Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

159, Strategies of wisdom

Leki, when I get to your room, Leki just drops by.

Leki, there are no more chains that were tying your actions. By the way, I wear a collar but not a slave collar either.




Leki approached me with her tongue out and breathing haha like a dog, and you immediately take the stand down position and get me on that big back.

Leki, your back is very big. Even if there are a few adults on board, they can still be big enough to afford it, but only themselves can be singled out.

I feel good enough that if I bury my face in soft hair, I'm going to fall asleep just because of that.

Guru and Leki, while you are enjoying rubbing your cheeks over and over on your comfortable hair, Leki, you are completing the move in place.

As soon as you arrive in the middle of your usual room, Leki activates magic to create your usual space.

Grandma and Ena seem like tea time with a little distance, as usual.

[Installation of illusion space complete.

Kuti, please]

"Leave it to me, Earle! Hooray!

Kuti unfolds Kutipad's surgical ceremony, instilling spiritual power into Kutipad for four.

Leki jumps on one of them just waiting for you, but you don't vibrate or shock yourself in any way on that back.

Receive the kuti pad for yourself and explain the big points of today's update from Kuti.

Though most of it was Dr. Sunny's request, it also reflects his request properly.

I'm going to use that in between classes today to make a play tool.

But first, class.

All right, open file number 569.

[Yes, Doctor]

"Ho ho ho"

Dr. Sunny uses Kutipad at an awesome rate, so that he can handle most of the materials needed for the class on Kutipad.

It's a complete reference rather than a textbook.

Even though I had no choice but to keep Dr. Sunny's oral classes as they were, it was definitely better to have them.

Using a shared type of external storage device, three people open the same file and the class begins.


[Yes, now you're my winner]


"Yes, yes! Me next! Me!"

[Bye, yes, Kuti]

"Hiccup! I'm gonna knock you out, you cunt!


Functions created by improving the shared space for meetings - Leki and Kuti are about to begin their battle in the shared space.

Due to the six-sided dies shaken at the start, they both hit hardly any time before Kuti.

Leki, are you wild? In the inquiry, Kuti went on and on about the phase just because he didn't know the word long thought in the fairy inquiry, and the battle was soon over.

"Wah-hoo! (Ha!)"

"No! Lost! Damn it! Damn it!

If only they hadn't taken the upper right then!

Leki is nostalgically proud of Kuti, who is regretting treading on the group in the air.

Winners and losers. It is so symmetrical that it is too clear.

"But your idea of how this play is quite simple is deep and funny.

It's my turn next. "

[I'll deal with you]

"Hmm. Be gentle."

[Playing is all you can do, isn't it?

"Tell you what. You think I've just been watching?

[Hehe…………. Looking forward to it]

Do the start die roll to answer Dr. Sunny's invincible grin.

Here's the lead.

On the plate surface, which began slowly and quietly, my color increases as the phase progresses.


[Now I have the corner]

Even though I hit my honest hand, in the back I was able to constantly guide for cornering, and I was able to take one corner at the end of the phase.

But the cornering at this time at the end of the day is equal to the checkmate.

Dr. Sunny noticed that too, which is why he leaked his regrettable voice.

He went a few further and delivered the victory himself, holding down all four corners without taking a remedy to hold the inside of the corner.

Ultimately, it's enough to call it a victory.

"Mmmm....... Or we'll do it... But that tactic of war won't work anymore!

It's true!

[Then we'll use a different tactic next time]

"Hey, what!? You still have it!?

[I have 128 hands on my reversing must-have!

"" Hey, what-!?

"Waba Bubba (na, what-what!?)"

Funny how they are stunned by the two of them and one each.

As you can see, the game we're playing is reversible.

A very simple and deep play that when divided into white and black and pinched, it becomes its own color.

Leki can easily remember the rules and have fun playing.

And do your best to feed strategic thinking.

Above all, I took a hint from the Preferences feature within the magic simulation feature and created the program language - just right for making it in Tito language.

Until now, only Kuti has been able to implement the new functions of Kutipad, but if it is on a field that can handle this Tito language, Kutipad can be emulated as a virtual space.

Excellent that Kuti can also transplant the completed program into a whole Kutipad.

"Wahoo! (Me and Sunny next!)"

"Come on! Let's be the other guy!

"Wow! (Can you beat me Kuti!?)"

"Don't lick me, Leki!

Recently, Leki has come to attach various options to your character display function as an emotional expression function.

It's a function that will be reflected as soon as it is pressed with a button formula, but Leki, you mainly use it after you write a letter.

For example, when the line is as invincible as it is now, the nose is rough. If you press your button, Leki, who is sitting right on top of the window for character display, will snort and puke.

Of course, Leki herself is throwing up.

It's adorable from the edge, but the person being hit is irritating.

Always on that evidence...... no, generally...... no, some calm Sunny teacher is a serious mode too.

Kuti can also steal from their fight. Are you going to steal all the tactics? I'm staring at the generic shared space of my Kutipad.

I'm honestly glad I didn't think I'd get this much reversing I made from the trial. But next time, let's also make a game with a different taste.

Board play like reversi is good, but a simple block collapse style tennis might also be incandescent at this rate.

Tito language has just been developed and it will take some time to organize a complex program, so let's make some.



"Wow… very unpopular……………"

It seems that we have already settled after some battle has begun.

All the pawns come in one color when you peek at the surface of the board. Surely this is not very popular.

Or Leki, you will leave it to the wild inquiry to strike too hard. That's what makes it so catastrophic.

A little more, Leki. You should train your thinking in strategic terms.

And Dr. Sunny............

[Very unpopular……]


Have you regretted losing so much to yourself?

The high laughter of a teacher who was in the best mood continued until Kuti signed up for the next match.

By the way, this battle was Kuti's victory in the battle.

It goes without saying that Dr. Sunny had another great time with you, Leki.

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