Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

194, Family and Strategy

While Elliot was mass-producing glass-type visual membrane reproduction magic props, he packed his story tightly with his grandmother, the first person to cum out.

Annella, it can be considered a must to have your grandmother on your side first.

Whatever you do, your wife will take my side no matter what she's dealing with, and I've tolerated a lot since that master.

He also noticed the magic I was controlling when I first met him and even accepted it.

Even the Christophers have an outstanding say, and if you convince your grandmother, you can almost decide to win.

That's why the beginning is the key.

Therefore, we discussed it carefully and prepared it.

Come on, let's go. Ma'am, it's time to attack.


"... I'm just surprised. But yeah. I was so convinced. Anyway, my grandson is taking great care of me, both of you"

"That's good! I'll take care of you a lot from now on!

"Mm-hmm. I enjoy having excellent students too. Mutual."

"It would be helpful if you could say that. Nevertheless......... is this the sight Lily is looking at...... I hope I didn't see anything..."

Cumming out to your wife has been easy to guide.

Exactly. I was surprised by the presence of the fairies, and I was very confused about the world I tried going through the glass-type visual membrane reproduction magic props.

I'm glad because it's a lot more than I can see anything. But there are no colors in the world that I actually tried to pass through the glass-type visual membrane reproduction demonic props. White and black, only these two colors.

"Oh...... I can't see anymore."

"Oh, there's a problem with the usage time. This is not true of the magic that Lily actually uses, but when used as a magic item, there is still a limited amount of time available."

"Is that so? Is it okay for Lily to use it all day?

"That's no problem. I'm the best magician in the woods next to the world!

"Hehe............ Best regards,"


Almost all of them are used by Kuti when it comes to magic.

In order to actually show Kuti's arm, he even had his wife attack him with defensive magic.

Defensive witchcraft can be a difficult category of witchcraft even in existing witchcraft, and as a magician, it's a great way to show your arms as an escort force.

My wife is a master, and she has the strength to easily smash even her mother's defensive magic, who is both a court magician and a second degree magician.

Kuti's defensive witchcraft was taken lightly by such a woman's first blow.

My wife was really typing it in, too, to see how things were going. Leki, the stone floor in your room had been crushed by your grandmother's steps by a radius of about ten meters, and the brilliance of the magic flowing through your grandmother's body had released a beauty like you'd never seen before.

Grandma, I mean it too seriously. And with the first blow... you were willing to smash Kuti's defensive witchcraft by the end of his skin, weren't you?

She wasn't too surprised that she took a serious blow, but she was very surprised that Kuti then deployed multiple pieces of the same defensive witchcraft in an instant.

Just a defensive sorcery that can take your grandmother's attack proves to be a strength that lightly outweighs the sorcerers of the Rizwalt continent. Even more so, if we can handle more than one such sorcery at the same time, it seems that there are no more words.

My wife also had no choice but to convince me that Kuti was always there to protect me.

And Dr. Sunny was delighted to talk about how good a student I am.

I was a little embarrassed, but I also need this. Patience, patience.

My wife also repeated the question to Dr. Sunny many times to confirm her excellence.

As a result, the grandmother's persuasion was successfully successful.

With regard to going to the woods next to the world, I came to the conclusion that the lady herself would support me while showing difficult colors.

An invitation from the Queen who is essentially ruling the forest next to the world.

Guarantee of an absolutely safe journey, by a defensive force called Kuti.

Even though I didn't get permission from my family, the education given by Dr. Sunny, an important figure in the woods next to the world, is super higher education like you can't get anywhere in Lisvalt continent looking.

Weird in return, but my wife had to break it, too, if Dr. Sunny, who educated me like that, asked me to.

It was a slightly more aggressive attack, but Dr. Sunny seemed to be good at negotiating.

... You learned a lot from your teacher, but you never taught these things. That's too much of a level to break your wife, too.

But with this, I can expect other families to persuade me.

My grandmother gave me about her side, too.


"... the results are full of this too. It's a first-degree magistrate exam…………………"

"Grandpa. Was this convincing?

"No, I... I do understand that you are a genius. I don't doubt that this much educated Lord Sarneen's arms are in the first place caged Ann, but he is no longer a hand or a leg..."

"People don't listen well, you. I'm thinking for Lily."

"Really…….. you are six years old, Lily is………………."

Your grandmother's turn is next.

But I can't shake a win more than I already have my wife on my side.

Still, I expected you to resist. Well, that was within my expectations, so I didn't have any particular problems.

The resistance was also given some exams to see to what extent Dr. Sunny's education was. also in a regular written exam to prove that you are gaining physical vision.

By the way, all the exams put out were the highest in the Auvent kingdom.

"So, do you do any other exams?

"... No, you won't need it. I see how good you are. I also understood Lord Crestilt's magical arm. But let me make a deal, okay?

"On what terms?

"First, I'll accompany you."


"... was that interdimensional mobility magic? You wouldn't have a problem taking that aptitude test, would you?

"I would like to thank you in advance for being a fairly narrow gate. To transcend the world in the first place..."

Grandpa's persuasion was also successfully completed thanks to Sunny Sensei Stream's negotiating technique, which may also be out in hypnotic sonic waves.

... I did ask you to teach your wife the negotiation technique she used, but I didn't know you were going to learn that on the ground here now.

Grandpa, Nanbu.


"So you're really seeing!? Oh, God! Good! Really good!

"I'm so glad! Lily………………………."

"So, what does that aptitude test do?

"Oh, it's sloppy, brother! Of course I'll take it too, Lily! You will be protected by me!

"Even I'll protect Lily!

The persuasion of your brother and sister was left to the ladies for the most part, so it ended without any particular problems.

He was so happy to understand that we both had physical vision that he seemed to cry, and like his grandfather, he seemed willing to accompany us to the woods next door to the world.

Of course, I'm going to have him tested for fitness, just like Grandpa.

I want to create a number of interdimensional mobility magic that fits my personal specifications because as things stand, it's not worth the effort, and I want to do a lot of things if I go over there, so I want to be a candidate that won't be restricted in my actions as much as possible.

Well, apart from that, I was often taken out to take care of trees and grasshoppers, which are also my brother's and sister's hobbies.

Until now, it was to the extent that I enjoyed the touch and fragrance directly.

But if they were gaining physical vision, it was clear that they would enjoy more things.

I'm not very interested in it personally, but it just soothes me to watch the two of you try so hard to explain and entertain me.

There's no way you can hate the two of you who drown about me enough to pull it off once in a while. I can't deny those two precious hobbies.

Well, I think nurturing something also plays a role in emotional education.

... It's not a pet, but what a couple.

"Look, both of you. Even Lily gets tired when she gets so excited. So... gusu... weird... glad I can't stop crying again...... lily...... oh my lily...... good. Really... Really..."

"Ena, don't cry...... I'm gonna cry till I do...... ugh."

"Ena...... Ellie...... Guru"

I told Ena after her grandfather, but even then I was overjoyed and impressed, and it was hard not to stop crying.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is the other mother who has always been by her side and has given me the love that is so overflowing.

I love her so much that I cry about it too.

For a while, the five of us would have had no choice but to cry.

Of course, the fifth was Kuti.


By the way, even if you're gaining physical vision, you're not talking about going to school.

Before that, he's mostly showing Dr. Sunny the results of the education he's given, but no matter how much physical vision he's gaining, or the best escort named Kuti, he's worried.

It's only recently that I found out that I'm gaining physical vision in particular, and it's difficult to switch consciousness quickly.

I think if I take a little more time to see how things are going, I won't have to go to school.

If you look at networking or simply making friends, it would be a good thing to go to school.

However, I still have lifetime memories, so making friends with a six-year-old mentally is resistant. Because I tend to see what's wrong with my parents.

Against your brother and sister. Because that doesn't change. Well, it's kind of a friendly sibling gaze, not a son or daughter.

Scarlett, who is a tutor, complements the finesse of common sense in the Auvent Kingdom and the latest education, which was not taught in Sunny's education.

In fact, as a tutor, she is very good.

Teacher Sunny gives lectures in a fairly broad framework when it comes to specialties, but she was feeling rushed and skipped for areas like those she learns in elementary school.

Well, sometimes it's too easy to be boring to teach.

So I don't know the details, but I don't have to know anything else to tell you that doesn't seem to be a problem.

Scarlett is making up for those little holes.

Is it a child-friendly myth, as specifically told in picture books, or a folklore story, as anyone knows it?

Anyone knows these things because they are rooted in their land, they don't have to know, but they are also something that is heard from childhood.

Everyone knows, so it's also inconvenient to not know.

There is certainly something that cannot be filled by advanced lectures alone.

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