Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

181, Lillianne the intermediary

"- and I thought I'd distribute the processing like this,"

"Hmm. But isn't that not very versatile?

[In that case, I guess I should bring this process to make room in the empty parts]

"Ah...... I see!

"Hmm. Then there won't be a problem...... hmm? Looks like Ena's coming."

[Is that it? Unusual...... I mean, well. That's right.]

"" Ah. "

I'm usually almost having tea or colluding with my wife, and Leki, I'm having fun with you. I'm not getting anywhere near the illusion space. Ena is getting closer.

There are a variety of sorceries in this illusion space, and at first glance, Leki, it looks like you and yourself are just playing or taking a nap, but the truth of the matter is that it's illusion enough to have an effect on the spirit.

Besides, it's so much that even my wife, who is a war-torn thing, can't notice.

It's easy to say that it has an effect on the spirit, and it's not something that has a negative effect.

Specifically, it means you are no longer close to this illusion space and you are satisfied just looking from afar.

However, this effect is not exerted when approached with a firm sense of purpose.

So playing with myself (...) hardly works for Theo or Ellie, the main purpose, so if they come, the illusion space doesn't make much sense.

I follow this situation closely with quite a variety of other sorceries, such as making it difficult to recognize the difference between illusion and reality with each other approaching.

Well, I usually say that I play with you and Leki alone, so Ena and Grandma have magical influence and can't come close.

The fact that such ena is approaching has some purpose. Well, the content is predictable.

"Lily, do you feel good?



Leki cushioned your stomach and laid to sleep, and Ena called out to herself on a topic that was hard for her to talk about when she was burying her face in that fluffy stomach.

Sort of a grasp, I guess.

"You're a very nice girl to be a good adult."


"Riki-kun looks good ~"


"Hehe………. Lily and Leki are close."

"Not quite. No."


Ena is setting the scene with a jab of restraint, but Leki can't help but fix her own (Lilianne) hair, which was buried in your stomach.

The leisurely time passes, and the hair that was disturbed begins to reveal a little bit of magic from the usual Ena of Rin and Motherly Smiles when it calms down completely.

Not much of Ena's magic is revealed.

People with a lot of magic like Claire seem to reveal a lot of magic, but Ena doesn't reveal that much because she doesn't have that much magic.

But still, the magic revealed is gentle and does not change the warmth.

The warmth is pouring as if wrapped up in a real mother (Claire).

"Lily...... You know, it's about my next birthday party..."


Shame mixes just a little with the gentle magic that was pouring in.

I can see that Ena's expression is also trying to force her to hide in a smile that she's just a little shy.

"Last year's gift............. Remember?"

"Aye. Eh, nah, nah, shama"


The shame I had hidden in my utterance soon flew away somewhere, and Ena hugged me with a smile like a flower blooming.

That was true of last year's gift, but when we treat Ena as our mother, it already makes us happy.

It delights me so much that the usual Rin Ena becomes a unique pompous.

Just a word with me now. That's enough to make it clear that I'm very happy with the magic flow as well as the magic exposition anymore.

"Ah………. She's so cute already. Wow... My Lily.............

Would you say that again?


"……… Lily………… No?

"Oh, my goodness."

"Oh……. Hehe............. Then it's a promise, right?


Ena is as beautiful as a goddess smiling with her forehead and forehead stuck together.

There is a mixture of sweet aromas that are different from those of Ellie and her mother, and the characteristic, vibrant smell of Ena.

Ena is already in a good mood for not trying to hide the grin that leaks happily and repeatedly.

Whatever you say, Ena has broken the magic that lies in the illusion space to ask for this gift.

It's just some simple sorcery to beat if you have a sense of purpose, but, well, Sole is that.

Instead of letting Ena tell me because it was just right for the flow of the conversation, I told her from myself, but now she's decided to continue giving Ena a gift for one day last year.

Theo and the others will be involved and Ena will be like someone else that day.

Well, it's fine because he seemed very happy last year.

Let's try to make it grand this year.

Other whispers, but the three of us are going to give the song away.

The practice is also steadily underway with my grandmother asking me to take her out.

Are you overjoyed that Ena is hugging me, scrubbing my cheeks, kissing me everywhere, even though it's not even my birthday party yet... well, it was just as usual.



Theo, Ellie and three of their own start singing at the same time at Ellie's head.

This time the song is not an overall quiet song like "The Night of the Stars," but a bright and fun song.

I have practiced little by little with my two older brothers and sisters and am already a few days away from production.

Ena's birthday is about a month after Ellie's, so she had plenty of practice time, just like Ellie did.

The song was also chosen quickly so Ellie didn't have much time to get lost.

"............ yeah......... Lily is a genius after all!


"Oh! It's just so sloppy about Ellie! Me too!"

"Theo, sing over there!

"Isn't Ellie the one who's not practicing enough!?


"What the fuck!

Two people who start fighting over their heads holding themselves tight.

I'm pretty used to it already, but I really want you to stop fighting to hold yourself.

"To, hey. Meh!"

"" Ha! Sorry. ""

Two people apologize as soon as they drink the two people they were looking at, but they can't really apologize to each other and not to each other.

This brother and sister at all…….

"Please don't!

"Ugh............ Ellie, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Theo."

We're back to practicing the song when we're done.

But now that I can sing pretty well, the three of us enjoy singing rather than practicing.

"Oh, hey, hey."

"Yeah? What's wrong, Lily?


I take a little drink of the fruit water - orange flavour - in a cup made of demonic pieces received from Ellie during the break before reporting to the two of them.

Another gift for Ena, of course.

I totally forgot why I was so hard at practicing the song.

I don't have a date anymore, so I have to say it right. Well, if you don't tell me, you won't have to say anything on the day. But it will fit.

"Eh... eh..."

"Ha............. Lily chewed is so cute too......"


I'm a little embarrassed that I've been chewing on Ena for a long time lately just because I can say it right.

I send a disgruntled gaze to my brother and sister, who are bored by the exact same motion with their hands on their cheeks. Rather, even such a gaze looks like a reward.

"Mmm-hmm... how dare you!

I chewed again, but the next statement changed the look on the faces of two people who were bored, and the next moment I could see a brother and sister who were desperate to apologize, so let's do it.

We talked about Mother Ena for a day afterwards and they both admitted it pleasantly.

Well, I wasn't worried about this area, so no problem.

Rather, it goes without saying that the fact that I proposed this matter led to a storm of praise and praise not long after from my brother and sister.

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