Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

176, Lillianne of Observations

Unlike the usual handmade birthday parties, Theo's birthday party seems to be a big one this time.

Anyway, Theo has been in the middle of school since this year.

Even in the elementary school, he seemed to be quite a celebrity, but since he became a middle school, he has also been a fancy member of an organization like the Student Union where he said he would be.

How flashy, he said, was flashy enough to be told about your son the Silver Flash or something.

It's new to my memory that I seemed sad that I had less time to play with myself because of it.

Ellie was happy for that.

That's why a lot of people come because it's Theo's birthday party with a pretty wide network.

He decided to do a lot of work there.

Of course, Grandma and Grandpa's men have carefully selected the survey.

Theo is the eldest son of the Christophers.

Many people try to get in more than they do.

Even so, the Christophers do not mean that their eldest son will always inherit the house.

However, since Alec is still active, the housekeepers may be early, but first of all, there is no doubt that he will succeed the Christophers.

The birthday party starts on time, and a lot of people keep coming in.

It is not so much an official aristocratic party that various races are disturbed because there is no need for a racially appropriate disguise.

The venue is quite busy even though it has only been a little while since the beginning.

Theo is receiving words of blessing from the three of us coming in successively with Alec and Claire.

Everything about the gifts seems to be checked in advance and piled up somewhere in the venue.

Naturally I don't know where it is because I can't see it.

I look at Theo and the others from a height in four places: Ellie, Ena, Grandma and Grandpa.

If Theo and the others were on the ground floor, it would be like a lounge on the second floor.

Those who come here as soon as it starts are eliminated by pre-checks, so you can take a moment to look around the venue.

There is only the birthday party of the oldest son of the Christopher family - who is seen as the next Lord - and they are all dressed up and everything is like a party of nobility.

I wear a dress that my wife and Ellie have chosen because they incandescent their opinions.

This time I'm keeping it simple because Theo is the lead, and having a large eye flower costume on the right side of my hip is enough to pull the first one off.

Ellie naturally wears a mirrored dress with herself.

When the two of them are standing side by side, it creates a beautiful and heart-shaking painting atmosphere.

My grandmother and Ena are both grown-up and chic this time.

Grandpa doesn't change much because he's his usual uniform.

The four dedicated people holding back and Scarlett are not made-up clothes today either, they look like matching dresses.

But is it because of Brim wearing it on his head that he looks like a maid somewhere?

As I turned my gaze to the exclusive, a twitch occurred downstairs.

If you look at what's going on, the hedge is splendidly cracked and a path is formed under Theo in a straight line.

Walking down that path was a boy dressed in the same school clothes as Theo, whose long cut eyes looked oddly on his short, pruned short hair.

There are boys and girls in the same uniform behind them, but the impression is so different that I wonder if they are really the same clothes.

While the atmosphere surrounding him is also accentuated, his grand behavior actually enters the hall.

Theo is smiling slightly at them.

But it doesn't mean he doesn't particularly like it, he rather seems happy.

A boy shakes hands with Theo and has some fun conversations.

All the boys and girls that followed him also smile and say a word or two.

But the main thing is still like that boy.

It's a little far from here, so naturally I can't even hear the conversation.

But I can tell from the boy's intimate atmosphere and Theo's correspondence that the two are quite close.

"Lily, that kid who's talking to Theo right now is the prince of this auvent."


"Yeah, you look like you've grown a lot in a while.

I was about as small as Lily when I met her. "

My grandmother tells me with her eyes narrowed as she seems to miss it.

Is the royal family in the same school?

Besides, he seems familiar, and he must be interacting.

Well, the Christophers are so aristocratic that even royalty can't get their hands on them, and I guess that means I'll make the connection early.

"I, His Highness Ginobi, am a little bad..."

"It's unusual that Ellie isn't good at it."

"Your Highness will be proposing soon."

"Oh, Ellie, you're hot.

… hehe, that's Ellie. "

Ellie smiles bitterly with a very subtle face at the woman smiling with her hands on her cheeks.

My sister seems to feel like a deep-window courtier at school, and I thought she would be hot, but I didn't think the prince was seeing me.

When I looked downstairs again, the prince looked at me and smiled and waved.

Plus Ellie waves back with a subtle face.

There's a distance, and they say this one's a little lighter than the main venue where Theo and the others are, so they may not even know Ellie's subtle face.

His Royal Highness Prince Ginovy looks pretty good with the eye of the cleaver.

Alongside our brother, we are in a situation where it is likely that two beautiful boys will be able to maintain their eyes.

It doesn't look like maintenance to my eyes.

But even if he's such a beautiful boy, he's going to be able to make a match alongside Ellie.

My sister is quite a beautiful girl, too!

The boys and girls behind His Royal Highness were apparently Theo's classmates and officers of organizations like student councils and so on.

Some feel comfortable like they are used to it, while others are nervous and pretty tough.

The schools that Theo attends do not concern nobility or civilians, but the number of civilians is greatly reduced from the middle.

It's usually because if you graduate from elementary school, it's enough.

So the nervous child must be a civilian or something.

Well, I don't give a shit about my identity or Theo or myself. I guess that's why I'm calling you to my birthday party.

Theo spoke with a gentle smile to such a nervous child, and the child who was somehow tough finally smiled and seemed to be able to take some strength.

That's your brother.

I hate careless care! Silver Flash's princess is amazing!

Speaking happily with the boys and girls for a while, they moved somewhere in the venue.

Theo was still dealing with the guests who were coming.

Even though it's Theo's birthday party, the lead role is all about the customer. I thought a little bit that this was also the sex of a grand aristocrat called the Christophers, but I was a little relieved to think that I wouldn't have this.

Let's leave all that to your brother and sister.

After His Royal Highness, there was no such thing as this, and when I watched Theo, who was doing well with the guests, Ena slapped the ladies in the ear.

It was a small voice, but it sounded to me that I was on my wife's lap. Apparently His Royal Highness the Prince is on his way here.

Probably looking for Ellie.

Ellie frowned and had a subtle look when she heard that from her grandmother, but she quickly regained her mind and not her usual face...... but clearly one for going elsewhere.

The face is haunting and even haunting.

Is this what Ellie at school looks like.............

This would make anyone think of me as a deep-window maid even if I were reading quietly.

Awesome cat cover.

When I was surprised and impressed with Ellie, the prince came.

Looks like the boys and girls who were pulling on us like we were surrounded are alone.

All rise and welcome this one to match the prince who came.

"It has been a while. Dear Annela and Roland, the great heroes of my Auvent."

"Long time no see, Your Highness Ginobi"

"Long time no see, Your Highness. You look better than anything. But my Ellie won't do it."

"Oh, if I were you... hehe"

He was only a prince with a sudden surprised look at the words from his grandfather, but he immediately took his expression and made it look as if nothing had happened.

My grandmother seems to be all over herself too, but she is also firmly in love with Ellie and Theo.

The prince will also feel quite a bit of a sting atmosphere, although he will not put it into words.

I can see from myself being held that the prince's magic flow is quite butt in.

Well, if these two attack me, everyone wants to escape.

Even if I just fixed my expression, I'd be better off as a kid this year. It's still very much the same as Theo's.

Theo was following me. If I were a nervous, beefy kid, I'd lose my hips and seriously cry, though.

"Sooner or later, that story slowly..."

"Right, first if you want Ellie, then you take me down."

"Oh... hehe. That's not a good idea."

"What!? Hey, no, uh... Ro, Master Roland... just kidding."

"That's how I got Ann, too. Anytime. Of course not now!

Grandpa's atmosphere is not a joke, it tells the story of what he's really saying (seriously).

I knew I didn't want my grandson to be so drowning even with sweet sweets, but that's it! That's it!?

His Royal Highness the Prince, the person of the day, is perfectly bloodthirsty, even in the flow of magic.

I'm even shaking a little, and this is the Akan one. Akan!

"Ja, ja, ja, ja, ja, ja"

"Ooh... he was. He was. Lily is great!

I'm gonna miss you for today. Go back to the others, Ginovy. "

"Ha, yes!

A grandfather who turned to this side of his face with a completely lowered eye, but told His Royal Highness the cold magic currents and the presence or absence of a powerful voice, he ran away as if he had fallen off.

I thought it was okay to say that to the prince, but both Grandpa and Grandma are the great heroes of the Auvent and important figures of the Christopher family, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with that...

I don't know...... Prince, Nanbu.

She was forced to move from her grandmother's soft arm to her grandfather's very hard chest muscle, and she dropped off the poor prince as she was scraped off her cheek.

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