Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

167, The Revolution of Intelligence

"Lily, is it true that you made magic?

With Kuti and Leki in their usual Leki room, Sunny Sensei, who was setting the preferences near the ceiling, approached suddenly.

[Ah, yes. I made it! It's my first magic trick!

"Well, that's exciting. Let me see."

[Leave it to me!

This is the first time I've ever done magic that I've made entirely from 1, and it was done this morning.

Apparently Dr. Sunny had something to do this morning. Unfortunately, I couldn't be present, but I showed it to Kuti.

Kuti was happy to oosh like he was then. It's new to my memory.

[Then I'll go ~]

As Dr. Sunny watches, he continues this morning to chant and exercise new magic in an instant.

Express the event as the unfolded surgical ceremony is set in the chant.

Spend, set, and actual effects of magic. It's all working perfectly - a perfect success to the point where there's no waste as one.

"Huh...? Over………?


Proudly chest - naturally not swollen because I'm a 3 year old - and show Dr. Sunny the magic letters cheerfully.

The technique is still so perfect that the setting and actual effect are the same as the target.

I'm sure Dr. Sunny will compliment you, too.

"Lily............. That's the magic of lights... right?


"I built a new one… it's magic………?


I don't know...... Dr. Sunny is a little confused.

But the magic was perfectly exercised as per the procedure, and I don't think there's any place to be confused......

[Oh, well. Doctor, you should have had a look at us first!


I finally got a point for Dr. Sunny's confusion, so I open the surgical ceremony to Kutipad's generic shared space.

There are two ways to open it.

[This is the magic of the lights at level 10 of the existing magic.

And this is my magic that I just exercised.

Both are the same thing as effects. Because the settings are the same]

"…… Lily, is this true…………?

[Yeah, I've had Kuti check it out a bunch of times after he showed it to me too, but this is for sure]

"I can't believe it... did you shorten the level 10 magic you thought was more fundamental than this?"


Existing magic is the foundation and application.

The foundation is the ultimate at the beginning.

That's what I overshadowed.

Dr. Sunny's surprise will be immeasurable. Because it's like being overshadowed by your own common sense.

Even teachers who had spent four digits studying magic couldn't shorten existing magic.

But that may not be a choice.

Teacher Sunny is not able to construct a new type of magic because she is not two variants.

Kuti can be made to create new sorcery through his own theory of sorcery.

But Kuti makes magic with his senses.

I'm vulnerable to these parts because I'm Kuti, a sensationalist genius.

Kuti's magic is bold and elaborate, but it can be a lot of mess or the beauty created by the margins.

There is a lot of waste when it comes to efficiency because of the margins. On the contrary, does it mean that there is room for improvement?

"But this is……. If you look at the amount of magic you consume, isn't it less than a tenth………?

[Yes, I thoroughly omitted the futile surgical formula so the path became simpler and this result.

However, when it comes to intermediate class magic, there are fewer places where you can shorten it due to the applicability issues that margins create.

Still, I think it's possible to shorten it a lot.]

Magic with a limited effect of about Grade 10 can be considerably shortened, but apparently when it is over intermediate, it loses its applicability to settings and breaks down.

This seems to be why Kuti is taking a lot of marginal parts, but there are still many parts that can be shortened.

[And the hypothesis is that elementary magic is something that breaks down intermediate magic.

I mean, there's an intermediate, not an intermediate, there's an intermediate, there's an elementary]


Dr. Sunny looks at the margins of elementary magic that he has shortened.

Perhaps her thoughts are spinning at an awesome rate right now.

Her common sense, which has spent many years researching witchcraft: four digits, is now being rewritten.

"…… That's possible.

No... I just see it coming... I have to change my mind about this... "

"Right? Well, it's my Lily, naturally!


Kuti and Leki came back after the first battle, but the light and darkness were clearly separated.

Looks like we've ended up winning Kuti this time, but the total score can still be Leki you win over.

"... Alright, it's Lily. It's about you, there are many other sorceries that could have been shortened, right?

Why don't we just verify it!

[Hehe... you can't help it!

In fact, most of the grade 10 magic is over shortened!

"Come on............. Let's do it!

That's my apprentice!

[Yes, Doctor!

"Wow, I can help you with something too!? Let me help you!?


Kuti interrupts where he and Dr. Sunny are thriving, but Leki, you seem difficult and uninterested.

The revolution that will be in the history of witchcraft in Leki's room, where there are two suspiciously motivated men and a panicking genius who will not miss the ride, and who are waving the dice without me, began at this hour of the day.


[Isn't this how it works?

"No... then this setting won't go through"

[Oh well......... Here's how it goes, then.]

"Mm... Not really! No... but... mmm"

"Isn't that right?

"Not really. Not really!?

[When that happens, these are the better]

"Oh well. Certainly better that way."


I take a rough breath on my shoulder and wait for Dr. Sunny. I put the hatena mark over my head with a decent facial kuti and magic letters. I turn my gaze.

Seems a rare disturbance to her.

"Why are you trying to move on so quickly?"

"But Lily and I can talk this through."

[Dr. Sunny understands, doesn't he? Isn't that why you're okay?

"I don't know about that…… I'm almost there…………"

The situation, which is quite the opposite of normal, is a bit interesting.

You usually understand Dr. Sunny, don't you? Because I and Kuti now understand the opposite of the classes that are going on with my pace progression, Dr. Sunny feels fine too.

"Then it's okay. Sunny can do it! You can do it if you try, Sunny!

[Good luck, Doctor!

You always tell Leki you can do it if you do! Leki!

"Wow. Hmm. (Sunny can do it! I shake the dice!)"

Leki, who even solo plays chinchilloline with added puzzles thanks to an enhanced squid sama system, is also rooting for you.

I really like that.

"Ah too! All right, all right!

… but I thought you'd just wait a minute. "

"I can't help it. It's Sunny."

[Hehe………. Doctor, if you bypass the path that leads to this procedure, you won't need this procedure.]

"…… Hmm. I see. You mean that."

Kuti quickly caught up with Dr. Sunny when he lightly explained that he understood almost exclusively his senses.

That's Dr. Sunny.

Kuti is a real genius, too, but Dr. Sunny is still amazing.

Leki, the sound of you gushing the hexahedral cube on Kutipad's window to the BGM. The quest for magic went further.

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