Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

178, Lillianne at the venue

Theo rushes over among the loud cheers echoing from the venue.

She hugs herself as she goes onstage with a sparkling smile with excitement and joy, but she adds and subtracts it properly so as not to overtighten it with the force she's up in the training she's doing every day, but it still seems to be a little painful for Theo.

"Lily, thank you for a wonderful gift. It was such a great song!

That was one of the best "Night of the Stars" songs I've ever heard!

"Aye. Congratulations to you."

"Lily! Thanks!

Theo hugging me again, but now I was a little more powerful than I was just now. But it never hurts, it feels warm and powerful.

"I know Lily's song is the best, but we sang it, too?

"Oh, and thank you Ellie. Thanks Ena and everyone. It was a great song."

"…… I don't know, but, well, fine. Happy birthday, Theo."

"Congratulations, Theo"

"" Happy Birthday, Theophone. ""

"Thank you!"

A hug and then a hug and a smile on Ellie and the others as they were. Theo.

The two names of Silver Flash's princes are not Dada. They are wrapped in a wonderful smile, with everyone's expression and magic currents in something warm.

From the venue, instead of cheering loudly, the applause just kept ringing, as if it was congratulating Theo as well as everyone on stage.

Theo was delighted, and the guests at the venue seemed to appreciate it.

Grandpa and Grandma, who were upstairs, are also coming downstairs and coming up to the stage.

The guests at the venue began to bother when they saw their grandmother and grandfather on stage, but when the MC servant followed them with a word that distracted them, they quieted down.

Grandpa cleverly hugs Theo, himself and Ellie at once, and Grandma's smile is turned more than usual.

"That was great, Ellistina, Lilianne.

This is what professional face loss is all about. I have a high nose!

"Really. It was so much better than when I practiced.

You got such a wonderful gift, Theo. You're not a happy man. "

"Yes, ma'am! I am a happy man in Auvent Kingdom 1!

I've never been so happy and had my best birthday!

"Hehe............. Right. That's Ellie and Lily. Wow."

My grandmother strokes Theo's head gently and rubs one cheek. Next, Ellie, stroke him gently, just like herself.

Grandpa, who remained on his back to the venue, looks back holding the three of us, and his grandmother follows it.

She is cheering again from all over the venue as soon as possible, waving on behalf of her grandfather, who has three grandmothers in her arms to meet it.

Exactly nothing like Annella Cole or Roland Cole, but still their popularity was tremendous.

Theo's friends also had eyes that sparkled the magic of their eyes and looked at their admirers.

In fact, they seem more excited than they are when they sing.

You would have been right to be in the upstairs seat if it was so popular.

Soon they are completely devoured of the aftertaste of their song and of Theo's birthday.

In the meantime, the old lady, who received the magic prop from the servant who was moderating, takes the sole to her grandfather's mouth.

"Thank you for gathering at the birthday party of my grandson, Theodore, today.

Theodore and his guests would have been intoxicated by the wonderful songs of our grandchildren.

The feast is still going on. Celebrate Theodore. "

From the venue to the light greeting of the grandfather amplified by the magic props. Now it is time for the Roland call to roll up and turn into a Theodore call after a few moments.

Just like Grandpa stabbed the nail, Theo is the star of the day.

I finally breathed relief into the success of the gift as I watched our brother smile as he smiled and waved at Theodore Cole, which echoed from the venue.


When I get dressed and come back, Theo just escorts me.

Usually it's where I can work with Ellie and rub it, but that's just the lead role today is Theo. Ellie doesn't say anything about being monopolized by herself either.

But her magic flow is tremendous.

Ellie, I'm patient! Ellie, stay! Stay!

But the cat that wears it apart from the magic currents is a lady who feels awesome.

Ellie must be wearing something that's proud of her faceless strength.

"Mr. Eristina, the song was really great earlier.

Your singing is more beautiful than angel singing. That wing was also a wonderful thing to highlight your beauty.

Those wings must be magic props, right? Is it still the work of His Lord Elliot, who became a first-degree magician?

As soon as His Royal Highness entered Theo, who brought himself and Ellie back under his friends, kneeling with Ellie's hand, gently speaking, he unleashes his doubts with handsome smiles, including praise.

Ellie glances at Theo as she lays her eyes down without changing her expression.

Apparently, it's a pain in the ass, so I decided to leave it to Theo.

I'm sure the others will find that the boxed lady, embarrassed to talk to the handsome prince, is looking to her trusty brother for help in the name of mediation.

Well, it's obvious that it's going to be a pain in the ass, both as I know Ellie well and from the magic stream.

"Yeah, seniors. That is indeed the work of Lord Elliot.

You're the rest of the demon stone I used to celebrate my mother's birthday before.

That's when your mothers came to me with the magic stone. "

"Oh, my God, is there a demon stone being used?

That's in Auvent...... no, it's the work of the best magicians and famous ones on the Lisvalt continent.

And that beauty you can see from a distance. It is also the best piece of art.

Of course, in front of Mr. Eristina's beauty, it will be sumptuous. "

I'm surprised to snort lightly at Theo's explanation, but I haven't forgotten to compliment Ellie at the end of the day.

Again, this handsome prince is handsome.

Ellie whispers to Theo's ears about the handsome behavior of such a handsome prince to tell a secret story.

I guess we'll talk about Theo as an intermediary. Exactly what a shy boxed lady looks like.

That's not true at all, just to say if Theo is telling you what he said in a whisper.

Because perhaps if I told him as he was, the handsome prince would doubt his ears.

"Thank you very much. My sister also shares the beauty of Lord Elliot's work."

Theo spins his words, smiling bitterly so that only for a moment His Royal Highness would not see them.

Again, the content is completely different from what Ellie conveyed.

What Ellie actually said was...

"Theo, I'm hungry, so can I go now? Of course Lily's with me."

Some good-looking prince? How many soles are delicious? Because it is.

A handsome prince with really no pulse at all got a little pathetic, but I decided not to care because I don't know if I would be able to maintain my feelings if I found out about a powerful and behaving Ellie without a cat on.

Kids these days are very delicate.

Only Ellie wearing a cat would know. I think it's too irritating for His Royal Highness the Prince.

Hearing more of a fabricated word than Theo brokered......, a handsome prince who cared about him praises Elliot's magic props early on in the arrow, but his destiny is a tribute to Ellie for attracting the goodness and beauty of his magic props.

More and more frustrated by Ellie's magic flow into a conversation across Theo that doesn't end well.

I wonder what they usually do when they ask me to marry them like this, but I guess they manage to do it well.

The cat wearing it also shows no signs of collapse at all.

But I've only been able to talk to good-looking princes since just now, okay? No, I'm royal, so I guess it's out to pinch words.

For once, Theo is the star of the day, and other friends have spoken to him. I am doing so.

The handsome prince is actually talking to Theo just because he's acting as an intermediary - he thinks - is Ellie.

Well, I wonder how much royal interference there is around here I can spare as a Christopher family.

It was the moment when I got a little bored with the never-ending handsome prince's dictation and made a stretch.

Theo, who had been dealing with him until then, kneeled down and dropped his gaze.

"Lily, I'm sorry. You were bored, weren't you? Not hungry? Want something to eat?

The handsome prince, who was in the middle of a conversation, could not hide his surprise either, and had no choice but to swallow the words he tried to speak to Theo, who was kneeling, but tried to put on the atmosphere that Theo was emitting.

He seems to be cleverly hiding it so that he doesn't unconsciously feel it, but other things are becoming clear to me.

That is a violent sign to silence the target.

Signs that arise from strong emotions can be an expression of magic, and there is no point in hiding them because they are clearly visible to the eyes that can see their magic even if they are not visible to others.

There is another person who has the same sign, although it is a sign that I would never do so from my usual Theo.

That was Ellie, of course.

The cat she was wearing is peeling off, but apparently she didn't know about it.

It is true that these two are second only to none when it comes to themselves (Liliane).

It doesn't matter if it just bores me.

I guess the two of us have a common view that the bad news is that they are handsome people who continue to talk so that they get bored.

Besides, it would be another problem that I'm almost unconscious of this sign.

Whatever Ellie is, I can't imagine Theo pointing a sign at them that's very unlikely to be the kind of sign directed at a friend.

It's really troublesome.

Follow Theo here for some of Theo's friends, including his frightening handsome prince.

"Heh heh heh heh. Hey, Tomizuno's coming."

"I'm coming with you."

"Shigeru to. That's why"

"Ugh...... Right. Well, Ellie, I asked for it."

The swordswallowing signs quickly subsided for both of us in their own words.

After all, it seemed to have emitted unconsciously. Theo himself will do something about the rest of the follow up when he sees His Royal Highness the Prince with a frightening and cramped face.

"Leave it to me.

Then, Your Highness, ladies and gentlemen. Excuse me.

Come on, Lily, let's go. "

Ellie smiles and greets the frightening handsome princes back to the deep-window courtier, then takes her own hand and moves.

You can hear Theo's bittersweet words of apology and his sister boasting from behind, but soon you won't hear that either.

I'm sure they'll hear about Theo's sister's bragging until he sneers. They'll think what happened earlier suddenly is some kind of mistake.

Well, whether Theo is doing it intentionally or not is a subtle thing.

I received fruit water from Ellie - apple flavour - and let her sit in a chair before drinking slowly.

Theo's sister, who continues near the center of the venue, is proudly getting a member's expression gradually more than earlier, but well, it'll be fine.

She seems to be bragging about her sister from time to time.

There is an entertaining event on the stage, something like street art juggling something going on.

I can't see what I'm juggling, but I can't help but look at it and it explains what Ellie is doing.

Such a pleasant voice that sounds unusual after hitting Ellie earlier.

Theo's birthday party has not been particularly problematic since then, and his friends, including His Royal Highness the Prince, seem to have successfully misled him into believing that it was a firm mistake due to his sister's pride, which is more intense than usual by Theo.

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