I can see the consciousness slowly surfacing in the dark.

Without being able to handle the enormous amount of load that should be said to be the turbulence of information, consciousness flew with the safety of unconsciousness.

You don't have to open your eyes to understand. The fluff on your back is Leki.

Before accessing the archives of the world, she said she would be asleep during access, so Leki put you in this position to pillow.

Leki, you're still on the pillow, which probably means it hasn't been that long since your consciousness flew.

The time I was accessing the archives of the world should have been quite some time, so if my consciousness had flown longer, I would have been put back in my room.

Slowly open your eyes.

What you see is magic and otherwise black. It's the usual sight.

I guess the load from the results of "Information Analysis" is still there. I was surprised by that one.

I didn't know that much information would come together at once…….

I was going to read the operative configuration of "Information Analysis" thoroughly, but it would mean that this magic is better than I thought.

Anyway, if you only had a small amount of information, you could have gotten a huge amount of it to pass out. This is delightful.

But as it is now, there is too much information to use.

The necessary information and information that is not must be sorted and rounded off.

"Lily, welcome back. How'd it go?

[I'm home, Kuti.

I found some amazing magic.]

"Ooh! That's right, it's Lily! Thought you'd find something, but I didn't expect you to find magic!

What kind of magic was that? Let me see, let me see!

Kuti realized as soon as possible that he was returning to the sea of thought, and he was flashing a sign behind his back that he wanted to see magic.

By the way, the edge of the sign spells it to surround it with Lily Hail Lily Supreme Lily Invincible Lily...... etc.

The illusion space was solved before accessing the archives of the world, so after confirming that the ladies were making a joke at the table, I expand and write out the magic of "Information Analysis" to Kutipad.

This sorcery is made with quite no gaps even in the composition of the surgical ceremony or in the surgical standalone.

It will be difficult to change the configuration at this stage. After all, would it be quicker to take a method of letting other sorceries make roundabout choices instead of improving 'information analysis'?

I also feel like that would be better than narrowing down the information itself.

The method of choosing a trade-off will also increase its applicability if it is changed according to the circumstances.

I do remember everything but the conscious part of my brain, and I've seen it somewhere that I get information from it if I need it.

It may be difficult to do complex things like the human brain, but it shouldn't be impossible.

That's all magic is about freedom and possibilities.

"Ho ho...... You've found something amazing.

It's a rare trick to get targeted information. If we can use this successfully, Lily's magic can be expected to progress!

[Yeah. But there seems to be a lot of problems.

It's an impromptu combination in the archives of the world, but I tried to use it]

"Oh! That's Lily! You just used it. How'd it go? How'd it go?

I teach him that his eyes sparkled, his nose to his hunce, and his breath sprayed and his body laughed bitterly at Kuti, who rose slightly, but his load was too high and he passed out.

"Nah, what the heck!

The amount of information that exceeds Lily's ability to process, which should be remarkable... "

"Hmm. That's an awesome word. It seemed impossible to gather that much information even from the point of view of the configuration and the technique..."

[Dr. Sunny, I'm back now.

That's right. It's not magic that alone can get that much loaded information.

But I hope the combination was a little bad. I hope it was a bad place]

Sunny, who understands that he has returned as a result of expanding the illusion space, also looks at the "information analysis" on the shared general purpose space of Kutipad and gives his opinion.

As Dr. Sunny put it, 'information analysis' alone does not have much, if any, information that can be obtained.

After all, the combination and location are the problem, and it will be due to the fact that the world's archive has unleashed its full potential in a place free of physical handicaps and in the best environment: the 'Demon Print Probe'.

It is expected that the result of obtaining further details of all the information obtained by the "Demon Print Probe" in its best state is that it has become unbearably vast information itself.

"…… I see. The compatibility of" Demon Print Probe "with the archives of the world is unusual.

And "analysis of information."

[Yes, but if you use it………]

"Hmm. You'd expect quite a bit."

"We need to get a closer look at 'Information Analysis' first!

[Yeah. Let's just do it!

A journey was begun to explore the magic you have just acquired along with a comforting ally named Kuti and Dr. Sunny to create a piece of the procedure.


"Wahoo. Wahoo. Wahoo, wahoo, wahoo."

"Oh, that's all-perfect!?

"Wahoon! (4590 points, Kuti!)"

"Bye, I don't know! Hey, I can't believe I never made a mistake. Oh, wow!

Leki, you and Kuti were fighting for breath on Kutipad.

As usual, they're two good friends, but lately, Leki, your games are getting better at and Kuti's losses are starting to get in a lot.

Still, no matter how much we lose, Chiko is on the verge of dying right now.

"Oh, you made a mistake. Kuti, you lost."

"Ma, not yet! The battle isn't over yet! Still got my special swing combo. Aah!

"Wafi. (Another mistake, Kuti)"


This sound gauge, made in the image of the drummer, can be played using a dedicated dial (bee).

Of course, you don't have to use it to play, but Leki, you and Kuti are using the dial (bee), but Leki, your dial (bee) is about to reach the master's range in the first 3 days.

I don't know what the sight of a giant wax manipulating a bee is. I feel terrible.

Kuti also throws a dial (bee) and spins it for a spin, then catches it and keeps playing it. It shows things like a curve, but it's still bad minutes for Leki from Nomisplay against you.

Still, Kuti managed to clear it with two mistakes, but the light and dark are understandably overwhelming.

I can't even compare two mistakes with no mistakes.

"Chick-ass! Chick-ass! You piece of shit!

Next up is the dance. Let's do this!

"Wow. (You think you can beat me?)"

"I'll do it!

Then play begins with a game that mimics a certain dance revolution.

This also makes a dedicated controller so you can play with it.

Sometimes it's not very funny if you don't play with a controller, and naturally they're both dedicated controller plays.


Leki moves over the controller in a light motion that makes you barely feel the weight of that giant.

When the game begins, the arrow marks descend from all directions and press the corresponding arrow marks of the controller in good time where they have come to a predetermined position.

And even more like dancing, Leki flies lightly over the controller without looking at the Kutipad screen as you twirl.

That's like really dancing.


Tatan, and Leki, who lightly decided on the last step, are delighted when you stick your nose up high.

That too should be true. Kutipad's score on the screen is again no mistake. Ouch, ooh.

"Impossible. Yeah, yeah!


"Seriously, seriously, seriously -!?

It was not surprising that Kuti was losing his temper at the earliest, but Kuti was there.

Even if the opponent is mighty, even if he knows he can't win, he has no option of not fighting.

"Burn my gorgeous bonsai into those eyes -! Damn!"

A sad scream sounds and a song begins the game with a unique starting sound called Pi Hiro.

Unlike the pitch that goes perfectly, on the screen the word amazing flies the arrows brilliantly with the right difficulty... Kuti's life gauge quickly went to 0 and the defeat was decided.


"Shh shh shh shh shh shh - I'm still practicing, shh shh shh shh!

[I was wondering if it was a little too difficult.]

"It's okay! The harder it is, the more motivating it is!

I can still do it! It's not the same trick you can only fight with the difficulty you can complete!


"Shut up - Shut up - Shut up!

Leki, who is proud to win, paved the way for the effective use of "Information Analysis", healed by the usual sight of Kuti, who regrets stepping on the community.

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