Floor in front of me as far as I can see.

However, there is no regularity in the size of the floor, with some being very large and others even small in the flat size of the hand.

Incidentally, the extraordinarily large floor continues to the end of the horizon like the ground.

When it comes to understanding why a sole with the size of the ground is a floor, it is very familiar.

There are also many points that differ from that area that I just recognize.

That is the floor that has no regularity of this size, or the fact that even if you look over your head, there is no technique floating around.

That realm - it's not like the unconscious realm.

This is the archive of the world.

It is an existing vault of witchcraft, and besides existing witchcraft, a variety of information is stored.

You just have to break through the conditions to browse.

Many of them most of the time meet that condition at some point, and there are not so many but not so few places that have been locked in the name of the condition.

I don't know the conditions, and I just know Sole as the result of years of research by Dr. Sunny and Kuti.

It is very difficult to have full access to the archives of this world in the first place.

The access that many magicians make when using existing magic is only a very small exchange of information.

It's far from full access by Kuti's magic tricks.

Access when using existing sorcery is only the minimum required access from tools that are required to use existing sorcery called activators.

But Kuti's full access by magic completely removes the limitation of minimal access and so on, and depending on the way it's done, it's enough to interfere.

This realm, as it is called the archive of the world, is the realm of the Oriole, and it is also the memory of the stars.

Being able to interfere with such things is out of the ordinary track.

"But you can do that, so you're Kuti."

Even in this realm, my emotions still seem easy to get on the table.

I can see the natural and grinning leaks and the expression changes softly.

I wouldn't say luxury like this, but I hope your expression moves a little more outside the realm, but it's hard.

"Well......... more than that now"

The floor was moved to find a locked location.

Unlike my unconscious realm in this realm, magic can be exercised.

That brings considerable benefits to me. In this area, where even simple travel is a vast space, there are many obstacles in the body of a 3-year-old.

Especially since the other floors are in the air (...).

Existing magic seems to be stored on a floor like the huge ground I'm on right now, but it doesn't make much sense to me that I've mended all the existing magic.

I guess it's stored on this huge floor because there's a fair amount of existing magic alone. Although there seems to be some other information stored, Kuti and the others say that there is no such thing as megalithic information on this huge floor.

So I just exercise my witchcraft to get to the other floor.

It's easy wind magic to use this time.

It wraps itself around and generates weak buoyancy to move.

Easy control and very convenient for enjoying an empty walk.

"Sure, Dr. Sunny's story is that it's easier to understand where it was locked..."

Fluffy floating around areas with lots of floors, but I can't find anything that looks like it at all.

If the conditions are met naturally, they are not locked, but they are still easier to find than other information.

The same feeling that the treasure is in the chest, apparently. Kuti, by the way.

"Oh, is that it?

There was something sensibly different about flying appropriately and looking at the floor.

If we accelerate a little closer, we can see that there is certainly something different from the information stored on the floor.

When I pulled out the information, it was the information I knew in Dr. Sunny's class. Too bad.

Retake your mind and head to slip into the air on the next floor.

The air walk will continue until you pull a hit like this.

But the archives of this world are different from my unconscious realm, so I can't change the speed in the realm.

The time you are accessing the archives of the world is the same as the actual time flow. It can't be explored for very long.

"Mmm. No harvest at all today? Well, I don't think it's easy to find meaningful information that even Dr. Kuti and Dr. Sunny haven't found.

I'm new here, so I think it's okay if something happens. "

It was when I spilled a bit of stupidity trying to cut off my exploration today.

Whether flagging and placing worked or something caught on like a corner of my vision.

"…… What?

I'll take a look around and check, but nothing in particular. It's a normal floor.

I wonder what the hell it was that caught me.

I'm curious, so I decided to do some more research.

"There is no physical thing in this realm.

Therefore, I find it very useful to explore in "Demon Print Exploration"!

I've been researching "Demon Tattoo Probe" all the time recently, so I think of a magic trick that I can't use much more in my brain.

But this is a different area than the physical area. Possible enough.

Run as soon as you think of it. Something caught me when I immediately unleashed "Demon Print Probe" was found lightly.

Apparently, 'Demon Tattoo Exploration' can be a great exploratory magic trick in this area where no physical obstacles exist, as expected.

It would have been the best magic I could have used had it shown similar effects outside the realm......

Reality is quite difficult.

It may or may not be a magic trick for exploration in the archives of the world.

The more you stick together, the better.

The information obtained by releasing "Demon Print Probe" was little different than extracting information from the floor, but it was possible to extract multiple pieces of information at once. Very convenient.

Besides, he even found me a floor I'd never seen before.

Apparently this was something that caught on earlier.

The demonic eye with its own magic powers is also moving normally in this area.

However, although the characteristics of the unconscious region are not color, it also suppresses nature and the demonic eye because it gives the appearance normally seen in the lifetime.

But as a result of the restraint, this hidden floor seemed to miss things brilliantly.

The fact that it was found in "Demon Print Probe" would mean that it would have been found normally had it been seen without suppressing the demon eye as usual.

"This is the kind of floor that Kuti or Dr. Sunny can't find...?

You can't find it unless you have something like my demon eye...... This is also key.........?

Put your arms together and stare at the hidden floor.

Unlike other floors, information stored may not be normal either.

"I didn't know you'd have this kind of surprise at the end of your first visit. The archives of the world would do something beautiful.

Hehe............. Looking forward to it. "

Because the floor was hidden or "Demon Print Probe" didn't get the information, and it seemed to slip through even trying to get off, so it was necessary to retrieve the information while floating in the air.

Reach out small and touch the floor.

The keys apparently weren't on them and I was able to view the information like the other floors.

I don't know if it was the key to seeing through the hidden state or if it met other conditions that existed.

The information obtained was witchcraft.

There are many cases where the technique or information can be viewed, but it is difficult if magic can be obtained.

The point is that it is not.

The magic Kuti and Dr. Sunny got was just incredible.

They showed it to me, but it wasn't as beautiful as Kuti's magic, but it was beautiful in a way.

Of course, the effects are sophisticated and useless, and the word "optimal solution" suits the magic.

Sorcery discovered in the archives of this world belongs to a different category from existing sorcery.

Of course, I have mastered some Kuti magic and I have mastered these magic.

Naturally, the ordinary (...) sorcerers of the Rizwalt continent are not mastered as one of them.

The magic I discovered this time would also fall within that category.

A surgical formula that was stuck so much that there was no more, and placed so much without some gaps that I couldn't get my hands on it poorly.

Look, it's a substitute that I can't even handle at all for accomplishing the lightening of existing magic.

That's all this magic was perfect.

"…… Wow. I can't believe you got such amazing magic..."

Thoughts separate from thoughts that are touched by the excellence of the resulting sorcery combine this useful combination of sorcery.

It is possible to incorporate this sorcery itself and build it as more sorcery than ever before.

"Hehe............. This sorcery - if you combine" Information Analysis "with" Demon Print Probe "………"

The resulting magic. It's 'Information Analysis'.

As an exploratory system that specifies the subject and obtains information, it is the culmination of magic.

It can be described as a sorcery that differs as much from heaven and earth compared to existing sorcery, which lacks an exploratory system.

Furthermore, it is very compatible with "Demon Print Probe".

There will be a considerable increase in the information obtained by switching to "Information Analysis" where information is obtained by "Demon Print Probe".

This can undoubtedly be expected to make progress.

"Hehe hehe............ It's easy, but I tried combining" Demon Print Probe "with" Information Analysis "...... Come on, let's try it!

Exercise magic that is very simple but improvised.

A wave of magic was emitted, contacting the floor, a mass of information, without extinguishing it in a space free of all obstacles… Information was obtained by means of 'information analysis'.

But there was too much information available in 'Information Analysis' than I thought (...).

A wave of magic power spreads, and information picked up and rolled up in "Information Analysis" flows into your brain all at once.

As if swallowed up by the turbulence of information, my parallel processing ability to train my multitasking abilities and exercise more than three digits of magic at the same time shook off my upper limit lightly.

"Information Analysis" is halfway through.

That's what I barely thought before I passed out.

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