Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

168, Lightweight of wisdom

Lighter weight of existing magic.

It exudes unnecessary parts from the overall composition of magic and refreshes the surgical ceremony. Or it rewrites the procedure itself.

Basically, chanting - reducing the number of settings leads to less versatility, so I don't do that because I'm bad at lightening that part.

So how does refreshing the surgical ceremony make a difference?

That's a reduction in the amount of magic consumed.

In general, magic increases in difficulty with each increase in setting and consuming magic power.

While it is possible to make up for the setup to some extent with knowledge and experience, there is nothing that can be done about consuming magic.

There's no way there's a huge amount of magic like yourself that's still growing.

Of course, I wouldn't increase my magic if I didn't do anything. It's a pile of magic to the limit that we're still using.

Well, it seems normal people can't do a magic boost like themselves.

Generally speaking, magic is determined from birth.

Exceptionally, there seems to be a slight increase or decrease, but there is no legality, and it has not been clarified.

Needless to say, it's not the hand to reduce magic to a certain amount and restore it, as you are.

Naturally, you cannot use magic unless the amount of magic you were born with exceeds the amount of magic you consume.

Exercising witchcraft in perfect settings will not succeed without the energy of witchcraft.

In other words, it is a great pleasure for most magicians other than myself to have less magic power needed for witchcraft, and at the same time it is a big case enough to repaint the history of witchcraft.

In fact, even Dr. Sunny, who has been studying magic in four digits, has not been able to reduce this amount of magic consumption.

Well.................................... Dr. Sunny is amazing after all.

I understood the know-how just by presenting some patterns of magic consumption reduction from grades 10 to 7.

I guess I hardly need my opinion anymore.

This neighborhood would be just like the director of the magic lab in the woods next to the world.

Well, nevertheless, there's still room to get into it because when you enter the intermediate level where the amount of surgery increases, there will be an extreme reduction in the number of surgeries that you can reduce and change.

You can't lose, Doctor!


The usual class time over the past few days has been devoted to existing magic lightening studies.

Thanks to this, I, Dr. Sunny and Kuti had a lively exchange of views, and your room is much busier than usual.

Even so, Leki may be quiet for not having their usual plays because Kuti is mixed up in research and you're playing alone in a mini-game you've made.

Entering the existing magic lightening of the second level, it was the turn of the magic that I had previously paid a great deal of attention to.

"Next up is" Demon Print Probe. "

Speaking of which, Lily was expecting a lot from this sorcery. But was it the conclusion that reality wasn't so sweet? "

[That's right... I thought it was magic that could fly magic like a sonar and explore the surrounding conditions, but it was actually a lower level thing, so hey......]

"Even so, there is no other similar sorcery, so I have no choice.

It's also a rare magic trick that is classified as Level 2 because it consumes a lot of magic for less settings. "

Yes, this "Demon Print Probe" consumes so much magic that it is at the top of the second level that the items it sets consume considerably less than the other second level of existing magic.

The effect of this is that the magic of the exploratory system is only excellent because it is located in the second level.

I wonder if the problem is that the magic of the exploratory system is useless.

It's actually a level I can barely use because I'm just good at it.

The effect is to fly a wave of magic power to the range determined by the setting and sense the magic power in the range.

If you look at this, you will feel that it can be used.

But there were too many weaknesses.

First, this wave is lightly fogged by a physical disorder.

Where the hell am I supposed to use it if even a little strong wind is going to get misty?

Moreover, even if the waves are misty, the information will not be passed on to the operator.

The only way to convey it is when a wave comes into contact with something with magic power.

There is also a narrow range of things that can be sensed as having that magic power. Naturally, I can't sense a fairy clan or anything, and it doesn't work on things that have the technology to turn down signs. Leki, I actually tried it with you, so I'm pretty sure.

I can't sense if I have too little magic or too much magic.

It's a level of witchcraft that is too user-friendly to make sense.

However, as mentioned earlier, it is still an excellent category in the exploratory system.

I don't know what that means. It's an excellent kind of magic trick.

Existing sorcery has too little exploratory sorcery, but it is also caused by being too user-friendly.

That's why I expected a lot of magic until I learned it.

It wouldn't be hard to imagine how disappointed I was when I opened the lid.

"Wouldn't this be a lot better if consuming less magic, too?

"The real deal?

[Water on baking stone. Arms pressed against the warm curtains. Buddha in the ear of a horse.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

"Sometimes you don't know what it means… well, I know what it means."

Dr. Sunny is also well aware that it is useless witchcraft where the consumption of magic has been reduced.

But I also know what I was expecting, so this is how he would follow me.

Well, after all, the magic consumption was reduced to about two-thirds, but it didn't change that it was unusable magic.

To be honest, my magic power is enormous, so I don't suffer to the extent that I consume a lot of magic power.

Therefore, even if it decreases, it will increase but it will not change.

"But I'm guessing you're still making improvements based on this Demon Print Inquisition?

[Yep... I'm good in the exploratory system for once...]

It is also true that although it is disappointing magic, it is excellent in the exploratory system.

Existing sorcery is the foundation of sorcery, so this is also the basis of the exploratory system.

It is better than based on other disappointment and exploration systems, so we continue to make improvements, but we have not achieved much.

"The lack of a physical detection system in the exploratory system is the number one problem."

"Exploration for magic is fundamental.

If the person you're looking for is a hostile creature, it's not wrong to target it because it's definitely magical. And that's enough.

It's hard not to assume that magic will be used to find things. "

Kuti is also trying to create a magic trick for herself that allows her to detect physical objects, but so far nothing has been achieved.

Kuti, who seems to easily do anything for herself, still doesn't achieve anything, not because of the magical difficulty, but because she doesn't have much trouble (...).

Even in everyday life, there are still small things. Ena and Grandma are perfect, and Kuti and the others are there.

Recently, it has gotten even better by getting furniture made out of demonic pieces.

If we grow more and expand the scope of our activities, there will be more troubling situations, but the truth is that there are no problems at the moment.

It would be great to see something magical.

If this was completely blind, the story would have been quite different.

I've been living like this for over 3 years now, and I can't stop thinking about it.

I don't get it if I keep pessimistic because I'm blind, and I guess Kuti doesn't have much trouble with it either.

Kuti is a sensationalist anyway.

It would be a moment if I was in serious trouble, but if I'm not in trouble like I am now, I mean not either.

Besides, I also want to solve this myself.

Because of this, I even have a special talent for learning magic and being able to make it, I want to work hard.


Grade 2 magic is also well lightening up, and in a few more days you will be in Grade 1.

Definitely lighter than the speed at which you have mastered existing magic.

Exactly. The three of us are just having a cancer exchange.

By the way, while the three of you are obsessed with lightening up your existing magic, Leki, you are challenging a random image 3000 piece puzzle made in Tito language.

I made it difficult because I was easily attacked when I made you a 100-piece puzzle.

The paintings include the mansion schematics provided by Dr. Sunny.

I know it's pretty hard, but when I saw the chill earlier, they were attacking me about the other half.

Hi, Leki. You seem to love these tricks and puzzles.

I've tried various puzzles, but they were quite obsessed with me.

Maybe next time I'll let Sudoku do it.

"Lily, we're gonna do the next one."

[Ah, yes.

So, Leki, keep up the good work, okay?


Don't even look at me for how obsessed you are. I'll get back to you raw, Leki.

He pounded his head gently and then went back to lightening.

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