Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

137, Magic of Punishment

You will have seen the second daughter of the Christopher family more exclusively than usual that day.

I think I consciously made Nija a lot kinder with the hindsight that made her cry in fact.

Nija's points have been added slightly more than usual to the scoring table that is only in her.

At the end of the day, exactly when I went to bed, I wondered if Chiko was sleeping on her own flat undulating chest.

"Hey, Lily. How could you be so nice to Nija today?

[Er... Kuti was watching too, wasn't he? Look, because I cried Nija...... Just a little backwards.]

"Uh, that lying cry?


"It's a lie cry, that"



He's so cute because he tilts his neck and says it, but he's going to have his eyes patted up right now. I can't stop blinking.

What, are you lying and crying?

Ah, but it was a tear that was accompanied by magic and visible to me...

... Ah, but wouldn't it have been just a preconceived notion that if it was a tear that was accompanied by magic and looked like it was real?

No. Instead, I thought you erased the traces of crying with makeup to erase the effects of the magic props or sorcery or something that you were using?

I can also nod that it had disappeared beautifully. Isn't it because of the phenomenon of losing sight of multiple and overlapping surgical ceremonies, my weakness that I didn't see the surgical ceremony and had before? Even then, it was because of the multiple magic props and magic that Nija used.

And more importantly, you can be sure because there's no way Kuti's gonna throw up a lie.


"Oh, what's wrong, Lily?

"…… mmmmmmm, no."

"Really? Then it's time to go to sleep."

"Ah, no."

I'm angry at myself for being lightly fooled by Nija's lies and crying.

Nija's lies. The cry itself didn't really piss me off because she's been putting out a lot of granny and ena before.

All I'm saying is that the out-of-the-box work has finally reached me.

It was never in a bad direction for a reason to get out of it, and it didn't hurt me, so I left it.

Never in a bad direction this time either. Probably to help you earn points for your reward.

I must have been planning this for a long time.

Her plan would have been perfect without Kuti as a result.

I never made lying cry a lie cry noticed at all, and I was getting the point.

Don't be afraid, Nija.

But... I know. I can't.

The point of today's addition is blank paper.

What a bad boy to fool your husband. Let's treat him a little.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow, Nija.


"Oh, what the hell is Lily dreaming about?


"Rauri, no!"

"Yes, ma'am"

The following day exclusively is LaClear.

At the end of my usual routine, Leki in your room, Leki, I also paragraph one of your studies, cover my eyes with both forelegs and start today's plans instead of the sofa for the snagging dog.

Nija arrived as soon as Lacrya finished communicating with a communications demon prop a little further away.

"……… Lady, what can I do for you?

"Uh-oh. I want to go home."


"Oh, lady!? Hey, I'm the exclusive today!

"Rauri, come with me."

"" What? "

Because I don't want others to see me out of my mind, even though it extends to acts in a secret room called the toilet, I can also react like this today when it comes to two people together.

Two people with patchy eyes look at each other to indicate that the magical flow of their faces is turning red.

It was only a few moments before they made up their minds and nodded at each other.

"" Yes!

And I replied well.


As always, Leki, I will reward you with my own private toilet adjacent to your room.

The toilet is filled with magic that has already been deployed, so there is no leakage outside of any of the events inside.

Lacria, who is already whispering in a voice that doesn't even speak, seems to be feeling better today than usual, even though Nija has seen her.

The typical serious Mr. LaClear seems vulnerable to this kind of situation after all.

It seems to have opened a slightly different door and I'm afraid of the later, but there's no other way.

The flow of Nija's magic, which is hiding her face with both hands but staring firmly at the act through the gap between her fingers, is a true representation of her excitement.

That would be so. Because I think it's my turn next.

But sweet.

It's too sweet, Nija.


"…… Ha-ha-hoo."

Lacrya leaks a sweet, luscious exhale in that place, which is so spacious that it doesn't seem like a toilet and is even placed in demonic furniture to be visible to you.

It would feel too good and the floor would be wet with drips from her, but as usual, no problem.



"Hey, hey, hey."

"…… to?


"Lady…… it's my turn…………"

"Hayaku ~"


Nija was baffled by a turnaround from excitement and anticipation, but she quickly takes out the communications magic props to fulfill her orders quickly and get rewarded and calls Jenny.

"Lady - for you...... whoa whoa whoa"

"I'll reward you!"

"Ahhh... ahhh..."

Grab Jenny quickly as she comes in and raise her gear all at once to ascend.

Jenny raised her nails to snap quickly into the closed door, but her hands quickly fell without force... and her heart fell off too.

Been staring at the sight for a long time, Nija has already lost her hips rather than being immobile.

Jenny also ends up remembering and faces Nija by creating a second sweet, overly lustrous exhaling and rough breathing object.


The moment I turned my face, I could see that Nija, already excited about the withdrawal feeling, was nervous at once.

But what I took out there was a communication magic device that was in Jenny's pocket.

I pulled it out when I was making Jenny feel better.

"... oh, uncle... sama...?

"Mira-kun's navel came to me."

'Ha, yes! Right now!

"Duh, what... uncle... duh!?

Raise and activate more removed magic items on Nija, who is reaching the extreme of confusion.

At that moment Nija was completely restrained and unable to take one physical movement.

"… Lady…………? What... So...?

The magic props I took out are just dummies, but the magic is a second-degree restraint magic.

It's hard to break through this no matter how much Nija is one of the top Christopher family maids.

Besides, even your wife won't be able to do it unless she takes it seriously because it's tripled out.

Some other sorceries have been developed, but Nija, who is confused, won't know. Naturally I'm covering it up, so even if I'm not confused, I won't know.

"Don't lie to me."


Tell Mira what you really want this time before she comes.

It was a short word, but it still seems that we know exactly what it means for the person in question.

In an instant, the flow of magic changed from confusion to the flow of blood when it drew blood, and the power fell out of the limbs and into it.

From those eyes came a glimmer of real tears this time with magic, but it's too late.

"Excuse me."

Mira, who quickly went inside after the knock and shut the door, was baffled by Nija, who was restrained, and the two who became pink corpses, but she quickly secured her tail and turned it into a third corpse before thinking any further.

He is forced to open his lid even if he turns away from his face and tries not to close his eyes to see because he is completely restrained while entering. Regardless, I blink moderately to keep my eyes dry and painless.

I just had to look at the reward that I was supposed to get to repeat in front of her, and Nija ended up apologizing over and over again with a lot of tears, begging but ignoring it all because this is a punishment.

Three pink corpses also dripped. A few rounds were made to see if something was going to dry up, and the punishment continued until Nija, who had dried up tears, burned out and became a raging stream of magic.

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