

My talents blossomed well in hell because my physical abilities were outstanding even if I didn't get cheat abilities.

Honestly, I'm confident no one in the Christoph family will beat me if I let them use the Spike Sword.

That's me, but the third child of the Christopher family, Master Lillianne La Christophe, is honestly horrible.

That guy must be like me.

That is definitely cheat capable too.

In spite of being completely blind, he is the holder of an unparalleled demonic eye.

Cheats are confirmed at a point where they are unmatched.

It must have terrible performance.

And she's cute.

That's horribly cute.

It's usually faceless, but the smile that gets touched and rolled out is the earliest murderously cute. It sucks.

There are also quite a few of those four dedicated to that one, but I'm already heartbroken by that one. It sucks.

Is that demon eye like a charm?

That would go pretty convincing, but I also feel different.

If it was a child audition, it would be an idle debut after passing one shot.

And an unprecedented faceless daughter boom that happens to roll. I adore you. No, it's bad.

Even the Christophers have pretty secret information about that one.

It's pretty nervous, especially when it comes to spills to the outside world.

So much so that Master Annella went so fast to erase the existence that would get in the way.

That one's a monster, right? That's the guy called True Cheat Ability. Definitely.

Wouldn't the strongest creature on earth also escape barefoot? It's bad.

My treatment at the Christoph family like that is exclusively for Lady Eliana, and as for the Christoph family, it is for the guests.

I usually work mixed up with the average servants, but I also work in writing.

The book I wrote is elusive, but it seems addictive when you get hammered.

Is this the cheat ability given to me? I doubt it.

But it could be because I can write so much for it.

Paper is very valuable in this world.

Sometimes I thought about trying paper, but how do you make paper out of a tree? I doubt it.

So we use our share of privileges to make great use of the rich Christoph family.

The Christophers are vicious rich, if you will say so, like 100 times the number of people with micro softness.

So you can say that there's very little you can't get. It's even life.

Well, it just doesn't seem like the cure for that guy's eyes is possible.

So I got the paper without any problems, and it was a bit frightening that it was even possible to book it, which I didn't achieve in my lifetime.

Is this self-publishing?

Well, most of the books in the world are self-published because publishers themselves have very little.

The book I wrote is no exception.

It appears to be manually copied from the original and sold in thousands of copies. There is no hard copy printing.

It's a lot of effort because it's thousands of books by hand. No matter how many customers you have, this is a little awkward.

Besides, it takes such hard work, and the paper is a precious item. The price won't be stupid either. Is it actually stupid, it's a price I think.

But it's sold. I'm a little afraid of talent. Cheats scary.

I don't have the concept of stamp duty, but the Christophers are the doers, so sales roll into me by differentiating between cost and labor costs, etc.

As a matter of fact, I've already got so much wealth that I'm not seeing bad junior aristocrats.

He was that thin dirty floater who was so lacking in the meal of the day that I can now play luxuriously in a bath of gold coins. I won't do it though because it hurts.

Nevertheless, I didn't know your daughter would be so mellow, the power of the kids is still a horrible thing.

I've never had a child in my life, and I only had enough lovers to count, and love and all that. I didn't understand.

That's why it's strange.

I can't understand such love. It's also a strange story to spin a story about me telling love, but I can't help it because I can write it. And it's sold. I'm a popular writer.

Dear Eristina, I look forward to seeing my new work.

Though I don't seem to know that the author is this close.

There are actually not many people who know that I am writing my work.

It's about the Christopher family current owners, former owners and ladies.

They're after me when they know everything.

I think that would be natural too if it sold so dumb. You don't have to be me to kidnap him.

But it would be safe to stay here.

This Christopher family is so great a nobleman that even the country can't handle it.

My husband is the one who nannies those Christopher children and is bored that those children called me Mother. The book collapses, ah, it collapses.

"What the hell are you doing, lady?"

"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm so happy with you..."

"Well, those are all the cute kids, so I can't help it, but if you're going to break out, do it elsewhere."


"Haa… At all, the lady remains a little lady only in front of me."

'Cause you're like my sister.

Just as the children of the Christoph family are as cute as their own for a lady, for me a lady is more important than her biological family. It's not a lily.

I am terrified of Master Lillianne.

But for the sake of the lady, I will endure the horror and I will not go outside.

If anything happens to Master Lillianne, the lady will grieve. So I am not stingy enough to destroy all the evil that crawls over to Master Lillianne.

Well, my turn isn't much.

"Come on, lady. It's time to go back."

"Is that already the time? You're gonna worry about Lily! Then Scarlett shouldn't be stuffed with too much roots, either, huh?

"I understand."

I'll see you later.

"Yes, ma'am"

If you look at the face of a really happy lady, you'll see a natural grin on my face, too.

If I had a lady's smile, I could keep writing. Super Writing.

Come on, let's get up on two legs today.

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