Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

155, Setting up wisdom

Dr. Sunny came back and went back to his usual routine, but there's also been a slight change.

That's a kutipad that 3 +1 people have, or one that does a brush talk using that kutipad.

Yes, Leki, you're the one who's talking.

Until now, Leki, your instincts will be told as you go. Humph, humph, humph. I was just analyzing the sounds I was just saying with his tricks, his expression and the surrounding atmosphere, so I really lacked accuracy.

But since I switched to writing, it's perfectly possible to have a conversation - but it depends on your vocabulary, Leki.

Although the beautiful writing is a little annoying in vain.

That's why Kuti created a relay output window for you.]

"Wow, wow!

Leki, in the window that floats over your head, Leki, the letters you wrote on the kutipad are floating around so that you don't have to peek at the kutipad either way.

By the way, the one in the window right now is "Wahwahwahwah".

"Why are you squealing?

[Leki, isn't that your own joke?


[But this will speed up communication with you, Leki!

"The conversation has been established with considerable precision until now, but there will be a slight delay because it is via Kutipad.

Based on that area, I don't think it's going to accelerate. "

Dr. Sunny is right.

It really gets one tempo slower than the motion of writing. But it's about physical velocity.

What I'm trying to say is a little more of this kind of conversational atmosphere.

[As it were, well, whatever, I'm glad to hear it, Leki!


"Wow, this guy looks great! I'm in good shape!

"Wow. (I'm great!)"

"It's not like I'm busy. Whoa!

Niyanya, your face is stirred up by the wind, and you're dancing in the universe, but cleverly you're on kutipad in the air.

I was really curious what it said, but it immediately appeared in the window as well.


[I'm feeling too much better than usual, this kid!

Now that you are accumulating ether crystals, you can draw magic from ether crystals as well as before to enhance your physical abilities abnormally.

Recently, Leki finally realized what an unconscious thing you've been doing.

Leki, who began to use the magic accumulated in the ether crystal like his own magic, will not suffer one scratch if you fall from the fairly high ceiling of your room at the earliest.

On the contrary, the harder Kuti's high-powered magic hit him directly (...) the more he was able to give him instant defense to the point where he could withstand it.

No matter how well he's doing, Kuti can't be serious enough to get licked.

Kuti's anger voltage keeps rising on you, Leki, who actually enjoys making you look like you're being flirted with by a gust of wind in the air.

I'm afraid I'm going to kill him like this.

"All right, that's it.

Lily must be worried, Kuti. Leki, come on, or Lily will fly you... a lot. "


"Wow, wow... (sorry, forgive me, I'll do anything)"

Two people in Dr. Sunny's voice pitch stop the movement.

Leki, who fell free because he stopped the stormy sorcery, had a brilliant landing while writing in the air, but immediately concealed his eyes and surrendered.

"I'm sorry, Lily. It's all right! Leki is nothing like this!

"Wahoohoo! (Nothing!)"

[But not too much degree, is it? Okay? Both of you]



Kuti and Leki, your somewhat fiercely harrowing plays are over, and Dr. Sunny's class began writing down improvements and more from today's update section.


A long-awaited new feature recently added to Kutipad.

That's called a "save as" function.

The data of the Kutipad that I have been storing in its entirety can now be stored individually in the external storage area.

The external memory area brought back by Dr. Sunny has always been a magic trick.

But Kuti magic is sealed in this, so that information can be stored.

Because a detailed storage method that is a degraded version of the archive but cannot be archived is possible, Kuti has made improvements so that it can be diverted to store Kutipad data.

In order to rewrite the magic power of the Demon Piece into information and save it, the more magic power of the Demon Piece, the more capacity can be stored.

In other words, it works great with ether crystals.

Since the amount of magic accumulated in the ether crystal is at a level that is not comparable to that of the demonic pieces that have been received, it has been lightly accumulated and removed for four external storage areas.

Although the storage area used by Dr. Sunny per day is quite large, it can be saved at leisure for about 10 years after changing to an ether crystal.

I can afford less than a hundredth of what you or Leki use.

"If the range is widened in this way on a large scale, spots tend to develop in the combustion density.

So, Lily, what do we do?

[How about a detailed setting of the combustion range or raising the combustion density itself]

"Mm-hmm. Not bad. Anything else?

[How about manipulating the wind to cover the spots that are easily spotted. Thus]

Operate the kutipad to perform the additional procedure that was prepared.

The magic simulation results output within the shared area show footage that succeeded in equalizing to some extent the burning range that was spotted.

"Hmm. Pretty good hands.

This one will be more magically efficient, and other environmental factors will be easier to consider. "

Kuti made improvements to the improvements in response to Dr. Sunny's suggestion to improve them - although improvements continue now - so that he could verify a variety of magic results that would make the scope impossible to do in the mansion massive due to the magic simulation feature.

Until now, the scope had been thoroughly narrowed, so we had only achieved enough results to make a difference between the actual operation and the cloud mud.

Still, if it was just mastery, there were not many problems, so it was done, but it was still something that I would no longer do.

Although that is on the simulation, it is significant that the results can now be checked.

Kuti's magic simulation functionality has been able to set the environment quite complicated until now, but the improvement has progressed, and since it can be set even more complicated, it has grown to such an extent that Dr. Sunny has also received a heartbeat that he will actually achieve the same results as he exercised his magic.

Pre-existing magic at the first and last levels tends to increase in scale because there are many evolutionarily developed versions of magic that belong to the attack system.

It is valuable to see the effects of a number of large-scale witchcraft, albeit simulated, and it feels good as if something had been removed and planted before.

Simulated results and complex preferences can also be saved individually thanks to the external storage area, and classes are also in progress.

Kutipad's usefulness has been widely negotiated and is now increasing.


I was wondering if I could possibly reproduce the situation in the Mansion in real time using the Preferences of the Sorcery Simulation feature, said the Great Doctor who created a very complex Preference for large-scale Sorcery Simulation.

"I can't do it in real time"

That's what happened.

So what if it's a fixed environment to some extent even if it's not real-time?

As for myself, I still have no idea what's going on inside the mansion. I'm very interested.

[What do you think……]

"Hmm. Not that I can do, but this mansion is huge..."

"Fine, I'll make it for you! Lily's favor!? Sit down, but you should be asked!?

"Wafu (I want to see it too)"

[Speaking of which, Leki, you haven't really seen the mansion either, have you?]

I can see myself and Leki getting more and more bonded to your favor attack, too.

And Kuti gave me the stop after all.

"If you won't do it... I'll be all over you, okay?

"We'll be happy to make it!

What the hell is that...?

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