Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

174, Lillianne the Dance

Soon after the month of 9, there is our mother - Claire's birthday.

This year, although it is superficial information, some of my information has been circulated, and I hear a lot of nobles have applied to participate in birthday parties plotting to connect with the Christophers on this occasion.

Well, even if it isn't, Claire's a royal magician, and Alec's a deputy chief of the 2nd Knights, and Grandma Annella and Grandpa Roland won't have a hand in missing out on whatever trivial reason she's an Auvent hero.

With the largest number of first-level magicians in the Auvent Kingdom, the Christophers stand out in terms of both commerce and power.

Whether we try to get along or not, it's pointless to be hostile.

I don't need to hide my information altogether because it has already been somewhat flushed, and still only those who were able to dive through the strict back checks of my mothers were allowed to attend this birthday party.

Even so, that would be only an external birthday party and the only birthday party that would be the main one that would take place afterwards.

This is a warm addition to Claire's family, who decorates the venue and everything.

It seems that the birthday party that invites the nobles is lavish and laid to rest the prestige of the Christophers, but it may be a familiar sight.

Well, still, he didn't seem like the word "rigid" suited him.

All we had to do to invite the nobles to the birthday party was show a little face and say Happy Birthday to Claire.

It's basically a stance of keeping the nobles away from the children for not too long.

Or maybe it's closer not to let them make contact as much as possible. As a matter of fact, I left without having time to talk to Theo or Ellie, let alone myself.

But from here on out, it's our real thing.

The old lady did what she asked, and no, she returned with more results than she asked.

It's supposed to be obtaining demon stones from demons that are out of reach, but there were more than 10 demon stones that exceeded the quality and size that Elliot wanted. I wonder how much the hell you've defeated.

But now I can practice. After all, Theo and Ellie quickly got used to exerting their motor nerves before they could finish practicing with a lot of extra demon stones. We'll use the rest later.

After the last rehearsal, we move to a room where we decorate ourselves.

Of course, I can't see any paper decorations without magic on me, so I was just doing a little while everyone helped me out.

"Yes, if I put this on, I'm done. Come on, Lily."


"Good luck, Lily. Yes, right there!

"Nsho ~"

"Well done. It's great, Lily."

"Lily, thank you for your hard work. You did your best, you're great."

The last set of paper decorations ended while receiving labor from both Theo and Ellie.

Now everyone is ready for the venue. And then after the birthday party that's open for the nobles, it's a real birthday party.


"" Happy birthday, Mother!

"Oh, my goodness."

"hehe...... thank you, my cuties"

Claire, who came into the venue, answers with a lovely smile that was so gorgeous that she didn't think she was tired of dealing with the troublesome nobles until then.

Even though we are at a stage where we have not done anything yet, there is already a magic revelation out of Claire, and that magic revelation gives relief and happiness to everyone who touches us.

"Mother! Would you like to receive a birthday present from us?

"Yeah, of course!

Claire answers with a smile, who, on behalf of Ellie, overflows her magical exposures as she spins her words.

Come on. The real thing is after this. Show off your practice results.

"Then we will be ready!

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm coming, Mother!

"I'll be there ~"

"Heh heh... I'm not trying."

She is dropped off by a small wave from Claire sitting in the privileged seat of her birthday party.

Around not somewhat surprised to hear the word that he doesn't have a gift on hand and is going to be ready, maybe Claire knows what this gift is about.

Well, even though the ladies are away from the mansion for a few days, they're asking Elliot to create a magic item, right?

Still, I don't have to look at the flow of magic to see that dust isn't on the table and really look forward to it.

"Come on, Theo, Lily."

"Yeah, lots of practice, too. And then we'll have fun!

Your mother seems to be having fun. "

"But no."

"Right, let's have some fun! Lily."



Finish your preparations with the stage sleeves, hand in hand with Theo and Ellie and go up to the stage.

The moment I get out on stage, which should be bright lit with lighting, applause rises from all over there, and the expectations and yellow screams of all the servants who are packing a lot are boiling.

Claire is also waving a big hand by sending her unbeatable cheer from her birthday seat.

Let's get started.

Ellie's signal activates the demon prop and the song begins to play.

At the same time, two to four wings carried on his back raised his body in the air with large wings.

The two hands that were connected are also taken apart as they rise, with the three of them in their respective positions.

When the song changes and starts to buzz a little, Theo and Ellie move around gracefully and magnificently with their wings flapping.

The movement is streamlined and gorgeous.

It is beautiful and gorgeous as if it were a dancing fairy, perfect enough to take one action at a time to fall in love with it, and it is enough to put it at the top of the list even if it competes in a demon fight performance.

Sometimes it intersects in a sleuth and sometimes perfectly synchronizes left-right symmetrical movements at the edges and ends of the stage.

Once in the middle of the stage to match the two people who stopped at the edge to follow themselves to the perfect aerial stage dance as the two practiced, picking a fluffy skirt with both hands and illuminated by the spotlight - should be -, do a beautiful cartesey.

Until then, show up the same feathers as Theo and Ellie, who hid them with a cover-up demon prop.

I can see all the spectators who were in love with Theo and Ellie's streamlined dance earlier paying attention to themselves.

Spread your wings and uncover any more hidden magic items.

What appeared there were wolf ears and tails.

It is Wolf Camio XIV.

Yellow screams rising at the same time. The earliest venue is a whirlpool of enthusiasm.

But this is only the beginning.

BGM changed and the spotlight on me increased all at once - it should be - and a one-dance from not wacko poking my little hand round and gently sticking my butt out began.

Screw-dancing while rolling out a wolf punch without a cat punch with a round hand pretending to match the tail and ear that moves freely in the 1st level magic "psycholeptic wave identification".

The venue, quiet for a moment, shows explosive exuberance and is engulfed by a vortex of great fanaticism so that it can be seen that earlier fanaticism was still not serious.

Yellow screams overlap over and over on the tail shaken as the buttocks move.

Pico coincides with the wolf punch, and yellow screams also overlap the moving ears, all yellow screaming no matter what you do at the earliest.

Naturally, by the way, this one dance is supervisory erry.

During the practice, he suffered many nosebleeds and felt happy with a swinging smile that could not be seen anywhere else.

So much so that Theo had been treated several times because he couldn't stand the nosebleeds.

They are still dangling with their nosebleeds at the edge of the stage.

But it's time, you two.

If you send a glance at the two people, the two people who have suffered a nosebleed begin to prepare them.

In the next moment when the song changed, two people who were on the edge of the stage approached me by flying the floor sleigh at high speed, and I floated fluffy with it.

In a moment of intersection, he lands on two raised hands and rises straight into the air after one full spin of himself to the base.

I rise on the palm of my brother and sister, and remove Barletta, who had her hair fastened behind her where the song also rose to its climax.

In the next moment, the blades, which were 2-for-4, increase to 3-for-6 with enough dazzling glow to outperform the spotlight - should be - and the resulting particles of magic generated are visualized and scattered on stage.

Even though my hair has no wind with the release of magic particles, it is naturally swollen and fluffy.

The demon stone planted in the barretta triggers removal.

The magic that was sealed in its demonic stone was' Fantastic Meteor '.

When the fantastic space of phosphorescence emitted from three to six blades and the magic particles created by the "Fantasy Meteor" dominates the stage, one servant who was watching in the venue, and another, put his arms together and wept in prayer.

The same goes for my mother - Claire.

The magic emitted with a wonderful smile is the earliest peak and the release is arguably the best ever.

And the loving smile was the most powerful thing that the goddess called painting.


The song slowly ended, and as I descended onto the stage with it, a storm of applause blew from all over the venue.

That's enough to make the venue so big that it's surrounded by vibrations.

And then Claire comes running for a small run with Alec in it.

After using the magic of the wind on the stage to get up at once, the three of them were held together with the momentum intact.

"That was amazing, all three of us! So wonderful, so touching, so trembling!

Even at the dance, I'm sure it would have been a great win.

Thanks for the best gift. My lovely children……………………. "

I get compliments from Claire, who embraces me with an excited but gentle and loving smile, and both Theo and Ellie have a full smile.

It's been a long time since I've seen my expression move, too.

"Hehe………. Lily is laughing at me.

Thank you. I've never had such a happy birthday. "

"Lily............. Nice............. Smile again!

"An angel... I have an angel!? Lily's an angel!

"That Lily laughed!? Hey, show me, too!

Grandpa and Grandma, who had tried to stay away from the four people who had started making a fuss after just laughing a little, also began to participate and became more and more confused on stage.

When I heard the words that I could see my smile, Ena and the devotees gathered on stage, and then the servants began to surround me... because I couldn't seem to pack any more.

"Shah............. Hehe......... Wow - Lily."


I activated the magic magic prop that was still there, winged three to six wings, and flew out of the enclosure to your birthday seat as we grabbed Claire with no gravity.

The confusion seemed to have managed to subside first when I flew away once and for all to capture the attention on stage that was starting to confuse me.

The birthday party will be solemnly resumed when Claire returns to her birthday seat to speak out to everyone gathered on stage.

Though temporarily confused, those are the Christopher servants there. He woke up right away and went back to normal.

"Thank you, Lily. It was a great gift."

Our goddess shrugged in a small voice at herself as she removed the magic props and moved over Claire's lap while everyone returned, and the still releasing revelation of the warm magic filled the entire venue.

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